,.,·.,n_,,·.v •.•·-:,,· :,":,.,\ ·;: i" ,,, r,, Page Jrour THE WFSTERN JEWISH NEWS Thursdcy, Mcrch 23, 1950 Thursdcy, Mcrch 23, 1950 THE WESTERN JEWISH NEWS Pcge Five ;:,, r!torles, He has held various posi­ beamed only to Europe and North AT THE · :.: tions, Including that'ol Commissioner Who Will 131; Qu1;1;u· EslhEr?GiftCarsTo Africa at 10.30 p.m. Soturday Israel • MEET THE ISRAELI WAR VETERANS PERETZ HALL ·'i"1: eapital ol Flnonce and conlldential secretary time. 418 ABERDEEN AVE, '·f> /"', ' to the Naval Governors of the . · . Israel Halted There will be three 45 minute • SEE THE PICTURES AND SOUVENIRS AND. EXHIBITION Islands. In 1945 he was made Gov­ TEA SUNDAY, MARCH 26 Now York - (IS!) -The govern­ transmissions ln · Yiddish, · l!'rench ' ernment Secretary of, the Islands 2 P.M. TILL LATE ment of Israel will no longer grant and English. The first 15 minutes of SPONSORED BY THE WINNIPEG MAHAL ASSOCIATION ;, Spotlight and many times served as Acting WinnEI' To 131; ~a1111;d at·l3all • BE SURE TO COME TO THE (Both men ond women Invited) permission for the import of auto­ each broadcast wlll be devoted to . By MILTON FRIEDMAN Governor during the Governor's mobiles as gltts to residents ol Is• I news, followed by n quarter hour_ of ists to Haifa this week, The visitors, absence. rael, Mr. Arthur Lourlc, Consul Gen­ (Copyright, 1950, Jewish When de Castro was appointed music, and 15 minutes of features, whose ship came from Beirut, took eral in New York, announced this Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) Governor, th'e Department of the Coronation Ball Caps Large Turnout Seen a 12-hour sightseeing trip to Nazar:. week. including Hebrew lessons, forums Armistice Works Washlngton.-The Federal Govern- Interior, which guides the govern­ and onwers to lJsteners' questions. By DAVID NUSSBAUM eth and Tibcrias before proceeding ment holds in high esteem the Jewish ment of the Islands, commented: The government's action was taken Pioneer Women's Efforts For Brotherhood Meeting to Alexandria on the S.S. Provi­ governors who head two of Amer- 11His ability, integrity, industry, lay­ after it was learned that.many of.--------------. (Copyright, 1950, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc,)· dence. the gift ·shipments were not .bona lea's outlying strategic possessions- nlty, and efficiency has been out­ Lake Success.--Just a year ago a ation-on the local level, St least~ Rabbi Philip S. Bernstein, of At the meeting Cantor J. Lev Wm The S.S. Atzmaut arrived this fide transactions and were in viola­ Alaska and the Virgin Islands. standing. He ls highly regarded by fierce milltary conflagration swirled to treat the innumerable human and Rochester, N.Y., who Js speaking sing several songs in Yiddish ~nd week from ',l'rlpoll with 780 immi­ tion of import and currency regula• Morris F. de Castro, descendant of Federal Government officials in about the tiny outpost of El Auja, political problems left in the wake Sunday night at the Shaarey Zodek Hebrew. grants and tho Kedmah arrived from tions, in detriment· to the state's talumJ,ia a Portuguese Jewish family whiCh Washington who have worked with once a customs point dividing Pales- of war. • syll.agogue on "Design for Jewish Tickets for ·the meeting, under Marseilles with 108 tourists and 80 economy. migrated to the Cnribbean area many him -on Virgin Islands affairs. Mr. tine from Egypt. Today at El Auja, Secondly, they have been brought Living Today," received an unusual Shaarey Zedck Brotherhood a~s­ new settlers. generations ago, was recently ap- de CaStro's appointment is a well­ Tourists who wish to use their headquarters of the Israeli-Egyptian together and kept together by the tribute in last week's issue of the pices, aI'e obtainable now at Domin- --------------, cars during their tripS in Israel may Records@il Saturday Evening Post, ion News, People's Book Store,- pointed governor of the Virgin deserved recognition of a long rec­ ·,· ~ ."., ,• ·mixed armistice commission, EgypR persistence and effective methods of do. so by securing a carnet de pas­ In rin article on Rochester, refer­ Islands by President Truman. His o'rd of outstanding public service and tian and Israeli army officers battle the United Nations. In no other area Genser's record department, and at . appointment was noted with inter- wlll be extremely well-received in sage from the American Automobile Richard Joseph Inger · each other daily-at horseshoe-pitch- of the world has the peace-making ence was made to the city's leading the secretary's office at the syna­ association prior to· their departure citizens. gogue . est because since 1939 Ernest Gruen- the Islands." ' co 8255-F Hogonah March ing. machinery of the U.N. Security · for Israel, or by posting a bond "There's Rabbi Philip S. Bern­ ing, a New -Xork ·Jew, has governed An Orthodox Jew, de Castro is Die Befreiung _____ .$1.25 War makes better headlines than Council registei:.ed such consistent Home Alaska, president of the Virgin Islands Syn- with Israel customs officials upon stein," said the article, "articulate their arrival: The bond will be re• peace, · and horseshoe-pitching has success as the mixed armistice Com­ nnd respected spokesman for liberal• New Type Of De Castro was born ·1n Panama in agogue, Congregation Blessings and long been considered a minor sport. missions operating on the 'four Pal~ turned when they take the car out Bracha Zefira ism in a conservntivo setting. H<f 1902. His parents, native Virgin Perice. His son's Bar Mitzvah was The news in the dally Competiti0ns estine fronts under the firm and Cauliflower Perfected of the· country. co 8256 .. f EI .. HonegcY was America's first adviser on Jew­ Tel Aviv, (ISl)-A new species of -Islanders, were in Panama for busl- recently celebrated. Im Eln An! LI----·-$1 ,25 at El Auja is its symbolic signifl- patient guidance of their chief of Accident Mr. Lourie said that tourists are ish affairs in Germany nt the outset ness reason$ connect'ed with the con- Governor Gruening,v of Alaska, is ELAINE GOBUTY ADELE ROSENSTOCK BETTY GUNN ·cance. The significance is two-fold. staff, Brig. Gen. William F. Riley. cauliflower which grows when n11 forbidden to sell or leave their cars of the occupation," other varieties· are out of season has struction of the Canal. When he was perhaps best known for the role he Firstly, within the space of a year, In a report to Secretary-General in Israel unless they secure an im­ Richard Tucker For his own part, Rabbi Bernstein been perfected at Beth Alfa, With four years old, the family returned played, in co-operation with U.S~ two mortal enemies have been Trygve Lie, marking the first anni­ port license in' advance of arrival. co 57070-F Mlmaamaklm is no stranger to magazines. He has this new variety, whiCh blooms in to the Islands where they were armed forces, in defense of AJa_ska brought together in mutual co-aper- versary of the armistice agreements Prevention Cars improperly brought into the A Dudolo ------$ I ,65 contributed articles to The Nation, February and March, cauliflower widely known and respected. 8gainst Japanese attacks on the Aleu- signed under U.N, auspices between New Republic, Harper's and many His career begah at the age· of.17 tians, He has gover~e.d AlaSka since country or left' for· sale without an wil1 be on Israel's menu year-round. Recent records show thct en import license will be subject to HEARTY PASSOVER GREETINGS Israel and her four Arab neighbors- l!!.l:""'= Jewish publications. when the U.S. Government hired 1939. At present he 1s m Washington, FREE confiscation. Egypt, Jordan, Syria ·and Lebanon­ The men and ·women who will ·overage of one person dies him as a messenger boy at American perhaps in connection with the move­ We Stm,ot Gcn. Riley feels encouraged enough l!RS, NETTY MOZERSKY MRS. RUBY SHAW hear him at tho public meeting in administrative offices on the Islands. ment in Congress to copier statehood CATALOGUES On Ship's Lag every 30 minutes due to Them Right by the acconipllshments of the Com­ Winding up a successful project arc Mrs, Netty Mozcrsky and Mrs. Shaarey Zcdek synagogue Sunday Devoting himself to the government on Alaska and Hawaii. , . SENT ON REQUEST Haifa, (ISI)-Lcbanon, Israel and home accidents. Most home we carry a complete missions to declare: "Thcre•is reason Ruby Shaw, chairmen of the Pioneer Womeri.'s organization Queen Esther night at 8.45 p.m, nre promised n Egypt were the ports o.f call of a service, de Castro proved his ability A native of New York~ Gruenmg Broadcasts To 11ock ol Children'• to assume that the aim of facilitat- accidents con be prevented contest. Response of the "public has been very gratifying, say the joint lecture of e_nduring value from_ a French liner which brought 37 tour- and became known to the Washing- was graduated as a medical doctor BOOTS ing a transition to permanent peace chairmen, and a hearty vote of thanks is due the many members of Pioneer man who ts not only a Jew1s~ · .... if you watch out for ton officials who administer U.S. ter- from Harvard. His father was a Diaspora OXFORDS can be achieved." . Women's clubs who have devoted themselves so wholeheartedly to plan- s~holar but, who h?s seen th~ cond1- the following:-· renowned specialist. Gruening's in­ ELECTRIC Tel Aviv, (ISIJ-First broadcast l'\p t::: V Set up by the armistice agree· ning and carrying out the-various functions held in honor of candidates. tion of Jewry at first hand m many Best Wishes to oil our Friends terests wandered in other directions, to the Diaspora by the 11 Voice of s~i8.s ond Customers for o Happy ond I""' ~ r,.
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