expatsEEK! express kuwait! Kuwait’s first and only e-magazine for the Western minded expat NOVEMBER #3, 2011 Always wanted to write a book about your time in Kuwait? Someone just did! expats express kuwait! EEK! Free Subscription: [email protected] Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat Issue #3 11/2011 “thousands of brands rushing online without thinking...” “No, no, no my dear, EEK! is NOT “ONLINE” anything, it is simply “e”. Yanni, you can say it is “PRINTED MEDIA DELIVERED IN A DIGITAL FORMAT”. And so it goes, in so many of our marketing pitches we, EEK!, have to explain that we are not an online entity, and that “e” does not mean “website”. I know this is preaching to the converted, but yikes folks, if you’re not subscribed you don’t get it! Get it?! LOL This whole issue of “e” has been a very interesting road to take. I recently met up with an old friend and we had a chat on where and what EEK! is and where it fits in in the local media landscape. “Dude, EEK! is like a printed blog” he said as his glasses fogged up from the coffee half an inch from his nose. This statement made me realize for the first time that “yes, EEK! isn’t just about news, its way too intimate for that!”. (And intimate it is let me tell you. We receive loads of mails from you, our subscribers, and we try to read each and every one - we’re doing our best to keep up...) But I digress. Who and what is EEK! e-mag? Part of the answer is “what is EEK! not”. EEK!, most certainly, is not “online” or “social media”. Social media is ever present and ever expanding but also ever changing! This by definition implies that the advertiser never actually knows who the heck he or she is talking to. Which brings me - very quickly - to the point. What is talking to who. That “what”, is “the brand”. Can a brand really be effectively positioned and developed in the social media environment? Can any advertiser “own the page” without totally upsetting the “surfer”? The answer is a clear “no” according to research group TNS. They write “Choosing the wrong channel, or simply adding to the cacophony of online noise, risks alienating potential customers and impacting business growth. Digital waste is the accumulation of thousands of brands rushing online without thinking who they want to talk to - and why. Many brands have recognized the vast potential audiences avail- able to them on social networks; however they are failing to understand that these spaces belong to the consumer...”. Six years ago we put up a website called abcq8.com, and this was at a time when the terms “blog” and “forum” didn’t even exist. We had a page called “pinboard” (which eventually lead to the e-mag known as EEK! in Kuwait). Yahoo was there, and they speculated about “real time communications” which later translated into the likes of Skype, Facebook, Twitter, etc. And today, a mere six years later? Have a look at the above line of logos enabling me and you, the web surfers of this world, to “stay connected” and have “immediate access” to information. Come on, where is this heading to?! I’ve no idea, but in the words of a young ad agency secretary (who had three phones on her desk annoyingly informatively bleeping every 5 seconds “keeping her connected”) its probably something like “I don’t know anymore, I don’t have time to be connected”. Seems to me even blogs are old news these days... Michael EEK! Publisher www.abcq8.com PS: I’m not so sure, but are people who go online still called “surfers”? PSS: To those marketers subscribed to EEK! who do not know the expression “own the page”, you're showing your age! Luv ya! :) XXX expats express kuwait! EEK! Free Subscription: [email protected] Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat Issue #3 11/2011 Homer the reluctant stud. More cat tails from Arabian Tails edly to the vet for check ups and blood spicuously, over to the male health section. tests. He got a clean bill of health and I got I scanned the shelves, hoping to spot what a hefty bill. I needed without going in to explanations. Eventually almost one, long year later I However, I was not that lucky and a sales- decided enough was enough. I needed a man approached me quickly with the stan- new stud boy. The house was sliding in to dard.’ Can I help you madam, routine’. moral decline. Feeling a little uncomfortable I said “Well Hollie had taken to rolling in my husbands I’m looking for something to boost male underwear and Rose was gazing soulfully hormones, you know, increase stamina etc. out the patio door at a local street cat we And, if you could check that it’s not poison- had named Scarface. He only had half an ous to cats, well that would be very help- ear on one side and was the ugliest, mean- ful!.” est looking cat I’ve ever seen. But Rose He stared at me for about 10 seconds be- was obviously suitably impressed by his fore saying “Excuse me?” battle scarred physique. She did not share So I again repeated my demand. Puzzled my view that this was not the boy for her. he gave me the same blank stare again.. I searched all over Europe and USA for a Fearing I could be there all day at this rate, tried and tested, virile, male pedigree cat I thought oh what the heck and taking the of suitable lineage for my special girls.. bull by the horns. I said “Look, I need your Anyone who has ever tried to breed pedi- For some reason Homer was addicted to Lots of people offered me young males but help to get my cat pregnant.” gree cats can tell you that it is not as easy spraying all over my leather sofas. At least I needed a proven male cat, I did not need Out of the corner of my eye I saw my as you might imagine. In the summer of the smell reassured me he wasn’t lacking in Boys Town ! friend disappearing out the shop door, but I 2008, I was to find out, just how tricky it male hormones, he just seemed to be lack- The search was long, but during this time I did get a response from the salesman. He can be. ing in interest. So a room was duly set did get offered some advice by breeders in even went in to the back room and checked Homer, or to give him his full name, Cham- aside for Homer and the girls slept in there USA. Someone suggested giving Homer a in his files to see there was nothing in the pion Keystone my Hometown, was 2 years every night with him. It should have vitamin supplement that would supposedly product that could harm Homer. old when he arrived in our home. A truly worked perfectly.. boost his male hormones.. Hmm, interest- So, home I came, armed with a bottle of beautiful boy who we hoped was going to ing.. tablets called ‘ Boost Male Stamina 51’ and make the perfect stud boy for our two girls. The very short winter in Kuwait means the Unfortunately my husband was in China on one very embarrassed friend who said she It was a nervous cat who stepped out of female cats are almost constantly in sea- a business trip at the time and too impa- was never going shopping with me again!. the carrier and I sensed it was going to son. Oh what a long year followed! The tient to wait for his return, I took myself off Guess some people are touchy J. take this boy a little longer to feel at home. girls were singing their hearts out, usually to the vitamin health supplement shop in He was a nice man and he still waves to Unfortunately I soon realized he could not on the staircase for maximum “echo ef- Souk Sharq, accompanied by a good friend, me every time, I try to sneak past his be allowed to roam freely like the girls. An fect.” We used to sit in the lounge playing for moral support. shop. Oh well, I probably gave him some- unaltered male will spray and the smell is “name that cat’ by the tone of the howl.. It was always going to be embarrassing, thing to tell his friends over coffee. enough to floor an elephant. In desperation Homer was dragged repeat- but I tried to sort of ease my way incon- Continued on the next page... expats express kuwait! EEK! Free Subscription: [email protected] Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat Issue #3 11/2011 KUWAIT CHAMBER PHILHARMONIA & Radisson Blu Hotel Homer the reluctant stud. present More cat tails from Arabian Tails Final Classical Concert-Opera Show of Season 2011 Sunday, December 4th 2011 at 8:30 pm So back home again I looked at he pills and However, little Pearl made a great recov- at Al Hashemi II Ballroom at Radisson Blu Hotel wondered how much I could actually give ery. She settled into our home and ad- Homer? It truly was a pity my husband justed so well.. She was the cutest little was away because I would have preferred thing.
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