I Burrough\hs, Sperrj,ysettorrulerge — G11 Sumnner fruit iod e q s - —E l i^ySEBBBEQ 10 27 86 0033 ■J KALVAR- -COR z S j B S m 3 _ _ 3 3 2 2__,S. 3RD_.E. ________■ ^ e s l s y g“ SALT L»KE CITTY UT ^ 8 44115 S h WE E 3 H L _ m j | ® w .. - 25* It l i S year, No. 148 | > ^ Bisty : :: Twin Falla, Idaflah o Wednesday,lay. May 28.1986 ‘ [Richlard:s o n inj a w^ ailk I Mel nabbs GOP nnod; Otter,r, Hartalsso rack UJ.ipwins f i ByB O B FIC K TheAssoclatedPress BOISE - Idaho FaUsa bibroadcaster Mel Richardson, ridingi Utbe support (Contntested races only) . of party leaders won in) a straw poll last month, claimed thele IRepublican 2NDC0NGI3RESSI0NAL DISTRICT]ICT nom ination in Idaho’s conservativeco w mNK«BtO(pidlKUnVCniOf} 2nd Congressional Districtrict Tuesday _ _oier_a ^ e ld oXfour other;r ccandidates, __ _M eIB lchardson (R ). r.25,782 - ......... Ihctudlng'CohnlcHansen. Connie Hansen (K ).. ............. 8,994 Dan Adamson (R )... ..............8,819 Dane Walklns (R ).., — ^ JRE .......8,255..: ........... state, j . F . “Chad'’ Chadbatiuid(R)!!!!!!!!!!;!";!!............. 5,926' D B \ ddistrict Wlw r a p u p -- - .......................UEUTE'ENANTGOVERNORt - . m p mnUolimkc<in|i«a«l Fm ilaiy ] . C.L. “Butch" otter (H:r ) ............................................. 54,843 | r f l . • Chuck( Lempesis (R)..I..................................................................... 41,714 STit^ AUDITOR 1 . <ap«« Hansen won’t fll(Ry le - A 5 I p m I:' '^1 Richard V. WUllams (R(] ).............................................59,940 • ErlcJ. Fieldstad (R) ).................... ............................................23,665 In the holly contested racera for the ‘ GOP nomination for lleutclutenanl gov- . ' ^> -■ s t a tTE : TREASURER emor, Boise business execxecutive C.L: inpmn « t ol pndacu npettlBf) Butch Otler outdistancedHi Post1 Falls n H K rn - Lydia Justice Edward•ds(R)..;.... ................ attorney and undenioverir drugd agent • y ^ n f^ n ...........48,093 ■ Chuck Lem pesis lor the rightrl£ to face ^ ■ E y i -IBobette A j;Bobble” ChapmanC (R )'........................ 40,184 : long-time Democraticllic stale Treasurer Marjorie Rutbil Moon,h who K f l l ShawnT.deLoyola(DD) ............ .. .......... 19,043 was unopposed. Kent Rock (D ) ........... .......17,192 __ .W ith 88 percenl of t}ie. -446 preclnclSTejwrUng,^Rlchai:hardsoa had __ . 2 4 ,9 iro r. 46. p ercen t.o f[Jhe Jh vote in.. -5thJHIibrciA tD im icT^ becoming the GOP standindardbearer ■ (iw p«tMMpndacunpenu|} v t -------- . against. ..freshman.. D em ocrat J.W iiiiamHart....;.; ...........13,025 J Richards Stallings, whoD h ad no Ronald D. B ru ce ....:, t>osltloa. .J ...6,839 , --------!lTbe-time-comes,when.len.tbe.people._|B|ttji|m are looking for a hew face _ _ _ -l e g i sLATIVEIJISTRK?r;B'" t volcc, and I think wc hit that Jiist Im•HriUptMndiitpMall u] right," Richardson said from _________,StateSenator------- -Idaho-Fallfr-victory-celebilebration.-^'I— feel now find I have fellell all along . Position A lhal we hod the best orgacganlzatlon the grassroots level.” Laird Noh (R )....... .......... .'.4,074 The race for second wasvas StUl wide 3 Jack L. Wasden ( R ) . ..............2,023 wlth Mrs. Hansen•n holdingI a ••jiM^ptieMfANOYARSM' lead over the other:r threet con- r tenders In b er dashedbid to bidregain E d a n d nd M uine Van OstranI tatally a Buhl precinct>t 1results at the courthoilouse Tuesday Statete Representative- the seat h er husband GeorgN)rge held for e v e iU n aIff after voters had gonele tto the polls to decidee a1 number of primary-^y-electlon races Position A seven terms before Stallinillings ousted him In 1384 afler Hansenn becameb( the Prosecutor DaDan Adamson, who near- rightrigl political organizer• Lyndon O tter hod 49,6tt,683 o r 57 percent lo Ronald] Black ( R ) ... ........ ...3,750 flrsl sitting congressmanan convicted ly defeatedi Hansen in the 1984 LaRouche.Lal Wilh 92 percenlml of Uie 38,211 or 43 percercent for Lempesis In Donna1 Scott (R)....... .............3,0%. under the 1978 Ethics in GoGovemmenl primary, wasBS fourth wllh 7,692 voles precinctspre reporting, 'Currirrle had his bid lo succeccecd outgoing COP Lt. • I ^ct. He had slumped for»r hish wife in or 14 percentmt and Rep. J.F. Chad- 12,38712,; o r 61 p crcent lo Stewart'sS Gov. David Lcroj biS-strcnghold of eastern•n IdahoI dur- band trailedd ^with 5,324 voles or ID 7.9337,9: or 39 p ercent to b6c(tcoroe the In the Reput;>ubiican prim ary for Position B ing. the final days of theic campaign,c percent, parparty's candidate' agalilstisi. Uiree- sta le auditor noinomination, Bonneville M rs. Hansen had 8,506. volesvo or 16 In the 1st CoCongressional District of termten GOP Congressmanm Larry Counly ComnTimissloher Richard- . Celia( Gould Folkingaa ( R ) ........................................... 3,298 percent. western . an<and . norihern Idaho, Ccrs raig,'40. who w as unopposeded. W illiams of Sheihelley ran over Boise Jeff Stoker (R ).......... ............ 2,188 State, ^ n . Dane Watkinstins ol Idaho Panhandle eraranlraclor Bill Currie, 49. O0 tler ran strong in all_are<!%as of Uie investm ent coununselor Eric Fieldstad Bert, Rem aley (R )... Falls was third with 7 j n(3 votesv or M claim ed tiiee'nomihation over'Joe stalesta' In defeating Lerhpesiiis. W lth '^ to take oh veleh.eran Democratic slale ■* .......... 1,651 - percent. Former Jeromejm e Counly Stew art, 40.I. ;a supporter' of ultra- percentper ofthe precincts reporting,r« .see RICHARARDSONonPageA2 '. Position C State volte may sisignal ]Russell W.Newcombb ( R ) ............. .......................... 4,247 I Voterrs take Hart ‘ Noy E. Brackett (R).I ............................................... ;........-..2,865 ■ I anti-consservativ€e turn LEGISLLATIVE DISTRICT 255 by farr over EBruce |By QUANE KENYON " . lo u iljrljr ail pradoeu Rvertlaf > T/jeAssociafedPress states Senator By BONNIE BAIRD JD^rONES II cjj pl \ Legislative -TJmes-News writer BOISE ~ Sbc of the mosVst>' conser- ^ vallve Republicans in the 7 races Larrey Anderson (R)I) ............................................;..................8,898 I TWIN FALLS - An\n all-out ef- Q C X 5'h 'ALegislature appear^ headed Gordon R. HoilifieldKR) ( ...............................................5,849 > ■ Judicial defeat in Tuesday's primaiiary elec^ m C ! |! 7 r George W. Anthony (R)(1 .................................. fort by attorneys paidlid off In the ' ............. 3,168 prim ary elefction Tueruesday for M m O l f \ D is tr ic t tlontlons, perhaps signallings turntu from pJ?.rimaryJ s . Magistrate Judge J. William 1* ^ thethe highly conservative le(legisiaUve. , Statsite Representative H art, giving him 65.6.6 percenl\ of PPrim r ary s's'sessions of the last two years. J 8 6 _ j—___I Position A (the lotal vote andId the Sth And one of th e Le'^Is^slature's ---------- D istrict judgeship, Inin Minidoka U B i a ------- ^86 I------1 v^veterans, Rep. W alter LltUe,le, R-New appeared to be»e In: trouble was Rep. ‘ Counly. Plymouth, trailed challengeger Mary Lou Horvath, D-Plnehursl.D< He trail- Jerry1 Callen (R) .... ............. 8,451 lave received the ma- ^ai Hart look the officee aaway from >» Harlung in Incomplete relut:ums. Lit- od Frank Moriorbeck In Incomplete Robin] Kinsey (R).;.. rie votes In m y hom e (1^ ............ 6,995 InctHfibent Judge Rom;onald Brucc lie has served 22 yearss In Uie returns, but ralllallied later to pull into by a count of 13,025 to <6,839, with “ “ " ‘J; LcgLegislature, and currenUy’ IIs chai^ thelead. Position B all but a few small prprecincts In An elatedj HartIJ said he wanted maiman of the House Statee Affairs.__ Rep._Gary_. RRobbins, R-Dletrlch, ---------- IhefllghUounlydlstrlct-iIcttalllcd.------- ‘•'cfeep appreciation lo _ _CCoinmlttee._buLran.inloJle(od Lepublican_wbo-ran-for-th< Uie-2nd Distrlcl GOP Hart, a magistratelie Judge In the m any Irieiriends who volunteered oppopposition this elecUon beciBcause he nomination, butul Uien dropped out of Ralph1 B. Peters (R ). ...........6,183 I Lincoln Counly for theIhc past two many hours} onor my behalf." oppopposed some bills favoredid by Uie Uie ra c e a t'thhc e last minute lo run . Leland] (Lee) Bamess'(R)’!!!-1!!!!!” !!!!!!!............ 5,848 years, was suppoiiportcd by " I wUl lookck forward to working parparty. for his House se.seat, appeared headed Kay Cramer (R) .... ............ 4,404 numerous attorneysi InIr lhe sth w llh' the peoplepe In Minidoka ConservativesC Robert FoF'orrey of lo victory overer Willes Cheney. Bul -----------^TuaicraTJIalrrcrfofUKTheiiiBmMi. 'Cdiiiiry 'M a1 pifiOgep 10 the people— Ntn Chester of Rep. LindenI Bateman, R-Idaho His campaign was basedba on a in Lincoln andar Jerome counties KutKuna^£>i^w,^ayer of Bolscse, Donna Falls, who ranan for the lieutenant LEGISLiLATIVEDISTRICT22! ■ charges of delays In declieclslon mak- lhal I will not lose my Interest In ScoScoU and Noy Brackett cof Twin governor nominiinallon..but wlUidrew IIMt<TCvoetfelpndKURvorUBf) Ing by the incumbentnt lhat were either counly,ty," H art said. " If any FFalls al and Myron Jones lrail(tiled early ‘ and ran for hisIs (old House seal, traU- -■ Stateite Representative Crockett in early . described as “fruslnstrating" to one thing ixpjxpresses m y feelings, In battles for GOP nominlnaUons. ed Gregory < Position A lawyers and lhelr clientsints. It is being overwhelmed0 ’ by. lhe ScoScott and BrackeU lost. returns. Moderserate Sen. L aird Nob, . Bruce.who.coDductedled a low-key support-1 .haihave received in this - -. BBul^.some-olber leadingg conser* R-y;imberly, wasvas fa r ahead of a more campaign, based hisB chancesci on race.” ' vatlvatlves appeared beaded toJO victory. conservaUve cha:ballenger.' <Gary Robbins (R )... ............ 1,860 high quality as a Judge,Jud while The counljinly-by-county results SenSen. L arrey Anderson, R-Twlwin FaUs, R esults in UiiUie Magic VaUey ap- Wllles} Cheney (R )... ............ 1,526’ admitting lo a small11 percentagep showed: Cassassla Counly, 1,680 for toollook a sUong early lead inn a Uiree- peared to be>e mixed for House ’ ofdelays.
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