How Structures Are Represented in The Minimalist Program In Contrast With How The Same Structures Are Represented to Foreign Learners In The Action Pack 12 In Jordan. كيف يتم تمثيل التراكيب النظريه بالمقارنه مع كيفية تمثيل التراكيب ذاتها للمتعلم اﻻجنبي في كتاب اللغه اﻻنجليزيه للصف الثاني الثانوي في اﻻردن Prepared by Zainab Zaid Abu Al Zainat Supervised by Prof. Zakaria Ahmad Abuhamdia Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the degree of Master of English Language and Literature Department of English Language and Literature Faculty of Arts and Sciences Middle East University May- 2017 II III IV Acknowledgment How a blessing I am, is from Allah who helped me to complete this work. Special thanks are extended to the members of the discussion committee and their valuable comments and suggestions. My deep appreciation goes to the members of the Department of English Language and Literature at the Middle East University for their help and cooperation in the earlier period. I must acknowledge as well my supervisor Prof. Zakaria Ahmad Abuhamdia for his unlimited support, encouragement, reflective reading, positive influence, valuable suggestions, and endless guidance. I am really indebted to him for making this thesis a dream come true. Deep gratitude goes to my Madaba Educational District Supervisor Anwar Aburqayiq, English teachers Siham Issa and Roaa Al-Rbata for their support in prof reading and their unlimited encouragement. It is the love of Allah who joins devoted friends. My gratitude goes to my friends, Khawlah Hawawsha, Entisar Al-Maani, Dalal Manaasah, and Sahar Alshami. My gratitude goes to my friends at school, Insharah Jamaleh, Khlwlod Mowhad, Sahar Al Asmar, Zain Shawabkh, Huda Al Ka'bnah, Amal Lsasmah, Raja AbuHadwah, and Raghad Mawazrah, V Dedication Lovingly, I dedicate this thesis to my beloved husband, Ibrahim, who has never failed to give me all the support and encouragement needed. The largest task could not be accomplished without his endless love and belief in my hidden strength and quest for research. A special feeling of gratitude shall be extended to my Mum (God blesses her) and to my father's soul who are my real love and their love will not be repeated in this life. I dedicate this humble effort to my brothers and sisters, Amjad, Majdi, Ahmad, Ali, Bothyna, Tha'yra, Mysoon, Feda', Fadia, and Orob . To my three flowers with a tasty flavor, and a little baby; Amynat, Amani, Rahma, and Mohammad, who were patient, and sources of inspiration. VI Table of Contents Content Page Cover Page…………………………………………………………………………. I Authorization form………………………………………………………………….. II Thesis Committee Decision………………………………………………………… III Acknowledgment…………………………………………………………………… IV Dedication…………………………………………………………………………. V Table of Contents…………………………………………………………………… VI English Abstract ……………………………………………………………………. IX Arabic Abstract…………………………………………………………………….. XI Chapter One Introduction 1.0 Background of the study……………………………………………………….. 1 1.1 Statement of the problem ……………………………………………………… 3 1.2 Objectives of the study………………………………………………………….. 4 1.3 Questions of the study………………………………………………………… 4 1.4 Significance of the study………………………………………………………. 4 1.5 Delimitation…………………………………………………………………….. 5 1.6 Limitation ……………………………………………………………………… 5 1.7 Definition of the terms………………………………………………………….. 5 VII Chapter Two Review of literature 2.0 Introduction……………………………………………………………………... 9 2.1 Background and the three types of grammar: Prescriptive, Descriptive, and 9 Theoretical…………………………………………………………………………. 2.2 Review of literature……………………………………………………………... 11 2.2.0 Pedagogical grammar…………………………………………………………. 11 2.2.1 Theoretical grammar………………………………………………………….. 13 2.2.2 A brief overview of the history of the Generative Grammar ………………… 14 2.2.3 The background of the Minimalist Program …………………………………. 20 2.3 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………… 27 Chapter Three Methodology and Procedures 3.0 Introduction…………………………………………………………………….. 28 3.1 Sample of the Study……………………………………………………………. 28 3.2 The steps of the Study…………………………………………………………... 28 3.3 Procedures of the Study…………………………………………………………. 29 Chapter Four Findings of the Study 4.0 Introduction........................................................................................................... 31 4.1 The First Structure ( Active Voice)....................................................................... 32 4.2 The Second Structure (Passive Voice)................................................................. 35 4.3 The Third Structure (Cleft Sentences).................................................................. 38 4.4 The Fourth Structure ( Wh- Question).................................................................. 41 VIII 4.5 The Fifth Structure ( Yes/No Question)................................................................ 43 4.6 The Sixth Structure ( Relative Clause).................................................................. 44 4.7 The Seventh Structure (Reported Speech)............................................................ 47 4.8 Conclusion........................................................................................................... 49 Chapter Five Discussions, Conclusions and Recommendations 5.0 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 50 5.1 Discussion of the First Structure ( The Active Voice).......................................... 50 5.2 Discussion of the Second Structure (The Passive Voice) .................................... 51 5.3 Discussion of the Third Structure (TheCleft Sentences) 52 5.4 Discussion of the Fourth and Fifth Structures (The Wh-Q and the Yes/No Q).... 52 5.5 Discussion of the Sixth Structure (The Relative Clauses).................................... 53 5.6 Discussion of the Seventh Structure (The Reported Speech).............................. 53 1.7 Conclusions ......................................................................................................... 54 5.8 Recommendations................................................................................................ 56 References................................................................................................................. 75 IX How structures are represented in the minimalist program in contrast with how the same structures are represented to foreign learners, the Action Pack 12 in Jordan. By Zainab Abu Alzanat Supervised by Prof. Zakaria Ahmad Abuhamdia Abstract This study aimed at investigating the difference between the Pedagogical grammar (Action Pack 12) and Theoretical grammar (Chomsky's Minimalist Program). The study attempted to portray the characteristics of the Pedagogical and Theoretical grammars through a sample textbook of the first type. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher chose all the new structures in Action Pack 12 as the data to make the comparison with the representation of same structures in the Minimalist Program. The comparison shows that the structures in Action Pack 12 are represented in the different ways from those in the Minimalist Program. These differences result from the differences in the target audience, goals, and methodology. The study suggests that theories of grammar have an extremely abstract bases aimed at an extremely limited X number of specialists. Foreign language textbook author may, however, benefit from some aspects of how theories are developed and how they change depending on the Generative Grammar theories development and how these theories started from and how they become in the recent years Minimalist Program. Key words:- structures, Pedagogical Grammar, Theoretical Grammar, Minimalist Program, represented. XI كيف يتم تمثيل التراكيب النظريه بالمقارنه مع كيفية تمثيل التراكيب ذاتها للمتعلم اﻻجنبي في كتاب اللغه اﻻنجليزيه للصف الثاني الثانوي في اﻻردن اعداد زينب زايد ابو الزينات باشراف أ.د زكريا احمد ابو حمدية الملخص تهدف هذه الدراسه الى البحث في اﻻختﻻف بين القواعد التعليمية والقواعدالنظرية, وتوضيح صفات كل منهما, من اجل تحقيق اهداف الدراسة. حيث قدمت الباحثةالتراكيب اﻻجبارية المدرجة في كتاب اللغة اﻻنجلييية للصف الثاني الثانو وذلك لمقارنتها مع الت اركيب ذاتها في البرنامج )Minimalist Program( اخر تعديل على نظرية (generative syntax), كما واظهرت النتائج ان التراكيب المدرجة في كتاب الثاني الثانو لمادة اللغه اﻻنجلييية قدمت بطريقة تختلف عن طريقة تمثيل التاركيب ذاتها في النظرية. واظهرت النتائج اختﻻف القواعدالنظرية عن القواعد التعليمية نابع من اﻻختﻻف في المستهدفين,اﻻهداف, وطرق العرض التي تنبع من اﻻختﻻفات المذكورة. وعليه فان الدراسة تؤكدعلى التوجه للمجموعة المستهدفة فهي امر مفصلي في طرق العرض. وتبين المقارنة بين نوعي النحو ) التعليمي والنظر ( ان مؤلفي كتب اللغات اﻻجنبية قد يجدوا في النواحي التجريدية في النحو النظر المتجدد اطاار لوضع التصور النحو الذ يؤمل ان يتعلمة الطﻻب الدارسين للغات اﻻجنبية. الكلمات المفتاحية: تمثيل التراكيب النظريه، المتعلم اﻻجنبي ، كتاب اللغه اﻻنجليييه. 1 Chapter One Introduction 1.0 Background of the study People use their language daily, but never think about the process of producing it because this knowledge is subconscious to them. The concept of grammar as proposed by (Avram) Noam Chomsky has three branches; phonetics and phonology, syntax, and semantics. All of these branches are the essential elements of the structure of any language. These branches are inter-related and happen naturally. The interaction between phonetics, phonology, syntax, and semantics in the human's minds looks similar to the computational process, or possibly the other
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