Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report of Reliance Meghnaghat 750 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant Project Number: 50253-001 October 2017 BAN: Reliance Bangladesh LNG and Power Limited Prepared by Adroit Environment Consultants Ltd, Bangladesh The environmental and social impact assessment report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “Term of Use” section of this website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Meghnaghat 750 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant, Narayanganj, Bangladesh ESIA Report ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT October 2017 BAN: Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of Meghnaghat 750 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant, Narayanganj, Bangladesh by Reliance Bangladesh LNG and Power Limited A Study Conducted by Adroit Environment Consultants Ltd, Bangladesh Page | i Meghnaghat 750 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant, Narayanganj, Bangladesh ESIA Report CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (As of 05 April 2017@ OANDA.COM) Currency unit – Bangladeshi taka (BDT) $1.00 = 79.1220 Page | ii Meghnaghat 750 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant, Narayanganj, Bangladesh ESIA Report ABBREVIATIONS AAQS - Ambient Air Quality Standards AAQM - Ambient Air Quality Monitoring ADB - Asian Development Bank AECL - Adroit Environment Consultants Ltd AGI - Above Ground Installation AGP - Advanced Gas Path AoI - Area of Influence APM - Architecture & Project Management ASTM - American Society for Testing of Material BBS - Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics BCSIR - Bangladesh Council 0f Scientific and Industrial Research BDT - Bangladeshi Taka BMD - Bangladesh Meteorological Department BNAAQS - Bangladesh National Ambient Air Quality Standard BNBC - Bangladesh National Building Code BOD - Biochemical Oxygen Demand BPDB - Bangladesh Power Development Board BRTA - Bangladesh Road Transport Authority BUET - Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology BWDB - Bangladesh Water Development Board CAMS - Continuous Air Monitoring Station CCCW - Closed Cycle Cooling Water CCPP - Combined Cycle Power Plant CD - Conservation Dependent CMB - Chemical Mass Balance CMSWMF - Common Municipal Solid Waste Management Facility CO - Carbon Monoxide CO2 - Carbon-Di-Oxide COD - Chemical Oxygen Demand CR - Critically Endangered CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility CTG - Combined Turbine Generator Page | iii Meghnaghat 750 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant, Narayanganj, Bangladesh ESIA Report dB (A) - A-weighted Decibel DEPC - Department of Environmental pollution Control DEM - Digital Elevation Model DIFE - Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments DLN - Dry Low NOx DM plant - Demineralization Plant DMC - District Management Committee DO - Dissolve Oxygen DOE - Department of Environment DPHE - Directorate of Public Health Engineering ECA95 `- Environment Conservation Act, 1995 EA - Environmental Assessment ECO - Emergency Control Organisation ECC - Emergency Control Centre ECR97 - Environment Conservation Rules 1997 ED - Energy Division EHS - Environment Health & Safety EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment EMP - Environmental Management Plan EMS - Environmental Management System EN - Endangered EPC - Engineering, Procurement, and Construction EQS - Environmental Quality Standards ESIA - Environmental Social Impact Assessment ESMP - Environmental and Social Management Plan ETP - Environmental Treatment Plant EWP - Elevated Work Platform FGD - Focused Group Discussions FRP - Fibre Reinforced Plastic FSRU - Floating Storage and Re-gasification Unit GDP - Gross Domestic Product GE - General Electric GoB - Government of Bangladesh GPS - Global Positioning System Page | iv Meghnaghat 750 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant, Narayanganj, Bangladesh ESIA Report GRC - Grievance Redress Committee GRM - Grievance Redress Mechanism GSB - Geological Survey of Bangladesh GTCL - Gas Transportation Company Limited GTG - Gas Turbine Generator HFO - Heavy Fuel Oil HFL - High Flood Level HFT - Himalayan Frontal Thrust HRSG - Heat Recovery Steam Generation IBAT - Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool IEE - Initial Environmental Examination IFC - International Finance Corporation IP - Intermediate Pressure IPD - Infrastructure Planning & Design ISO - Indian Standard Organisation IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature IPP - Independent Power Producers LC - Least Concern LILO - Loop In Loop Out LNG - Liquefied Natural Gas LNGT - Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal LP - Two-flow low pressure MBT - Main Boundary Thrust MCT - Main Central Thrust MoEF - Ministry of Environment and Forest MPN - Most Probable Number MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheet MSL - Mean Sea Level MW - Megawatt NABET - National Accrediation Board for Education & Training NCBI - National Center for Biotechnology Information NEAMP - National Environmental Management Action Plan NG - Natural Gas NGO - Non-Government Organization Page | v Meghnaghat 750 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant, Narayanganj, Bangladesh ESIA Report NOx - Oxides of Nitrogen NOC - No Objection Certificate NT - Near Threatened NTU - Nephelometric Turbidity Unit ODS - Ozone Depleting Substances O&M - Operation & Maintenance OPML - Orion Power Meghnaghat Ltd OSHA - Occupational Safety & Health Administration PCB - Poly-Chlorinated Biphenyls PCU - Passenger Car Unit PGCB - Power Grid Company of Bangladesh PLF - Plant Load Factor PM10 - Particulate Matter PM2.5 - Particulate Matter PMU - Project Implementation unit PPP - Public-Private Partnership PS - Performance Standard PSMP - Power Sector Master Plan PUC - Pollution Under Control PVC - Polyvinyl Chloride PWD - Public Works Datum QCI - Quality Council of India RBLPL - Reliance Bangladesh LNG and Power Limited REA - Rapid Environmental Assessment RID - Rail Infrastructure Division RIL - Reliance Infrastructure Limited RPL - Reliance Power Limited SCHM - Suggestion and Complaint Handling Mechanism SEI - Significant Environmental Impacts SO2 - Sulphur dioxide SMPCL - Summit Meghnaghat Power Company Limited SPL - Sound Pressure Level SPM - Suspended Particulate Matter SPS - Safeguard Policy Statement Page | vi Meghnaghat 750 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant, Narayanganj, Bangladesh ESIA Report STG - Steam Turbine Generator TDS - Total Dissolve Solid TOC - Total Organic Carbon TOR - Terms of Reference TPS - Thermal Power Station TRB - Transportation, Roads & Bridges TSS - Total Suspended Solid UGI - Underground Installation UNCED - United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme USEPA - United States Environmental Protection Act VSPL - Voyants Solutions Pvt. Ltd. VU - Vulnerable Category WB - World Bank WHO - World Health Organization WSD - Water Sanitation Department WWTP - Waste Water Treatment Plant Page | vii Meghnaghat 750 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant, Narayanganj, Bangladesh ESIA Report NOTES (i) The fiscal year (FY) 2017-18 of the Government of Bangladesh ends on June 30, 2017. (ii) In this report, "$" refers to US dollars. This environmental and social impact assessment is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section on ADB’s website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Page | viii Meghnaghat 750 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant, Narayanganj, Bangladesh ESIA Report Table of Contents 0. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................... 1 0.1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 1 0.2. THE PROJECT ....................................................................................................... 2 0.3. THE PROJECT PROPONENT ................................................................................ 3 0.4. CONSULTANT ....................................................................................................... 3 0.5. POLICY AND LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS ............................................................. 3 0.6. ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES ............................................................................. 4 0.7. BASELINE ENVIRONMENT ................................................................................... 5 0.7.1 Ambient Air Quality .......................................................................................... 5 0.7.2 Noise ............................................................................................................... 5 0.7.3 Water Environment .......................................................................................... 5 0.7.4 Ecology & Biodiversity ..................................................................................... 6 0.7.5 Climate ...........................................................................................................
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