Branch Competition Gets Hotter In Twice-Weekly Drive ►----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' - — FUND AT $1,330 AS PARTY BEGINS TO REACH QUOTAS R efugees! ^Socialist W V I U M J I Appeal Uue.up.oyed!^ But More Speed Is | Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International ---- ------------------------------------—— Needed to Reach { VOL. Ill—No. I Saturday, January 7, 1939 5£ per copy O u r G o al | By BOSE KARS NEK Appeal Campaign Director T o ta l to d a te is $1,330.70 w ith reports from the St. Paul-Mlnne- apolis New Year’s Eve Jamboree not in as we go to press. Of the branches competing for the Fourth International banner, FIGHT CUTS IN W. P. A.! San Francisco and Detroit have gone over the top. Both these branches are not satisfied to rest on their laurels. They promise to Slashes Plotted As keep on collecting for the cam­ 11,000 Taxi Drivers p a ig n . Returns from the branches are picking up, but still too slowly. In the remaining four weeks, the Strike in New York Foil to Arms Plans barometer must take bigger and faster leaps if we are to realize the slogan of The Twioe-a-week LaGuardia Mobilizes Full Police Force as Roosevelt Presents Congress With Huge Appeal on the Road to a Daily. & Let us prove in action the su­ Reply to Union Demands lor Armament Budget as Gamer Co. periority of our ideas. Decent Conditions Prepare Blow at Jobless P R IZ E S In addition to the three banners for the branches making the best N EW YO RK CITY.— A battle between 11,000 taxi-drivers; A specter haunts Congress, the specter o f 15,000,000 unem­ showing in the campaign, con­ and the big fleet companies began this week when the C.I.O. Trans-; ployed. sidering size and ability of mem­ port Workers Union called a strike Tuesday afternoon. President Roosevelt is asking for a gigantic war budget, for bership, we have three auto­ W ith in tw o h ours, 8,500 d riv e r s # ---------------------------- —------— ----------------- . graphed copies of C. L. R. James' battleships, for thousands o f new warplanes. and 1,000 m ainte n a n ce m en re­ books. Two copies of "World The unemployed are asking for food, for homes, for jobs. sponded to th e ca ll, le a v in g 7,000 Reovlution" and one of “Black To finance the arms program he needs to fu lfill the war plans cabs idle in the garages. The ad­ Moscow Frameups Jacobins.” These are to be given dition of the night men w ill bring of Yankee imperialism, Roosevelt is prepared to slash away at to sympathizers sending in the th e to ta l o f cabs la id u p to 8,500. the meager funds now allowed for the jobless and the 3,000,000 biggest collection on the Appeal Exposed by Trial workers on W.P.A. folder now in the mails, or mem­ O ve r 5,000 o w n e r-d riv e r cabs bers plugging hardest in the classed as independents are not Homes or battleships, jobs or war— that is the reality behind branches. Let us know who they affected by the strike call. Of Ukraine GPU the fanfare in Washington. are and what they have done. Nearly 100 full time and volun­ Unquestionably with Roosevelt’s tacit okay, the other Demo­ ' From Our Branches teer organizers carried the strike Admit 'Confessions' cratic big-wigs, led by . Vice-President Garner, are launching a Local New York—The Astoria message to the drivers at shift­ ------------------------------------------------♦campaign whose avowed aim is changing time. The men quickly Branch is the first in the Local to cut W.P.A. appropriations by responded. They had voted strike Extracted from to fu lf ill its q u o ta 100 percent. at least a third for the coming authority by a big maJority last The next branches making the Victim s C P. MISRULE ye a r. best showing so far, are Down­ week. Cops Mobilize This is the plan that lies be­ town, Bronx and Lower East That Russia's secret police sys­ IS EXPOSED IN hind all the palaver about “tak­ (Continued on page 2) L a G u a rd ia 's 19,000 cops w ere tematically extorted false confes­ ing the W.P.A. out of politics" fully mobilized in a show of sions which constituted the basis and "reorganizing the W.P.A” strength to curb the militancy of for Judicial frame-ups—a conclu­ TEACHERS UNION and "returning control to state the strikers. It was under Mayor sion established last year by the and local agencies.” The $1,425,- L a G u a rd ia in 1934 th a t police Commission of Inquiry headed by 000,000 appropriated for W.P-A. broke a big cab strike. John Dewey in its exhaustive in­ Progressives Fight for the current fiscal year has Weeks of stalling and months vestigation of the trials against been exhausted in six months. of chiseling by the big companies Trotsky—received weighty con/ for Inner-Union Now it is being proposed that culminated when the contracts ex­ firmation from reports arriving D em ocracy o n ly $500,000,000 be p ro vid e d fo r Turn pired on December 31. this week of a trial of five G.P.U. the next six months, in other officials which culminated in an Demands A sensational exposure of the words, one-third of what was order for their execution on Jan­ On The immediate union demands rule-or-ruin course which the spent in the last six-month pe­ u a ry 3. contained in the contract propo­ Stalinists in control of the riod! Meanwhile the revamped The trial took place at Kiev, sals include: the closed shop, Job Teachers’ Union in New York W.P.A. administration under Col. l l i e in the Ukraine. Despite its obvi­ security, hiring through Union are pursuing inside that organi­ Francis Hanington would pro­ ous importance, the trial was re­ halls on a rotation basis, elimina­ zation, came to light suddenly ceed to wholesale shaving of ported only in the Sovietskaya tion of the "shape-up" system un­ when announcement was made of the W.P.A. rolls and make it pos- Heat! Ukrainia of Kiev, no word on the der which drivers are picked each the resignation from College sibe to put over a still smaller trial appearing in the Moscow day by the shop foremen; an end Blackwell Freed, T eachers U n io n , L o ca l 537, A m e r­ appropriation for the fiscal period press, according to Harold Denny, M a k e to racial discrimination; nine ican Federation of Teachers, of after next July. New York Times correspondent, hours daily for day men; ten BRENDA'S PARTY one of its prominent members, who underlines the significance of A Smelly Deal hours work for night men, with Washington Hears Professor John L. Childs. I« this silence. Nor has a word on provision that on Saturdays and Champagne for (he Idle Rich; The announcement was fol- This is the proposal of Repre- holidays the day men be allowed the trial been published in the lowed with the information a few 1 SCntativc Woodrum, Democratic Daily Worker here during the Militant Acquitted Rise! an extra working hour, and night days later that three other mem­ ■ chairman of the sub-committee course of the trial nor prior to No Refuge for Oppressed men two extra hours; seniority bers, instructors, like Childs, at which w ill pass on the W.P.A. ap­ our going to press. Our sole in­ After Trial at rights providing for selection of “What will we do with all the European refugees once they get Columbia University, had fol­ propriations. formation so far is based on two days off and vacation periods; V a le n c ia here? Who is going to keep them alive in the United States? Isn’t lowed him in withdrawing from In other words, it begins to dispatches by Denny, January 2 drivers with one to five years ser­ there unemployment, enough as it Is, without adding to the army the organization on substantially smell very much like a deal in and 3 in the New York Times. vice, one w e e k’s va ca tio n w ith $25 Russell Negrete Blackwell is of the Jobless?” the same grounds. The three in­ which Roosevelt w ill get his arms pay, and drivers with five or more Swear to Any Crime free, acquitted by a Spanish These are some of the questions heard wherever the problem of cluded Professors F. Ernest John­ budget, w ill be permitted to "de­ (Continued on naze 4) In the trial, it was brought out court, and is now at the Amer­ Jewish and other refugees from fascism is being discussed. son, Bruce Raup and later Dr. plore" the plight of the Jobless that five G.P.U. officials, under ican consular offices in Valencia, It is not merely the average or Louis M. Hacker. and make his usual promises, the direction of a superior offi­ according to a telegram received conservatively minded w orker but we’ve read a good deal about Hacker, Childs Resign while the Garners and the Wood- cial who “died” before trial, had Tuesday by his wife, Edna Black- who puts these questions.
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