See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/331320159 A Pallas's cat roadkill in Iran Article · November 2018 CITATIONS READS 0 167 3 authors, including: Mohammad Ali Adibi Ehsan Moqanaki Iran Department of Environment, Semnan Provincial Office, Semnan, Iran Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) 42 PUBLICATIONS 33 CITATIONS 95 PUBLICATIONS 127 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Pallas's cat Study and Conservation View project Capacity building to resolve human-large carnivores conflict in Iran View project All content following this page was uploaded by Ehsan Moqanaki on 25 February 2019. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. short communication MOHAMMAD ALI ADIBI1,2, MOHAMMAD REZA SHIRAZI3 AND EHSAN M. MOQANAKI4* distri�ution range, �ut it is generally consid� ered a rare carnivore (Farhadinia et al. 2016, A Pallas's cat roadkill in Iran Moqanaki et al. in press). The threats facing these cats in Iran (incidental killing, ha�itat Pallas’s cats Otocolobus manul are globally threatened by human-generated habitat degradation and depletion of their preferred degradation and fragmentation and poaching, as well as depletion of their prey base. prey; Moqanaki et al. in press) underline the Vehicle accident mortalities of the Pallas’s cat are not a common phenomenon, and challenges facing this Near Threatened small we are not aware of any documented cases. Here we report the observation of a felid across its glo�al distri�ution range (Ross Pallas’s cat roadkill in a protected area in northern Semnan Province, Iran. et al. 2016). The death of Pallas’s cats due to collisions with vehicles seems to �e rare, as On 26 Octo�er 2017 at 14:25 h, a Pallas’s cat vince (Fig. 1). The latter stretch is mainly used we are not aware of any documented records was found dead on the edge of a paved road �y pastoralists who migrate with their livestock in the literature. However, we do not rule out crossing Parvar Protected Area PPA, just 1 km at this time of the year from summer pastures the occurrence of previous incidents, in Iran south�west of Vavsar�e No (= Jadid) village in the north in Mazandaran Province to low� or elsewhere that have not �een detected �y in the �order area �etween Mazandaran and land winter pastures in the south in Semnan wildlife authorities, or reported in the litera� Semnan Provinces (35°57’37” N / 53°33’08” E, Province. Livestock herds, often accompanied ture. Our report contri�utes to the current at 2,200 m; Fig. 1). The first author inspected �y dogs, dominate the surrounding area along knowledge of human�induced causes of the the carcass (Fig. 2), identified it as an adult this stretch, and we o�served that the area Pallas’s cat mortality. female in good condition, and estimated that next to the location of this roadkill was �eing The current and future development of road it had died the previous night. Apparently heavily grazed (SOM F2). We presumed that networks in Asia risks exacer�ating ha�itat this Pallas’s cat had �een struck �y a motor distur�ance caused �y livestock herds might loss and fragmentation for carnivore species vehicle, �ut there was no o�vious external da� have triggered this Pallas’s cat dispersal, al� (Ceia�Hasse et al. 2017). To date, roads have mage to the specimen which was moved to though there is currently no evidence for this. not �een considered a threat to the Pallas’s Semnan Provincial Office of the Department The Pallas’s cat, also known as manul, is cat. Our o�servation of a Palla's cat roadkill of Environment DoE for further examination. widely distri�uted across Iran, possi�ly the in PPA suggests that this species is not safe Morphometric �ody measurements were: western�most part of the species’ glo�al from expansion of road infrastructure, as re� total length = 480 mm; tail length = 260 mm; rear�foot length = 95 mm; ear = 53 mm; and 21 weight = 2.36 kg. A necropsy undertaken �y the first author revealed no �one fractures, �ut laceration of internal organs suggested that the animal had �een involved in a high� impact collision. The stomach of the cat con� tained remains of a partially digested Afghan pika Ochotona rufescens and feathers of chu� kar partridge Alectoris chukar was found in its intestine. Examination of the skull, mandi�le and teeth confirmed that this was an adult, approximately 2.5 years old cat (Supporting Online Material SOM Figure F1, SOM Ta�le T1). The skull and skin were deposited at the Osteology Museum of Semnan DoE, where they are currently waiting to �e catalogued. Approximately 35 km north of the town of Mehdishahr (then Sangsar), PPA is located Fig. 1. Location of the Pallas’s cat roadkill (asterisk in red square) in Parvar Protected Area, Semnan at the ecotone �etween the Caspian Hyrca� Province, and contemporary (2000–2017) records (5 x 5 km2) of the species (red: “confirmed”, blue: nian mixed forests and juniper forest steppe “probable”; Moqanaki et al. in press). The inset shows location of the main map in relation to the �iomes in the central�southern slopes of the approximate geographical distribution of the Pallas’s cat in Western, Southern and Central Asia Al�orz Mountains (53°19–47’ N / 35°53’– (dark brown: extant, light brown: possibly extant; re-drawn from Ross et al. 2016). 36°06’ E; Fig. 1). PPA extends over a predom� inantly mountainous area of approximately 625 km2, with the altitude ranging from 1,350 to 3,782 m. There are several major villages inside and in vicinity of PPA. One main road (Semnan�Damghan) passes through PPA for approximately 37 km, whereas another road (Semnan�Sari) approximately 19 km long con� Fig. 2. Roadkill of an adult female Pallas’s cat at the side of Semnan-Sari Road in Parvar nects villages in this area to Mazandaran Pro� Protected Area, Semnan Province, on 26.10.2017 (Photo M. A. Adibi). CATnews 68 Autumn 2018 short communication cords of the Pallas’s cat occurrence in human� M. A., Din J. U., Joolaee L., Raeesi Chahartaghi Supporting Online Material SOM Figures F1 & F2 distur�ed ha�itats are emerging (We�� et al. N. & Ostrowski S. Distri�ution and status of the and Ta�le T1 are availa�le at www.catsg.org. 2014, Moqanaki et al. in press). Pallas’s cat at the south�west part of its range. Cat News Special Issue. In press. 1 Iran Department of the Environment, Semnan References Ross S., Barashkova A., Farhadinia M. S., Appel A., Provincial Office, Semnan, Iran Ceia�Hasse A., Borda�de�Água L., Grilo C. & Pereira H. Riordan P., Sanderson J. & Munkhtsog B. 2016. 2 Department of Habitats and Biodiversity, Facul- M. 2017. Glo�al exposure of carnivores to roads. Otocolobus manul. The IUCN Red List of Thre� ty of Environment and Energy, Science and Re- Glo�al Ecology and Biogeography 26, 592–600. atened Species 2016: e.T15640A87840229. search Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Farhadinia M. S., Moqanaki E. M. & Adi�i M. A. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016�1. Iran 2016. Baseline information and status assess� RLTS.T15640A87840229.en. Downloaded on 3 Faculty of Natural Resources Engineering, ment of the Pallas’s cat in Iran. Cat News Spe� 20 Novem�er 2017. Semnan University, Semnan, Iran cial Issue 10, 38–42. We�� R., Pain D., McNiven D. & Francis S. 2014. 4 Iranian Cheetah Society ICS, P.O. Box 14155- Moqanaki E. M., Jahed N., Malkhasyan A., As� Pallas’s cat in distur�ed ha�itat on the Ti�etan 8549, Tehran, Iran kerov E., Farhadinia M. S., Ka�ir M., Adi�i Plateau. Cat News 60, 19–20. *<[email protected]> FARID BOUNACEUR1*, ABDELKADER FOUDIL1 AND STÉPHANE AULAGNIER2 are interspersed with maquis, areas of tall Survival of caracal in the Ou- shru�s of evergreen plant species. Data collection arsenis Mountains, north- Opportunistic mammal surveys have �een conducted in this area since 2013 com�ining west Algeria o�servations of animals and prints, collection of scats and hair. Geographical co�ordinates We report here Caracal caracal in the Ouarsenis Mountains in Northwest Algeria, and elevations were recorded using a GPS. 22 thirty years after the previous record. One specimen was observed and photographed We also regularly interviewed the forest ran� in a pine forest in Lazharia and a second one was captured by accident in Larjam gers of Bordj Bounaâma, mem�er of the Forest district, both in Tissemessilt governorate, in north-western Algeria. Conservation Office of Tissemsilt governorate. Caracal is widely distri�uted in Africa except neral Direction of forests. However, most of Results in much of the true deserts of Sahara and Na� the records are older than the eighties and In Fe�ruary 2013, one young male caracal was mi�, and in the Congo and equatorial forest the present status of this species is mainly found dead (Fig. 1) in an open pine forest, 5 km �elt of western and central Africa (Stuart & unknown as no extensive survey has �een un� south�east of Boukaid near Lazharia district Stuart 2013). Beyond Africa, caracal is found dertaken since De Smet (1989). So any recent (35°57’55.15’’ N / 1°36’13.45’’ E). This speci� in Asia from Turkey in the west and Ara�ic record can �e relevant, and here we report men, which was photographed and measured peninsula in the south�west to India.
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