the 6:53 Amtrak/OhioDO T Evaluate Potential For 11 Cleveland-Columbus-Cincinnati Service 11 AR~ ~~ Official Publication of the OHIO AffiOCI~ION OF RLIILR01D PAffiENGERS f"' / .:::t CO<o!'I'-(V)C:Olf)<o!' •(}) Lf)t-(V)t-<o!'O rl\.0\.0lf) Q'\C:Olf)Ot-\.0 \.0 ("') N Orl Amtrak F40PH #279 departs downtown Columbus with the 00 \.0 \.0 0 0 Lf) \.0 N •P:: COOt-Lf)(V)(V) CQ(V)Lf)t­ Lf)O'\t-rl<o!'O 0 co 0 Lf) L() COVER PHOTO: O"l CO<o!'Lf)Orl<o!'rl ·::::> CO L') 0'\ Lf) \.0 rl rlO'\Lf)t­ 0'\0(V)rlO'\--r O(V)N Lf) L') 3-C Corridor Inspection Train on Wednesday, September rl 0'\0lf)rlNON •0 Lf)Lf)NNrlN NO'\Lf)(V) t-(V)\.Ot-rlr- N<o!'\.0 rlrl I I I I I I I •::C I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 19th, shortly after 1:00pm. The train, carrying Amtrak, Conrail and L N rl 1'- CO \.0 rl 0'\ <o!'t-Lf)\.00'\N rl<o!'Lf)\.0 rl<o!'CO<o!'0'\0'\ Lf)O'\CO \.0\.0 OhioDOT officials (including State Transportation Director Warren J. (]) ,__ \.0 \.0 ,__ \.0 \.0 "' •1'4 (V)\.O<o!'Lf)\.OCO 0'\NNN Lf)<o!'\.00'\0'10'\ (V)\.Olf) <o!' <o!' _Q (V)<o!'CO<o!'t-<o!'N 'H NC:Olf)COO'\N \.ON\.Olf) CO<o!'CON(V)(V) N ("') CO Lf)Lf) Smith) is enroute to Springfield, Dayton, Middletown and Cincinnati on E I I I I I I I •a:l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (]) ("') ("') \.0 \.0 ("') ("') ("') the Conrail mainline. The Inspection Train spent three days in Ohio ·.::: \.D\.D\.D\.0\.D\.0 "'cr.. m 0"\ MMMMMM <o!' <o!' <o!' NN > rlrlrlrlrlrlrl 1'4Z rlrlrlrlrlrl rlrirlrl rlrlrlrlrlrl rlrlrl 00 looking at routes linking Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati. 0 Lf)Lf)NNLf)Lf)Lf) NNNNNN --r--r--r--r Lf)Lf)Lf)Lf)Lf)Lf) \.0 \.0 \.0 NN z E-<0 ;:;i~ THIS PHOTO IS FEATURED ON OARP's 1985 CALENDAR, NOW AVAILABLE. Thanks 1'41'4 (j) Ul QP:: Lf) U'd to OARP member JOHN T. McCANN for this photo illustrating the downtown­ H <o!' rl ·.-i ~ to-downtown convenience of modern intercity passenger train service. 0'\ (}) E-< co r"l 0 'H (j) <o!' z.::: <o!'<o!' ("') 0 ("') 'H~ Lf) <o!'N 0 <o!'O(V) 0 rl Lf) '<!' OQJ co Lf)O U(J) <o!'Olf) Lf)t- o Lf) ~QJ ("') co --r--r P:: o --ro oco --rlf) (V)<o!' (J) :3 Long-Time Goal of OARP Lf) 0 Lf) 1'41'4 N ~<o!''<l' CO'<I't- Lf)'<!' 0 H <o!' r­ ~'<!' a:l::C (V)'<)'(j) '<!' Lf)'<!'O C:Orl 0'\Lf)rQ nJ <.oil '<1' 0 E-< r-rl'<l' H n:l '<!' 0'\ rllf) ~Olf)rl ;3 Could Be Realized in 1985... With Help nJ '<!' +l ~ 1'40 ri(V)'<I' Hrl ~ :>,--r N'<l' 0'<1''<1' (J) n:l • Ul ·.-i rl 0 (}) 0'<1' nJ ::1·.-i n:l~'<l' Lf) +Jlf) ·.-i rl 1'4 t:Y> ~ biggest and most positive news for rail passenger ad­ ~ rl+l .:::...:l '<l''<~'rcl:S:.Qn:l ~Ul '<I'.Qrl'<l'rcl'H (J) ·~ The Q) 0 0::>-. 1'4...:l --r H n:lH ·.-i::lrcl n:l·.-i rlt:Y> (V)Q (J)·.-i vocates in Ohio is that it appears that we, at long last, >:: +l'<~'Hn:l ....:J.::: ~n:l •+lO ...:lrclrl ·.-iH~~(J)~ rl ~ (V)~rlHQ P<U n:lOH ·..C::...:l ~(J) +JOn:lO·.-i·.-i N • •(J) have a very good chance at rail passenger service serving •UlrlnJ(V)nJ (J)H·.-ii'4Ul o •n:l·.-i n:l ::C+l'HH (V)(J)--r •:> ri:>,(V)Ulf)U • H~t!l •.::: • rl(J)(J)'H ~+l :>,t:Y>P., '<!';:leo (J)(J) Ohio's 3-C Corridor, possibly by the Fall of 1985! Amtrak r-n:l'<!' '<!' • (j).::: (}) (j) \.0;:1 Ul ~~ ·nJ~(j) ~\.0 :> (V)rQ'<!'- +ln:l a:l - ·:> ("')~ -~ ·.-i::lrclr::l·.-i UJ(J)Lf) .:::>£~ and OhioDOT/RAIL officials, along with railroad officials, ~ •(J)UJ+J •(J) • •·.-i '<~'(J)rcln:l UOH H • ::1:>--r Z (/) ~(J)~8:;rl(J)(J) •rcl;:l(J)8:;H ;>n:l;:;:: ~;:;::n:l •P.,(J) ..0-::: :>,H spent three days in Septenber inspecting liues ir, the 3-C 0:::: Q(j)Q •rl:S: (J)n:l~:> Q o.:::o ·.-i :>OJ(}):> ~ +l QJ...:l that this inspection trip is one W a:l:S:HZ·.-i :>, " :>OOJ·.-i(J) rcl P:: • U •QJ;:l ·.-i ::1~::1 UJE-< Cu:cTidor. OARP understands (.9 ~ :> •+l (}) ·.-iP::?Ht:Y>:3 (J)rcl (J) rclrl~ •H rlrlO HO of the best ever made by Amtrak! That's a good indication Z ·~.::: •H\.0·.-i Z H .=::r=lro(J) rlHOJ::l •n:l::lQJrclQ 00-+.J (J)::C WOP.. QJn:llf)U 0 r::lrcl ·.-i·.-i On:l+l~ QJOO:>n:l OUt!(}) C"J for Ohio. Th B. l B d f h S f 0' . (/) •0 •:>rcJ(V)I (}) QUJ+JP:::> E-<;3n:lQJ :>P::a:l.:::OQJH ~ (}) e rennra u get or t e tate o tliO rs to (/) !l<O'd·.-i (J) '1J p:: ~ 0·.-i ~ rQ t:J>:> ·.-i P::+l::C •·.-i • ;38:; .I <( ••n:lHU~·.-i 1'4 ·.-i:3HO •::>-. •oro.=:: HUlUJQJ +JOQJ...:lQJ QJ>£1 include $10.3 million for passenger rail! That's part of ji 0.... •Lf)Ot:l o;:;:: P< rlHH~(J)QJ 'dOrl QUJn:lUJn:lQJ ::1 +l ZZ the Ohio DepartQent of Transportation's budget for 1985- (J)IP:: •a:l ~QJO~ rl 08:0~ QJ~Orl~Z~+l;:l H i; II ~ H~ 'drcl • E-< ~;>;:;::QJrlrl 0 0 rclHOHrl·.-iP::QJUJO r-H 1986. This amount would include funds for both operations <( ·.-in:l'dOn:l •("') U n:lO QJL!)nJ ;3rl •+l O:>:::..C::rl·.-iH1'4:>0JP:: rl.::: Cl ..C::00000 .::: H Lf)HCO:> ~NI'4rl 0 E-<OJ:>mE-<.:::8: --rP:: and for acquisition of equipment. Early in December the 0:::: UJ00;3P:: ·~ E-< li<O'\Ot!)Lf) HI'- ·.-i ;3'<1' ;:;:: ;:;::(}) H _J Celeste Administration will finalize its Biennial Budget rl .. :3 ..C:: P< 0 Z 0 co rl N 0 <U '<~' ..C:: 0 :>,co t!l o .=:: QJ Lf) n:l .. P< ~-.-iO'\HUl~ a:l 0HN'<I' rl •OH!l< •Lf)UHOCOit-Lf)CO>£!rlO+l HP:: and present it to the elected Legislators of the ll6th Gen­ <I: :s: OJ.=::m- u::c"' -co •0'\::C '"' ::CC"Jrl\.00'\ (V)::CnJN(J) o.=:: 0:::: ·:> QJ~ • Orl •·.-iO'\H(V)Qlf)Hrl0'\0 Lf)'<!' •\.OE-<0 +JZ eral Assembly for passage prior to July lst of 1985. rl~Qlf)0~;3 H t:J">ri(V)C) N(J) Lf) '<~' •(V)rlrirl::J •--r u~ 4- Lf)Q rl <UOHH.:::Z ·~rl •Zlf) • ZrlH rl Q(V)HN (J) (continued ... next page ... ) 0 r-+JO'\CO(V)Url (J) QJUP:: ~-.-i QJ • •QJP::N -~ •P:: QJ • •<U •(})("') (J)(V) H rl :>,CO(V)Lf) tJ H ~'H 01'4 O'd H ~ ~ :>1'4 H 0 ::>-.1'4 -~ ~'H..C:: Ul N ~ ·.-i Z <U'<I' \.0::;::0~·.-i...:lE-<UJH<UOOOE-< •QJ+li-IE-<Hi-IOrlUJH<..!l(V)+J • 0 Cl •0 •rl <UUJ (})~1\lUUJUJI-i(J)S:::rlP..Ii<(J)QJn:lUJOI-IQJ H:>-. ~ H •H •'drlrlP::.:::QJ::CU'd·.-ia:l1'40rl~ 1'4.Qt!lrl:S:n:lrcl...:l •n:l(J) \.0 A REMINDER TO MEMBERS I- ~ - E-< Q) P< ;:1 ::::> 1'4 :> ·.-i ::l..C:: 8: 'd (j) Q) • 8: Q) ·.-i ;:;:: ~.::: ~ t:Y>rl <( (j) t:Y> (j) TAKE AMTRAK FROM 'H·.-i~UlH H P<O::CQJ'dU::CU ·::C~:>::::>:::.:::::c;s: •8: • ::ltl::n:l~rl ~ t Starting January lst, ~ ·.-i ·.-iUJ(J)~'H~ :><E-<+li-1 +lli<E-<H E-< 0 1'4 •n:lE-<..C::·.-iO 0 U Ul(J)'dn:l~..C::~n:l~ P::(J)n:l •t:Y>::l P::(J) • •'d::JQJ • a:l(J)ZP.,(J)U ·.-i 1985, OARP's DUES Cl rl~l-lrl~On:li-101'40 :30::l::C..C::O::C::C...:lHO~'d:>:::+l 1'4::J::C t:Y> JANUARY To DECEMBER. STRUCTURE CHANGES: (/) ::lOn:lt!ln:lC"J;:;::rz..E-<P::ZUJO 0 P.,Z nJ(})·.-irl 1-i'dUJU t:Y> QJ Amtrak's 1985 (/) P<..C::::C rl .::: QJ::C~Qrl(J) rl~~..c:: ;:;::n:l~QJ-.-i(J) rcl~-.-i P:: & a . }JOF <( P< •P< ~ ..C:: rlUl rl..C::..C::U ~..C::.Q:>~ nJ(J)n:l ("') calendar, pictured A NEJJ MEMBERSHIP will • 'dU (}) n:l •0 •·.-iO ·.-iOO·.-i •OOrln:ln:l HrlH P-<0 here, is now available. P::rni-1 OJ(j)(J)(J)P::P:: C"JC"JC"Jt!la:l'"J a:l'"JC"JP:: :S:P::C"J.=::r=lC"J a:1-:::u P::o be a minimum of $10. o This year's calendar -1< ~ UJn:l~~I'4P::1'400 -~< .=::o for your first year's :I: UJQJ;3n:l·.-iUHUE-<E-<= E-< : = = ZN features another Cl n:l~O-.-itJH.:::HH.:::\.0 ::::> 0'\ ("') '<I' beautiful painting by membership in OARP.
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