IN 0 IIE 8 i F w m j M ANCHESTER. S1I7,«00. PRIVACY In Ashford. N«w to 111* Mark*!. $69,900. La rg e ap­ Exceptional rural r*sl- proved-building lot be­ dontlol area Ranch. tween 2 great forests Immaculot* pomptrtd (Yale Forest and Nat- honn*. Lara* (Nek and chaug State Forest). ICARPENTRY/ ROOFMO/ MHCELLANHNIS lovely lot. Three bed­ 416' frontage x 205' on IC H U D G A R E IS ID IN fl rooms. All new ap­ .. Moon Road. Call Joela, IREMOOEUNO ISERVICES a2 Chavaiw tar. pliances and much ^ 8724170. Golden Oaks SaCanlury LTD44r. LICENSED Daycora bos __ iNHRB ir r e t i r e m e n t LIvIno-i mere. Enlov country Realty. 646-5099. openings In our Man­ KITCHEN A BATH iHNRniiFgoteiMNT If this nome is 84 Celebrity 4 4r. living In convenient Sldiiia - Oafla - aaalaeemeiit Everything provided LO T For sole. Manufac­ chester home.’ Infonts Mnaemaoeen for your comfort even 18 Cavallar 4 Sr. •5995 Manchester. Century tured housing com­ REMODELING not on your 21 Epstein Realty, 647- welcomed. Call 646- He Jeb Tee ais er Tee Smell nursing service. Rates 88 Chavy C-IOe/u •6995 munity. Palm Bay, 4651. From the smallest repair to lex Seiner CMlwe OMcewit reasonable. Coll 649- ae OMt Oattt oee ^WWwO M9S.O Florida. 8 minutes the largest renovation, we A^EMiiREP e4 Hio IrSepAeHerbI car, you aerter Svehwiie 2358. 88 Nova CL •5995 V iR ^ b N . Home In per- from airport. 644-6348 will do a complete job. Start •7 CuMatt tar. •10,995 fect location for chlld- evenings. to finish. Free estimates, 0ell72S*G7#1 Aevnnie probably paid R m w i D oii t7PoMe0Q0aix4* •14,995 ren. Charming 3 LAW N CARE •7995 bedroom Ranch on cul- HeiitEgE KftdiEii A IHEATMO/ Custom Inttrier 61 too much!!^ 87CavaHart*. de-sac. Sunny, well RESORT Painting ■ Calling I 87 Pont Grand Am •9995 ■ rWi planned kitchen, large BtOi GentEr IPLUMBINQ 87 Trant Am, blaok t gold. TPI t7 Spaolrum 4 Or. •6495 PROPERTY LAWN Come vleH our showroom st; Ftea Eat/mataa ■ comfortable fl replaced 87 Pont SunMrd 4 dr tadtn •7 Mania Carlo •10,995 living room, finished MOWING 182 W. Middle Tpke. RA. DAVIDSON Imurtd • Santor Dheounk 87 Bulok Ragal 2 dr. •10,995 CAPE Cod. Cozy 2 bed­ Manchester 87 Chevy Nova 4 dr, AT, AC bosement and central room. Walk to beach. DependaM* Servloe. FlumMiia. HaaHwg. Fume Stnlee ...... ^ 2 2 5 3 ......... ■7 Century 4 Sr. *WW9 air conditioning. A fan­ $400 weekly. $100 wee­ Cell for Fni* EsUmales. Naw inaMlaUena, Rapalia, 87 Trana Am OTA, rad tastic buy I $149,900. 040-5400 O ialM Claanad, Balhroom 6 87 Toyota 4x4 PU. Mua kends. Open all year. KKohan Ramodallng PATIO DOOR GLASS 872-9111 Klernan Realty 649- 87 Camtro. 06. AT, AC, 6500K ilanrliPBtpr IpralJi 643-8686. Samfoa k Our Buultmi 1147.0 ________________ FARRAND REMOOELINO Spsclil • *96. 87 Ford Aaroaltr Wagon XLT La g b M s v iiiii, Room MdMone. deeks, reoAng. ter lualiMtima (itaniiid M»7R THIS Lovely custom built BuaFhona742-S882 88 CtIloa QT LB. S apd., AC Ed|lH|,IM|oTrlMRliig. olOInBe ,wHIOOVWi MfW 0O*l0*O> ’ •OvarSOyaartaxparlanea. Ranch Is located In a geokhoe and buHdonr servloe PJ'8 PiBMMag A Hvllng 87 Toyota Camry, B apd, AC very desirable neigh­ LIP M A N # 1 U#d TrwMiii, olB. avaKeMe. C M Bob Fanm d. Jr. Boilers, pumpa, hot Nc c e n t glass CO. 86 Bulok Cant., V6. AT, AC. 26K borhood of Manches­ •ProfstslofNUly equipped VOLKSWAGEN Wednesday, May 4, 1988 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm 30 C ents ter. Features 3 bed­ DO N OT 0 0 BANKRUPTI RUS.e47-HOO water tanks, naw and 647-0146 86 Qrand AM opt, 4 eyl, AT PS rooms, 2 full baths, Stop Foreclosure! Home- Rw .045^ rsplacenwnto. Se Maro Lynx 2 dr., HB, maroon 87 Bulok Rlvlara, Immaoulato formal dining room, owners, consolidate your Rayllar<i.048-7073 FREE ESTIMATES MIRRORS g MIRRORS ee Monta Carlo Lux. Sport, VS Loadad, •15860 BrIgMtn up your homa. ae Subaru OL, 3 dr. Sllwr, 61^ hardwood floors. Fam­ Mils, pay off your credit Raaaonab^ prleacL ae Calloa QT LB, B apd, AC ily room on lower level cards, your cor Or busi­ I^PARITINe/ 643-9649 / 228-9616 4 WD, AM-FM, •saw e n i m u w n refaranoaa, Inautad. se Pontiac 8TE 4 dr, blut 88 Trana Am, BIk. 'laTSS with heat provided by a ness loon, your mortgage ISSJpAKRWe • Ovar 20 yaaiB axparlanoa. cool stove. Being of­ and save, save your MKCELLAHEOUS se CMC Safari Pangr van. 12K SO Toy. Taroal, 2 dr, rad, •S606 Board approves $63.5 miHion budget, tax hike h ^ell NO PAYMENTS NAME your own price. se CuUtaa Sprma opt, maroon fered at $185,900. Call sm. SERVICES ACCENT GLASS CO. ae (2) Tarealt 4 dr, AT. <6396 us for o showing I UP TO 2 YEARSI Bad Father & Son Painting se Bulok Rtgal Coupa, VS 38 Cutlaaa Clarm bm, •3398 credit, lot* payments or AIEMNO 0 ONOOMOS FOd MENiEE OMIbeee and Papering. Remo- 647-0140 Realty World, Benoit, be Chavy Cavallar CL wagon 34 Volvo DL. 4 dr. bm. AT. •69W The approved budget, which $63,034,538 and did not include division to mark out utilities positions in neighboring towns. down thanks to an increase of 7.7 Frechette Associates, unemployment Is not o • Mm , UMMai e IMM me w m voh 872-8237._________ ODD loba. Trucking. By Andrew Yurkovsky problem. Foreclosure as­ Home repairs. You 86 Toy. MR2. Sllv. 8 apd. AC 34 VW QLI rOTgO was passed along party lines, is funding for the paramedic unit or ($27,500) was cut from the budget The approved budget, however, percent in the value of a mill as a 646r7709.a CoH * 47>71S« S3 VW Camper AT, •6806 Manchester Herald sistance available for fhe name It, we do It. Free 86 Olda (telalt 4dr, gold about $500,000 less than recom­ accreditation. Lhe tax rate for the and a clerk to be shared by the does include 7 percent salary result of growth in the town’s MANCHESTER. Sliders D A B PAINTING 04 VW RabbH. 45K, •3006 DIVORCED ond SELF- estimates. Insured. 643- CONCRETE 86 Toy. Corolla 4 dr, 5 apd The town Board of Directors mended by Town Manager Ro­ Republican budget would have town attorney and Personnel increases for cost-of-living ad­ Grand List. off family room ond EMPLOYED. Ixlerler Nega* PataEgg 0304._________________ 02 Bulok Skylark. •3206 BOOKKEEPMO/ ae Chav C20, 5.7 P/U, red approved Tuesday a $63.5 million bert B. Weiss. It includes funding been 48.96 mills. Department was reduced from a justments for non-unionized su­ Changes were made to the dining area to a wrap Swiss Conservaf Ive DDpGftOGbl# WnO GXpGfiGnOGO. 24 Tshand Ti«k, Mb. 83 around deck enhance Group Of 288454-106 NKOMETAX Low Fflees and Fuky hwurad. HAWKES TREE SERVICE CPS CONCRETE 85 Cavalier Type 10 cpe. deneral Fund budget that is up for a second paramedic unit, Among the cuts made in the full-time to a part-time position, pervisory workers. But no such manager's proposals for the Fire or 282454 4484. Free eaMmataa Buokal, Iniok 6 oMppar. Stump Pallet, VMike, flaart, drlvt- 85 Flero GT, V6, AT, AC VBrBBB, CT e 649-2638 from $15,390 to $7,695. increase will be given Weiss or this well kept Contem­ umyt, oddllltne a dteke. Jack 12.9 percent from last year and accreditation of the Manchester manager’s budget were $27,000 District Budget and the Water porary Colonial. 3 bed­ BARBARA RAY ramoval. Fraa aaUmataa. Hemmarlne 4 sow cuttlne. 85 Toyota Forerunner AT will be funded a 1.25 mill Police Department, and a pilot from money earmarked for vehi­ Salary adjustments for super­ Finance Director Boyce Spinelli. and Sewer Division budgets, but rooms plus dressing NEIL • 6494136 Spaolal conaMaratlon lor Y U G D 1986. Sunroof, AM- BOOKKEEPING FREE ESTIMATES, 85 Olda Delta 88 Royale increase. recycling program. The $36 mil­ cle replacement, $15,000 for town visors recommended in a Person­ The Republican directors re­ the district tax rate and the sewer area, 7Vi baths, 1st R8ntals aldarly and handleappad. tax Mtceunl tar tenler CHtnne 85 Toyota Tarcel 3 dr, AC FM radio. Asking $2300 SERVICES or best offer. 50,000 The mill rate will.rise from lion school budget was left intact. office renovations, $106,400 for nel Department study — includ­ commended 5 percent cost-of- and water rates were set accord­ floor laundry, fire- 85 Dodge Lancer ^ turbo placed family room all piWiM'aMU ROOFMO/ 647-7553 647-9209 mile warranty In­ 48.59 to 49.84, a 2J5 percent All the spending recommenda­ heavy equipment and $9,000 for ing $4,000 for Weiss — will not be living increases for those ing to the recommendations of designed by an archi­ ladedlis pezrtO 1 ^ SNNNfl 85 Mazda deluxe 4 dr QLC cluded. Coll after 6pm. increase. A taxpayer with a home tions of the three Republicans on fitness equipment at Mahoney implemented under the approved positions. Weiss. tect for his own home. l ^ i n g m 85 Sunbird 4dr. AT, PS, P8 547-7441._____________ assessed at $31,000 would pay the nine-member board were Center. budget. The increases were re­ In his budget message to the Residents served by the town D.W. Fish Realty, 643- FOR RENT 649-3281 Tap SoN ScrggggA LgaiR 85 T-bIrd, V6.
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