Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1980-90 The iH lltop Digital Archive 11-17-1989 The iH lltop 11-17-1989 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_198090 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 11-17-1989" (1989). The Hilltop: 1980-90. 237. http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_198090/237 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1980-90 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • BLACK WOMEN _Presidentiaf nominee, students t9 meet . By JoAn Rochez tighl schedule of 50 minute sessions representing the School of Liberal Smith said a few of those changes Hilltop Staff Reporter through Monday. Arts-facutly will also be able to ask include a remission of tuition for sup­ According to Daniel Goodwin, questions of the candidates during a port staff, salary increases and other More students and faculty wil have president of HUSA, all st udents are separate faculty session to be held changes that would boost the stafrs the opportunity to voice 'I heir ques1 invited to attend their interview ses­ Monday. morale: tions to Howard's presi~ential can­ sion with Jenifer to be held between Barbara Smith, president of the 'We hope to let whoever is to didates when they visit the campus 2:00-2:50 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 20 Howard University Support Staff become president know that the sup­ during ,the upcon1i11g 'veeks. in the School of Bu siness Organization (HUSSO) said between port staff is the strategic arm of the During their visits, all the ' can­ Auditbrium. 20-25 members of that organization university. didates will meet with various facul­ i However, h said ~t udent s \viii not 'viii represent all of the support staff ty members, suppo.rt staff, alumni be able to dire tly asR their ques1ions in their meeting- with Jenifer on ''We want someone who will be in­ representatives and students. of Jenifer. Al the student council M_onday. strumental in retaining support staff. The first candidate to arrive will be presidents oft e various schools and H USSO was created in 1984 to ad­ We just want to be recogmized," Dr. Franklyn G. Je11ifcr, chancellor colleges will alSo be on hand and will dress the concerns of non-faculty Smith said. of the Ma ssachu~etts Board of pose all questions. 1 Students must members. subn1it their qliestions to their respec- Dr. H. Patrick Swygert, executive , Regents1 of Higher EdtLCa{ion , on Nov. l 9'-20. 1ive represent-ative, ,said Goodwin, ''The candiates can't really say vice president of Temple University, Jenifer will arrive Sunda)' after­ who \viii serve as moderator. everything they are going to do while will be on campus between Nov. noon and is scheduled to visit with According to political science pro­ the)''re on ca mpus," said Smith, the 26-28, and Interim Presiden ~ Dr . 1. • the vice-presidents, deans. faculty, fessor, Ron \Valt ers, men1ber of the'. ad1ninist rative assistant to the assis­ Carlton P. Alex.is will hold interviews support staff and student$ througfi a H O\l.'ard Universily Senate- t;u11 treasurer. letween Dec. 3-4. Va. ,Beach charges dropped against Stovell By Dora· Stewart case because of connict in testimony by police but the state contended that dinate the demonstration, called Hilltop Scaff Repor1€r abol1t events leading up to his arrest. hC purposely tested the formation Stovell a symbol of police brutality. Stove\l's supporters in the cot1 r~ and refused to leave as directed. ''We want heads to roll, " he said. ' VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. troon1 applauded the decisio11. Stovell added that he was happy The beachfrpnt city attracted na­ Charges were dropped \\1ed r1 esday Upon leaving the courthol1Se. his Case 'vas dismissed but that this tional attention wheri young blacks against Ho,vard University stUdent Stovell, 23, expressed his re lief. ''was typical of cases implemented by clashed with police and National ' Quinton Stovell, 'vho Was charged ''I felt co n1forted after hearing the tl1e state of Virginia to prosecute Guard troops. During the three days with violating a Virgi11ia Beach riot presentation fron1 the city, the judge black-Youth on fa lse measures." of unrest some businesses were looted • control ordit1ance during unrest had no alternative bt1110 dis1niss tl1e '' It \Vas a farce,'' said Stovell who or damaged. Labor Day weekend. case.'' was counseled by Bern-a.rd Holmes, More than 1,000 people were cited Pop star Vanessa Williams will be on honoree. Stovell, a junior n1echanical Stovell testified that he had just left legal adviser for the Virginia Beach or arrested during the annual celebra­ engi neering major fro1n Bermuda, a nearby restat1rant and did not kno''' NAAC-P. tion when students ·from was atres1ed Sept. 3 on charges of he'' as breaking any la\v by being on During court proceedings for predominately black colleges 1ra'vel ''remaining at the place of a riot or the st reel as he re1urned to his hotel. Sto,·e'll and 13 others arrested during annually to Virginia Beach for <t11d unlawful assembl)' after having been He '''as met by a formation of police the lholiday \vee kend, supporters end-Of-summer excursion. UGSA annual honors lawfully warned 10 dispcrs.e.'' to \vhon1 he sho,ved l1is J1otel keys i11 \VaiteO outside the building, marching Dr . Lenora Fulani, 1988 indepen­ \Vhile approximately JOO Howard an effort to prO\'e that he "'as e11 and carrying picke1 signs and chan­ dent presidential candidate, express­ studenls demo11strated outside the route to his hotel, he sai d. ting ''No justice, no peace." ed her int erest in the protest the courlhouse, District Court Judge St0-vell said he was beate11 and \Villian1 Simn1s, a senior majoring students had assembled. scheduled or Sunday John B. Presto11 disn1issed Stovell's dragged into the mi~dle of rhe street in politcial science who helped coor- see Stovell, page 7 By Andrea Morehead Hilltop Staff Reporter La. senator Six prominent and successful African-American women in fields ranging · from entertainment to speaks at politics will come together to be honored at Ho'ward University Sunday afternoon. Rankin Singer/ actress Vanessa ' Williams, businesswoman Rose By Paula White Harper Elder, politician Lottie H .· Hilltop Staff Reporter Shackelford, activist Marian Wright Edelman and educators C leo Fields, Lo usiana state Niara Sudarskasa and Dr. • Senator, insisted last Friday in Gwynette P . Lacy, will be Rankin Memorial Chapel that if recognized for their outstanding students motivated themselves, it was achievments in the ninth annual within their power to change the ''SaJute to Black Women' ' awards. world. dinner on Nov. 18 at I :30 p.m. in Fields, 20, is the youngest senator the Armour J . Blackburn Center, in United States history. He became West Ballroom. senator of Louisiana in 1987 wh ile The theme for the event is ''The still a student in Louisiana Southern Black Woman: Strength, Beauty, University Law School. Spirituality ... The Essence of Her Fields believes his victory in the Being ,.'..' election was greatly influenced by the ''Thr9ughout history, those vast number of college students who words have truly characterized the went to the polls. black woman's struggle, triumphs Despite discouragement from peo­ and victories," said Cornelius ple who did not believe he could win, Bates, UGSA administrative assis­ ..... .. Fields said that he was determined tant who helped select the theme. ,,, and sponsored vOter registration Antoinette Jackson, UGSA f(.. drives for students of the university. program director, said, ''These ''Young black people can do great wonien have made substantial and - things, ju!lt look at Martin Luther significant contributions in their King and Malcolm X ." Fields said, chosen fields and in society. They ''It's not your age; it's your at­ have made a conscious effort to pholo by ~tith '--:t•dbetttr titude.'' improve the African-American Fields has been touring across the corrimunity and serve as role Showdown country, speaking to black youths models for other black women." about self-esteem, politics , and Vanessa Williams will receive She was nominated in 1988 as economic development, in an attempt the award for excellence in the ''Best New Artist'' and ''Best at halftime to inspire them to make a difference. entertainment field. R&B Female Performer'' at the ''Self-esteem is crucial for reaching Grammy Awards. Ba111a,'s "Ydi v•H tWglJyln the Former Miss America 1984, • • Marching Bison's 1perfonnonce any goal in life," Fields said, Williams made her singing debht As an actress, she has starred in • •i;i;i•lll f.AMU's MmdWig 100 al._ ''Therefore, knowledge of African­ in 1988 with the number one the action-adventure ''Under the yf1MWag ._,. map clcia the splits American history is necessary." black, dance single, ''The Right Gun," and appeared in the 1987 .;.. ''It's hard being young and black Stuff," on her album having the film ''The Pick-Up Artist." .. ~'9 lmt 5ahodelrj• ..... "°".'" see Women, page 7 . ~ phOto b)' Streit• N. Cobbs same title. I ...... see Fields, page 7 • Low-cost Howard' holiday bus trips may 9ffer long, bumpy rides to nowhere • • By Paula \Vtlite bus company, advised that students not legally hold the bus company or liability insurance coverage 1·c university of any liability for injury,'' arise; .however, clubs often need the Hilltop Staff Reporter should know about the refund policy, the club responsible for delays due to passengers who are injured in an a1 said Belinda Lightfoot-Watkins, money upfront to secure the bus, ac­ liability in surance, and ge neral bad weather, traffic or mechanfcal cident on buses during interstat director of student activities.
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