SARACEN.COM.AU ABN: 52 009 215 347 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 2018 REPORT ABN: 52 009 215 347 ANNUAL CORPORATE DIRECTORY Board of Directors Auditors Mr Geoffrey Clifford (Non-Executive Chairman) BDO Audit (WA) Pty Ltd Mr Raleigh Finlayson (Managing Director) 38 Station Street, Subiaco WA 6008 Mr Martin Reed (Non-Executive Director) Telephone: +61 8 6382 4600 Dr Roric Smith (Non-Executive Director) Facsimile: +61 8 6382 4601 Ms Samantha Tough (Non-Executive Director) Solicitors Company Secretary DLA Piper, Level 31, Central Park 152 – 158 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000 Mr Jeremy Ryan Telephone: +61 8 6467 6000 Registered Office and Business Address Level 11, 40 The Esplanade Bankers Perth WA 6000 Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Telephone: +61 8 6229 9100 833 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3008 Facsimile: +61 8 6229 9199 Telephone: +61 3 9273 5555 Website: saracen.com.au Share Registry Stock Exchange Listing Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited Listed on the Australian Securities Exchange Level 11, 172 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000 (ASX Code: SAR) Telephone: 1300 850 505 Facsimile: +61 3 9473 2500 CONTENTS Managing Director’s Report 2 Review of Operations 4 Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves Statement 28 Corporate Governance Statement 31 Directors’ Report 41 Auditor’s Independence Declaration 75 Financial Statements - Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income 76 - Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 77 - Consolidated Statement of Changes In Equity 78 - Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 79 - Notes to the Financial Statements 80 Directors’ Declaration 119 Independent Auditor’s Report 120 Shareholder Information 126 SARACEN MINERAL HOLDINGS LIMITED SARACEN I ANNUAL REPORT 2018 Cover image: Loaded truck leaving Karari 1 MANAGING DIRectoR’S REPORT Dear Fellow Shareholders, It is with great satisfaction that I present the 2018 Saracen Annual Report. Highlights include more cash flow, more growth, and more mine life with a robust seven year course now plotted for our business. Most importantly our safety record continues to improve with the LTIFR dropping to 1.0 over the 12 months, well below the industry average. In addition, Saracen’s strong environmental track record continued with no significant environmental breaches across our operations. Gold production for FY2018 exceeded all previous records with over 316,000oz produced from our two operations, Carosue Dam and Thunderbox. This output also exceeded market guidance and was delivered at a low All-In-Sustaining-Cost (“AISC”) of $1,139/oz. Cash and equivalents were over $118m at year end, despite a $71.8m investment in growth capital and exploration during the year. In addition, a further 73,532oz of gold was contained in closing stockpiles at year end, a 29% increase on last year. We continue to develop new ore sources with the commencement of the ‘C’ zone open pit at Thunderbox and the high grade Kailis open pit, 80km south of the Thunderbox Operation. In addition, two portals were cut at Thunderbox to facilitate the establishment of underground drilling platforms for resource delineation. This year also featured the publication of our inaugural Sustainability Report. The Report is an acknowledgement of our responsibilities to all of our stakeholders, and the need to operate in a manner that fosters connections with our communities and the environment and promote their well-being and longevity. An integral part of our sustainability commitment is our engagement with the local indigenous communities in the towns of Leonora and Kalgoorlie. Shooting Stars is an educational programme that uses netball and other tools to increase school attendance rates for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander girls living in WA’s remote communities and regional towns. We are embracing an opportunity to make a difference by committing $150,000 over three years to kick-start this program in Leonora. Following outstanding success with the drill bit, we are confident in the longevity of our business. In FY2018 we unveiled our first seven year outlook for group gold production. This is underpinned by the consistent and persistent performance of operations, with production guidance met for the last five consecutive years. We recently increased annual gold production guidance for FY2019 to 325-345,000oz. We are now focused on delivering our next chapter of growth, the “flight to 400”. Investments include a $60m exploration budget across the Saracen group for FY2019. At our Thunderbox Operations $13m will be invested in the development of a hanging wall drill drive, drill platforms and associated drilling to delineate the first stage of the Thunderbox underground mine. A further $17m will be invested in the development of stage 2 of the high grade Kailis open pit. The Carosue Dam Operations will receive investments of $23m in the construction of a paste fill plant adjacent to the Karari and Whirling Dervish underground mines, the commencement of drilling along the “corridor of riches”, the construction of a $7m sealed aerodrome, the expansion of the accommodation village, the execution of a four year underground mining contract with Byrnecut, and the approval for a feasibility study into the potential expansion of the Carosue Dam processing plant. The exciting joint venture with Anglo Gold Ashanti also continues to deliver positive news flow with deeper drilling programs in the Butcher Well district. I would like to personally thank all of our dedicated employees and contractors for their contributions to our relentless push for sustainable growth and value creation over the last year. Without the engagement and backing of all of our stakeholders, these efforts would have counted for little. So as we embark on our next exciting chapter of growth, it is of paramount importance that we have the courage to keep our eyes on the prize, and ensure that we deliver our stakeholders safe and prosperous outcomes. ANNUAL REPORT 2018 I RALEIGH FINLAYSON Managing Director SARACEN MINERAL HOLDINGS LIMITED SARACEN 2 “ With a 300,000ozpa production profile now firmly established, growing cash flow and mine life, no debt and a strong executive team, Saracen has an excellent platform from which to capitalise on further growth opportunities as they arise.” ANNUAL REPORT 2018 I SARACEN MINERAL HOLDINGS LIMITED SARACEN photo: Excavator at Thunderbox 3 REVIEW OF OPERATIONS OVERVIEW Saracen Minerals Holdings Limited is an ASX-listed gold company (ASX:SAR) producing ~ 320,000 ounces per annum from its two operations in Western Australia: 1. Carosue Dam approximately 120km north-east of Kalgoorlie, and 2. Thunderbox approximately 45km south of Leinster. The Company’s Head Office is in Perth, Western Australia. Carosue Dam Operations Saracen Mineral Holdings Limited owns 100% of the Carosue Dam Operations (“CDO”) through its wholly owned subsidiary Saracen Gold Mines Pty Ltd. CDO operations include the Carosue Dam Project (comprising the Karari and Whirling Dervish gold deposits), the Porphyry Project (comprising the Porphyry, Million Dollar, Enterprise, and Wallbrook deposits), and the Deep South Project (comprising of the Deep South and Safari Bore deposits). Saracen acquired the CDO assets in 2006 and commenced commercial gold production in 2010. Since then, Saracen has produced over 1.2 million ounces of gold from open pits and underground mines at CDO. In April 2017, Saracen began the development of its 15th mine in the area with the commencement of the Whirling Dervish underground mine. Saracen’s CDO tenement holdings are located in one of the world’s most prospective gold provinces, incorporating the Laverton and Keith Kilkenny Tectonic Zones, north-east of Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. This province is home to several world class gold mines and deposits including Sunrise Dam, Granny Smith, and Wallaby. In excess of 23 million ounces of gold in resources have been found and/or brought into production in this province. Saracen is building a long-term strategic infrastructure and resource position in this area. Supporting the mines, CDO comprises a processing plant, two accommodation villages (with the ability to support 400 people), various water and power infrastructure facilities and is located 120km north north-east of Kalgoorlie. The CDO processing plant was originally commissioned in November 2000 and has a nameplate capacity of 2.4Mtpa. Thunderbox Operations Saracen Mineral Holdings Limited owns 100% of the Thunderbox Operations (“TBO”) through its wholly owned subsidiary Saracen Metals Pty Ltd. Saracen acquired the TBO assets in 2014 and commenced commercial gold production in 2016. TBO operations include the Thunderbox Project (comprising the Thunderbox, Rainbow and Mangilla gold deposits), the Kailis Open Pit, the Bannockburn Project (comprising the Bannockburn and North Well gold deposits) and the Waterloo Project (comprising the Waterloo and Amorac nickel deposits). In October 2017, Saracen poured the one millionth ounce of gold produced from the Thunderbox Operations and in June 2018, with the cutting of the portal and establishment of an exploration drill drive, began development of the potential Thunderbox underground mine. TBO is located in the highly prospective Yandal and the Agnew-Wiluna Belts in the North Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia, centred on the Thunderbox Open Pit and CIL gold treatment plant located 45km south of the town of Leinster in Western Australia, immediately adjacent to the sealed Goldfields Highway. The Thunderbox
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