1 COURSE STRUCTURE OF TWO YEAR M.A. DEGREE COURSE DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE ADAMAS UNIVERSITY 2 POSTGRADUATE COURSE STRUCTURE M.A. in POLITICAL SCIENCE (with specialization in public administration) SEMESTER I CONTACT HOURS PER SL. TYPE OF COURSE TITLE OF THE COURSE WEEK REMARKS No. COURSE CODE L T P C CONTEMPORARY POLITICAL 3 1 0 4 1 CC HPO51101 Required THEORY 2 CC HPO51103 COMPARATIVE POLITICS 3 1 0 4 Required POLITICAL ECONOMY OF 3 1 0 4 3 CC HPO51105 Required DEVELOPMENT LANGUAGE- 3 1 0 4 Required FRENCH/SPANISH/ 4 CC HPO51107 SWEDISH/UKRAINIAN/ (RUSSIAN) 5 GE HEN51109 SOFT SKILLS 3 1 0 4 Required SUB TOTAL 20 SEMESTER II CONTACT SL. TYPE OF COURSE HOURS PER No. COURSE CODE TITLE OF THE COURSE WEEK REMARKS L T P C THEORIES AND THINKERS 3 1 0 4 Required 6 CC HPO51102 OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION DIPLOMACY AND FOREIGN 2 1 0 3 7 CC HPO51104 Required POLICY 8 CC HPO51106 INDIAN FOREIGN POLICY 2 1 0 3 Required 9 MDS HPO51708 DISSERTATION 3 1 0 4 Required LANGUAGE- 1 0 0 1 Required FRENCH/SPANISH/ 10 CC HPO51107 SWEDISH/UKRAINIAN/ (RUSSIAN) 11 INT HPO51610 SUMMER INTERNSHIP 1 Required 12 CC HENO51108 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 4 Required 3 20 SUB TOTAL SEMESTER III CONTACT SL. TYPE OF COURSE HOURS PER No. COURSE CODE TITLE OF THE COURSE WEEK REMARKS L T P C HPO52101 INTERNATIONAL LAW AND 3 1 0 4 13 CC Required INSTITUTIONS 14 CC HPO52103 POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY 2 1 0 3 Required ADMINISTRATIVE LAW AND 2 1 0 3 15 CC HPO52105 Required ETHICS DISCIPLINE SPECIFIC 2 1 0 3 16 DSE HPO52107 Required ELECTIVE 1 0 3 Required 17 CC HPO52109 PUBLIC POLICY : 2 THEORIES AND CONCERN 18 CC HPO52711 DISSERTATION 2 2 0 4 Required 19 SUB TOTAL 20 SEMESTER IV CONTACT SL. TYPE OF COURSE HOURS PER No. COURSE CODE TITLE OF THE COURSE WEEK REMARKS L T P C HPO52102 PRINCIPLES OF PUBLIC 3 1 0 4 20 CC Required ADMINISTRATION 21 CC HPO52104 STATE POLITICS IN INDIA 3 1 0 4 Required LEGISLATIVE PRACTICES 3 1 0 4 22 CC HPO52206 Required AND PROCEDURE 23 CC HPO52708 DISSERTATION 2 2 0 4 Required DISCIPLINE SPECIFIC 3 1 0 4 24 DSE HPO52110 Required ELECTIVE 25 INT HPO52612 SUMMER INTERNSHIP 4 Required 26 SUB TOTAL 24 4 TOTAL 84 (REQUIRED CREDIT) Discipline Specific Electives (DSE): Students are required to study FOUR elective Papers from the Major/ Hons discipline during semester III and IV. The lists of the electives are given below. Choose any Two in Semester-III Choose any Two in Semester-IV GOVERNANCE AND ETHICS HPO52107 SOCIAL SECURITY AND HPO52110 ADMINISTRATION PERSONNEL HPO52113 RURAL AND URBAN GOVERNANCE HPO52112 ADMINISTRATION DEVELOPMENT HPO52115 DISASTER AND RISK MANAGEMENT HPO52114 ADMINISTRATION ABBREVIATIONS ABBREVIATIONS AEC ABILITY ENHANCEMENT COURSE CC CORE COURSE COC COMMON COURSE DSE DISCIPLINE SPECIFIC ELECTIVE INT INTERNSHIP MDS MASTER DISSERTATION SYLLABUS POST GRADUATE 5 MA IN POLITICAL SCIENCE (WITH SPECIALIZATION INPUBLIC ADMINISTRATION) SEMESTER 1 PAPER I Name of Subject: CONTEMPORARY POLITICAL THEORY Subject Code: HPO51101 Credit: 4 L-T-P 3-1-0 The paper aims to acquaint the students of Political Science and Public Administration, the knowledge on the theoretical aspects of the discipline .The theoretical background of Political Science as a discipline started its journey holding the hands of the Greek and the Roman political philosophers of the West and proceeded towards Machiavelli ,for the enrichment of the discipline Public Administration. In the East ,it was Kautilya ,took the initiative to discuss the concept . Since the students of Political Science are expected to be exposed to the age old philosophies of the Ancient and the Medieval era, the study of Political Science in the undergraduate level has covered the Philosophies of the time . The study at the Post graduate level has concentrated more on contemporary political theories so that the continuous journey to the arena of political ideologies that starts from Ancient period is covered systematically through stage-wise analysis of the discipline. I.Contemporary Marxist Political Theory :Gramci‟s idea of hegemony and Lenin and state revolution, II Contemporary Liberal and Neo- Liberal Theories: Liberal Democratic Theory : basic tenets of Classical Liberalism; Debates on Liberalism, Liberal and neo-liberal Theories: contributions of John Rawls and Robert Nozick. III Communitarianism: Communitarianism as a concept, Communitarianism as Critique of Liberalism, Liberal Response to communitarianism Liberal Communitarian debate. IV Multiculturalism. V. Feminist Vertical Theory VI Environmental Vertical Theory References Bhargava, R. & Acharya, A. (2008). Political Theory: An Introduction, Pearson Longman 6 Gauba, O.P. (2010). Political Ideas and Ideologies: Issues in Contemporary Political theory, MacMillan Publishers. Gauba, O.P. (2012). An Introduction to Political theory, Macmillan India. Heywood, A. (2015). Political ideologies-An Introduction, Palgrave Macmilan. Hoffman J. & Graham. P. (2006). Introduction to Political Theory, Pearson. Heywood, A. (2007). Politics, New York: Plagrave Macmillan. Johari, J.C. (2011). Comparative Politics, Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd. Varma, S.P. (2010). Modern Political Theory, Vikas publishing house Private Limited. Vinod, M.J. &Deshpande, M. (2013). Contemporary political theory, PHI Learning Private Limited PAPER II Name of Subject: COMPARATIVE POLITICS (M.A I SEMESTER) Subject Code: HPO52101 Credit: 4 L-T-P 3-1-0 The paper aims to enable the students to have grasp over the constitutional framework of different countries and their constitutional framework based on which , two broad categories of powers structure are maintained . Since the diversification in the working of the Government is important in determining the pattern of the state .The students of Political Science are expected to understand the same. The present paper concentrates on the different aspects of the Government and the methods adopted by different countries for determining the extent of authority of the Government of different countries. I.Introduction to Comparative Politics :Meaning , nature, scope. Traditional Approaches, Modern Approaches. II.Issues in Comparative Politics IIIComparing Political System: Political systems: structures & Functions, Constitutionalism, Development of constitutionalism: An historical process of the rise of constitution, Liberal and socialist concept of constitutionalism, constitutionalism in the developing countries IV.French and British Political System: The French Model, French Political Institutions, The British Model. 7 V.Comparing India & South Africa:British India, The rise of Hindutva, The Dalit question in India, Political System in India, The Apartheid Era, Democratic Transition in South Africa, The Black question in South Africa VI. Comparing Russia & China: Tzar to Lenin, Soviet Union and Cold War, The Constitution of Russian Federation, The birth of People‟s Republic of China, The Maoist Period, The Constitutional structure of China, The Communist Party of China References Almond, G. A., Bingham, G. D., Rusell, J., S., K. (2011). Comparative Politics Today-A World view, Dorling KindersleyPvt.Ltd. Bhagwan, V., Bhushan, V., Mohla, V. (2013). World Constitutions- A comparative Study, Sterling Publishers. Calvocoressi, P. (2010). World politics 1945-2000, Pearson Education, Ltd. & Dorling Kindersley Private Limited. Gauba, O.P. (2012). An Introduction to Political Theory, Macmillan India Johari, J.C., (2015). Comparative Politics, Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd. PAPER III NAME OF SUBJECT: POLITICAL ECONOMY OF DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT CODE: (HPO51105) Credits: 4 L-T-P 3-1-0 Course Objective: “To discover the various uses of things is the work of history. So is the establishment of socially recognised standards of measure for the quantities of these useful products... political economy, on the other hand, investigates the real relations of production in a society.” (Marx: Capital) However, since the dethronement of the labour theory of value by the marginalist revolution of neoclassical economics, the determination of value has been lost in relativist discussions of price, profit and utility. In this paper, the students are introduced to the classical school of political economy who could go beyond the apparent prices to get to the notion of congealed labour that determines the exchange value of a commodity. In that spirit, the theory of market mechanism, growth and policies are taken up here. Marx, on a complete different route, has tried to explain human creative activity through the social forms it takes in a specific stage of history of mankind. His contribution 8 lies in bringing out the real tendencies of social revolution to indicate the path for human development beyond capitalism. I. Introduction to political economy: Renaissance, rise of Western modernity, Enlightenment, humanism, individualism, liberalism, science and rationality, colonialism, imperialism, mercantilism, physiocracy; II. Classical Political Economy: The labour theory of value - Adam Smith, invisible hand, theory of growth, role of state, value theory; Ricardo – income distribution, theory of rent; classical dichotomy, the quantity theory of money, market mechanism, competition, investment led growth, logic of capital accumulation, economic growth, free trade as an engine of growth, theory of absolute advantage and comparative advantage, J.S. Mill, Neoclassical economics - the marginalist revolution, subjectivist theory of value III. Marxian Theory :A Critique of Political Economy: Idealism vs. materialism, dialectics as a method, capitalism as a social structure,
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