![Arxiv:1801.04008V1 [Q-Bio.QM] 11 Jan 2018 Accumulation of Atheromatous Plaques Under Angina Pectoris](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Comorbid CAD and Ventricular Hypertrophy Compromise The Perfusion of Myocardial Tissue at Subcritical Stenosis of Epicardial Coronaries Eslam Abbas Kobri El Kobba Medical Complex, Cairo, Egypt Abstract BACKGROUND: Most studies of CAD revascularization have been based on and reported according to angiographic criteria which don’t consider the relation between the resulting effective flow distal to the stenosis and the demand of a hypertrophied myocardial tissue. MODEL: Mathematical model of the myocardial perfusion in comorbid CAD and ventricular hypertrophy using Poiseuille’s law. The analysis yields that the curve, which represents the relation between the perfusion and the severity of CAD depending on angiographic and/or angiophysiologic criteria, is shifted to the right by the effect of myocardial tissue hypertrophy. The right shift of said curve, which is directly proportional to the degree of ventricular hypertrophy, indicates that the perfusion of the corresponding myocardial tissue is compromised at angiographically and/or angiophysiologically subsignificant stenosis of the supplying epicardial vessel. RESULTS: Patients with comorbid CAD and left ventricular hypertrophy are more sensitive to CAD-related hemodynamic changes. They are more prone to develop ischemic complications, than their peers with isolated CAD regarding the same degree of coronary stenosis. CONCLUSION: Patients with comorbid CAD and ventricular hypertrophy suffer from myocardial hypoperfusion at angiographically and/or angiophysiologically subcritical epicardial stenosis. Accordingly; the comorbidity of both diseases should be considered upon designing of the treatment regime. Background irritate the nerve endings leading to anginal pain [5]. Combined coronary artery disease and ven- tricular hypertrophy are not uncommon; they The treatment strategy for treating CAD both share hypertension, which affects ∼ 26% aims to improve survival and/or relieve of the world population [1], as a risk factor. symptoms [6] including dyspnea and stable arXiv:1801.04008v1 [q-bio.QM] 11 Jan 2018 Accumulation of atheromatous plaques under angina pectoris. Said strategy usually involves tunica intima of the epicardial arteries restricts anti-anginal medications and/or PCI, or CABG the blood flow to the supplied cardiac tissue. in case of complex CAD and/or left main Chronic high-grade narrowing of the coronary involvement, for achieving those aims. Trials arteries induces subendocardial ischemia show that revascularization by PCI or CABG is during the escalation of the myocardial oxygen more effective than a strategy of medical ther- demand throughout exercise or stress [2]. apy alone, in relieving symptoms like angina The strained myocytes release mediators like and dyspnea. Besides; it improves the quality adenosine and bradykinin [3][4] which in ad- of life by reducing the use of anti-angina drugs dition to stimulating coronary vasodilatation, and increasing exercise capacity [7][8][9][10]. 1 However; studies indicate that PCI, as an initial and the demand of a comorbid hypertrophied management strategy in patients with stable myocardial tissue. coronary artery disease, did not reduce the risk of complications as myocardial infarction Model or other major cardiovascular events when added to optimal medical therapy [11][12][13]. Hagen-Poiseuille law, which is an analytical so- lution to the Navier-Stokes equation [21], states The guidelines recommend that ad hoc that; the flow rate Q through a coronary vessel PCI should not automatically be applied is directly proportional to the pressure gradi- after angiography [14]; and emphasize the ent DP between the aortic root and the right usefulness of optimal medical treatment for atrium; and inversely proportional to the resis- selected patients, which can reduce angina tance R within the vessel. Wherein; the resis- and the risk of myocardial infarction and tance R is inversely proportional to the radius a stroke substantially and prevent progression of the vessel elevated to the fourth power, and of atherosclerosis in the entire vasculature. is directly proportional to the blood viscosity Consequently; the clinical decisions for man- m and the vessel length Dl. So, by considering agement of CAD generally need to balance a circular cross-section of the vessel: adherence to guidelines against judgments based on specific patient, operator, social, pa4 Q = DP economic, and cultural factors [15]. Generally; 8mDl PCI and medical therapy should be viewed as when complementary, rather than opposing, strate- gies [16]. Patients with stable coronary artery 8mDl R = disease and functionally significant stenoses, pa4 benefit from the combination therapy of PCI so; plus optimal medical therapy by showing 1 1 Q ∝ ∝ a4 ∝ greater symptomatic improvement [17] and R Dl decreased the need for urgent revasculariza- tion. However; in patients without ischemia, the outcome appeared to be favorable with the The blood flow, which is a non-Newtonian optimal medical therapy alone [18]. fluid, within the circulation doesn’t imitate precisely this law [22], because said relation For revascularization decisions and recom- is applied on a Newtonian fluid in the mendations; said significant stenosis has been steady laminar flow moving through a long defined by most studies of CAD revasculariza- cylindrical pipe. Still, the law outlines the tion, which have been based on and reported dominant determinants which influence the according to angiographic criteria, as ≥ 70% di- blood flow Q within the vasculature either in ameter narrowing, and/or ≥ 50% for left main physiological or pathological conditions. CAD [19]. Besides; angiophysiological crite- rion, such as an assessment of fractional flow Atherosclerosis commonly affects the epicar- reserve (FFR), has been used in deciding when dial coronary vessels leading to narrowing of revascularization is indicated. Thus, for recom- the vessel caliber ae and increase vascular re- mendations about revascularization, coronary sistance of the supplying vessel Re. While: stenosis with FFR ≤ 0.8 is also considered to be 1 significant [20]. The standard values provided Re ∝ 4 by both methods, and so the revascularization ae decision, don’t consider the relation between the corresponding supplied myocardial seg- the resulting effective flow distal to the stenosis ment doesn’t actually suffer this severe blood 2 flow reduction indicated in the above equation. consequently; the flow rate Q, and so the The vasculature of the coronary circulation is perfusion of myocardial tissue, diminish arranged in-series, in addition to the in-parallel significantly upon subcritical stenosis of arrangement, so that the epicardial vascular re- the supplying epicardial artery during the sistance Re is a segmental resistance. The coro- pathogenesis of CAD. nary circulation can be divided into two com- partments, the large epicardial conduit vessels As mentioned; the identification of clinically- and the resistance vessels, which are typically significant stenosis of an epicardial artery de- less than 300mm in diameter [23]. Whereas the pends on an angiographic criterion, its radius conduit vessels exert little if any resistance to ae, and/or an angiophysiologic criterion, the flow, resistance to flow progressively rises as FFR, which is an absolute number result from the vessel diameter of the resistance vessels de- the ratio of the pressure distal to the lesion, clines from about 300mm in the small arteries to the pressure proximal to the lesion during to less than 100mm in the arteriolar vessels [24]. induced hyperemia [20]. The graphical repre- Therefore; the total resistance to blood flow R sentation of the relation between both these comprises mainly the pre-capillary resistance criteria of the supplying artery and the perfu- Rc, the resistance of microvasculature Rm, and sion of the supplied myocardial tissue follows the negligible resistance of the epicardial or a direct proportional relationship represented conductance vessels Re. by a sigmoid-shaped curve, due to the effect of segmental resistance. Myocardial perfusion R = Rc + Rm + Re x describes the blood flow Q in ml/min per cubic centimeter of cardiac muscle volume V. Q x = Narrowing of the radius of the epicardial ves- V sel, due to atheromatous plaque, will increase the resistance in this vessel; but as: According to the relation between the radius Rc + Rm Re ae of an epicardial coronary artery, as an the impact of mild to moderate increase of angiographic criterion, and the perfusion x of the corresponding supplied myocardial tissue the epicardial resistance Re on the overall resistance of the coronary circulation R is represented in Figure 1; the perfusion x doesn’t insignificant. decrease significantly with gradual stenosis in isolated CAD until a critical stenotic value fa is reached, wherein the perfusion collapses However; in case of combined coronary relatively. Clinically; said critical value f is artery disease and ventricular hypertrophy, a defined as ≥ 70% radius a reduction, signifi- both R and R + R are increased. Microan- e e c m cant stenosis [19]. However; in patients with giogenesis is activated during the pathogenesis comorbid CAD and ventricular hypertrophy; of ventricular hypertrophy as a compensatory the curve is shifted to the right indicating mechanism to maintain effective blood supply an increase in the critical stenotic value f , to the hypertrophied tissue. Accordingly; CAD a so that the perfusion x of the corresponding causes an increase in R due to epicardial ar- e
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