■■ *y : r : p l ' p ■■V-y -'PP'- i- > '•■■ pm ■P ■ n e t p r e s s b t j n ir*". AVEBAOE DAILP CIBODIiATlON OOTT^^atelibrary-^om p. ^ Ctoforidy tahf^l for ttie Month of April, 1980 {•CTMMinC ifcbvenP M d ■ ■ 5,527 5 ® M em ben ot the Anilt Bmreen et ClrouletioM _________ IWENTY PAGES P R IC E T 1 SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., FRmAY,:MAY 23. 1030. (Classified Advertisiiic on Page 18) VOL. XUV., NO. 200. -h6 BEETLEPLAGUE As President H oover R evi^ ^ N a tion ’s/Bighting fleet VISITS GERMANY W E Y S ^ — I ■ m Schools Closed So Children Can- $10,0110 TOWAKDS Help K ill Pests— ^Insects] Even Invading Homes. j ’■ -■‘..V ''' THEHOTAI Hanover, German, May 23.— (AP)—An Egyptian grasshop­ per plague is paralleled here Rio ^ehro is Objed of Ger- by a May beetle invasion which IN ^ So Says Anti-Salobn t e a s ^ Fund Gels K f Boost Todayi 'is raging in many parts of u ^ tKrig^ Before Ite ^ : f a l s e FIRE ALARMS Schleswig-Holstein, northern Hanover. N ew ■york^ M ay 2S -^ (A P ) Head; Also Dodares M ^ Total Readies $28,002.- Swarms of beetles are des­ Start Northward for- the Thomas Bro^y was neither a cending upon the fields, in the saUor nor a maU carrier, so he 10— Four Days of Drive streets and even invading could hardly go rowing to the Ion Went as Far a s P r«fr homes. The situation has naade United States. Central parK lagoon • or. taKe^ a suspension of school sessions long walK in t#e country 6n his necessary, toe children helpmg day off. dent Hoover Wanted H ^ le ft to Reach Quota- Pernambuco, Brazil, May: 23 : : Instead Brophy is a fireman their parents fight toe bugs. and when the time hung heavy The younger generation is (AP)—The Graf Zeppelin today WM The Manchester Memorial hospital moored to" a squat red and whi^e on his hands early today he To & ) in h o M b i ^ ..-5^ having *a great time scooping went about turning in fa ^ campaign which has been under toe May beetles into sacKs, mast here after its , first, transi alarms. He tiirhed in three be­ ters-^ s Testmony. way officially since last Sunday and barrels and tubs. Boiling water equatorial flight and its sixth toMS- fore the police caught up with is the method of extermination. has been gradually climbing toward Atlantic crossing. , him. The mixture then is fed to pigs Tonight after the tropical sun was US g<S? £d a vary ■«- Now he is in custody. on 'W ashington, M ay 23-—(A P )— ’^ e crease through the contribution of and chicKens which seem to qpt the airsifip’s master, Dr.^Hugn charges of malicious mischief conviction that prohibition was 'te- Cheney Brothers this monung to relish toe diet. Bcimer will start It southward on and faces dismissal from the fire toe amount of $10,000, and gener^ Sie toird lap of its 1^000 iniles jo ^ - dei>artment. ing enfbrced more effectively Sairm an, A rthur Knofla and bis ney from Friedrichshafen to Rio d^^s that under toe Coolidge admin­ istration was expressed to . toe Executive Committee express coi^- Janeiro. , over dence that the businessmen, firms The Graf Zeppelin arrived ate lobby committee today by r . ATTEMPTS TO KILL Campo Giquia, the landing field here Scott McBride. ^ come forward to the amount of $8, a t 6:30 p. m- (A:30 p. m. T.) Concluding sevMi days of tesp?- 000 more to maKe the campaign a Jv^t 6X hours from toe mony, the Anti-Salo<m BRITISH OFflCIAL cled La Tablada airdonm ^ c e at perintendent was confronted w lto A complete success. Sure of Success I Seville. Spain, and started south- ONINSTAMFORD letter he wrote last January whl^- The executive committee made a I eastward across the Atlantic toward said he wasf convinced a com plwt v e ^ c a S abacK-up at campa.^ i.- ■wion-'u In full battle array executed mimic, war maneuvers off the against President Hoover And S »- ^*Ss ^nineteen passengers retary Mellon was wrong^ , TaSquartara tMa “ u fiS “ t Prime Minister of Malta Shot members of the Board of Tn^tees of 42. disembarKed, happy at bemg "There was a time when I hs« something of toe same fe e ^ ,”^ Ae as well as the 125 campaign worK A g y CKTlesHusKes. once more on terra Anna. Four Foond Guilty and Ded^ ers will account for toe balance of At Three Times But Un­ p S r ™ " Eidseper’s Message wrote. ’’But on thorough invest^- toe campaign with the Jeteri^a- Dr. EcKener gave a message to tion I have reached toe conclusKKi the Brazilian press: . ^ Sion R e s e n e f Until Rest toat Mellon has gone just as far on tion of doing their part tq our prohibition enforcement as bis local hospital in a position to prop hurt— Church Trouble. “I salute the great Brazihau peo­ erly and efficiently carry on ite PRICE W AR IS ON ple and wish for them P f«» “ J periors wanted him to go and-w orosneritv—Vbich is my hope also Are Tried. not believe he is now standing . i ^ CT?at worK as it should d 'lri^ HIGH NAVAL OFFICERS way of effective prohibition ehforps^ Although the time is growmg Valetta, Malta, May 23.— (AP) — Fo^Te people of the two American Sntinents. I hope that this gl^ o’f short, leaving less than An attempt was made today to as­ AMONG PUBLISHERS more to complete the ^orK of toe flight for my Stamford, May 23.— (AP.)—^Trial *°The dry worKer Informed Srfi- Hospital Campaign, Arthur Knotty sassinate Lord StricKland of j RAP LONDON TR EAH celved by you as a solemn d^on of 12 men and one- woman arrested tor Caraway he yet beliei^ hW- lon “went just as far as those W*' genCTal chairman said this morning Sizergh, prime minister of toe Mal­ S o n V the frater^ty here in the attempted Communistic S t toe enthusiasm of the organi­ Germany and the two sociated with him wanted him to tese government. He was fired at celebration on May 1 was .sta^d zation and worKers has not lessened Popular Novels to Be Sold at It originally point blanK range but was not before Judge rennel, in S t^ ord Without mentioning names, the and in fact from toe evidence of toe on to Rio Janeiro, wbich_ is 1 ,^ hurt. Three shots were fired at Geaeral Board Says W e Need | MUST HAVE PROOF City Court today. A demurrer to toe ArKansas Senator inquired “Do snirit of toe worKers coming into him and all missed. miles distant, Se campaign headquarters d^y a^d $1 Each— Poor Business EcKener annpu^ced ^ chJtfge of Violating the d ty , mean his superior, the chief c*eott|^ A man named Miller was seized nance agadnst public speaKing with­ especially last evening, it seeM toe plan until evening, probably at 7 ^ tiv e ? ” on toe spot by the police charged More Eight Inch Cniisers; JO SEIZE BOTTLES m. (5 P. m. E, S. T.) so as to allow out a permit from toe mayor was McBride assented. ^ enthusiasm is increasing. with the shooting. entered in all toe cases and over­ He was followed on the stand by only the majors and team captains, Is Reason for Cut. time to replenj^ the supply of Further identification of the Edward B. Dunford, aati-Saloon hut the worKers themselves seem Others Say We Are Inferi droeen llfthig gas and water ballast, ruled. A plea of not guU^ was then prisoner awaited his examination. entoMd for all- toe charges against Leag;ue counsel, who testified its x# to display a feeling of /^*termin - The attempted assassination oc­ and in recognition of his P“ ®®“^®’^® New YorK, May 23.—(AP) — desire to see ^metoing of toe city. toe defendants. ^ ports to Congress on political: ex­ tion toat they are curred as StricKland, accompanied Dry Agents Must Be Certain Before the: court recessed for ^ penditures conformed with toe law. everything possible to put this $36, or in Our Snbmarines. Three Henry Fords of the booK Creates Sensation b y a TXilice superintendent, w as en­ The arrii^ of , toe Graf hour'at one o’clocK, Henry Scott, X- ^The committee adjmimed until 000 cM ^aign over toe top success­ business—youngsters, comparative­ tering the Court of Appeal to at­ ritore than a sensation here. Morris Fitch, both colored and next Tuesday. fully by next Monday night. tend a case wherein the prime min­ Paraphernaha is f or Home Washington,,May-23.—( ^ ) —The ly, in years and publishing ejsperi^ the first time a dirigitte M Philip Kanfman, all of Sti^ord - New Contest ister appears as the plaintiff and in ence-r—set bacK with quiet grins to" se^ lA these partsvT O ^ ^ ^ ^ Marry''YKrvia of New Haven lE ON STAN D A G A IN . The new Divisional contest wmch which the Nationalists are at­ high commarxd of toe Navy con­ opened on Thursday , mo^nfi^. hav- I day listening to comments and ^ oyer northeastern ______ „fim, M ay^—(AP)— Fi" tempting to invalidate all the laws tinued to pepper the Dondbh fibval Rrew. 1 arguments evoKed by their laqn<^i^ (Contoiabd irii B u e e .) Scott McBride informed toe Senate as an award for' toe ^ passed by the government. treaty with objections today as the Ihg^'to"’^'mMS '" piroductioh of or the event.
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