WITH SHI\DCE STEVENS ••• COMPACT DISC 11. TRACK • 0, HAS 1KHz REFERENCE TONE ... :mf.!!;JIL PBOMOS TOPICAL PBOMOS FOB SHO\\' I 3 ABE LOCATED ON CD DISC 4. TRACKS I AND 7. QO IJIOT USE AFTER SHOW 13 AJ40 ACTUALITIES ABELOCtJEQ ON DISC 4 TRACKS g 10 &!! IMMEQIATELY FOI.L(,WING TOpiCAL pBOMOS AT40 SNEfK PEEK LOOTED ON QISC 4 TRACK 12 1. A JOBAGQ JOUR AND BARNEY QBfAMS•• :25 Hi, I'm Shadoe Stevens. Every week on American Top 40, the !:tars come out and talk. LAlit week, Del leppard's J011 ER/ot told us about making their latest album, 'Retroactive' Carrileen Dan<.e Star Haddaway talked about his island homeland in Tobago and we found out that Toni Braxton has a s..cret dream as a • :. 1pw.iter - to ....r~• for B.,.: ;,\IP.f THF D11'OR 1\! '·"'· I 1:-'1~ • ·nu -· vou ~·.. :. ·: -;~'.:. • .___ ';:. 2- ;-:.. ;;..·1 ~"-_,,~:; t..n,;"i.~ 'd..;.'"".-' ,j.., ... a -- ti\li-l r·~~rt.- - Ufl A.fl.ei'~;an ·-, op 4U! lL.Ut;AL. 1 t.tG_$ 2. ALJEBNAJNE N-R-G AND A BJQN!Cf YfSTf£fW8 :33 Hi, I'm Shadoe Stevens. H you missed AT40 last w.k, you mio-ted aH sorts of hH-actlon. We took a tr" to the AT40 'Comparison Corner' wHh 10,000 Maniacs and heard the c.rlgln•~ Patti SmHh group version of "BECAUSE THE NIGHT". In AT40 Music News, we found out about a new Greenpeace benelk album called 'Aiertnatlve N·B-G featuring R.E.M., U2 and many others. Alao look an AT40 Flashback to a very 'Bionic' year on ·,v, with the Six Million Dollar Man and Bionic Women·1975! All that and Billboard's biggest Ms in the U.S.A on American Top 4JJ. Right here and only here on ... (LOCAL TAG) 3. BIG NAME QFBUIS :27 Hey, Shad011 Stevens, AT 40. last week, WHITNEY HOUSTON debuted with herlilth and latest M from last year's t1 album, 'The Bodyguard.' WhHney's new song is "QUEEN OF THE NIGHT. • CELINE DION was also back wnh her latest, THE POWER OF LOVE." HADDAWAY came in with his lollow-t·p to WHAT IS LOVE,' called 'LIFE' and HEART returned with "WILL YOU BE THERE. • We've got all the latest hb radio's .W biggest from the official Billboard chart and we count 'em down non-stop to Ill on American Top 40. (LOCAL TAG) .... FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, WE HAVE PU1CEO A 20HZ TONE AT -10 DB AT THE END OF OUR NETWORK COMMERCIAL BREAKS TO ACCOMMODATE AUTOMATED AND SEMI- AUTO­ MATED STATIONS - • IABC Watermark J • ABC Radio Networks 3575 Cahuenga Blvd W, Sune 555, Los Angeles. CA 90068 VOICE: 213.882.8330 FAX: 213.850.1050 .. AT40 ACTUA LIT! ES w. SH OV ~_,3__ -lpiiCJ!,..S..,C....=.4 _ ......I~Bu::AuCuK 111Sor.._;9iLJ•..._1 OKI·~&IiiL..J1u1 1. "ANOTHER SAD LOVE SONG• written I•Y Babyface and Dartl Simmons for Toni Braxton. But Toni told us she also does s,Jme writing of hor own. You can hear some of her writing on her CD out now called Toni Braxton. Wu asked her when she first started writing songs: · · ION! BRAXTON ACTUALITY: (:23) "I started playing the piano when 1 was around 14, so I would write my own little melodies and put little lyrics arid stuff to it. was around 14 when I first started. ~ wp1Ad to write nursert rhymes, so I would write those at first. But I could write for Barney the dinosaur, I'm confident 1 could, because I loye writing those little sing along jingles for kids: 2. This next band usually takes a few yl~ars to release an album -- month after month in the studio. But, ·not their latee.t. album "RetroActive" -- Joe Elliot from DEF LEPPARD told us what was different: JOE ELLIOT/DEE LEPPABD ACTUALIL!: (:59)"A vert fun album we've put together here because it was done so quickly. W'.i basically conceived the album idea in December '92. We wrote down . all the ·poasibilitles · of songs, everything that we've I ......., ... ~".. , •••••• , ..,~ .....,.. t~· ·~·-· ~ !)"''"'' U>Jue,: ..,. ··,-tll a ..r. ,.....av r 1•'ol'"d& - a ·u'' .,.,...... w,..,..._,._. - .,. __ . _.... -- ... ..- . •·-· .. _., "7r. ..':;I -·-~ We whittled all that down to 13 songs' on thEl album and we basically· then started planning how we were going to do this 'causa· we were on the road so it was a case of getting together with Pete Woodruff, our angineer and saying ok, we're gonna give yo\.1 some tapes, you're gonna mix 'em foOd Fed -Ex 'em out over to wherever we are and we'll listen to the mixes and -choose one and we're just going to mix each song three or four times, slightly differently, and we'll pick one. Basically, all the stuff that needed finishing on the album was done over about a two week period. Basically we saw the whole project as like, a nice wa'( of tidying up the Steve Clark era of the band, at the same time introducing Vivian Campbell as a recording member of the band, rather than just a touring member of the band: 3. Next is Haddaway's current hit, "WHAT IS LOVE". We asked him about being from the Caribbean -- Tobago: HADQAWAY ACTUALITY: (:35) "Trinidad/1'obago, it's one country. It's a Caribbean ,s;and. Caribbean Islands, it was in the hands of many, at least Tobago was. Trinidad was only rea11y n the hands of the Spanish and the English. The•n finally at the beginning of the 1950's, Trinidad ... as one of the first Caribbean Islands to gail) their independence. Trinidad has agricultural things '~ ch as coco and sugar cane, but the main product from Trinidad is oil. They share the area of ·~~ Suit of Sapara and south of Trinidad, the volcanic aiphalt pits, and that's the geography of it - AIR DATE WEEKEND: 1/15194 • IABC Watermar~ .) HOURS 1..L2 ' SHOWt:J 3575 Cohuonga B1iH1 W, SUio 555, Loo Mgoloo, CA !IOClQ.134e VOICE: 213.882!.8330 FAX! 213.150.1050 01213.150.5832 ABC RADIO NETWORK W'ff1 SH"~ f)'[/["..', ~tho US-RADIO EXPRESS 1.213.850.1003 Th-11nd Opening of P•rt I AT441 Jlngto Th .nd "--'nil of P•rt II AI~BtolriJoll Koz/Mooll ~Old Tl1ol Mullc-IIMI AI~ ~·KoZI Malt< LoggoiiiWha Old Thol ~BMI NO HEY JEALOUSY (A) Gin- 130 F {Am)Jon«..- 139 JUST KICKIN' IT (MI) Xlalpe 129 THE RIVER a DREAMS (A) Blty Joel 138 ANOTHER SAD LOVE SONG (8) Toni B­ MCIA'OltfltOPAN AMER PlASTICSAJS AIWYICONTACT~IDPAN (oul cue) Voice OUI cokl wth • ... UN U ~lid. • (out aoo) v-out--'... uoo .. -.· HOUR 1 TRACK 1 - 1111E: 13:21 (LOCAL tNIERT 1:110) HOUR 2 TRACK 1 --TillE: 10:22 (LOCAL ltiiERT 2:00) ,\T40 Jingle AT441Jinglo 137 DAUGHTER 0 Pool.- 121 LFE (EVERYBODY NEEDS SOMEBODY TO LOVE) (8) ._,..y Ar.tQ SNEEK PffK· VWBF AI WAYS QN yv MKJ (AlB) swv AT:tQ I 00• RLJNAWAY TRMI (A) Soul AsyUn (l•4Q:l•W Sl!NQ INTAQ fM LOGN. IQ t•tD 127 CAVIN' (A) Aon>omlh 138 HEY MR. D.J. (MI) Zlw1o US ARMY/CONTACT (~ at11) Voice 0U1 cold wlh • ... u• a dnc:tM.• RIDPAN/800 LENS (out cuo) Jlnglo •-lftot • ....800 oono. • HOUR 1 TJIACK 2 RUN 11ME: 12:48 (LOCM.INIERT.I:IIO STATION I> :10) HOUR l TRACK 2-TillE: 15:18 (LOCAL .,!IEIIT 2:00 STATION :10) --- . ---- ·-'- ··- - -· --· ---- ...... --- AT441Jing10 AT441Jinglo •35 SOMETHING IN COMMON (A) -y Brown wnt1 Whiney Houston 126 OUEEN OF THE NIGHT (Mil Whlnoy Hou!IOn •34 WILL YOU BE THERE (IN THE MOANING) (A) - 125 DAEAMI.OVER (MI) Morloh c..y •33 SWEAT (A LA LA LA LA LONG)(B) lmlf C- 124 THE POWER OF LOVE (A) c.lno Ilion FOX.CINNABURST/ATT/ALKA SELTZER FOX.CINNABURST/AUKA SELTZEIWOO l£NS (out cue) Voice oul cofd wMh • ... UH: only as clredect.• (out cuo) .Jnglo •-- ' ... 800 -·• jHOUR 1 TRACK 3 RUN 1111E: 11:57 (LOCAL INSERT 1:110) HOUR 2 TRACK 3 RUN TIME: 14:05 (LOCAL SPOT INSERT 2:00) AT40 Jingle AT40 Jlngte '32 THE SIGN (A) ACIII of a- 123 JESSIE (B) Josllllll Ka<hon 122 DREAMS (MI) ~ '31 AU. ABOIIT SOUl (A) Blly Joel 121 M\SS YQU !t A HURJBEAT (A) o.l L..,.n:t TRIDENT/CONTACT CDNTACT/ALKA SELTZER (oul cue) Voice ou1 cotd wlh •... ull as dlrec:ted." (out cue) .Jngles ladle 1ft• · ... o!Vy u ~eel.· HOUR 1 TRACK 4 RUN 11ME: 10:28 (LOCM.INSERT 1:110 STATION I> :10) HOUR 2 TJIACK 4 RUN TIME: 14:01 (LOCM.IN!IEIIT2:110 STA11DN :10) AMERICAN TOP 40 uses "Hit Discs OJ's" ~by TMcentury 6::::.~=~~ INC (214)1134-2121 or (800) 937-2100 ·. AIR DATE WEEKEND: 1115/94 HOURS a..1A SHOWI:;l ABC RADIO NETWORK -- ----- ,--;-;-::-::~------ ,.~;.,_=--=-=::;n:::;;;;;;t;;~;;;tii~--~ Theme and Opening• of Part Ill· AT40 Jtnglo Thama and Opanlng for Part IV AI ClllP.tloln -/Joll Koz/ Mor11 L._II/WIIo [Md Thill Muok>BMl AI c~ln• BlaOIJoft Koz/ M.. ~ Old Thiii-BMI 1120 AMAZING (A) Aerosmllh flO LINGER (II) The Crort>erTies t19 HIGHER GROUND (8) U840 It SAID I LOVED YOU .•.. BUT I LIED (All!) Mk:hUI Bollon t18 IIQ.BI!It! (A) Bird MelOn MCVAMER PLASTICSNS ARt."'f CONTACTA'IIOPANITRIDENT/800 LENS (oul cuo) J1ng10 1-allor " ... by ll1o US Arrrtt.' (o'" cw) Jlngll--• ... 800 IonS.' HOUR 3 TRACK 1 RUN TIME: 15:011 (LOCAL IISERT 1 :00) HOUR 4 TRACK 1 RUN mE: 11:511 (LOCAL IISERT 2:00) AT40JII1Qio AT40 Jlnglo 117 CAN WE TALK (8) Tovln Cllqlbol t8 BECAUSE THE NIGHT (A) 10.000 Maniacs AI1Q A AstjAACK· TPP f'Vf HITS FRQLI ·IANlJNrf 15 11i11 6T4fJ MLJSIC NEWS f7·4§.7•511 SQNQ !NJAO FOR LOQN, IQ 1•13\ 15•14-l·m SONQ !NTAQ FOB LOCH, IQ Nil 118 FOUNO OUT ABOUT YOU (A) Gin Blo.....,.
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