MONDAY, APRIL'6,194 Ilawlirstrr Ettntittg XrtaUt Avarage Daily Circulation The Woathar Vw Am Monta at Marek, Foroeaet of U. a. Weather Bareaa AT PINEHURST About Town 7 ,2 1 1 TUESDAT ■\ Much coMer .with oocaaloaal Member at the AUdU . r Lower Prioeo On A epm su and rain tonight. Qfoea Beane. DM 415r for A daughter wae bam to Mr. and BnraM of CtrcnlatioBB Toar Vitamin • Freeh Ve(eta- Mre. John C. Grant on April firat It’s HALE’S For Your Spring Curtains, Draperies at the Day Kimball hospital in Manche»ter— A City of Village Charm blee. _ Putnam. Mre. Grant wee the for­ mer Margaret Haugh. of this ASPARAGUS .... :lb. 30c town. The parents named their yOL. LXI., NO. 160 (ClaselBed Aflvertieiag on Page !•) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, APRJL 7, 1942 (TWELVE ^AGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Large Sixe B unch........69c daughter, Joyce Amelia. GREEN BEANS .qt. 19c SPINACH............ peck 29c Manchester Air Raid Wardens wllT be fingerprinted at the police Object "of Jap Attack, on Colombo Grant’s Selected station on Wednesday evening, POTATOES........ peck 44c April 8, from 7 to 9 p. m. [Will Try to Show Extra Large Sb.e, Beautiful Curtains In All Types:— Tailored^ Priscilla and Collage Sets -■mm'*- Knox Reports Fewer General Welfare Center No. 41 ■ ••• Practically Seedless will have aifford Knight, cartoon­ FLORIDA ORANGES ist,'tomorrow night as entertainer, Smart Slip Covers and Cushions In All Color Combinations S9c doK. 2 doz. 7 5 c at the bast Side Rec. at 8 o’clock. How Changes Tied : / MEDIUM SIZE ORANGES Ught refreshments will be served. The public is invited. Attacks by U-Boats; 31C dozen 36” Pussywillow Dot PINEHURST To Gammino Claim MEATS RUFFLED 1 A •f# WT* Statement H a l t i n g Bataan Fight Severe BEEF KIDNEYS . .ea, l5c I After Hinman Ques* O LAMB KIDNEYS, 3 for 10c GOOD CITTS OF tions Reason for Hear- fjsing IrOn Heavy GisuaUiefl in Fu­ Navy '^Secretary Says CURTAINS Pair PINEHURST QUALITY ing Testimony Con- ® rious Fighting Along Gas Attack Attacks on Shipping CORNED BEEF An exceptional quality in a closely woven cerning Cost of Bridge | RIB LAMB CHOPS, lb. 35c By May 31 Peninsula Front Re­ Should Not Along Atlantic Coast SNOWDRIFT Generators pussywillow dot. Cream only. Each sidfe 36" Project in Ledyard. ____ ported ; Enemy Contin­ “THE PERFECT wide. Also-j^lain Marquisette ruffled in cream. Drop; Change May Be SHORTENING” If the ammeter pointer Hartford, April 7.—(IP )— Production of Most Con­ uing to Score ‘Some Be Feared Due to Protective 3-ppund can 76c swings back and forth rap­ Connecticut’s assistant attor­ sumer Durable^ Good* Success’ iff—Repeated Measures Recently En­ WESSON OIL idly or remains at zero ney general today told George while you are driving, the 41” Figured Marquisette Heavy Attacks on Cen­ More Humane ff ay of Pint 29c . Quart 56c E. Hinman, presiding as Gov- To Be Stopped; Or­ forced; Raiders Oper­ generator should be check­ ders in Few Days. ter; Bombing Heavy. Waging War Than ate in Waves in Ocean. LARGE ed at once. We replace Ruffled Curtains jemor Hurley’s deputy at a GOLD MEDAL FLOUR brushes or make repairs hearing to determine High­ Other Methods; Cas­ $1.24 bag way Commissioner William J. WaahiAgton, April 7—(/P)—Pro­ Washington, April 7.—(IP) Washington, April 7.—(PP) quickly. The cause of the —The War Department r)“- ualties Are Negligible. trouble is eliminated and [Cox’s fitness for. office, that duction of most consumer durable —Secretary of the Navy 36'’ Pussywillow Dot goods will be stopped by M ay 31, ported today that heavy cas? future expense avoided. he ■would attempt to show 4’alo Alto. Calif., April T.—r/p)— Knox reported today that there was x link between changes Donald M. Nelson, war production Aiming mainly at this crowded harbor district of Colombo, Ceylon, Japane.se planes made a fierce ualties on both sides marked German U-boat attacks on Ruffled Curtains authorized for the L«dyard bridge head, disclosed today. assault on the city. In an attempted ’’Pearl Har’oor” stroke, 27 Japanese warplanes were reported the furious fighting along the ”Gas is a lot more humane than Colorful project and a claim for payment shot down, 30 other.s damaged. other methods of warfare,” offi­ shipping along the United NORTON Declaring that “history will re­ Bataan peninsula front in the States Atlantic coast had for idle equipment made by the cord whether we have moved too cers of the Chemical Warfare ELECTRICAL .contractor. Philippines, with the enemy dropped off considerably last 36” Figured Tailored Curtains fast or too slow” in the drive to continuing to score “some Service told the War Department INSTRUMENT CO. Questions Materiality curtail civilian industries and con­ Air Warfare Civilian Defense School at Stan­ week and that the drop might Tailored Curtains Assistant Attorney General vert them to war production. Nel­ Signs Indian Leaders success” in repeated heavy ford University today. he due ,to protective methixls Hilliard St. Phone 4060 Richard F. Corkey, who did not son said the high point of the attacks against the te'hter of the Strongest advocate of the hu­ recently enforced by the Navy. Novelty Cottage Sets indicate what that link might be, program would be reached in a line. A communique said that maneness of ga.s was Maj. T. G. Discus.sing the submarine situa­ ade the statement after State- few days with issuance of orders Costs Nazis aerial bombing of the reap-areas Thompson, who once was told by tion at a press conference, Knox pair and feree Hinman, a retired Con­ halting moat private building con­ Will Reject Plan Now and the south coast of Bataan was an Army surgeon that he would said that the Navy’s experience Water Repellant Celanese Taffeta necticut Supreme Court Justice, struction and prohibiting use of particularly severe throughhut never be able to talk again be­ with U-boat raiders throughoijt tad questioned the materiality of iron and steel in hundreds of items. 415 Plaiies yesterday. cause of the effects of mustard . .Beautiful curtains for the North Atlantic had shown that $1.19 estlmony concerning the cost of To Be Sweeping Impact Batteries Destroy Plane gas. they operate in waves. the project adduced from Lucian ‘Their Impact here and abroad joi,„,o^ Talk. will. British Fliers Anti-aircraft batteriec destroyed He and other officers of the war May Be Reason for Decline everv room in the house. Shower Curtains H. Beebe of Norwich, a Highway will be widespread and sweeping," a Japanese amphibian plane on school agreed Americans in coast­ Pair Russians Report Their j Azad and Nehru Again ”In preparing your stories,” he $^ ,19 pair Department engineer. the WPB chief predicted, adding the water in Manila bay with al cities have little to fear from a told reporters, "it will be neces- ■ITie referee, said that he couldn’t that the two orders were part of a Own Losses Held to [ After Two Meet with horizontal fire. gas attack. In the first place, a ■sary to keep that fact in mind be­ how that line of inquiry was pattern, carefully planned by Attack Nazi There was a two-hour enemy ar­ I gas attack is unlikely, they said. Smartly striped tailored curtains for color during WPB, which changes ’’the face of 84 in Period from I cause that may be responsible for the summer In your living room, dining room or $ 2 .9 8 relevant” to the claim that Cox Stafford Cripps. tillery barrage from the Cavite I And if it comes, casuaities will be the decline in coastal attacks last American industry.” SALE sunporch. id not act to the best interests Mareh 29 to April 6 . 1 shore of the bay against Corrcgl- j negligible. Week. On the other hand the drop of the state in urging payment for 'The goal of the program is a 41” Beautiful Rice Dot Batkxoom Window Drapes To Match. $2.19 New Delhi, India, April 7. Plants Again dor and Fort Hughes,~qi|ae depart­ j "Gas stays close to the ground may be due to methods newly Idle equipment which the contrac­ ment reported, but no damage and adopted.” Floral and Nautical patterns in Dusty Rose, Blue, tor. The M. A. Gammino Company, (Continued on Pnge Two) i —(IP )—President Koosevelt’.s Bulletin! no casualties resulted, and the j (Continued on Page Eight) The Navy announced 14 subma­ 'O t N O TIO N S Ruffled Curtains Green. Peach, Orchid, Maise, and Black and White. of Providence, R. I., contended was I envoy to India, Louis John­ guns of the forts laid down a Kuibyshev, VJ.S.S.R., .\p rll kept idle because of changes in the Bombers Raid Objec­ rine attacks in the western Atlan­ Beautiful 7.— liP)— T hirty O erm an-w cu- son, has been in recent touch counter-battery fire. tic and adjacent waters last week. plans. tives in Ruhr and The department also reported a Corkey said that in order td pled communities and a large with the White House re­ Naval officials said, however, that Colorful. Chintz and Cretonne Fear on Part railway station have fallen conference in Australia between Lightning Now only two of those, one tanker and Novelties and Knic-Knacs 42” Figured Marquisette weigh the claim for idle' equlp- garding developments in the Rhineland; Weather Gen. Douglas MacArthur, com­ nent, it waa necessary to provide before fleroe Bed Army at- ■ a tug with barges, actually had tacka in the last two days In Indian independence negotia­ manding the United Nations forces been attacked along the coaat dur­ Floral Drapes he background showing what ex- Cuts Size of Force.
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