Issued Tuesday Thursday Thursday Saturday Issue Entered as Second Class Mall Matter THREE CENTS A COPY Established January, 1846. By The Courier-Gazette, 46S Main St. Rockland, Maine, Thursday, November 4, 1937 Volume 92..................Number 1 32. The Courier-Gazette No Strike There Editor PEDESTRIAN IN THE ROAD MR. FISH WITHDRAWS “HE’S A REGULAR FELLOW’’ WM. O. PULLER Matters At the Cement Plant Associate Editor Take Amicable Course PRANK A. WINSLOW After Conferences Is the Greatest Problem Which Has To Do With Rockland. Nov. 3. Premier Mussolini Thus Classed By Capt. Charles Subscriptions *3.00 per year payable ln ______ advance; single copies three cents. In justice to my friends I feel at this time it is my duty to make Advertising rates based upon circuit- ! Adjustment of the labor situation Highway Safety definitely known my position regarding my candidacy for Mayor of W. Kalloch, Returning To Italy tion historv I a* Lawrence cement plant in this city. The Rochisnd Gazette was established Thomaston was completed Tuesday In 1846 In 1874 the Courier was estab- ! ..... When 1 was approached some three weeks ago asking me to be­ lished and consolidated with the Gazette with the commendable record of not The State of Maine takes first | running condition. At present all After a fortnight's stay at his for- (Turkey and Macedonia and Asia ln 1882. The Free Press was established a day beiiiK lost A wace increase of come a candidate, after some thought I consented to run, providing In 1855 and ln 1881 changed Its name to } * 8 wa8e increase in place In the Nation by Its reduction of cars are supposed to have been in­ my candidacy met favor with a majority of members of the city com­ mer home on Broad street Capt. Minor ports will aggregate 25,000 the Tribune These papera consolidated 8 and 9 percent were granted, accord- fatalities happening on its streets sPecteci and are assumed t0 be “ tons, it is estimated. This very spe- Marcb n. 189? __~ ing tQ jobs while this is less mittee and a fair proportion of the personnel of the party. That only Charles W. Kalloch left yesterday for . .. perfect order, but many complaints in such event would I allow my name to be presented in the caucus, cial Turkish leaf is grown nowhere ^ari was asked for. and said to be and highways, caused by automobile . , . ... _ Genoa. Italy, where he resumes hLs e]ge WQrld Amerlcan repre. J , have been received at this office ln and while I have been offered excellent support from many of our » - less than the rate in the Pennsylvania accidents. By adhering closely to the regarcj t0 improper headlights. Chief | important duties as assistant Euro- sentatives over there have their own t» Ah! If you only knew the peace ••• ,, .. leading citizens 1 have not receivcjd the full co-operation of the ma­ 2 there Is In an accepted sor- ... valley' the new unlon conlenl 0 inspiring word inscribed on it's State Wilbur H. Towle has ordered a jority of our so-called party leaders and my position is. no candidate pean director of tlie American Export! buying organizations, representing ♦ row.—Mde Guion ♦! let matters rest there, for the pres­ Seal "Dirigo” which means “I Lead,”; state-wide activity by all State Police Line. He is very fond of hLs adopted ! $1,000,000. ent. at least. can win without such co-operation. Maine not only assumes the only Officers at this time to correct faulty home, and may spend the remainder The American Export Line carries The men will be given a week's headlighting and to have them Therefore I am withdrawing from the contest. There are some of his days there, but if real home- j an average of 6000 passengers a year bright spot in accident record of the two or three good candidates left in the contest and I hope the best Helen—I understand Elsie's fiance vacation on pay. direct their activites toward the sickness comes it is an easy and in- and the freighters another thousand, man will not only win in thf caucus but in the election to follow, and is supposed to be a dreadfully bad Seniority rights have been ac­ New England States but takes the driver who has failed to have his expensive matter for him to slide Genoa, where Capt. and Mrs. Kal- whichever it may be such candidate can rest assured I will do all egg. cepted. lead in the United States by reducing car properly inspected and toward across the Atlantic and renew old loch now abide, is a city of 600 000 within my power to support. At this time I wish to thank most Bertha—So that’s it. I've wond­ The union men have expressed the its accidents by a greater percentage garages that are not playing the acquaintances. With Capt. Kalloch, ] population, ranking next to Marseilles settlement as very satisfactory, on heartily my many friends who have manifested such a keen interest ered for a long time why she didn’t than any other State in the Nation. game of “highway safety’’ fairly by yesterday, went his charming young 1 in importance. like to drop him.—Pathfinder the whole. making incompetent inspections of in my candidacy and in offering their support. wife, who has been greatly enjoying j Capt. Kalloch had not long been Although there was an increase A. D. FISH. vehicles. her visit here. They sail from New located there before he wished that in traffic the total number of fatal At the present time Maine’s pedes­ York on the steamship Exeter, touch­ his Rockland High School curricu­ ARMISTICE accidents for the State of Maine for trian problem seems to be of the ing at Naples in passage. , lum had included a course in the i the first 10 months of 1931 has de- greatest concern. Glancing over the The American Export Line, be it Italian language. But he has proven ‘ creased to sixteen percent over the causes of the highway fatalities we SOME SPECTACULAR ELECTIONS explained, owns 16 ships, four of an apt pupil on the other side and BARN DANCE corresponding period of 1936, as the notice each cause has been de­ which are passenger and cargo ships can converse in Italian with a degree creased with one exception—Pedes- and 12 freight ships. The freight of fluency. tabulation by months will show. Al- THURSDAY, NOV. It ! train in Road. This cause has in- services Morocco. Algeria, Tunisia. Some necessities of life are much though October again ranks as the creased it seems sufficient here Tammany Walloped In New York and Curley France, Italy. Spain. Egypt. Palestine, higher in Italy than they are in Auspice* high accident month, it shows a de-' to point out that the careless and | J AINSLOW-HOLBROOK POST, A.L. Syria, Turkey, Greece and Roumania. America, and some are much lower. crease in deaths of 7% over October. carefree walker is a major factor in In Boston—Republicans Gain Congressman The only Spanish ports at which the ! When Capt. Kalloch drinks coffee DANCING 9 TO 1 1936 this in the face of a 6% increase our accident situation. 35% of those i ships now touch are Cadiz and the grocer's bill informs him that it killed this year were perestrians and | in gasoline consumption over the Seville. The freighters are known cost $1.25 a pound. Or if he drinks COMMUNITY BUILDING although the automobile driver must I The Republican party and labor York's “silk-stocking district.’’ Bar­ as "vagabond cruise ships." same period last yeai tea, there is a pleasant little remind­ bear most of the blame for theirj ton's predessor was a Democrat. The passenger ships sail fortnightly er that it dented his budget to the $25 CASH DOOR PRIZE Of the 26 persons killed during the both declared they saw encouraging deaths. nevertheless pedestrians In addition, the Republican chair­ j out of New York touching at Gibral­ extent of $3.50 a pound. Sugar over 75 OTHER DANCE PRIZES month of October, eleven were pedes­ indicators in the returns from Tues­ FREE themselves contribute greatly, either man found encouraging signs in the tar, Marseilles, Naples. Alexandria there retails at 18 cents. On the trians. 10 were passengers and four days' state and Municipal elections*. TURKEY AND CHICKEN BEANO by heedlessness or stupidity to these balloting for Borough presidents in (Egypt) Jaffa. Haifa and Beirut, then other hand you can buy beef at 35 OLD AND NEW DANCES 11-PIECE ORCHESTRA were drivers of automobiles. One I ' tragedies. They are neither phys­ John D. M. Hamilton, chairman of New York, the Dewey election, and back to Athens. Naples, Leghorn, cents a pound. It sells not as a spe- ADMISSION 50 CENTS I was a bicycle rider. Most of these ically defective nor ignorant people. the Republican National Committee, the election of Republican Mayors Genoa. Marseilles. Boston and New ■ cial cut, but as “beef.” 133-135 deaths occured in rural sections, They do not want to be involved in called the results "tremendously sat­ in Cleveland, Akron and Canton, ! York. ' Rents are much cheaper than they IIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH seventeen having happened in the an accident, neither do they suf- over C. I. O. opposition in the last j open country and nine in the urban isfactory,’’ expressed pleasure at a Into this service have gone quite a are in this country. Capt. Kalloch ficently want not to have one. They two cases. number of Knox County boys, one of occupies a 12 room house, which was = districts.
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