Date:Date: 25 March 25 March 2018 2018 Page:Page: 6,7,9 6,7,9 Date: 25 March 2018 Date: 25 March 2018 Page: 6,7,9 Page: 6,7,9 It’s the showIt’s the that’s show that’s shaken shakenup daytime up daytime TV (andTV left (and men left men quakingquaking) with ) with It’s the show that’s shaken up daytimeoh-so intimateoh-soIt’s the intimate show that’s shaken up daytime TV (and left menadmissions admissions from from quaking) with its femaleitsTV femalestars. (and left stars. men quaking) with oh-so intimate But oneBut question one question admissions from oh-so intimate makes themakesadmissions Loose the Loose from From far left: AndreaFrom McLean, far left: Andrea McLean, its female stars. Denise van Outen,Denise Nadia vanSawalha Outen, Nadia Sawalha WomenWomen worry...its female worry... stars. and Janet Street-Porter.and Janet Right, Street-Porter. Right, But one question from top: Katie Price,from Penny top: Katie Price, Penny are theyare sharingBut they one questionsharing Lancaster and RuthLancaster Langsford and Ruth Langsford makes the Loose From far left: Andrea McLean, TOO much?TOOmakes much? the Loose Denise van Outen, Nadia Sawalha From far left: Andrea McLean, Women worry... and Janet Street-Porter. Right, Denise van Outen, Nadia Sawalha Women worry... from top: Katie Price, Penny and Janet Street-Porter. Right, are they sharing Lancaster and Ruth Langsford from top: Katie Price, Penny are they sharing Lancaster and Ruth Langsford TOO much? TOO much? WhyWhy we we con confefefefessss to to it it allall WhyWhy we con wefe confessfe fetoss it all to itall PHOTOGRAPH BYPHOTOGRAPH RACHEL SIMONS BY RACHEL SIMONS PHOTOGRAPH BY RACHEL SIMONS PHOTOGRAPH BY RACHEL SIMONS BY BY BY LOUISE GANNON LOUISEBY LOUISE LOUISE GANNON GANNONGANNON ome the nextome elec- omethe nextthe nextelec- elec- ome the next‘And elec-that’s the‘And‘And point,’ ‘And that’s says that’s the the point,’onthepoint,’ the show.point,’says says And sayson the theon Duchess show. theon show. Andthe of show.the And Duchess theAnd Duchess theof Duchess of of tion, Loose Women tion, tion,tion,Loose LooseLoose formerWomen Women Women newspaper formerformer editorformer newspapernewspaper Street- newspaper editor editorCornwall Street-editor Street- loves Street- itCornwall becauseCornwall she lovesCornwall told itloves because loves it because she it told because she told she told is going to be more is goingisis goinggoing to bePorter.to to bemore be more ‘It’s more the onlyPorter. show ‘It’s on the TV only showus. They on TVall do.’ Itus. is Theyalso the all showdo.’ It is also the show important than Porter.Porter. ‘It’s the‘It’s only the onlyshow show on TV on TVus. Theyus. They all do.’ all It do.’ is also It is the also show the show importantimportantimportant where than thanwomen than wherediscuss womenthings discussthat regularthings guestthat Simon regular Cowell guest Simon Cowell Question Time in wherewhere women women discuss discuss things things that regularthat regular guest guest Simon Simon Cowell Cowell QuestionQuestionQuestion Timefrom TimeTime theirin in sex in lives from to thetheir divorce sex lives tosays the divorcehe wishes hesays had he comewishes up he had come up deciding the future of the nation.’ from fromtheir theirsex lives sex livesto the to divorce the divorce says sayshe wishes he wishes he had he comehad come up up C Cdeciding the future oflaws, the nation.’ and it’s relevantlaws, andto people’s it’s relevant with. to people’s Oprah Winfreywith. gaveOprah it Winfreyher gave it her decidingdeciding the future the future of the of nation.’ the nation.’ So saysC JanetC SoStreet-Porter, says Janet Street-Porter, laws,laws, and it’sand relevant it’s relevant to people’s to people’s with. with. Oprah Oprah Winfrey Winfrey gave gaveit her it her So saysSo saysJanet Janet Street-Porter, Street-Porter,lives because we livesare not because just talk- we are notseal just of approvaltalk- sealby appearing of approval on by appearing on shouting above theshouting noise of above hair- the noiseing factsof hair- and figureslivesing factslivesbecause but andhowbecause we figuresit are we Loose butnot are howjust Women not talk-it just in talk- Loose2013.seal Women ofseal approval in of 2013. approval by appearing by appearing on on shoutingshouting above above the noise the noise of hair- of hair- dryers, shrieks ofdryers, laughter, shrieks tea of laughter,affects them tea anding affectsus. factsing them factsand and figuresand us. figures Sobut would howbut howtheyit So itlikeLoose would toLoose Womenhave they Women like in 2013.to in have 2013. orders anddryers, the generaldryers,orders shrieks hustle andshrieks the ofand generallaughter, of laughter, hustle‘So whentea and teawe affects start‘So affects onwhen them politics, themwe and start us. and Theresa on us. politics, May as aTheresa guest?So ‘Yes,’ May wouldSo asthe a would guest? they ‘Yes,’ theylike the liketo haveto have Date: 25 March 2018 bustle thatorders occursordersbustle andwhen the thatand four general occursthe pre- general when hustlewe four hustletalk and pre-about and it inwe a talk way about that noit in a fourway presentersthat no chorus.four presenters chorus. senters from the award-winning, ‘So when‘So when we start we starton politics, on politics, Theresa Theresa May asMay a guest? as a guest? ‘Yes,’ ‘Yes,’ thePage: the 6,7,9 bustlebustle sentersthat occurs that from occurs thewhen award-winning, when fourone else pre-four does pre- onwe TV.one talk Weelsewe abouthavedoestalk theonabout it TV. in Weait wayJeremyin have a thatway the Corbyn? nothat noJeremy fourVan presentersfourOutenCorbyn? presenters Van chorus. Outen chorus. groundbreakingsenterssenters groundbreaking ITVfrom fromdaytimethe award-winning, the ITVaward-winning,power daytime to educate power and inform to educate in a andpulls inform a face. in a The 43-year-oldpulls a face. WestThe 43-year-old West show – Andrea McLean,show – Andrea Denise McLean,way thatDenise is entertaining one elseone and does else relat- doeson TV. onEnd We TV. star,have We who havethe made the Jeremyher nameJeremy Corbyn? Corbyn? Van VanOuten Outen groundbreakinggroundbreaking ITV ITVdaytime daytime way that is entertaining and relat- End star, who made her name van Outen, Nadiavan Sawalha Outen, andNadia Sawalhaable and and far morepowerable inclusive powerand to fareducate than tomore educate inclusiveandhosting inform and thanThe inform in Big a Breakfast hostingin apulls The in pullsa 1997,face.Big Breakfasta Theface. 43-year-old The in 1997, 43-year-old West West Street-Portershow – getshow – togetherAndrea – Andrea for McLean, an McLean, Denise Denise Street-Porter – get togetherany political for an show.’wayany thatpoliticalway is that entertaining show.’ is entertainingsays, and ‘To berelat- and honest, relat-says, IEnd ‘Toprefer beEndstar, talk-honest, star,who I preferwhomade talk-made her nameher name exclusive photo-shootvan Outen,vanexclusive Outen, for Nadia Event photo-shoot Nadia . Sawalha Sawalha for Eventand . and Street-Porter ablebecomesStreet-Porter andable far andeven more far becomes more inclusiveing about inclusiveeven morethan thanfuning stuff.abouthosting Ihostingmore like The itfun Big The stuff. Breakfast Big I like Breakfast it in 1997, in 1997, We are Street-PortertalkingStreet-Porter politicsWe are –and talkingget the –together get politics togethermore for and animated an thefor an anyasmore she politicalany animatedwarms political show.’ to as show.’shewhen warms we allto havewhen a realsays, we laugh.’ all says,‘To have be ‘To a honest, real be laugh.’honest, I prefer I prefer talk- talk- power of aexclusive TV juggernautexclusivepower photo-shoot of that aphoto-shoot TV has juggernaut forher Event for thattheme. Event. has ‘What. herStreet-Porter people theme.Street-Porter don’t ‘What becomes people Inbecomes these don’t even times even ofIn #MeToo ing these abouting times and about more of #MeToo more fun stuff. fun and stuff.I like I it like it in the past few yearsin the been past trans- few years been trans- We areWe talking are talking politics politicsrealise and the andis who the watchesmore realisemore animated our is who show.animated watches as sheTime’s asour warmsshe show. Up, warms withto Time’s torevelationswhen Up,when we with ofall we haverevelations all havea real a oflaugh.’ real laugh.’ formed from a ratherformed messy from ‘hen- a rather messy ‘hen- powerpower of a TV of ajuggernaut TV juggernautWhen that has thatI met has her DavidWhen theme.her Cameron,I theme.met ‘What David ‘What widespreadpeople Cameron, people don’t sexual don’t widespread misconductIn these Insexual these times misconduct times of #MeToo of #MeToo and and night’ affair (wherenight’ several affair hosts, (where severalSam Cameron hosts, toldSam me Cameron she was told metowards she was women towardsin the workplace women in the workplace including Denisein thein Welchincludingpast the few pastand Denise Carol yearsfew Welchyears been andbeentrans- Carol trans- realiserealise is who is whowatches watches our show. our show. Time’s Time’s Up, withUp, withrevelations revelations of of formedformed from froma rather a rather messya massivemessy ‘hen- ‘hen- Loose Womena massive fan. Loose She Womenand fan.the thornyShe issueand theof equal thorny pay, issue of equal pay, McGiffin, were betterMcGiffin, known were for better wasn’t known just for sayingWhenwasn’t it,When because justI met sayingI metDavid it, it becauseDavid might Cameron, seem Cameron, like it theremightwidespread isn’t seemwidespread a likelot theresexual isn’tsexual amisconduct lot misconduct drinking thannight’ night’debating) drinkingaffair affair (where intothan (where aseveraldebating) sheseveral hosts, intokept hosts, atalking Samshe aboutSamCameronkept Camerontalking told about totoldme laugh sheme about wasshe for towas womenlaughtowards about towardstoday. women for women women in the today. in workplace the workplace feisty issue-ledincluding showincludingfeisty Denisethat issue-led won Denise Welch an show Welch and that Carol wonand Carolan various outfits I’da variousmassive worna massive outfits Loose I’d Loose Womenworn Women fan.
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