Tuesday, February 21, 1978 Phalguna 2, 1899 (Saka) CONTENTS N o. 2, TueUay, Fehruary, 21, Phalgma 2, 1899 (Saka) C olumns Re. Business o f the Mouse 1— 5 Oral Answers to Que«ions : ♦Starred Questions Nos. i, 3 to 5 5 - 2 8 Written Answers to Questions : Starred Questions Nos. 6 to' 20 . 28— 51 Unstarred Questions Nos. I'to 101 and 103 to 174 51— 233 Papers laid on the Table . 233 . ________ ^ xB R A R Y Assent to Bills 234 Railway Budget, 1978-79 ~ . D a l e ............... Prof Madhu Dandavate J . 235— 67 Calling Attention to Matter of Urgent' PubFic Importance— Crash o f an Air India Jiimbo near Bomb'ay 267— 81 Shri Pradyumna Bal' 267, 271— 73 Shri Puriishottam Kaushik 267— 71, 273— 77, 279— 81 Shri Kacfiarulal Hemraj Jain 277— 79 Deposit Insurance Corporation (Amendment and Miscellaneous Pro­ visions} Bill— Introdtdced ....... 281— 82 Matters under Rule 377— (i) R ^ orted decision o f the Central Government employees to stage Dharnas . 282— 84 (ii) kepoited Smuggling o f Jute to Nepal 284— 86 (iii) Reported Labour Unrest in Faridabad and Delhi Indus- ^trial C o m p l e x ............................................................... 286— 88 (iv) Reported Burning o f a Harijan in Reputha near Sasaram. 288 •The sign + marked above the name o f a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor o f the House by that Member. (ii) C o l u m n s Child Marriage Restraint (Amendment) Bill Motion to consider . 2 8 ^ 3 6 0 Shri Shanti Bhushan 289— 91, 351—-59 Shri Vayalar Ravi . 291— 94 Shrimati Bibha Ghosh Goswami 294— 300 «t Km. Maniben Vallabhbhai Patel 300— 302 Shrimati Parvathi Krishnan . 302— 306 Shri Ram Kishan , 306— 12 Shri A. Sunna Sahib 312— 14 Shri Om Prakash Tyagi . 315— 21 Shri Nathu Ram Mirdha 321— 24 Dr. Ramji Singh 324— 26 Prof. P. G. Mavalankar . 326— 31 Shri R. Venkataraman . 331— 34 Shri Durga Chand 335— 36 Shri K. Mayathevar 337— 39 Shri Ramji Lai Suman . 339— 43 Shri O. V. Alagesan 343— 45 Shri Hukam Chand Kachwai 345— 48 Shri Hukamdeo Narain Yadav 348— 51 Oauses 2 to 6 and i . ’ 360--72 M otion to pass, as amended . 372— 74 Shri Shanti Bhnshan 372, 373— 74 Shrimati Parvathi Krishnan . 3 7 2 -7 4 Business Advisory Committee— Eleventh Report presented 374 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA a very serious matter. I am trying to give you time tomorrow itself lor dis­ cussion. Please give a notice under Tuesday, February 21, 197B/Phalguna Rule 184. I will try to give you time 2, 1899 (Saka) for discussion tomorrow itself. I con­ sider this a very important matter. The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock, VJTT : [M r. S peaker in the Chair] RE. BUSINESS OF TIJE HOUSE f5f?r a r^T w r | MR. SPEAKER: I have to iiiform fsftPTr v n r f^iTT 5fRT, ^^nrr iT'ST ^t^TT i the House that I have made a change yfiRrfwH THT 5ft % % in the order of busines:, ic taken f ® ^ f w ^ up today. The item regarnintr pre­ sentation of Railway Budget will be WrtiT fPlTTT =^Tffrr | (sTW W ) taken up before the item rc-garding ^ ft: ?tpt; Calling Attention and Nctirei, u:.der 5T1 ^TTT l^f+T ^'3^ ^ I Rule 377. : ?rsJT«T MR. SPEAKER: Pleai.e hear the Leader the Opposition ^ IT if ^ t I (»VvaT!T) SHRI YESHWANTRAO CHAV AN (Satara); It is a serious matter ___ HjfEf : ^^TfT^r ^ (Interruptions) Our Congress Party hcid nothing to do with it and I should Jf r ’Tsft^ Tm 3fi- ^ like to make it clear on this occasion ^fr jRr, itself. ^ TT l?f ?TTn if ^rff cr | SHRI KANWAR LAL GUPTA: Let ( W f f R ) us have an enquiry into that matter. »TnT<fh< : jt’TT irff SHRI K. GOPAL (Karur): We are f ® 5>rr ^ srr^frat prepared to have an enquiry. If you JTrTWf w r I ? (sifW R ) have an enquiry, it will expose the RSS. MR, SPEAKER: I have hoai i you. Please give an appropri:ttn »r.otjce SHRI A. BALA PAJANOR (Pondi­ under Rule 184. I will p,iaco iL be­ cherry): On behalf of the All mdia fore the Business Advisory Committee Anna DMK, we take serious notice of this afternoon (Interruptions) I this. I am happy that you also are will give you an opportunity to taking serious notice of it. I wish that discuss this. (Interruptions) I con­ this discussion is taken up immediate­ sider this a very serious matter. ly, with your permission. The Leader Please hear me (Interruptitns) Will of the Congress Party has categorical­ you kindly hear nie? I rox'sider this ly stated that his party had nothing 3560 LS— 1 Oral Answers FEBRUARY 21, 1978 Oral Answers to do with it. If this type of thing is allowed to continue, tomorrow I am afraid they may even wash Parlian*enl. : %rnr ^ ^ swtr ^ The entire country is agitated and the fiw?r I ^ 2T7 % % whole thing will flare up like anything. W’T srwiT ?pr re f t ^ i SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU (Diamond f’irc wrrfir«ft % swr Harbour); What has been done is a cognisable offence under the Untouch- abilities Act. Therefore, let the H*;me f=nrr i Minister be requested to make a state­ ment on the floor of the Jio\ise and then we should have a discussion. SHRI KAN WAR LAL CUPTA: Let s?r ^ Jr there be a discussion after the state­ ment of the hon. Home Minister___ I I (Interruptions) MR SPEAKER: I have assured you MR. SPEAKER: Please resume your that I will find time f ^r discussion seats now. I have already assured tomorrow. I will also reqi’c.-t the you that I shall try to give lime to­ Home Minister to be present. There­ morrow for a discussion. But I must fore, kindly give notice under Rule consult the Business Advisory Com­ 184. mittee; there will be no difficulty about that, I hopa. I would also request the SHRI CHITTA BASJ: Ma. I re­ hon. Minister to be here tomorrow; but quest you. I do not know whether the hon. Home Minister will be available tomorrow. MR. SPEAKER: No more. Mr. If he is not available tomorrow, I will Kanwar Lai Gupta. have it on the 23rd.. (Interruptions). If you do not want the Home (interruptions) we can have it tomorrow itself; I have no obiection. MR. SPEAKER: Mr.Bagri, we SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: The Home have had enough disc^i‘^>ion. Minister should make a statement to­ (Interruptions) day, appraising the House of Uie cor­ rect situation. Then you can take a decision in the matter and discuss it. sft ( t ^ t) : *n:r MR. SPEAKER: We have had enough now. sT-rm I I... SHRI CHITTA BASU (Barasat): Our position is that the Home Minister tfPT'fPT ■■ 'Ti?^ should make a statement and the 3 \ use should discuss the matter. Without the statement of the Government it is 3rr(T»Tf ? not possible for us to take part in the discussion. May I have your attention, sir? MR. SPEAKER: How can I you? ^ ?Tfn5T I (Interruptions) 1%jrr <T i ir? SHRI CHITTA BASU: My point is JT? ^ that the Home Minister should make t ^ "Tc 5^'cr fjnr*Tf a statement. (Interruptions) Oral Answers PHALGUNA 2, i m (SAKA) Oral Answers DR. SUSHILA NAYAK (Jhansi): (c) WlLit principles are weighing This is not the thne ^or it. It is a with the ( Government for such appoint­ new procedure he has started. Dur­ ment? ing question hour, nothing else- can be taken up. Please do net allow THE MINISTER OF LAW, JUS­ such things. TICE AND COMPANY AFFAIRS (SHRI SHANTI BHUSHAN): (a) to MR. SPEAKER: Wha' do you want (c) There was some controversy on me to do? Mr. Bagri, I huve already the appointment of the new Chief assured you that I will lind time to­ Justice of Tiidia. Government have morrow. since announced the appointment of {Interruptions) Shri Justice Y. V. Chandrachud, the DR. SUSHILA NA^'^R: This is a seniormost puisne Judge of the Sup­ wrong methodology. These matters reme Court, as Chief Justice of India with effect from 22nd February, 1978. should come after the Qu^^stion Hour. In view of the controversy that had arisen, the Government decided to TW : «rrT? make the appointment after co^nsult- " ^ ?T<nT ing the Judges of the Supreme Court and the Chief Justices of the High Courts. 1 1 srrr ^ t *pr tiiW ^ : vji'of % ^ % ?rr«f «ft I ^ fkwm ^ ^ I fsF t ?mr ?T5Tf ^ ^ ZTT ?T ^ ftqpT I 3ft iT^ I fJr ?ft|5Tr I I # i ftp ?iTT ?rfnT h .x ^ w m x % f r o ftrwPTTT>3 * t‘ ft? ^ ft'’=r ?Trr iTcwTt^ ^ t ^ I g I t I ft? ^ fit % ?ft ©RAI. ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS % 5r> gr5T% ftsTT «TT ^ ?rsft*T sfm <PT% 5ft Appointment of New Chief Justice of India sTirSrH: srtr sft ^ sffrar *1. SHRI KANWAR LAL GUPTA: ^% ftrfty *rr wtr if SHRI D. B. CHANDRA ^ «p? ?W5rr g ftr sr^r GOWDA: !TT ’Tf «ft It ^ ft^TT t «IT ^ I ? gsft*T Will tht Minister of LAW, JUSTICE % 5T5TI a n d c o m p a n y a f f a i r s ft? 5PT?IT«f^ ftflT WftpT 5r*T?Tr be pleased to state: <TT^ % «ft 'Jmr ftqr | i (a) whk'ther it is a fact that there 5?rf5rt^ *f JT^t^ % is a controversy, as reported in the ^ress, on the appointment of new ^ ft> Wrr<J«bH 124 ^ if Jusi.ice of India; 5rrm I ft? ^ t [ (b) when is Government appointing t # the new Chief Justice of India; and mfbr?^ 359 % ^ 1 "pt Oral Answers FEBRUARY 21.
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