Sarmento, P., Cruz, J., Ferreira, C., Monterroso, P., Serra, R., Tarroso, P., and Negrões, N. (2009). Conservation status and Action Plan for the recovery of Iberian lynx populations in Portugal (Estado de conservación y Plan de Acción para las poblaciones de lince ibérico en Portugal). In Iberian Lynx Ex Situ Conservation: An Interdisciplinary Approach (Conservación Ex Situ del Lince Ibérico: Un Enfoque Multidisciplinar): 33-40. Vargas, A., Breitenmoser-Würsten, C., and Breitenmoser, U.(Eds.). Madrid: Fundación Biodiversidad in collaboration with: IUCN Cat Specialist Group. Keywords: 8PT/action plan/captive breeding/conservation strategy/habitat restoration/Iberian lynx/in situ conservation/Lynx pardinus/rabbit recovery/recovery/reintroduction Abstract: From the first half of the 20th century onwards, the Portuguese Iberian lynx population was distributed in three major nuclei: Sado Valley, Malcata and Contenda-Barrancos. In the following decades these areas were subjected to a process that culminated in the specie's considerable regression, probably as consequence of a major allocation of potential habitat to forestry and of prey scarcity as a result of viral diseases. The most recent survey, conducted from 2002 till 2004, revealed that the species is presently on the verge of extinction. Aware of the critical situation of the Iberian lynx in Portugal, the Institute of Nature Conservation and Biodiversity developed a Conservation Action Plan for the Iberian lynx in order to provide a consistent and effective approach to conserve the species in Portuguese territory. The on-going Action Plan is being applied in all Natura 2000 Sites, located in the lynx historical distribution that present suitable characteristics for the species potential presence or landscape features that can be optimised for lynx survival and that can be relevant for the species life-cycle. The goal of this Plan is to apply pre-release strategic reintroduction activities in order to make it possible, in the long-term, the reintroduction of Iberian lynx. Integrated in the plan, there are several ongoing conservation projects, which include habitat and prey restoration and the construction of a breeding centre that will be integrated within the overall Iberian Lynx Ex situ Conservation Programme. Notes: Incl. Spanish abstract co n s e r v a t I o n s t a t u s a n d ac t I o n pl a n F o r t h e r e c o v e r y o F Ib e r I a n l y n x p o p u l a t I o n s In po r t u g a l es t a d o d e c o n s e r v a c I ó n y pl a n d e ac c I ó n p a r a l a s p o b l a c I o n e s d e l I n c e I b é r I c o e n po r t u g a l pe d r o sa r m e n t o , Jo a n a cr u z , ca t a r I n a Fe r r e I r a , pe d r o mo n t e r r o s o , ro d r I g o se r r a , pe d r o ta r r o s o a n d nu n o ne g r õ e s Conservation status and Action Plan for the recovery of Iberian lynx populations in Portugal Estado de conservación y Plan de Acción para las poblaciones de lince ibérico en Portugal pe d r o sa r m e n t o , Jo a n a cr u z , ca t a r I n a Fe r r e I r a , pe d r o mo n t e r r o s o , ro d r I g o se r r a , pe d r o t a r r o s o a n d nu n o ne g r õ e s Re s u m e n Durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX, la población portuguesa del lince ibé- rico se distribuía en tres núcleos principales: el Valle de Sado, Malcata y Con-• 33 tenda-Barrancos. A lo largo de las décadas siguientes, las poblaciones de lince sufrieron una regresión significativa en estas áreas, probablemente debido a las prácticas silvícolas en gran parte del hábitat disponible, así como a la es- casez de conejos a consecuencia de la introducción de enfermedades víricas. Según el último censo de linces realizado entre los años 2002 y 2004, el lince actualmente se encuentra al borde de la extinción en Portugal. El Instituto para Sabater la Conservación de la Naturaleza y Biodiversidad, consciente de la situación crítica de esta especie en Portugal, adoptó un Plan de Acción para la Conser- vación del Lince Ibérico con el fin de disponer de un método coherente y eficaz Antonio para la conservación del lince en territorio portugués. Este Plan de Acción se Photo: está aplicando en todos los espacios de la Red Natura 2000 situados en el área de distribución histórica del lince y que, a su vez, ofrecen condiciones apro- piadas para la presencia potencial de la especie. También se están teniendo en cuenta aquellos espacios con características que podrían ser optimizadas para la supervivencia del lince. El Plan tiene como objetivo realizar actividades estratégicas de preparación para la reintroducción, con el fin de posibilitar, a largo plazo, la reintroducción del lince ibérico en áreas de distribución históri- ca. El Plan integra varios proyectos de conservación que están actualmente en curso y que incluyen la regeneración del hábitat y la recuperación de las espe- cies de presa, así como la construcción de un centro de cría que se integraría en el programa global de conservación Ex situ del Lince Ibérico. Pa l a b R a s c l a v e Restauración de hábitat, conservación in situ, recuperación de conejos, rein- troducción, cría en cautividad ab s t R a c t From the first half of the 20th century onwards, the Portuguese Iberian lynx population was distributed in three major nuclei: Sado Valley, Malcata and Contenda-Barrancos. In the following decades these areas were subjected to a process that culminated in the specie’s considerable regression, probably as consequence of a major allocation of potential habitat to forestry and of prey scarcity as a result of viral diseases. The most recent survey, conducted from 2002 till 2004, revealed that the species is presently on the verge of extinction. Aware of the critical situation of the Iberian lynx in Portugal, the Institute of Nature Conservation and Biodiversity developed a Conservation Action Plan for the Iberian lynx in order to provide a consistent and effective approach to conserve the species in Portuguese territory. The on-going Action Plan is being applied in all Natura 2000 Sites, located in the lynx historical distribution that present suitable characteristics for the species potential presence or landscape features that can be optimised for lynx survival and that can be relevant for the species life-cycle. The goal of this Plan is to apply pre-release strategic reintroduction activities in order to make it possible, in the long-term, the reintroduction of Iberian lynx. Integrated in the plan, there are several ongoing conservation projects, which include habitat and prey restoration and the construction of a breeding centre that will be integrated within the overall Iberian Lynx Ex situ Conservation Programme. Ke y w o R d s Habitat restoration, in situ conservation, rabbit recovery, reintroduction, captive breeding Ayala de Pérez María José Photo: Ib e r I a n l y n x e x s I t u c o n s e r v a t I o n : a n InterdIscIplInary a p p r o a c h as t r I d va r g a s , ch r I s t I n e br e I t e n m o s e r & ur s br e I t e n m o s e r Fu n d a c I ó n bI o d I v e r s I d a d / IUcn ca t sp e c I a l I s t gr o u p co n s e r v a t I o n s t a t u s a n d ac t I o n pl a n F o r t h e r e c o v e r y o F Ib e r I a n l y n x p o p u l a t I o n s In po r t u g a l es t a d o d e c o n s e r v a c I ó n y pl a n d e ac c I ó n p a r a l a s p o b l a c I o n e s d e l I n c e I b é r I c o e n po r t u g a l pe d r o sa r m e n t o , Jo a n a cr u z , ca t a r I n a Fe r r e I r a , pe d r o mo n t e r r o s o , ro d r I g o se r r a , pe d r o ta r r o s o a n d nu n o ne g r õ e s Conservation status and Action Plan for the recovery of Iberian lynx populations in Portugal pe d r o sa r m e n t o , Jo a n a cr u z , ca t a r I n a Fe r r e I r a , pe d r o mo n t e r r o s o , ro d r I g o se r r a , pe d r o ta r r o s o a n d nu n o ne g r õ e s In t R o d u c t I o n recent national survey has brought to light the critical status of the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus), in Portugal (Sarmento et al., 2009).
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