"4 All the News of All the Pointes * * * Every Thursday rosse Morning ews Complete New~ Coverage of All the Poiutes l-Jome of the News Entered !IS Second Cla"s Matter VOLUME 23-NO. 10 at the Post Of11ce at Detroit. Mlch, GROSSE POINTE. MICHIGAN, MARCH 7c Per Copy 8, 1962 $4.00 Per Year 20 PAGES-THREE SECTIONS-SECTION I -----------------------------------------------------------'----------------------------------------- r II':ADI~INES How Farms Solves Snow Removal Problem 01 tbe 2 Park Workers 10 Seel~:ing \VI~I~K Offices in As CompiLed by the Seriously Hurt G. P. Woods Gross,: Paiute Ne [l'$ In Manhole Blast Kenneth McLeod to be Un- Thursday. March 1 Opposed for Mayor's Post r WAYNE COUNTY Prosccu- ~ tor Samuel F. Olsen has rcIus- Taken to Bon Secours Hospital with Second and Third at Election Scheduled l'C1 to issue a first-degree mur- Degree Burns About Face Hands and Arms; April 2 cler warrant in the fatal slab- L bing of 20-year-old Grady Little, Gas Seepage ~iamed Mrs. Leona Liddle, Woods ~OOI7 Greenlawn. last October Two employes of the Park Water Department were city clerk, disclosed that 10 1 in a Palmer Park parking lot. Defying State Attorney Gene. al seriously burned on Tuesday, February 27, in a manhole persons filed petitions for Frank J. Kelley's Wednesday explosion while reading a water meter at Barrington public office by 5 p.m. on demand that murder charges be and Essex. Gas seepage in the tunnel was blamed. Thursday, Mar chI, the filed a~ainst Fn:-d O'Dell. 19, William Griesbeck, 34, of0>-------------- deadline set by the Woods formerly of 7854 Walnut, Olsen 23525 Deziel, S1. Clair Shores; City Charter. refused to "make decisions and Thomas Stack, 39, of 1046 Bert W;ck;n ()" \\'hich affect the lives of peo- Lakepointe. were taken to Bon I; I; b Mrs. Liddle said that Mayor ple and their entire future on Secours Hospital by police am- Kenneth Koppin and Council- pUled Tr,,-bute man Martin Chamberlain have someone else's opinion and bulance. with second and third without an opportunity to ex- degree burn8 on their faces, not filed for reelection. citing pressing business as preventing amine the evidence and act as hands and arms. They we're re- ' them from seeking another m:-' judgment and conseience ported in seriouo:; condition. I By Ed ucators term. dictate," Kelley ordered the The explosion occurred while \\'arrc;.",lt on the basis of new Councilman Kenneth M. Mc- Griesbeck was in the manhole. Death Takes Senior Trustee Leod of 20729 Wicks lane, is as- evidence which, Olsen said. has and Stack was waiting at the of School Board. Was sured of succeeding Mayor not been made available to the opening. The former came out I 'Wayne County Prosecutor's of- of the opening, his clothing President for Seven Koppin, as he will be unop- fice. and it is generally believed aflame; the latter was engulfed Terms posed at next month's election. that Olsen is angry because by the flame that shot out of ' Also unopposed for his post hi~ office has not been able to I the manhole. His clothing. too. Fl . 1 ! as municipal judge is Don J. obtain certain sworn state.ments, I caught fire _ags at all publIc schoo s Goodrow of 20738 Wicks lane. constituting the new eVIdence, I • • in Grosse Poi n t e were. Helped Subdue Fire I fl t 1 1f tIt Euht Run for CounCIl from Kelley. The State At- h 'd d h own a 1 a mas as Th . I . tornev General maintains that T e two men al e each ot er leek . h f B d f e elg lt persons seekmg in putting out the fire on their w , l.n onor 0 oar 0 election to the council include Olsen" could have examined the ..---.~..~~.,. burning clothes, in spite of their E~uc~tlOn Trustee Bert H. one incumbent and a formcr statements any time during the injuries. according to Police Lt. '~lIckmg, whose death on councilman. past "four fi~'e ;lays" 0: I The many snowstorms which have plagued the the heavy licks in at night, unless it snows on Sun- Gerard Kesteloot, one of the of- Wednesday, February 28, The incumbent is Benjamin Pointe this year have given those charged with its day. After the accumulation is congealed into big Friday. :\Iarch 2 I ficers at the scene. left the Grosse Pointe Pub- \ W. Pinkos of 1924 Broadstone removal plenty of practice, This is how they handle piles like this, the trucks come around, mechanical The ~ieutenant said. that the lic School System and the who was appointed councilma~ A~ A:.\IEHlCAX AIRLI~ES I the job at the big municipal parking lot in the Ker- loaders get into the act and the whole harvest is carted only eVIdence of the fl:e at the community as a whole with I on January 19, 1959, to serve Boeing 707 crashed yeslerday a chcval-on-the-Hill district. The plows go to work as scen~ was burned pIeces of a sense of great loss. \ an unexpired term and then few minutes after takeoff in away and dumped in the lake. soon after a storm as the area is cleared of cars, getting clothing apparently fro~ the Mr. Wicking, 73, died at his elected for two ycars in April dem' weather from New York's ca~s and gloves belongmg to home, 781 Trombley road, aftel' \ 7, 1960. He was a former mem- ldlewild Airport. All 95 persall'; GrIesbec~ and Stack. a brief illness. He was descend- \ bel' of the Woods Planning aboard the non-stop flight to T~e d~ect ~ause. of tJ:1e ex- cd from a pioneer Michigan Commission. Los Angeles were killed. Pre- Tltief Steals ploslOn IS bemg mvestlgated,., ') Winter's Heavy Sllowfall Fire 'Routs lth h.t. b Ii d th t famIly, and had served for many Rex Johnston of 20_5 Hunt 1iminarv examination indirates a OUg.I IS e eve ,a gas Club. was a member of tJle that f~ilure of a key control se~page lUto the tunnc.: was a C!~:SJ,~;~~;~".:~~'::::~:~V~WB~j;;,~~1.~~~Village Com 111 i s s ion from mechanism may have been re- 20 Sltits at And Icy Pavements Cost Couple i,l prIme .fact.or. What set off the 1\Iarch 1947 t h r 0 ugh 1950 sponsible for the Astrojct's explOSIOn IS not known . ' ll1\'sterious nosedive over a 'I'h hI' 1 t'. th when the Woods was the Vil- Farms Store Pointes Time and MOlley GP Farms e man 0 e IS oca ed 10 e lage of Lochmoor and was s\~ampy bird sanctuary, fol- center of ~ssex. about. 70 feet elected councilman' when the lowed by an explosion that f:om Barrll'~gton, ~nd IS about village incorporated as a city Communities Purchase 5,000 Tons of Salt for scattered wreckage far into Possible Suspect Seen in $21,726: Firemen Rescue' 2 French fIve feet WIde ~nu seyen feet in 1:.150.He held that post until .Jamaica Bay, but officials say Labor, Including Overtime. Amounts to Car Just Before Burglary Poodles from James ~eep, and contaIns malO water his defeat in April 1961. ' it rnav take as long as a year $24,536 to Date lInes feeding into the Park. to di~covcr the definite cause Being Sought: Window Standart Home in The water meter is located near TI:e. ten ~re of. offIce. of th: the opening. mUniCIpal Judge IS fOUl years, of the crash. President Ken- Smashed Hillcrest Lane This winter's unusually cold weather and heavy BI t FI" C the mayor and members of the l\edv has ordered a complete ver snowfall forced the Pointe to expend thousands of as . l~S °t t. council a!'e elected to two ~'ear study of the disaster. worst Farms police .are looking Mr. and Mrs. Jam e s Th e openmg IS a wo-sec Ion dollars and extra manpower in keeping the streets clear steel frame about 3 by 5 feet terms. single commercial plane trag- for a possible suspect who Standard were routed from of snow and ice. <!> in size, and weighing about 800 McLeod has been on the edy in United Statcs air his- was seen near 1;he Hughes- their home by a fire that tory. Several prominent per- The Pointe communities pur- Pointes, plows snow f.rom the pounas. The force of the ex- council since 1958. and Good. Hatcher -Suffrin Clothing struck ear ly Wednesday sons were passengers on the chased a total of 5.000 tons of sidewalks as an added service plosion cracked the frame and ro\\' has been judge since 1954. Store. Mack avenue, ill-fated flight, among them in- 18920 salt, since the first snowfall to its citiz\;;ns. All the residents morning, March 5. They bt'ew it off its base. The cover Council Candidates dustrialist W. Alton Jones, one minutes after the store was on December 9 through Febru- have to do is clear the snow live at 166 Hillcrest lane. was. flipped over by the con- Seeking scats around the ary 28, and spent a total of from walks within their -prop- of former President Dwight D. burglarized. The Standarts were asleep, CUSSlOn. council table besides Pinkos Eisenhov,:cr's close friends. re- The burglar alarm of the $46,263 for labor and the salt. erty lines. when Mr. Standart was wakened Fred E. Fox, and his wife, : :lI1d Johnston arc: tired Admiral Richard L.
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