-- vol. II. Friday, 1st OCTOBER, 1926 No. 9 Registered at the General Post O ffice, Brisbane, or tr ans mission by post as a Nt w spai:-e r 7••••••••••••n••••••· •••••••m•••••••••••••I •••••••••••••••••••• ···················••1••••••••••••••••••••• THE RADIOLUX AMPLION C(9'HE beauty and simplicity of design that distinguishes the ~gdiolu.)( c?t.mplion as apart from any other type of loud speaker, is only equalled by the pure, brilliant tone, and matchless harmony of its reproduction. ' And there is no otber loud speaker that gives such consistently good results without frequent adjustment as the 'RpdioluJ(. TS oie_.,-· 'Dist1ibut~rs · for -.::5\ ~stralasia ....... ill ~ : " KING &- KING Bt:JILDINGS, QUEEN STREET, BRISBANE ' <·- ,_ . ';_"- ______ ...... ___ ·-: Sole.; Agents Jor .9.ustralasia_,.,AMPLION [AUSTRALASIA] LTD., 56 MARGARET STREET, SYDNEY . -~'.:'."--- ··---. --------- "'&i[;i;.-;;ging D ir~~ ,,;~::,.WfLLI AKi' 'EiL6dcr ·-:::. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·· · ····················~··················•• 1 ••············· WHAT SPLITDORF has made possible lor you ! Musical tones-clear, pure, mellow! We a re t he Sole Q ueensland Speech-sharp, dis tinct, understand­ Distributors for this set and able ! st rongly recommend dealers to get in touch with us now ::i. bout Volume-when volume is desired. !.,_ Distance if that is your pleasure. L . Assuredly the best low-priced S And, beyond all the qualities of the Valve Set ever offered to the reception, is the absolute assurance public. of unfaltering, dependable, perform- ance-always. - '~hi s Five V alve, inherent ly neutra­ _,.Z7/J.O/· lised, _tuned radio frequency receiver Accessories Extra combmes ease of operation and handsome appearance ''with' the g reat est economy in first cost and maintenance. E ncased in an attra: ­ tive cabinet, with large t unin g- dials and_ richly 'finished metal panel it is an m strument to be proud of. SOLE QUEENSLAND DISTRIBUTORS HOME RADIO SERVICE Ltd,. Fri:Jay, 1st .October, 1926. Page One. THE QUEENSLAND RADIO NEWS. Low Loss! HY buy expensive In addition, Radion is easily W condensers and coils worked and is truly beautiful and then nullify their efficien­ in appearance. In cost, it is cy by mounting on an inferior more economical than any· high loss pane~? other material and will prove RADION is the foundation to be far more efficient in on which to build your set. every way, It is made expressly for radio Always insist upon genuine and fat' excels any other in­ Radion Panels and Parts sulating material in the four (dials, sockets, knobs, insula­ essential characteristics tors, etc.). Inferior material of wireless, namely: cannot possibly give you the same satisfactory results. 1-Low angle phase difference 2-Low dielectric constant The name Radion stamped 3-High resistivity on every piece is your assur­ 4-Low absorption of moif:tnre ance of complete satisfaction. Factory Representatives : International Radio Co., Ltd. Castlereagh St 91.92 Courtenay Pl. Sydney. Wellington, N.Z. The Supr~mfZJnsula1ion RAD .ON PANELS• DIALS .... SOCKETS• KNOBS 382 ~eensland 'Distributors- HO ME RADIO SERVICE LTD. Courier Buildings, Brisb3ne 'I'HE QUEENSLAND RADIO NEWS. Page Two.· Friday, 1st October, 1926. Crystal Clear III. Three-Valve Set, built of best com­ ponent parts to the latest long­ distance circuit. This set will bring­ in all A:ustralian stations, and gives splendid loud-speaker strength. in solid Maple Cabinet, complete with all Accessories (loud speaker ex­ tra). £14-10-0 per~eek . brings the Wonderlul _. Crystal Clear Badio into Your · Home! · Already hundreds of Queenslanders are availing themselves of tliis new and easy way to purchase a high-grade inexpensive radio set. ; Buy a worth_while three, four, or five valve set through this easy purchase plan. You'll never miss the few shillings weekly, and in a month or two you will have it paid off ! "Cry~tal Clear" Receivers have a wonderful reputation in Victoria; they are becoming 'immensely popular here, too. ,Write to-day for full particulars. Latest Circuits, Guaranteed Elliciency, Lowest Prices "CRYSTAL CLEAR, IV." (Typ.e B.H.). Four va0lve CRYSTAL SETS set 10£ tu ned anode or tuned radio frequency circuit, "CRYSTAL CLEAR" SLIDER, w ith polished ebonit e panel. Selective, and has good range. Will work w ith two stages of audio amplification . A keenly selec­ I several pairs of headphones. Supplied com plete with tive receiver. Supplied in polished wood cabine!t with all acces·sories ...... .. ... .. .. .. 32 / 6 all -accessories, including dry batteries. P rice, com "CRYSTAL CLEAR" JUNIO.R DE LUXE. A selective plete · · · · · · . · · · · · · · · · £ 14/ 10 / ~ I condenser-tuned crysta1 set, designed with a:erial coil and condenseir. Sloping bakelite panel, neat stained " CRYSTAL ·CLEAR, IV." (Type S.D.). A specially cabinet. Price, complete . 62 / 6 . designed four valve receiver, using regeneration. In Melbourne, this set tunes out 3L O an d brings in other VALVE SETS interstate stations on the loudspeaker. Price, com- "CRYSTAL CLEAR I-" A powedul little one valve plete . ' . • . · · · set. Will give good loudspeaker results from 4QG and £ 19 / 10 / - exce.llent phone strength on Southern Stations. Price, " CRYSTAL CLEAR" 5V NEU TRODYNE. This Neu­ complete with all accessories ...... £6 /} 0 / _ trodyne is one of the most popular models m"'de by "CRYSTAL CLEAR II." A w onderfully efficient cir­ "Crystal Clear." Simple to tune-no coils-wondedul cuit is employed on this two valve set.. Splendid loud­ clarity-extr eme selectivity. Has two stages1 of radio speaker results fro·m 4QG, •also from southern stations. frequency amplification, detector, and two stages of Price, c'omplete . £8 j 15 j _ audio. Price, com plete with all accessories (excepting "CRYSTAL CLEAR, III." (Illustrated and des·cribed speaker) . • . £33 j 10 j - above). Write to the Queensland Representatives for further information of Crystal Clear Receivers and our wonderful EASY TERMS : jl Crystal Clear Radio Ag~ncy ~ 194 Albert Street [opposite'&. & Q. 6.Buildiriq] Brisbane .~ d&f· 1st October, 1~~6. Page "i'hree_·~~===='r=H~· E~· ~u~~~5l_LA_·N_ · ~ ~Abi6 NE\\·~ ~:;;:;;;s? . SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24.-Albert Street Methodist Church Citizens' Band from Botanic Gardens; and Municipai 4QG Programmes for October Concert Band from Wickham Park. MONDAY, OCTOBER 25,-Savoy Orchestra. Silkstone DAY OCTOBER 1.-The Federal Band. Organ Recital ApolJo Club. · . J1Rl by Mrs. Hilda Woolmer, Dance Music from Crystal TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26.-The Metropolitan Band. Anglo Palace. Male Quartette. ruRDAY, OCTOBER 2.-Relaying of State Banquet from WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27.-Studio Concert. SA Parliament House. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28.-Sandgate Methodist Choir. NDAY, OCTOBER 3,-St. Andrew's .Chu_i:ch of Engla_nd, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29.-Digger Night. SU ::;outh Brisbane, Metropolitan Bi!.nd from Botanical SATURDAY, OCTOBER · 30.-Studio Concert. Gardens; and Brisbane Municipaf Cpncert Band from SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31.-St. John's Anglican Cathedral. Wickham Park. ·. • Band Concerts. - "ONDAY, OCTOBER 4.-Savoy <;>rchestra, Crystal Palace. T"'uESJJAY, OCTOBER 5;-Drawmg Room Entertainment from Lounge of Hotel Carlton. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6,-Federal Band and Savoy Or­ chestra. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7.-4QG Concert · Orchestra. RIDAY OCTOBER 8.-The Lyric Entertainers. ~ATURDAY, OCTOBER 9,-Mnsical Festival, relayed from Nambour. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10.-International Bible Student~ and Excelsior Band from Botanic Gardens; and Brisbane Municipal Concert Band from Wickham Park. MONDAY, OCTOBER II,-The Federal Band and Anglo Male Quartette Party. TUESDAY, October 12,-Blind Society Concert. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13,-Studio Concert. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14,-The Gaiety Orchestra and St. J oseph's Church Choir. FRIDAY, OCTOBER i 5.-A Nautical Night, HATS OFF TO 2FC! SATURDAY OCTOBER 16.-Relaymg of Nambour Rural First Australian Station to Succes.sfully Broadcast Scho~l Fete ; and Violin Concert from Studio of Luis from an Aeroplane. ·· Amadeo Pares. uNDAY OCTOBER 17.-All Saints' Church of England, On the afternoon of Sunday, September 5th, Station 2FC F~deral Band from Botanical Gardens; and Brisbane arranged a most unique entertainment from the clouds, Municipal Concert Band from ·Wickham Park. To carry out a continuous transmission from a plane travell­ ONDAY, OCTOBER 18.- Anglo Quartette Party a>id ing So to r oo 1niles per hour, covering a distance of roo m iles Crystal Palace, in one hour and ten m~utes, and r<la!Ohing an altitude of TUESDAY, O CTOBER 19,-4QG Concert Party. 10,000 feet is a feat that even the most sanguine one at 2FC :WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20,-The Misses Todd's Recital. did not hope for. HURsDAY, . OCTOBER 21,-Gaiety Orchestr'\ and Studio The cheery way in which the announcer, Mr. L aurence Hal­ Concert. 1 bert, kept the description moving along· was praiseworthy. To find one's self in such unfamiliar surroundings and to keep FRIDAY, OCOTBER 22.-The Federal Band and Savoy Or­ talking all the time is, in itself, quite a task that Mr. Hal­ chestra. bert acquitted himself splendidly, and kept the listeners en­ SATURDAY, OC'rOBER 23,-Studio Concert. tertained and amused all the while. ~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i, '<5hey '<5hey are.; Ii Give.; EVE &f[ade_, Long RADIO BATTERIES in_, Service.; SAF"ETV r 1 n.sT-UTILIT'f ALWAYS CAustralia The popularity of Ever-Ready Batteries is due to their dependable qualities. They are always fresh, and give maximum service. They are made in Australia of finest materials. Positive tappings are arranged to suit all required ~ RADIO voltages. ~ . s· BATTERY ..... ······ "Ever-Ready" Prices Hiii 011 - 1111(.() lc:·a11n11•)LOlllNcldllllY W.P. 40V ... 12/ 6 X.P. 40V (heavy ser.) 23/- """" .;.............. '"'" tt llfllh" ... 11111 lltllU llUU11f Ht lttlUttl If U Uth '' 1 11 111 W.P. 60V. 18/9 X.P. 60V. (heavy ser.) 34/ 6 SUPER 40V. (Extra Heavy Service) .... 30/- Ever-ready 'Wanda' Radio Batteries Plug Sold by all-Radio Stores The New Radio High Tension "B" Bat­ tery, fitted with a Wanda .Plug and 2- "Wholesale 'Distributors./"> Screw 'i'ermi.nals. Any size you need, EDISON SWAN ELECTRIC CO. LTD. but all of guarantee~ _good service.
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