H. R. 2401 One Hundred Third Congress of the United States of America AT THE FIRST SESSION Begun and held at the City of Washington on Tuesday, the fifth day of January, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three An Act To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 1994 for military activities of the Depart- ment of Defense, for military construction, and for defense activities of the Depart- ment of Energy, to prescribe personnel strengths for such fiscal year for the Armed Forces, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1994''. SEC. 2. ORGANIZATION OF ACT INTO DIVISIONS; TABLE OF CONTENTS. (a) DIVISIONS.ÐThis Act is organized into three divisions as follows: (1) Division AÐDepartment of Defense Authorizations. (2) Division BÐMilitary Construction Authorizations. (3) Division CÐDepartment of Energy National Security Authorizations and Other Authorizations. (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.ÐThe table of contents for this Act is as follows: Sec. 1. Short title. Sec. 2. Organization of Act into divisions; table of contents. Sec. 3. Congressional defense committees defined. DIVISION AÐDEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE AUTHORIZATIONS TITLE IÐPROCUREMENT Subtitle AÐAuthorization of Appropriations Sec. 101. Army. Sec. 102. Navy and Marine Corps. Sec. 103. Air Force. Sec. 104. Defense-wide activities. Sec. 105. Defense Inspector General. Sec. 106. Reserve components. Sec. 107. Chemical demilitarization program. Sec. 108. National Shipbuilding Initiative. Sec. 109. Denial of multiyear procurement authorization. Subtitle BÐArmy Programs Sec. 111. Procurement of helicopters. Sec. 112. Light utility helicopter modernization. Sec. 113. Nuclear, biological, and chemical protective masks. Sec. 114. Chemical agent monitoring program. Sec. 115. Close Combat Tactical Trainer Quickstart program. Subtitle CÐNavy Programs Sec. 121. Seawolf attack submarine program. Sec. 122. Trident II (D±5) missile procurement. 13:24 Nov 18, 1993 VerDate 16-NOV-93 Jkt 059200 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 6655 Sfmt 6511 E:\BILLS\H2401.ENR bend06 1 H. R. 2401Ð2 Sec. 123. Study of Trident missile submarine program. Sec. 124. MK±48 ADCAP torpedo program. Sec. 125. SSN acoustics master plan. Sec. 126. Long-term lease or charter authority for certain double-hull tankers and oceanographic vessels. Sec. 127. Long-term lease or charter authority for certain Roll-On/Roll-Off vessels. Sec. 128. F±14 aircraft upgrade program. Subtitle DÐAir Force Programs Sec. 131. B±2 bomber aircraft program. Sec. 132. B±1B bomber aircraft program. Sec. 133. Full and prompt access by Comptroller General to information on heavy bomber programs. Sec. 134. C±17 aircraft program progress payments and reports. Sec. 135. Live-fire survivability testing of the C±17 aircraft. Sec. 136. Intertheater airlift program. Sec. 137. Use of F±16 aircraft advance procurement funds for program termination costs. Sec. 138. Tactical signals intelligence aircraft. Sec. 139. C±135 aircraft program. Subtitle EÐOther Matters Sec. 151. ALQ±135 jammer device. Sec. 152. Global Positioning System. Sec. 153. Ring laser gyro navigation systems. Sec. 154. Operational support aircraft. Sec. 155. Administration of chemical demilitarization program. Sec. 156. Chemical munitions disposal facilities, Tooele Army Depot, Utah. Sec. 157. Authority to convey Los Alamos dry dock. Sec. 158. Sales authority of certain working-capital funded industrial facilities of the Army. Sec. 159. Space-based missile warning and surveillance programs. TITLE IIÐRESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, TEST, AND EVALUATION Subtitle AÐAuthorization of Appropriations Sec. 201. Authorization of appropriations. Sec. 202. Amount for basic research and exploratory development. Sec. 203. Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program. Subtitle BÐProgram Requirements, Restrictions, and Limitations Sec. 211. Kinetic Energy Antisatellite Program. Sec. 212. B±1B bomber program. Sec. 213. Space launch modernization plan. Sec. 214. Medical countermeasures against biowarfare threats. Sec. 215. Federally funded research and development centers. Sec. 216. Demonstration program for ballistic missile post-launch destruct mecha- nism. Sec. 217. High Performance Computing and Communication Initiative. Sec. 218. Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) program. Sec. 219. Advanced Self Protection Jammer (ASPJ) Program. Sec. 220. Electronic combat systems testing. Sec. 221. Limitation on flight tests of certain missiles. Sec. 222. Joint Advanced Rocket System. Sec. 223. Standoff Air-to-Surface munitions technology demonstration. Sec. 224. Standard extremely high frequency waveform. Sec. 225. Extension of prohibition on testing Mid-Infrared Advanced Chemical Laser against an object in space. Subtitle CÐMissile Defense Programs Sec. 231. Funding for ballistic missile defense programs for fiscal year 1994. Sec. 232. Revisions to Missile Defense Act of 1991. Sec. 233. Patriot Advanced Capability±3 theater missile defense system. Sec. 234. Compliance of ballistic missile defense systems and components with ABM Treaty. Sec. 235. Theater missile defense master plan. Sec. 236. Limited Defense System development plan. Sec. 237. Theater and Limited Defense System testing. Sec. 238. Arrow Tactical Anti-Missile program. Sec. 239. Report on Arrow Tactical Anti-Missile program. Sec. 240. Technical amendments to annual report requirement to reflect creation of Ballistic Missile Defense Organization. 13:24 Nov 18, 1993 VerDate 16-NOV-93 Jkt 059200 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 6655 Sfmt 6511 E:\BILLS\H2401.ENR bend06 H. R. 2401Ð3 Sec. 241. Clementine satellite program. Sec. 242. Cooperation of United States allies on development of tactical and theater missile defenses. Sec. 243. Transfer of follow-on technology programs. Subtitle DÐWomen's Health Research Sec. 251. Defense Women's Health Research Center. Sec. 252. Inclusion of women and minorities in clinical research projects. Subtitle EÐOther Matters Sec. 261. Nuclear weapons effects testing by Department of Defense. Sec. 262. One-year delay in transfer of management responsibility for Navy mine countermeasures program to the Director, Defense Research and Engi- neering. Sec. 263. Termination, reestablishment, and reconstitution of an Advisory Council on Semiconductor Technology. Sec. 264. Navy large cavitation channel, Memphis, Tennessee. Sec. 265. Strategic Environmental Research Council. Sec. 266. Repeal of requirement for study by Office of Technology Assessment. Sec. 267. Comprehensive independent study of national cryptography policy. Sec. 268. Review of assignment of defense research and development categories. Sec. 269. Authorized use for facility constructed with prior defense grant funds. Sec. 270. Grant to support research on exposure to hazardous agents and materials by military personnel who served in the Persian Gulf War. Sec. 271. Research on exposure to depleted uranium by military personnel who served in the Persian Gulf War. Sec. 272. Sense of Congress on metalcasting and ceramic semiconductor package industries. TITLE IIIÐOPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Subtitle AÐAuthorization of Appropriations Sec. 301. Operation and maintenance funding. Sec. 302. Working capital funds. Sec. 303. Armed Forces Retirement Home. Sec. 304. National Security Education Trust Fund obligations. Sec. 305. Transfer from National Defense Stockpile Fund. Sec. 306. Funds for clearing landmines. Subtitle BÐLimitations Sec. 311. Prohibition on operation of Naval Air Station, Bermuda. Sec. 312. Limitation on the use of appropriated funds for Department of Defense golf courses. Sec. 313. Prohibition on the use of certain cost comparison studies. Sec. 314. Limitation on contracts with certain ship repair companies for ship repair. Sec. 315. Requirement of performance in the United States of certain reflagging or repair work. Sec. 316. Prohibition on joint civil aviation use of Selfridge Air National Guard Base, Michigan. Sec. 317. Location of certain prepositioning facilities. Subtitle CÐDefense Business Operations Fund Sec. 331. Extension of authority for use of the Defense Business Operations Fund. Sec. 332. Implementation of the Defense Business Operations Fund. Sec. 333. Charges for goods and services provided through the Defense Business Operations Fund. Sec. 334. Limitation on obligations against the Defense Business Operations Fund. Subtitle DÐDepot-Level Activities Sec. 341. Department of Defense depot task force. Sec. 342. Limitation on consolidation of management of depot-level maintenance workload. Sec. 343. Continuation of certain percentage limitations on the performance of depot-level maintenance. Sec. 344. Sense of Congress on the performance of certain depot-level work by for- eign contractors. Sec. 345. Sense of Congress on the role of depot-level activities of the Department of Defense. Sec. 346. Contracts to perform workloads previously performed by depot-level activities of the Department of Defense. 13:24 Nov 18, 1993 VerDate 16-NOV-93 Jkt 059200 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 6655 Sfmt 6511 E:\BILLS\H2401.ENR bend06 H. R. 2401Ð4 Sec. 347. Authority to waive certain claims of the United States. Subtitle EÐCommissaries and Military Exchanges Sec. 351. Prohibition on operation of commissary stores by active duty members of the Armed Forces. Sec. 352. Modernization of automated data processing capability of the Defense Commissary Agency. Sec. 353. Operation of Stars and Stripes
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