Carl Snavely Fair Today Named to Coach All-Stars IOWA: Fair today; tomorrow See wry on Pa«e 4 partly cloudy. showers In ail» north portion, lot"a City's Mo rning New.paper FIVE CENTS IOWA ITY, IOWA WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1941 VOLUME XLI NUMBER 267 As War Tension Grows in Far East, Britllin Rushes- ---------------------------------~------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Mo ' 'entou8 Conference' Of '-S-en-at-e-B-att-le-s-on-E-x-te-nd- e-d ---' Japanese Increase Service for Men in Army Indo-China Forces WASHINGTON (AP) - With.Burton (R-Ohio) after Senator Allied., ' U. S. Chieftains Hinted a majority ot the senate apparent- Thomas had proposed an 18 ly !avorillf an extension of ser- month extension in lieu 01 the MANILLA, Philippine Islands (AP)-Formidable land. air • vice for all men now In army earlier military committee pro- and naval reinforcements r eached the mighty British base * * * * * * * * * uniforms, a dispute developed late vision for an unlimited period of of Singapore yesterday and belief spr ead in the Far East Leaves 0" ecr~cy·Cloaked VacaLion Cruise yesterday os to whether this addi- service. that Britain might be preparing a swift occupation of key Associate FoR. lional duty should be 12 or 18 Thomas and Senator Hill (D- points in Thailand to head off the Japanese, months, Ala) had recounted that the Will' Di patches from Thailand-which adjoins French Indo. Mystery Sail Both Majority Leader Barkley department had opposed any China, scene of the recent diplomatic victory that gave (D-Ky) and Senator Thomas (D- specific limit on the service per- Japan bases within relatively ea y triking distance of With Me ting ~r~~~~OI'!vi~~ ~~~~;~e ~:i':~:: I ~~ar~r o~tar~~lll~e::;mu;.e ~:~io~~~ ingapore, Hongkong and Manilla~id plainly that the that they expected passage of the ftnally had acquiesced in an government wa conscious that a grave and perhaps fateful biU permitting the presIdent to ' "outside limit" of 30 months on decis ion must be m~ as to relation with Japan on the CburcbiIJ Disappears keep the men in service 1.8 1the training period. The original one hand and Britain on the other. months alter their original one 12 month period fO l' draftees plus A possible indication that this decision might b to resist From London; Officials year of training, (See DRAFT page 5) . any Japanese invasion w as given in an official announcement Deny Conclave Rumor Earlier the administration forces - - rat Bangkok that a tank head- had beal.en the attempt of seoa- I 0 J (>rr-v Got a .' , Oy J, C, STARK tor Taft (R-Ohio) to limit the' qual tel'S for Thalland s east- WASHINGTON (A P) - The I additional service tor draJted men ern fOl'ces had been establish- to six months, and for army re- ed at Bnttambang, CambodIa, 35 capi tal buzzed with Tumor and specu latlop yesterday that Pres­ serves and the national guard to miles from Siernreap, Indo-China, Ident Roosevelt, Prime Minister one year, 'fhe vote was 50 to 27, which the Japanese occupied Sun- Winston Churchill of G rea t The propo!lll to limit service to day . Britain, Prime Minister Mack­ 12 months came from Senalor Troops Go To Fronller enzie IC"lg of Canada, and Harry '-- - Contingents of me c han i ze d I" Hopkins, lease-l nd admi ~­ troops were dispatched to BaUam­ bang along with large numbers Istrator, were about to e n gag~ t See Jump I!1 In a momentous conference, pos­ of police and civil officers. The dbly In Canada or somewhEre in town is in the area recently ceded th ! Atl~ntic oceah. Co t of LivinO' to Thniland rl'Om French Indo­ The reports that the fOUl China. would get together to discuss .00 problems arising from the wur Bender on Tells House Thailand, It was renerally lU\U l\merkan aid to nation '> I Brreed. mlr ht at Ilny time be­ battling the axis lacked any sub­ Unit Nation eeds come Lhe Poland or Syria of the stanitation whatever, und their Price 0l1tr01 Law Far East.-a Iheater in which origin was dubious. The rumon Britain would draw the line persist.ed, however, de."oite th" WASllINGTON (AP) - An (lS­ Ilgalnst any further Japanese fact that high officials hel'e and sel lion that n "mc>Ji pronounced expansion or Inflltrallon, elSEwhere di sc l ~imed any knowl­ incre.se in lhe cosl of livIng" was • • • edge uf such a fil e-eli ng. inevitable even if ' the adminIstra­ Thot Japan was pressine cer­ Mystery Cruise tion 's pdce-contl'ol bill were en­ President ROUJevc lt. vacationing the New London, Conn., submar- board the yacht. WhereabOUts of tain demands was In effect ac­ The r(·.orts apparently sprang acted Immediotely W:r,J made to knowledged by that officia l. I, "sQm~whe\'e in the At \ Il. n i. i " ll\e ba!;e with Capt. E:lwin F. Cutts, the Putomac and its e.corting wnt'­ chiefl y from the unusual secl'tcy cong,.~sS Yel1terdsy ' by Leon Hen­ Broadcast Japanese reports that aboard the presidenlipl yacht i'o­ b e comrnttndnnt, 11 l1st Gov. R()- ~ hiP s is beit'll: k~pt "olllpiptt'l Ilrrounding Presld nl Roosevelt's il'! -the oiflee of'price Thlrtl:md ~ had recornized the Ja­ tomae, is pictured above l'iding to bert A. Hwiey of Connecticut, 101 erel. cruise aboard the- presid!nliul administration. panese puppet government of y n c h t Potomac in northern OpenIng hearings on the me. ­ Manchouko were confirmed last wa ters. Linked with this was the sUl'e before the house banking night by the Bangkok government. announcement in the Hri lish committee, Henderson dec 1111' e d I II-fusL top Japanese house of comons th ~ t Prime that a backlog of increased whole­ Thc size of new British and Minister Churchill would not To .Join S. U. I. Faculty sale prices had been built up imperial troops arriving during the participa!e in the forth-comin~ which hod not yet been reflected day in Singapore, which already debate on the conduct of the .-----_. in l'etail prices but which made it had been heavily strengthened war before the pariiment l'esess­ certs in that American consumer.> was of course not disclosed, es for the summer. soon would have to pay more for • 0 0 Clement Attlee, lord privy L~ Van Dyke Railroad Labor Groups Call mony commodities. A Brlllsh decision to move seal and British party leader, .. FOI' instance, he said, the whole­ Whil e Hurry Witzel, Jr., ubove, of I c ~ u.;e of his good behavior, Jerry ahead of IIny Japanese encroach­ explained tbat the prime mln­ For J! ole on Proposed Strike sale price of butter had increa:oed ment In Thailand was repre­ Isler was pl'f occuP~ed "wltb Will Succeed 50 per cent since the European Verona, Pa., attended :1 high .;chool was aWal'ded a signed and sealed summer course, his 6-yeal'-0Id pet dIploma along ,Yilh the rest of the sented by informed persons as urrent matters connected \ViOl wat' began but its retsil price thus the 10«lcal outcome of a deler­ the war." CnICAGO (AP) - Represent- . Icudel·s that they were unable far had risen only 36 per cenl. dog, Jel'ry, sat alongside his d k gl·aduatcs. H"K.Newburn otives or 19 railroad labOl' organ-: to meet requests !Ol' pay hikes Cortee presented a much more right up until graduation day. Be- mintlon, backed by the United So m e persons h e I' e i m­ States, to halt the Japanese ad­ mediately drew the conciusion izations decided late yesterday to. which the owners calculated glaring discrepancy, he said, hav­ ----------~---------- toke immediate strike votes among would add $900,000,000 a year Ing jumped 52 per cent wholesale vance which already has put that Churchill might be flying to the whole of French Indo-China Missouri Educator approximately 1,200,000 members to their Opt rating expenses. but only 2,7 pel' cent retail. Dentist Killed Canada for a secret rend €zvous House Passes under Japan's conlro1. with the president and lIwt Hop­ Joills Education Staff, after the carriers had rejected The operating unions announc- Declaring thai the nation is on o • • kins might accompany him. th eir ,.Ilmands for higher wages, ed they would poll their mem- the "brink 01 in nation," Hender- In 12 Floor Fall These additional reports; all To Direct Higb Scho01 lJnion spokesmen reported that bel'S ,)0 what action they want- son ul'ged passage of the price eon­ Property Grab At Ottawa, the office of Pl'i mc pointing to a cl'isis in the orient, Minister Mackenzi e King said it the baUots would be sent out at ed to take on the pay increases trol bill, He told the committee In New York had heard nothing of the rumor- Lauren A. Van Dyke of Jefrer­ once 'I nd predicted thal results they seek and the changes In thllt we could very easily ignore · I · were' distributed through the far Ed flying visit by Churchill and son City, Mo., director of high would be kn :> wn in a week'. working rules proposed bl' the what i3 going on at present and NEW YORK (AP) - Dr. F. LegIS abon east: Justin Lynch, 38, who formerly That a big Chinese army is termed it "most unlikely." school supervision in the Mis- Leaders of the two groups of railroads.
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