6 Pa^es ■Plainfield (Coumf. PagesPages VOl-111vol.—Ill NO.NO 189. 18 9 PI.AINPIBLI).PKAINFIEI.lt. N.K J.. JSATURDAY.. SATURDAY JUNE. JUN 9. 1894.E 9. 1894. PRICPRICEE TWO TWO CENTO. CENTS . AaAn extractextrac fromt from the tb speeche speec ath of ENEN ROUTE ROUTE TO 1 PW.ADELPHIA0 PWUOEIPH U 1 PERTINENTPERTINENTPAJUGRAPN8. PARAGRAPHS . TOTO HAVE HAVE A COACHINGA COACHIN PARADtG PARAD t PERSONALIA LATE NEWS. B«TRev.. MrMr AfiJbe**.. Anibern WfJWBr*., ofNfcwart will, will LATE NEWS. —A hoore IS bofng hoik by Seaman preach In U-edisa, al the Park A venae tircan F m ud Fir* Baadrsd Wh«i- S xivtvI rtephe Pespl sf* riaiaScMef flaiBt «se ahsw OtSnf Otktr preach In Bwwllah, at the P«Vk Avenue VIGILANT TO MEET BRITANNIA ■MM r-' ”4 ***'« WUdems for James Martin# on Mn Bjr.tis! Ctorcb, tomorrow at 3:45 p.m. V NHL ANT TO MEET BtiTANM* Hon. Getupandust, tm T*k> Part in ib« S*»mih intm Aabitiew CUIn Tut si Kaar Bud' Baptist Ctnreh, tomorrow at 3:45 p m. Hon. Getupandusi, m t*k« Put IB »fc* l>*nU Auul street. AaMlim CHIm TBat sa Maax Raa4 ..Rer. Anhor Onne will speak at rit> —The oHv map made by P. A. Dai R«V Anhur Crane wg| speak at CatuT Bun From ••wark ThU Horn —Ttie dt? map made by P. A. Dun- NU lomomti irtOnid San ulij Waabingiciuville and George 1{. Batcm- [SPECIAL TO THE COURIER.] W.*|«g««,Wmkhgta, D.C.11. C . Utin 1b ft.. »nrk T1U Mon bam Is being •abaeiloed for at the ra mb* larasats Ara Owi*4 Sara m Aaj WaabinglounlleaiMl George II. Batch.- [srECIAL TO THB COCIUBB.J ham Is being subset Ioed lor al the rate it Mt Pleasant ttmotrow evening. - TkT B.T. • *« at Ik. of two a day. wk*rvwhir* is m the th tut*.e IUU lor at Ml Pleaaeat U.morrow evening. Lovdow,LOVDOX, JoseJnns ».—Tbe 9. —Tb P»«»de Fiel todayd I of two a day. James Holmes, of E'm place, wii says that it Is staled that 1 George —Alonzo TownleT, who was Install* PlainBeld it. to have a James Holmes, of »m place. wiU says Hal it la sUled that Mr. G^gs . •»>■(>< B.<.biWI' —Atoaio Townley, who was Installed Plainfield la to have kail11 for fu Liverpoolr Liverpoo nextl nex Wednesdayt Wednesda by y * GouldGould Dm baa had ba and Interview an Intervie willwtbs wit b ••It"It willwill pay pa everyy ever womany woma ton trade to trad e The SWWUh Annual Ron from New. asas the the new new motonnou motor ma onn theo trolleyn Uie Irollej parade. InmaooM hav# been he •ramsbip Majestic of ttie \\'b\ Princo of Whales, and tbat they n. Seventh Annual Ran from New- ut to many people la tbe i-liy to parti- ibe a ramsblp Majeatie of Um White Prince of Whale* end that they have etat PBCK1,PECK'*, hm hi goodss good ares ar Oret-eias*e flrst-eustv oi-fTc io Philadelphia |>assed ihroapih road,road,remaned resicned the lb poarn-ne posnu- today.n today . to many peopla la the city to parti- 3;ar line. arranged for a series of m*tebea b«- cipate in it on Hamniay alteinoon, S;ar Use arranged for a Mriee of m-lcbes be- lly coostUnents all trade there." ,r«iothis Hi PDiladrlpbtnv this mornin iromcdg ibruu.tiThere were —Tbe—Tne wallswalls of o thef th Emmanuele Emmanue Bap-l Bap- cl pale in It oo Hataroay afteioooo. tween the Prince's ot Walts's cutter My eooattoeseu al trade tAse*" • m, dtj tbi* mortnng There .ere Jnne 16. Tlie parade will be led by ..Captain George M. Philllpa, tween Um Princs'a ol Waks'e onUar Lt • reil 400 and-500 bicycle riders In tist Uhnrch on Flllmnra aTenae are Tim parade will be led by Captain George M. Phillips, o! Britmnnla and the Gould's tloop-yacbt (Cbrera)(Cheers) tist Cbarrh on Fillmore avenue Ida, loilowi .1 by aplke and WesA'csti FrontFron tstreet, street left, lef townt tow Thursdayn Thursda y Britannia aod the Gould's atoop-yaebi ,*<het.ee. .i,,■> I0»| the endy wer •"*’e Wrjde heade rider.d l>y InCaptai n beingt>fi'!ii papered.papered Tbe. Tb bolldlnge buildin Is allg ii almosi foor lu-baods, lollowrd by spfk# and Vigilaot. urns, two hone spiders, two or a six weeks' Tint to tbe waterlog VigilanL •line i endf theyMarti weren headed»ho byacle Captaind as pace- ready for use. andvm teams, iwo horse sphlars, two for a all weeks' visit to (bo waterlog I dd ready for uee. horse traps, buck board*, two borse ' ices rra the Atlantic eoast. ft ■ added that It Is doc hkefy that maker |. C rMartin. troin *00 Newar acted k*» P***-|.0 Trento n —Tbe Sund.y School al Trinity horse traps, Wk boards, two horse placet oo the Atlantic eonat. —The Monday School al Trinity covered carriages of ail descriptions, .Rev. P. Koeehll has accepted the there will bn any complication* about mUer\mona from HieNewark CTCIUU lower Trenume ihre e ladies, Reformer] Chnrch wi!l be beld bere- covered carnages of all <1e#eripiiooa, I . Rev. F. Koeefcll baa aerey H. Clarenee Hadlay Reformed Church wi!l be held here- me hone covered carnage* of all des- .1 extended to htm by tbe Fourth tbe coarse ever which ibes iac<s era to ontmonee of who the cydlttem "wore were a bloome three ladle.,r costume , after at 9.IS o'cloek in the morning bora# covered carnage# of all dee- caj! extended to him by the Fourth (lit. with AuiaautaePiuoCo.K.1 on. of ebon, wore « bloomer rowtnr after at 9.15 o'clock In tbs morning crlptloas, accompanied by members ol Reformer: German Church at Ilarlur, tad of afternoon beginning with cnpOoat, accompanied bv members ot Reformed German (March al Barlur, end Uie eeme .moll twelve-,ejr-old inatead of afternoon begioelng with the Mainfirtd Kuhog Wub oo bors*. bors?- ■ bieh wasW approvedM approve by the d by tbe PIATVOS Itov who made the run last year. Tboae tomorrow. Claw I* —Colds—Coldsare ar becominge beeomln a kindg a of kin d of PIANOS boyfrom who mi mades city the wh runo Inrttoo kyear. P»rl Tboee, beside s —A eomphnipriitsv-, enlerUinrnei back. from inn city who took part, beddea —A complimentary enterUlament Iu order to ten 1 Int .-Mr* Henry Tan Name, of Elm epidwmtcepidemic again.again .Io nosnuIn som atorwe tbestore s tbe Captain Manin, were Waller Manning Ill b* civer tn the Aw-mlily Hall Of Io order to leu 1 Interest loth# #reot Mre Heory Van Nam* of Elm- Captain Martin, were Waller M.nnlbg will be giver in the Assembly Hall of a numbernnmber of of pnies prize wills wil bel awardedbe awarde as d aa woolptaceand her motber.Mrs. Weeai wholewbole corps corps of o clerksl clerk ares ar afflicted.e afflicted . aodG. E t>tncert. ie Hijrh School, Jane 16, by Mrs. Wool place sod her mother, Mr* Weeaa and U. E Calbcarl. ihe High 8chool, Jane 1#, by Mr* •ollows: of Grove street, went lo Caudes. this —Fred Steiner, wbo was injured by meii toll N« Waldorf's class ill elocution comprising of Grove street, went to Gsmdea ibis —Fred fturieer, »*> wm lojered by The wheelmen lelt Newark at four Waldorf's class in elocution coaprtelnr For thethe handsomest handsomes decoratedt decorate car-d car - sfternooo to attendatten thed fuser*!the funera of a l of a theie train train wer nea Boundr Boun Brookd Broo somek sum da>sa da>» 'clock iritg oruiu«, ami reached ihi aboutibont twentytwent ofy tbeo ftlgbf th Bcboole fllgb School of any description; for tbe best jo, la improving at tbe hospital but Is ..dock ton mommy, and readied uie ilof riage of any description; for tbe best roosiofjufc.o Mr*Mrs JerreU.. ago, Is improving at the hospital bet Is r Ulirly BIH' " " mptls. ed pair of horses; for the moat city al 6:1" or thirty inlowka ahead ol pupils. bed pair of borscs; lor the moat .. W. J. 11 aeowa and wift-, forneily yet vary weak. WWEE DON’T DON'T U8E U8EACID ACID8 8 reached t'.e lyiish and beat appointed rig of any ..W. J. Magovaoand wife, formetly lime They reached Ibe Wheelmen • —Tbe—The pictures plctares of o tber tb Imrse nthoy thei at the Myiisb sod best gppolated rig of toy of calsthlscliy city, Belled, saile ond the0 steamer Hub —The last games ia the bowling toer- lleadonartera Oy way of llnhmond WesternVretern fnlooUnion telegraph telegrap officeh offic logeili-e U>cetb - description;escrlpUon; for for Ibe lb beste bea groomedt groome horsed hors e TTOOCLEAN CLEAN WATCHES. WATCHES . street, to Fifth Mreet, W 1-arfc ave r hones entered- by auy one person; biedam for Anlwe-pep Thorsday an en; routeeo r uneot '‘o toe 0. Y. M. L. alleys will alreot, to Fifth Mrvet, to Part avenue •r witlt h some tom ofe o thef tb officialse official aboots aboa the t tbe or horsce entered by say one person; Jand, where they (rill spend ., _d Lbe Qnals will be vt the hindquarters they louod lei der>ot have been taken In a group and or the best appointed coachman; tor iOr Seitteriand. where they will spend be robed tonight, aud the Qnsis wUI bo We clean then lo tbe old way sad savo tt the bc.dqu.nern they lound lemon bile depot have been taien In n group nod for lb« beet appointed coachman; for the Sommer at Mrs.
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