INDEX VOLS. 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358. LEGISLA TIVE COUNCIL A 4302, 4304, q 4388, 4448, 4449, q 4509, q 4511, q 4701, 4780, q 7560, q 7705. Aboriginal Affairs-Health services, q 2648, Electricity charges, 371, 373, qn 5524, 3147. Education programmes, 3145. Abo­ q 7046. Statement in press, q 3328. Aus­ riginal demonstrators, 4780. tralian Labor Patty policy on smelter, Act of Settlement 1700-Appointment of q 6557, q 6660, q 7289. Monash University aliens to public office, q 109, 186, 187, study, q 7705. q 330, q 448, 3166. Alcohol and Drug Services--Odyssey House, Acts-Proposed electronic retrieval system, 707, 709, q 963, q 964, 3366, qn 4138, q 7707. q 4243, qn 4994, qn 4995, qn 5520, qn 5521, Acupuncture, 707, 709. q 6725, qn 6726. Drug rehabilitation Advisory Council for Inter-Government Rela­ clinics, qn 964, qn 4996, qn 5181, qn 5520, tions-Fourth annual report, 7562. qn 8311. (See also "Health-Drugs.") Agent-General for Victoria-Proposed appoint­ Aluminium Industry - Monash University ment to Isle of Man, q 7458. study, q 7705. Agriculture-Proposed Select Committee, 1813. Ambulance Services-Ambulance Design Com­ Effect on employment, 2323. New direc­ mittee, qn 1471, 7593, 7596. Employment tions policy, 7902, 7913. Shortage of pot­ of women by Wimmera Regional Ambu­ ash, 8308, 8310. lance Service, q 4082. Report on mobile Agriculture, Department of-PhylIoxera aphid, intensive care ambulance, qn 4138. q 333, q 2373. Research into diseases, 2336, 3137. Cutbacks in services, 3135. Animals-Cattle straying on highways, q 108. Dingoes, q 1648. Transplant legislation, Fruit fly outbreaks, q 7389. Proposed grain 3376, 3378. Wild dogs, q 6230. Deer subsidy, q 7561. (See also "Primary In­ dustries.") shooting in catchment areas, q 7561. (See also "Fisheries and Wildlife Division" and Aircraft-For fire fighting, q 2321, q 5363. "Royal Society for the Prevention of Aireys Inlet Waterworks Trust-Water rates, Cruelty to Animals.") 371, 373. Apex Quarries Ltd-Contracts with Govern­ Airports-Increased use of Melbourne Air­ ment departments and instrumentalities, port, Tullamarine, q 4509. qn 710, 3955, 3958. Albury-Wodonga-Development corporation: Apprentices-Training, 19, 702, q 1242, 1293, Land purchases, q 3640; review of activi­ 1295, 1644, 1682, 1684, q 2320, 2371, 2372, ties, q 5125, q 7049. Ministerial council 2536, 2537, q 2835, 3137, q 6230, q 7899. meetings, q 5365. Albury-Wodonga (Vic­ Plumbing course, q 333. Ministerial state­ toria) Corporation interim report, 8419. ment, 1644. Supervisors, 3349. In country, Alcoa of Australia Ltd-Development at Port­ 3349. In printing trade, 4301, 4304. (See land, q 9, q 10, 17, q 110, q 447, 501, 504, also--UEducation-Schools, Technical" and 2007, 3151, q 3328, q 3874, q 4083, q 4245, "Labour and Industry, Department of."). 38784/81 (2) INDEX Appropriation (1980-81, No. 1) Bill, 3142, 3341. Baxter, Hon. W. R.-continued Arbitration Act-Appointment and qualifica­ Fire Control-Fire-spotting tower, q 1243. tions of arbitrators, qn 5761. Proposed In Strathbogie Ranges, q 1782. Hotel review, qn 5761. sprinkler systems, q 3324. Fire Sprinklers-Hotel systems, q 3324. Arts, The-Funding in Victoria, 4246. Aus­ Fisheries (Amendment) Bill, 5303, 5309. tralian Ballet School, 5178, 5179. In Fisheries (Commonwealth-State Arrange- Geelong, 7924. Australian College of ments) Bill, 2699. Entertainers Co. Ltd, 7929. Expenditure, Floods-Nathalia flood mitigation works, 7943. q 4080. Australian Conservation Foundation-Legal Foreign Aid, 2206. assistance for appeal, q 1420. Foreign Judgments (Amendment) Bill, 6594. Forests (Amendment) Bill, 6916. Australian Criminal Intelligence Bureau­ Forest Commission-Fire-spotting in Strath­ Establishment, 3359. bogie Ranges, q 1243, q 1782. Decline in Australian Labor Party-Policy on smelter at number of trees, q 1421. Land purchases, Portland, q 6557, q 6660, q 7289. Unauth­ qn 5523. Barmah forest, q 6911. Fire dam­ orized use of names, q 8208. age, q 7287. Vandalism in Barmah forest, Australian Law Reform Commission-State­ q 7495, q 7767. ments by Mr Justice Kirby, q 4243. Hospitals-Edenhope and District Memorial, 6243. Housing-Storm damage to Wodonga houses, q 3138. House builders liability, q 2009. B Housing Commission-Homes in Wodonga, Ballarat Province-Development, 17. q 3138, 6596. Industrial Relations Bill, 6593. Baxter, Hon. W. R. (North Eastern Province) Judges' Salaries and Pensions Bill, 4911. Address-in-Reply, 2204. Land-Transfer costs, 1256. Agriculture, Department of-Proposed Sel-ect Lands Department-Staff, q 7708. Committee, 1823. Fruit fly outbreaks, Latrobe Valley (Amendment) Bill, 2704. qn 7389. Liquor Control (Amendment) Bill, 4939, 4948, Airports-Increased use of Tullamarine, 4950, 4953, 4956. q 4509. Liquor Control (Fees) Bill, 4720, 4777. Albury-Wodonga-Activities of development Local Government-Finance for halls, q 6659. corporation, q 5125, q 7049. Ministerial Local Government Act-House builders' lia- council meetings, q 5365. bility provisions, q 2009. Business Franchise (Tobacco) (Amendment) Magistrates (Summary Proceedings) Bill, Bill, 2710. 2695. Commonwealth Heads of Government Meet­ Market Court (Amendment) Bill, 3128. ing, q 6226. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Commonwealth Parliamentary Association­ -Financial operations, 7068. Twenty-sixth conference, 2204. Melbourne City Council, 5373. Companies (Acquisition of Shares) (Applica­ Motor Car (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill, tion of Laws) Bill, 6716. 4771. Companies and Securities (Interpretation and National Companies and Securities Commis- Miscellaneous Provisions) (Application of sion (State Provisions) Bill, 6716. Laws) Bill, 6716. National Parks (Amendment) Bill, 7120. Court Security Bill, 4551. Crimes (Classification of Offences) Bill, 6269. Parliamentary Committees Bill, 4767. Crimes (Sexual Offences) Bill, 4100, 4263. Parliamentary Salaries and Superannuation Criminal Injuries Compensation (Amend- Bill, 1281. Pay-roll Tax Bill, 2858. ment) Bill. ~65. Dandenong Valley Authority (Amendment) Penalty Interest Rates Bill, 7470. Bill, 1661. Planning Appeals Board Bill, 5412. Environment-Decline in number of trees, Police Offences (Restricted Publications) Bin, ql42l. 3669. Estate Agents (Amendment) Bill, 5422. Police Regulation (ApPOintments) Bill, 7476. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL (3) Baxter, Hon. W. R.-continued Baxter, Hon. W. R.-continued Police Regulation (Charges and Appeals) Water Resources-Dartmouth dam, q 4704. Bill, 1676, 1680. National Water Resources Programme, Port of Melbourne Authority (Amendment) qn 4784. Bill, 3514. Water Supply-Erosion of Mitta Mitta River, Ports and Harbors Division-Fishing vessel q 6559. Shark, 7303. Water Supply Works and Services Bill, 5422. Primary Industries-Young farmer establish­ Wills Bill, 7568. ment scheme, 7089. Young Farmer Estabishment Scheme, 7089. Protection of Animals Bill, 4581. Public Authorities (Contributions) (Amend­ Haylor, Hon. H. G. (Boronia Province) ment) Bill, 3541. Address-in-Reply, 689. Public Lands and Works (Amendment) Bill, Appropriation (1980-81, No. 1) Bill, 3341. 4745. Budget for 1980-81, 3341. Public Works and Services Bill, 5398. Child Care-Early childhood development River Murray-Salinity, q 2321. River Murray programme, 7917. Agreement, q 7455. Community Welfare Services-Family sup­ Rivers and Streams-Erosion of Mitta Mitta port services, 3341. Emergency youth River, q 6559. accommodation, 7915. Roads-Proposed Hume Highway bypass, Crimes (Sexual Offences) Bill, 4121, 4267, q 5313. 4272. Road Traffic-Transport convoys, 2370. Economic Development Bill, 8291. Road Vehicles-Licence testing office at Education-Knox region, q 5312. Increased Wodonga, 7492. demand for technical education, q 5703. Salinity-Of River Murray, q 2321. Loans to Vandalism at schools, q 6659. Irrigators, q 6345. Environment-Declaration of nuclear-free Securities Industry (Application of Laws) State, 162. Pollution of Healesville water, Bill, 6716. q 1783. Oil spillage on roads, q 3325. Shire Sewerage-Funding, q 9. Country sewerage of Lilydale, q 7049. schemes, q 2878. Estate Agents Act-Proclamation, q 1646. Sewerage Districts (Rebates) Bill, 3525. Estate Agents Board-Appointment of mem­ State Bank Bill, 4085. bers, q 1646. State Border-Anomalies, q 7562. Family Planning Association of Australia­ State Development Decentralization and Budget allocation, 3342. Tourism, Department of-Melbourne Air­ Handicapped Persons-Access to and facili­ port, Tullamarine, q 4509. ties in buildings, q 1243. State Rivers and Water Supply Commission Health-Cost-benefit analysis of services, -Satellite photographs, q 2461. Major 7916. works projects, qn 5480. Vandalism in Bar­ Labour and Industry (Amendment) Bill mah forest, qn 7495, qn 7767. (No. 2), 8622. Strathfieldsaye Shire (Condon Street-Curtin Law Courts-Rape trials, q 7287. Street Drainage Scheme Validation) Bill, Local Government Act-Proposed review, 2696. q 2010, q 3638. Subordinate Legislation (Amendment) Bill, Local Government (City of Melbourne) Bill, 4075. 7348. Transport (Deregulation) Bill, 5334. Local Government (Further Amendment) Uniform Building Regulations-Houses at Bill, 6967. Wodonga, q 3138. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Vermin and Noxious Weeds Destruction -Notices of disruption to water supply, Board-Control of foxes, q 3874. q 7895. Victorian Government Travel Authority Municipalities-Board of Review of the Role, (Amendment) Bill, 3695. Structure and Administration of Local Victorian Railways-Trucking facilities at Government in Victoria, q 331. Oath of Bandiana,
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