Historic, Archive Document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices n * : — American Grapo flat: GROWN AND FOR SALE BY BUSH & SON & mEISSNER, BUSHBERG, JEFFERSON CO., MO. We continue to make the growing of American Grapevines our Specialty, and in extent, quality and assortment, our stock is unsurpassed in the country. The superior quality of our plants—grown in open air. mostly from cuttings and our grading, sorting and packing, are well known, and will be maintained at our usual high standard, equaled by few other growers and excelled by none. We warrant our vines true to name and of the quality represented, and refer to the leading Grape-growers and Xurserymen, most of whom are our customers, for the fairness of our dealings and the superior quality of our goods. We offer the largest and best stock of vines that we ever produced, and give our friends and patrons the benefit thereof by making the EXTREMELY LOAV PRICES quoted in this list. We usually commence shipping in the Fall about the 15th of October. For the South we pack and ship during mild weather in Winter. NO CHARGE FOR PACKING, which is done in the best manner. We do not substitute, unless especially authorized to do so. We send out GOOD PLANTS only, and TRUE TO NAME- Every variety is carefully labeled. While, as a rule, the prices quoted in this list apply only as follows 5 Vines or more, of one variety, at the Ten rate. 50 14 •« 14 " « 100 kk Thousand-rates on application. We will treat all large assorted orders with due liberality. ORDERS AT SINGLE OR TEN RATES delivered FREE, by Mail to any part of the U. S. Please write your orders distinctly, giving name of Post Office, County and State, also Railroad or Express Office if it is different from your Post Office. Terms Cash. Orders from parties unknown to us must be accompanied by remit- tance; orders shipped C. O. D. will have return charges added to the bill. Remit- tances can be made to us in Drafts on Xew York, P. O. money orders on St. Louis or Bushberg, and by Registered Letters or Express. Any money left in our hands above the amount of an order, will be promptly refunded. Correspondence solicited. Address, BUSH & SON & MEISSNER, Bushberg, Jefferson Co., Mo. / Leading Varieties of Grapes. The following List includes those Am. Varieties which have been well tested and are now extensively cultivated in Vineyard. I One Year, No. 1. Two Years or Extra Season. Size NAME OF VARIETY AND CLASS. ^xiisl/. ^xejo li v alio) , tvljj. ^ ixl j.) ai 1 a , Uae. color L.ab. (.Labrusca), Hyb. (Hybrid.) Each Per Per Eacb Per Per 10. 100. 10. 100. cts. cts. OLD. $ cts. $ $ (J) $ cts. $ cts. m. T. • AGAWAM, (Rogers' No. 15. )Hyb. 10 80 3 00 12 1 | 00 4 00 m. r. W. • BACCHUS Bip.X 10 80 3 00 12 1 00 4 00 m. r. W. BLACK PEARL (Schraidts) .Bip. 10 80 3 00 12 1 00 4 00 m. T. W. • BRIGHTON Lab. 12 1 00 4 00 18 1 50 7 00 T. w. W. • CATAWBA Lab. 10 80 2 00 12 1 00 3 00 e. M. CHAMPION, or Talman . .Lab. 10 80 2 50 12 1 00 3 00 r. W. © CLINTON Bip. 10 80 2 50 12 1 00 4 00 m. T. W. CONCORD Lab. 10 60 2 00 12 1 00 3 00 e. T. © COTTAGE Lab. 10 80 2 00 15 1 00 3 00 1. w. W. CUNNINGHAM 20 1 50 7 00 30 2 00 10 00 0 1. r. W. CYNTHIANA JSst. 20 1 50 7 50 30 2 00 10 00 • e. T. w.W. DELAWARE Hyb.x 15 1 20 5 00 25 2 00 7 00 e. M. • 12 1 00 3 00 15 1 20 4 00 o | e. T. DUCHESS Hyb. 12 1 00 4 00 18 1 50 6 00 v. e. T. • Lab. EARLY VICTOR 15 1 00 4 00 ! 20 1 50 6 00 w. W. o E LVI RA(Rommel's) . Bip.X 10 80 2 00' 12 00 3 00 e. T. w.W. STATE O EMPIRE Bip.X 15 1 20 5 00 I 25 \ 00 7 00 m. T. w. W. o ETTA (Rommel's) Bip.X 12 1 00 3 00 15 1 20 4 00 e. T. r. W. © 25 2 00 11 00 ! 35 3 00 15 00 1. T. w.W. GOETHE ( Rogers' No.l.) .Hyb. 15 1 20 6 00j! 25 2 00 9 00 m. T. w. W. Bip.X O GREIN'S GOLDEN 15 1 20 5 00 i 25 2 00 8 00 e. M. © HARTFORD Lab. 10 80 2 50 12 1 00 4 00 1. w. W. @ HERBEMONT Jfist. 20 1 50 7 50 30 2 00 10 00 in. T. HERBERT, (Roger's No. 44) Hyb. 20 1 50 6 00 25 00 8 00 1. w. W. • HERMANN JEst. 20 1 50 7 50 30 2 00 9 00 e. M. r. W. o IVES Lab. 10 80 2 00 12 1 00 3 00 e.T. (Campbell's) Lab. o LADY 20 1 50 6 00 i 25 2 00 8 00 tn. T. LadyWas HiNGTON(Rickett's) Hyb 35 50 o 2 50 12 00 ; 4 00 20 00 m. T. • LINDLEY, (Rogers' No. 9.; Hyb. 10 80 3 00 15 1 20 4 00 e. T. w. W. o MARTHA Lab. 10 80 3 00 15 1 20 5 00 e. T. • MASSASOIT,( Rogers' No. 3) Hyb. 12 1 00 4 00 18 1 50 6 00 m. T. w. W. o MissouRiRiESLiNG(Grein's)Ii/pX 10 80 3 00 15 1 20 5 00 1. T. Q MERRIMACK, (Rogers' Id.) Hyb. 15 1 20 5 00 25 2 00 8 00 m. T. O MOORE'S DIAMOND . .Lab.X 20 1 50 7 00 30 2 00 10 00 e. T. m MOORE'S EARLY. Lab. 12 1 00 4 00 18 1 50 6 00 qi. T. r. W. © M ontefiore (Rommers)j?^x 20 1 50 6 00 25 2 00 8 00 m. T. o NIAGARA Lab.x 10 80 3 00 15 1 20 5 00 m. T. w. W. o N OAH (Wasserzieher's) ..Bp.X 10 80 2 00 15 1 20 4. no 1. r. W. © NORTON'S Va m. 20 1 50 7 50 30 2 00 10 00 e. T. • PERKINS Lab. 15 1 20 5 00 20 1 70 7 00 in. T. o PRENTISS Lab. 20 1 50 6 00 25 2 00 8 00 Lab. m. T. o POCKLINGTON 10 80 3 50 15 1 20 5 00 m. T. w. W. • SALEM, (Rogers' No. 53.) . .Hyb. 10 80 3 00 15 1 20 4 00 e. T. TELEGRAPH Lab. 12 1 00 4 00 18 1 50 6 00 m ! e. T. m VERGENNES Lab. 20 1 50 6 00 25 2 00 8 00 in. T. W. * WILDER, (Rogers' No. 4.). .Hyb. 12 1 00 4 00 18 1 50 6 00 e. T. o WORDEN Lab. 10 80 2 50 15 1 20 4 00 1 fp^T" THOUSAND-RATES ON APPLICATION. 1!111 1! 1 1 Desirable New and Old Varieties. This List embraces the most promising new as well as some older varieties recommended for testing and planting on a more or less extensive scale. One Year, No. 1, Two Years or extra NAME OF VARIETY AXD CLASS. ; Season, ! Size 2Est. ( iEstivalis), Rip. (Riparia,) Use. color Per Per Per Per Lab. (Labrusca,) Hyb. (Hybrid.) Each Each 10. 100. 10. 100. c. c. U 6.1 c. | c. $ c. i m. T. O Antoinette (Miner's) Lab.' 40| 3 OOj 15 00 50 4 00 20 00 e. T. Q August Giant By b 40 3 00 15 00 50 4 00 20 00 e. T. Barry (Sogers' No. 43) Hyb. 25 2 oo! 10 00 40 3 30 15 00 m. T. • Berckman's 2ftp,X 50 4 501 18 00 75 6 00 30 00 e. T. Black Eagle Hub. 30 2 50! 12 00 40 3 30 15 00 1. T. • Black Defiance Hyb: 401 3 50| 15 00 60 5 00 25 00 e. T. w. W. Brilliant (Munson's) Hyb. oo 8 00 1 25 10 00 m. T. Cambridge Lab.\ 40 3 50 15 00 60 5 00 25 00 • j 1. T. W. • Carman (Munson's) ^Est.X 1 00! 8 00 25 10 00 e. T. Centennial (Marwin's) . uHst.X 75 6 00 25 00 90 7 50 35 00 o ( e. T. o COLERAIN Lab. 75 6 00; 1 00 8 00 m. T. w. W. © DELAWBA (Chisholm's) .Lab.X 50: 2 50i 1. T. w. W. Diana Lab. 15 1 20 5 00 20 1 50 7 00 m. T. Dr. Collier (Munson's) JEst.X\ 00 8 00 ] 25!l0 00 1. T. W. © Dufocr (Jaeger's) ^Lst. 00 8 00; 1 25 10 00 1. T. Q Early Golden (Munson's).. Hyb. 00 8 00: 1 25|l0 0€ v. e. m. Early Ohio Lab. 75 6 00! 35 00 1 00 7 50 00 e. T. 9 Eaton Lab.\ 25 2 00 10 00 3 15 00 m. T. w. W. O Eldorado (Rickett's) Byb.\ 35 3 00 15 00 4 00| 20 00 m.
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