^Chamberlain, er Only Unbeaten Teams NOVEMBER 27, 1960 THE TORRANCE HtHALD Elgin Due! in In Nation to Collide in Bowl Game OFF AMI 111 VM\«. Jltltn I. Dm Coach .Inn Stangcland's I,oilj{ try this season which will fea­ . gamesi. lell half Dec Andrews H,MC|I City College Vikings, the ' ture two undefeated, untied en­ and right half Willie Mariiu, "llalf vs. limsoif Arena Tonight Uoul team in 11 decade, got tries. ii-vin, who scored two Til's down to serious business this Though they gave Long I'ro basketbiill's two most ex­ and a 2-point conversion, "Father" Bill l);ily and jockey u photogenic Muse, he noes so ucek after a huge downtown Beach Inns some anxious mom­ brought his season total to <)() plosive offensive players - Kdward "Snapper" (iarrisoirin a "(larrison finish." I.os Angeles' Klgin May lor and rally Monday celebrating their ents, tin1 Vikings got past the points, second only to the rec- Philadelphia's Wilt Chamber- choice as western representa­ I'ired-up Kasl I, A. Huskies 20- OR| of ] ()() sp, l)y H,,,lnv ;\oki lend their names to colloquial-1 Snapper (iarrison. a top rider lain - - lace each oilier on I lie tive in the Dec. 10 Pasadena lf> last weekend, after trailing ;,, i Hr,| | rv j n is .',| so S(,t.om| j n isms of Thoroughbred racing in the 10110's and later a prom- firing line at the l.os Angelas classic. I."i-l4 late in the fourth quar­ season ni.,hing with 885 net (hat describe two very opposite incut racing official at Ilia- Sports Arena in an important Allcr srouling Tylcr Junior ter. Long Beach nipped Kl yards. styles of riding. When it is leali, Arlington Park, etc., ob- College, I lie eastern JHB entry, two-game National Basketball Biikersficld College, 1!)5!) Andrews, who netted 140 said thai a horse is "on the viously developed his riding; Association series l<,nighl and 'last weekend. StangcUmd is I yards against the Huskies iin- Hill Duly." he is running in style after his apprenticeship .convinced Junior Hose Bowl champion, Monday. that, the Vikings i has | eluding a 65-yard touchdown!. front under strong persuasion, to Father Bill Daly. ' will face their toughest op- been selected for the II will he a battle of contract­ Potato Bowl game in Bakers- ' is right behind Irvin with a sea- But when a horse comes from 1 William Cronin Daly was a ing styles between the league's j ponent yet in what has already son total of 860 yards. Martin behind and gels up to win by s(,,n, |,l(or, ant| use(| a \)u \\ n ,j been a formidable schedule. field on Dee. 3. The Hene- two lop scorers. gades "'>«' '"inks second in pass re- stick to emphasize a point. Ha Tile Tylcr Apaches, who closed opponent in the an­ Will the -Stilt, the NBA's nual football classic will be j cciving only to Bill Raine of also carried a pocket full of most controversial figure, is a out a perfect 12-0 season by ltlie 8real '50 team, with a 9- quarters and, win or lose, blasting Ccrritos .1C. tho high-scoring 71" center who Kilgore 30-14. have game total of 570 yards on 24 jockey got a shiny 25c pieca has been described by none amassed 331 points while al­ Camino midway in the season, pusses, six of them for touch- for every pole at which he had other than Baylor himself as lowing only 108. 12-fl. downs. his horse in front. Daly's rea­ "tWi> of the Warriors attack." Quarterback Dave Groff sel soning was simple: ''Son." he'd Wilt is a deadly "man in mo­ THE VIKINGS, 9-0 for the sa>'' "fiat's a rougn n't of Hia tion" with a high field goal world, and those are tough old first perfect season in school Sets Dates for average and an unusually agile history, have scored 244 points yards against Kast LA. for a J°cks y011'11 be ri(linP against; seven-footer. However, he is to 111 for their foes. Both new 9-game total of 945 yards. Casaba Registration get away jn front and stay (This breaks the standard of woefully weak from the free schools will be making their Dales for signups for Alon there as long as you can.'1 throw line, where he missed second Junior Rose Bowl 940 set by Jack Price of the ap­ 1950 Junior Rose Bowl dra Park's pecwce and midget more than 400 last year. pearance. The Texans from team.) Groff also set a new single basketball leagues have been Tyler lost a 2(5-26 thriller to set for Dec. 3 and 6 in the park Pasadena in 1951, the year af­ game mark of 250 yards early BAYLOR. on the other hand, in the season. gymnasium. _is not a "giant" ter LBCC downed Boise J.C. Peevvees may register at in size, only 33-13. j \\ ability, among NBA often- 10 a.m. arid midgets at 2 p.m. :' 'ive starts. The 6'5" forward Junior Rose Bowl officials ALSO MOVING way, way up on Dec. 3 while juniors and anticipate a record crowd of in the all-time records were seniors may register at 7:30 can hit from the outside, but 65,000 is noted or more for the only fullback Lonzo Irvin idespite p.m. on Dec. 6. All boys must for his driving "wrist major bowl action" shooting from under game in the coun­ sitting out two mid-season bring birth certificates. In recognition of Will's WILT. THE STILT . Fabulous scoring and rebounding appearance, all 7-footers will star Wilt Chamberlain will lead the Philadelphia War­ be admitted free tonight and riors against the Lakers and Klgln Baylor tonight and to­ morrow Monday nights, according to In (lie Los Angles Sports Arena. Laker General Manager Ix>u TWO £uJ»iSTORES ~ PERFORM AT HALFTIME MENU FAVORITES Mohs. the basket. From the foul shot line he is one of the NBA's most lethal shooters with an Chargers-Oakland Pro Grid Tilt 80-plus percentage. Both men are phenomenal defensive players, as well. Chamberlain led the league in Spiced by El Camettes Dancers the rebounding department as Local American League foot­ ture are Marian Daniels, Car­ a rookie last season. Baylor is ball funs will get a "bonus" olyn (iasper, Carolyn Cum- the circuit's current leader at treat today between halves of mings, Sue Day, Marsha Hunt, pulling the ball off the back­ the Los Angeles Chargers Darlene Torgerson, Bonnie Tan­ board. Oakland Raiders contest in Me­ ner, Marie Heald, Gloria Stin­ Chamberlain isn't making the morial Coliseum. ger, Judy (iuinn, Pat McDon- trip to Los Angeles alone. He'll aid, Vicki Tibcrg, and Beverly get help from a three-time all- El Camino College's special Thomas. pro, Paul Arizin, as Well as 40-girl dance team, the El » * « Tom Gola and Guy Rodgers, Camettes, will perform 20 THE EL CAMETTES, who minutes in front of a nation­ perform during each El Ca­ among others. ally televised audience. * * * mino College halftime, have CHAMBERLAIN is said to be served as an organization since fresh the highest-paid athleie in THE PETITE and popular drill 1955. Thi.9 will be the first team, in its sixth year under time the group has appeared Picnic sports today. His salary for the in 1 ext three years Is pegged at the supervision of Mrs. Betty the Coliseum. * Shoulder 1 ,,300,000. JHershey, will give the same The game and the halftime Chamberlain is the first play­ performance it did during the show will be televised nation­ school's Homecomlng ceremon­ ally by NEC. but will be black er In the history of sports to ed out locally. be a major league team's first ies three weeks ago, "Dances draft choice while he was an of Other Lands." Ground Beef Pork Roast All-City start at Philadelphia's Torrance girls who will per­ Western Avenue Wins What a tempting variety of delicious dishes Glistening Pink with th« freshness that makes Western Ave. Baptist Church can be prepared from Lucky precision-cut the flavor different . many moniy-iaving * Overbrook High. form during the special fea­ defeated Torrance Presbyterian ground beefs . this week's budget stretcher! meals with this low price. [72 -27 in a non-conference IB. I church basketball game 1'Yiday Final Prep Grid Log [evening in Long Beach. Bill Precision-Cut Ground Chuck ............... ib. 59* Pork Steaks * 4? Schipper and Jack llanna led Serve as Salisbury Steak, Burgers, Meat Loaf, etc. Lean, tender, Eastern grain-fed pork that melts in your mouth. NORTH TORRANCK the winners in scoring with 21 0 Redondo and 20 points, respectively. 14 Warren 6 19 Inglewood Precision-Cut Ground Round «. 69' Short Ribs of Beef.......................................n.391 ]f> Inglewood (i Once you'va tried Lucky's BONDED meats . you'll never want any Those lean, meaty ribs are extra flavorful braised in brown gravy . , 39 Lawndale 7 other kindl R Morningside 13 47 Reverly Hills 6 and BONDED for flavor and tendernen. 13 South 13 21 Aviation 7 3."> Leuzinger 0 18 El Segundo 13 6 Hawthorne 25 6 Culver City 38 20 Itodondo a 21 Lennox 7 7 Mira Costa 0 173 90 Swanton's — 8-01. 120 71 EL CAMINO SOUTH (5 Oregon Tech 19 PIES 21 Dominguez 7 8 Weber 24 Beef ... Turkey ... or Chicken . Frozen! 0 Hawthorne 13 (> Rakersfield 55 Ifl Rcdondo 20 8 Long Reach 12 13 North 13 28 Valley 22 13 Morningside 25 24 Santa Monica 58 12 Mira Costa 0 44 Harbor 0 Laura Scudder Mayonnaise 18 Fast L.A.
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