United States Patent 1191 1111 3,982,148 Kaplan et al. 1451 Sept. 21, 1976 [541 HEAT RADIATING COATING AND 3,819,971 6/1974 Kaplan et a1 ...................... .. 313/330 METHOD OF MANUFACTURE THEREOF 3,821,5813,869,634 6/19743/1975 HollandKonieczynski et al. et........ a1 ............ .. .. 313/330 [75] Inventors: Richard B. Kaplan, Hollywood; Sebastian Gonnella, Arleta; Walter FOREIGN PATENTS OR APPLlCATlONS M. Abrams, Van Nuys, ail of Calif. 947,998 8/1956 Germany .......................... .. 313/330 [73] Assignee: Ultramet, Pacoima, Calif. Primary Examiner—Sax?eld Chatmon, Jr. [22] Filed: May 7, 1975 Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Edwin A. Oser [21] Appl. No.: 570,281 [5 7 ] ABSTRACT A heat radiating coating of rhenium for a refractory [52] U.S. Cl ................................. .. 313/330; 313/40; core which may be used for a rotating X-ray anode, 313/41; 313/309; 313/351; 427/65; 427/160; power tube or the like. The coating is characterized by 313/55 a multiplicity of needle-like radiation-re?ecting ele [51] Int. Cl.2 ........................................ .. 1101.1 35/08 ments disposed adjacent to each other. The needles [58] Field of Search ......... .. 313/330, 309, 351, 336, have such steep angles that incoming radiation is sub 313/40, 41, 55; 427/35, 36, 65, 58,160 stantially absorbed thereby by repeated re?ection. Since the coating has a high radiation absorption coef [56] References Cited ?cient it has a corresponding high emissivity on the UNITED STATES PATENTS order, of 0.9 at elevated temperatures. A process is dis 2,071,696 2/1937 Jonas .................................. .. 313/40 closed for depositing such a heat radiating coating of 2,607,016 8/1952 Kennebeck .... .. 313/351 X rhenium by chemical vapor deposition. 3,174,043 3/1965 Dyke et al. .. 313/309 X 3,453,478 7/1969 Shoulders et a1, ............ .. 313/336 X 5 Claims, 4 Drawing Figures \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ US. Patent Sept. 21, 1976 3,982,148 3,982,148 1 pentachloride. The rhenium hexa?uoride reaction is HEAT RADIATING COATING AND METHOD OF carried out at 800°C and for the rhenium pentachloride MANUFACTURE THEREOF ' at about I000°C. However, none of these prior coatings have a really high emissivity, where the maximum pos BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 5 sible emissivity is 1.0 as in a perfect black body radia This invention relates generally to a heat radiating tor. In other words, the actual emissivity is less than one coating for a refractory core and a method of manufac third of the theoretical emissivity. ture thereof, and particularly relates to such a coating It is accordingly an object of the present invention to suitable, for example, for the rotating anode of an provide a coating consisting of rhenium for a refractory X‘ray tube, high power tubes and the like, and capable core which has superior heat radiating properties, that of withstanding the high vacuum and high temperatures is an emissivity on the order of 0.9. encountered in such environments. Another object of the present invention is to provide For many applications such as high power tubes‘and such a coating which consists of radiation re?ecting X-ray tubes, it is imperative to have a material capable needle-like elements which due to their steep angles of radiating heat with high efficiency-For example, in will re?ect radiation out of the coating to provide a an X-ray tube of the type having a rotating anode, the high degree of radiation and a correspondingly high electron beam bombards a track on the anode which in emissivity. turn radiates the X-rays. However, most of the incom A further object of the present invention is to provide ing energy is transformed into heat. Hence the ef?— a process of depositing such a heat radiating coating of ciency of the reradiation of heat from the anode deter 20 rhenium by the vapor deposition of the rhenium in the mines how often the tube can be pulsed or how much form of a halogenide of rhenium. energy can be applied thereto as a function of time. For example, for modern X-ray techniques rapid and SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION repetitive exposures are required to obtain'the desired A heat radiating coating for a refractory core in ac 25 results. This is particularly true of angiography or cine cordance with the present invention consists of a layer radiography. Similar considerations apply for high of rhenium having a thickness of no less than about 25 power tubes. microns. They layer further has a heat radiating emis In the past various materials capable of withstanding sivity on the order of 0.9 at a temperature on the order high temperatures have been used, for example, vfor the 30 of I000°C (Centigrade). The coating may cover all or anode or the anode coating of X-ray tubes. Generally, part of the refractory core. For example, it may be such materials as tungsten and rhenium or composites desired to provide a different material or coating for thereof have been proposed. These materials not only the focal track of a rotating X-ray anode. The coating are capable of withstanding high temperatures, but are ‘ further consists of a multiplicity of needle-like radia also good X-ray emitters due to their high atomic num- ‘ 35 tion-re?ecting elements disposedrgadjacent to each bers. ' other. The needle-like elements have such steep angles For example, the US. Pat. No. 3,649,355 to Hennig that incoming radiation is substantially absorbed describes a process for coating a refractory core for the purpose of providing a rotating X-ray anode. It is pro thereby by re?ection and accordingly the coating will ,posed that tungsten or tungsten alloys are deposited similarly reradiate heat coming from the core by a from a gaseous phase and such vapor deposition. to 40 reciprocal process. Due to its radiation absorbing char produce tungsten coatings is generally known. The acter the coating appears black to the naked eye while ‘refractory core may, for example, consist of graphite or nevertheless the needles re?ect radiation. When other suitable materials. viewed through a low powered microscope, the individ‘ The US. Pat. No. 2,863,083 to Schram also discloses ual needles appear as highly re?ecting surfaces. anodes for X-ray tubes. Speci?cally, it is proposed to 45 A process is also described for depositing such a heat make the anode either entirely of rhenium or to pro radiation coating of rhenium from a halogenide of rhe vide it with a coating of rhenium. One of the processes nium such as rhenium pentachloride or rhenium hexa recommended is the chemical vapor deposition of rhe ?uoride. - nium by decomposing a halogenide of rhenium such as The .novel features that are considered characteristic rhenium pentachloride at a temperature between 500 50 of this invention are set forth with particularity in the and 1500°C (centigrade) in vacuum. However, the appended claims. The invention itself, however, both as emissivity of such a coating disclosed by Schram is no to its organization and method of operation, as well as more than about 0.3. It is also proposed by Schram that additional objects and advantages thereof, will best be the non-focal surface be blackened by a known process understood from the following description when read not further speci?ed, apparently in an effort to increase 55 in‘connection with the accompanying drawing. the heat radiation properties of the coating. _ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING The anode may consist of a refractory core, for‘ex ample molybdenum or graphite. In some cases an inter FIG. 1 is a cross-sectional view of a rotatable anode mediate layer is provided between the outer rhenium of an X-ray tube embodying the coating of the present coating and the refractory core and the intermediate invention; . layer may, for example, consist of tungsten or the like. FIG. 2 is a schematic greatly enlarged view of two of Reference is also made to the prior US. Pat. to Kap the needle-like elements of the coating of the invention lan et al. No. 3,819,971. This patent dealswith a com showing the path of a light ray entering the structure; posite anode for X-ray tubes where the coating is re FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional view similar to that of FIG. tained to the core by means of scoring the surface of 65 I but with the coating omitted at the focal track of the the core or similar means. This patent also discloses a anode; and process for the chemical vapor deposition of rhenium, FIG. 4 is a reproduction of a microphotograph of for example. from rhenium hexa?uoride or rhenium 2000 X enlargement of the coating of the present in 3,982,148 vention illustrating the needle-like elements above re re?ect radiation and appears as highly re?ective tiny ferred to. ~ mirrors. I V _ Because, of thcneedle-like structure required the DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED coating 12 should have a thickness no less than about EMBODIMENTS 25 microns so that the'needles can form the proper Referring now to FIG. 1 there is illustrated a conven aspect ratioaln general, it is desired to have as thin a tional anode for a rotating anode of an X-ray tube coating as possible because rhenium‘is an expensive provided with the coating of the invention. Thus, the metal. Actually, the coating may be as thick as 250 anode includes a refractory core' l0having a_ central microns. For example, the patent to Schram above aperture 11 through which may pass a rod and a screw, referred to suggests a coating of a thickness of 10 mi the rod being connected to a motor for rotating the crons which isnot thick enough to permit the needle anode.
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