THE CHRONICLE MONDAY, JANUARY 29, 1990 © DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA CIRCULATION: 15,000 VOL. 85, NO. 87 'Great' Scott not enough to beat Duke Rape reported Davis, Hill spark Duke to come-from-behind 88-86 triumph near hospital By MARK JAFFE From staff reports Sophomore Brian Davis and freshman A woman was beaten and raped near Thomas Hill spurred eighth-ranked Duke a parking garage across the street from to an exhilarating come-from-behind 88- Duke Hospital North on her way home 86 victory over 13th-ranked Georgia Tech from a local bar Friday night, accord­ Sunday afternoon at Cameron Indoor Sta­ ing to Duke Public Safety. dium. Georgia Tech's Dennis Scott led all On Saturday, Public Safety had a scorers with 36. suspect in custody for questioning, said "I hate to be redundant, but it was an Public Safety Capt. Robert Dean. How­ unbelievable game," said Duke head ever Dean would not release the man's coach Mike Krzyzewski, who has guided name pending the woman's decision to the Blue Devils to a 16-3 record (6-1 in the file charges. Atlantic Coast Conference). "This was a The woman left "Your Place or great basketball game with unbelievable Mine," a bar located at the corner of competitors on the floor for both squads." Erwin Road and Douglas Road, and "It was incredible," said Georgia Tech began walking along Erwin Road to­ head coach Bobby Cremins. "I don't know ward her apartment late Friday eve­ if we can play any better . We played ning, Dean said. our hearts out. We just had some key The woman noticed someone follow­ turnovers at the wrong time." ing her as she approached the parking Indeed, nearly 40 minutes of exciting, garage, around the vicinity of Erwin fast-break basketball came down to one Road and Fulton Street. As she turned turnover. With less than 30 seconds left in to face the person behind her, she was the game and Duke leading, 88-86, Tech attacked, Dean said. freshman point guard Kenny Anderson passed up an open three-point shot. The man proceeded to strike the Instead, Anderson attempted to drive woman about the face several times through the Duke defense. The Blue Dev­ BOB KAPLAN /THE CHRONICLE and then raped her. During the assault ils surrounded Anderson as he lost control the woman began screaming in the Sophomore Brian Davis celebrates a late basket after he was fouled by Johnny See ASSAULT on page 5 • See HOOPS on page 1, Sportswrap • McNeil. He added the free throw to give Duke an 86-80 lead. East German voters will March jazz concert to feature Hampton go to the polls in March From staff reports jazz conservatory. The institute The Thelonious Monk Institute is affiliated with Duke Universi­ By CAROL WILLIAMS — will be submitted by of Jazz will hold its second an­ ty, North Carolina Central Uni­ Associated Press Wednesday to Parliament, nual gala benefit in Page Audito­ versity and the Smithsonian In­ EAST BERLIN — East Ger­ said Martin Ziegler, a Lu­ rium March 24. The gala will fea­ stitution. many's Communist-led gov­ theran Church official. ture jazz great Lionel Hampton The Institute's first gala event ernment and opposition forces The new leadership will in­ and honor the 60 years he has held in Durham last April raised agreed late Sunday to move clude one member from each given to the entertainment $110,000. the nation's first free elections of the nine opposition groups business. The Monk Institute also spon­ up to March 18 and to govern represented at weekly talks The benefit will include a con­ sored an introductory program at by coalition until then. with government, although cert featuring prominent jazz the University last year. The Communist Premier Hans the ministers will be named artists such as Carmen McRae program included such Modrow and the more than 40 without portfolio, Ziegler said. and internationally renowned celebrities as Clint Eastwood, opposition representatives an­ Wolfgang Schnur of the composer David Amram, as well Steve Allen and Thelonius Monk, nounced the new election date Democratic Awakening move­ as other artists to be announced Jr., as well as the University's — moving ahead by nearly ment said the Cabinet mem­ later. The 1989 Thelonious Monk Director of Jazz Studies Paul Jef­ two months the balloting that bers will decide later how to International Jazz Piano Com­ frey. had been planned for May 6. distribute ministerial respon­ petition winner Bill Cunliffe will The decisions were part of a sibilities. also perform. Cunliffe graduated Many celebrities serve on the "common responsibility to The planned Cabinet from the University in 1978. Institute's advisory board, in­ strengthen democracy in East changes follow an announce­ Proceeds from the gala will be cluding honorary chair Bill Cos­ Germany," Modrow said. ment three days ago that put toward the construction and by, Quincy Jones, Billy Dee Wil­ The agreement, which in­ Christian Democratic Union funding of the development of liams, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, SPECIAL TO THE CHRONICLE cludes the fourth restructur­ was pulling out its three min­ the Thelonious Monk Institute of Debbie Allen, Maria Gibbs and Jazz musician Lionel Hampton ing of Modrow's shaky coali­ isters. But following Sunday's Jazz, the world's first and only Michael Jackson. tion in as many months, ac­ agreement, the Union — one knowledged the need to of four traditionally Commu­ quickly seat a government nist-allied parties — was ex­ that has the trust and confi­ pected to take part in the new BoDeans come home to Page, again dence of the populace. leadership, Schnur said. A new Cabinet — the first Modrow also has been re­ From staff reports to include representatives peatedly challenged by the the University Union. with the album, "Love & Hope & from emerging reform groups See ELECTIONS on page 5 • Wisconsin rockers The Members of the Major Attrac­ Sex & Dreams." Since then they BoDeans will return to Page Au­ tions committee will give out 200 have toured with U2 and re­ ditorium Feb. 17. line numbers at noon on Feb. 5. corded with Robbie Robertson. The BoDeans are touring in The numbers will be given out­ They released the critically ac­ support of their 1989 album side the Bryan Center or on the claimed album "Outside Looking inside Weather "Home." The group previously middle level of the Bryan Center In" in 1987 and recorded the performed in Page in December in case of rain. 1989 followup "Home" in their Imani: Grad and undergrad Drip dry: Our Gothic Won­ 1987. There may also be off-campus hometown of Milwaukee. Duke students are giving derland may have a chance to Tickets for the show will be on ticket distribution sites, which This year the Major Attrac­ their time to help out black drain out tomorrow after sale at Page Box Office at 9 a.m. will be named at a later date. tions committee has also spon­ kids at Shepard Middle buckets of rain today. Look for Feb. 6. Ticket price is $12. There will also be an opening sored concerts by Bob Dylan, School. See page 4. Tuesday's highs in the 50's. The concert is sponsored by the act to be announced later. Fine Young Cannibals, The Cure Major Attractions committee of The BoDeans debuted in 1986 and Indigo Girls. PAGE 2 THE CHRONICLE MONDAY, JANUARY 29, 1990 World & National Newsfile Associated Press Quayle encourages Panamanians to rebuild Bush presents budget: Presi­ By RITA BEAMISH The Bush economic recovery package dent Bush on Sunday prepared to send Associated Press includes loan guarantees through the Ex­ Congress a $1.23 trillion 1991 spend­ PANAMA CITY, Panama — Vice Presi­ port-Import Bank and a variety of U.S. ing plan that his budget director said dent Dan Quayle on Sunday said the is­ emergency relief assistance to help Pan­ contains no general tax increase and sue of the U.S. military invasion of Pan­ ama pay its foreign debt, recover its econ­ which he predicted will be "criticized ama "is behind us" and that it is time to omy and help businesses and other vic­ unfairly" on Capitol Hill. focus on the future of the Central Ameri­ tims recover from the U.S. invasion and can nation. subsequent fighting. Quayle, who traveled here with details Quayle, the highest-ranking adminis­ Fighting Calms: Armenian and of President Bush's $1 billion economic tration official to visit Panama since the Azerbaijani fighters began withdraw­ aid package, called the use of U.S. mili­ Dec. 20 invasion that toppled Noriega, ing from a key battlefront on Sunday, tary force to oust Panamanian leader also carried assurances that more U.S. and the bitter enemies agreed to dis­ Manuel Antonio Noriega "a correct and troops soon would be withdrawn. The cuss extending the truce to other parts courageous" decision by Bush. Panamanian people, although supportive of the volatile region, activists repor­ of the military action, "want to see (the ted. The invasion "will not be of long-term consequence in a negative sense," Quayle U.S.) troops withdrawn as soon as possi­ said on ABC-TV's "This Week With David ble," said Quayle. Romanians protest: More than Brinkley." A senior official traveling with Quayle 15,000 people demanding the ouster of "Obviously there are concerns, but this told reporters that the U.S. force likely UPI PHOTO the provisional government crowded issue (of the invasion) is behind us. The will be cut from the current 17,000 to the Vice President Dan Quayle into Bucharest's Victory Square on question that we focus on is where do we pre-invasion 13,000 level within two on "and get back to a normal way of life." Sunday, the largest anti-government go from here and how can we collectively weeks.
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