Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 1-19-2000 The BG News January 19, 2000 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News January 19, 2000" (2000). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6588. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/6588 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. WEATHER WEDNESDAY January 19, 2000 -~n*-» Cloudy WORLD NEWS 2 AV High, 28 OPINION 4 Low, 16 CAMPUS 7 The BG News SPORTS 8 www.bgnewi.com Volume 88. IMUC 6 A daily mdependem srudem jmess AIDS reaches epidemic levels in Africa E-shopping UNSecurity Council to discussprublemthisiveek offers IRENE SHARON SCOTT the AIDS epidemic in Africa. those infected with the disease had CHIEF REPORTER "I think it has already become an died. epidemic in the United States." said Burner also added that although utmost With the AIDS epidemic reach- Trisha Reed, sophomore undecided death rates are declining today. ing slanting proportions in Africa, major. "For me personally, it is not AIDS is still a prominent issue in the the United Nations Security Council necessarily a concern though United States. experience will make this topic a priority at because I am in a monogamous rela- "AIDS could be exchanged their meeting this week. through blood, break of the According to a Jan. 17 skin through a needle, "You can get Newsweek article, by the through a womb or crossing end of this year 10.4 mil- of surface membranes such anything you want lion African children under as the eyes, mouth and lines without even having the age of 15 will have lost of the uterus and the vagi- either their mothers or both na." Kaplan said. "It could to step outside." of their parents because of also be passed through Chris Maleckl blood transfusion, but this AIDS. This will leave 90 Sophomore journalism major percent of African children is rare in the United States as orphans. because transfusions are "There have been isolat- tested for infections." ed cases of AIDS since the There are expensive CRAK; GIFFORD 1950s," said Dr. Joshua medications available to STAFF WRITER Kaplan, director of Univer- control the AIDS virus and sity health services. "It prevent it from worsening. Many students living on campus appears that there is an epi- "Treatments don't dread Ihe hassle and time it takes to demic in Africa. Whether always work with every- do their weekly shopping, yet some AIDS originated from one." he said. students have found a speedy solu- overseas or the United Kaplan added that those tion. States is unknown." wilh AIDS die younger than Internet commerce, informally The disease spread in those with cancer or a heart called shopping online, is becoming Africa through "social disease. preferred among University students instability" such as prosti- Additional monetary who don't have a car on campus or tution, migrant workers and donations and other forms time for shopping. refugees. The superstition of substantial help might Students can purchase many that an HIV-infected men alleviate the crisis in Africa; things online, ranging from toiletries can be cured through sleep- however, health care in to sporting goods and memorabilia. ing with a virgin also con- According to Ling Hong tionship." Africa is unreliable. (spokesperson for Amazon.com), tributed to the spread of the disease. "One of the problems in Africa is ' rive years ago. the east African Brian Small, a freshman psychol- people shop online for the selection, country of Uganda had a big prob- ogy major, recognized the disease's thai medication from the west is too convenience, information and lower lem with AIDS. However, they were vast effects. expensive for Africa." Abo said. prices able to deal with it through going to "The AIDS epidemic is some- "They attempt to make a profit." "We do not have restricted shelf the public, so people can recognize thing we all should care about," he space, so we can have a huge selec- it." said Klevor Abo. a graduate said. "It is something that we will all tion, which we do. and if we don't, American culture studies student come in contact with in our lifetime "The AIDS epidemic we can just put it on order," Hong from Ghana. "Free and open public and we should help stop it." is something we all said. Associated Press Photo education was offered. It is some- From a religious perspective. Jes- Robert Ridenour, a sophomore times difficult for politicians and sica Held, sophomore early child- should care about. It computer major, agreed that the hood education major, said it is the AIDS — (Above) Nov Virak is helped to his feet by another home- officials in Africa to openly admit is something that we seleclion online is superior to that at United States' duty to help those in most stores. "You can find stuff eas- less person in a park in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The 30-year- (the problem)." Prominent victims of AIDS arc Africa. will all come in ier. All you have to do is hit search old former soldier is one of about a dozen homeless Cambodi- infants at birth and their mothers. "I believe that we are all God's contact with in our and you can get anything you want " ans living in a park next to the hilltop pagoda Wat Phnom, Iso- Some of the actions taken by the children, and that we should do what Many students also believe that lated from their communities since exhibiting symptoms of United States include bringing it to we can to help our fellow man. no lifetime and we buying online is more convenient. AIDS. the nation's attention through publi- malter whal the disiance." she said. should help stop it." "You can get anything you wanl cations and Bill Gates' philanthropic According to Betsy Burner, without even having to step out- (Right) Caroline Akinyi, 14 orphaned by AIDS, studies at her director of AIDS education at the Brian Small school in Kibera a slum in the Kenyan Capital Nairobi. Education foundation that donated $28 million side." said Chris Malecki. a sopho- to vaccine development and AIDS University, since 1981 iherc have Freshman psycbologt major more journalism major. is a cornerstone of a new U.S. effort to combat the spread of prevention. been 710.000 cases of AIDS. Out of Ridenour agreed. "All I have to AIDS in Africa. Students have mixed reactions to the number of cases, 59 percent of do is order and it comes to me and I just have to go to the front desk to pick it up." According to Hong. "You don't have to get up early in the morning just to beat the crowds." Candidates catch voters via web Another reason many people pre- fer online shopping is because it is SARA GRAZIANO can play a role in increasing would want to see a statement less costly. STAFF WRITER their involvement." Peake said. of a person's position on the "It saves me money, I don't have "Candidates won't take young issues," he said. to pay for mileage or gas." Ridenour Presidential candidates arc peoples' issues seriously until Betsy Barre, sophomore phi- always looking for new ways lo they start paying attention and losophy major, also likes to see said. get their message across and ihc voting." detailed contents. "I like it when However, despite online shop- Many students, however, candidates post portions of their Internet is helping them do this. ping's great popularity there are stu- According to Jeff Peake. don't even know ihat presiden- debates." associate professor of political tial candidates have websites, or Websites also offer ways to dents who think it has some nega- science, using ihc Internet as a they are unsure what these web- interact wilh the public through tive aspects campaign tool has many advan- sites have to offer. features like chat rooms and "It can be very addictive and take Websites can offer many Internet discussion lists, but tages for candidates and voiers. up a lot of time." said Lauren Dean. "When the media covers a resources to potential voters, some students said they would www.selectsmart.com/president story, they are looking for sound especially in presidential cam- prefer interaction with a live a sophomore early childhood educa- bytes." Peake said "This leads paigns. Most voters will never person. tion major. be able to meet the candidates in "I'd like to see mpre infor- to superficial coverage, and cov- "I don't buy online because you erage of mostly negative issues. person, but the websites can mation on how I can contact On websites though, candidates allow them to quickly receive campaign workers with ques- have to give your credit card number can posl whatever they warn. cuslomized information. tions," said Brian Wuebker. and I don't think it's very safe, even The senior MIS major. They though there are locked sites." said can pre- candi- The Internet is also changing sent dates' campaign fund-raising. Most Angela Rudolph, a sophomore early websites campaign websites allow voters childhood education major. list to make donations by filling out endorse- a form online. George W. However. Hong claimed that ments, Bush's campaign site includes a online shopping is "absolutely safe." hot searchable database of contribu- "We have a secure server soft- issues, tors.
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