Joint Social and Economic Assessment for the Republic of Yemen UNITED NATIONS EUROPEAN UNION ISLAMIC THE WORLD BANK DEVELOPMENT BANK Joint Social and Economic Assessment for the Republic of Yemen World Bank United Nations European Union Islamic Development Bank In collaboration with The Government of Yemen, represented by the Minister of Planning and International Cooperation UNITED NATIONS EUROPEAN UNION ISLAMIC THE WORLD BANK DEVELOPMENT BANK This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization. Abbreviations and Acronyms ACAPS Assessment Capacities Project CTA Chief Technical Advisor AFPPF Agriculture and Fisheries Production DCGE Dynamic Computable General Promotion Fund Equilibrium AFSED Association Française des Syndromes DF Disability Fund d’Ehlers-Danlos DFID Department for International AMPs Advanced Medical Posts Development ANC Ante Natal Care DHMT District Health Management Team AQAP Al Qaeda of the Arabian Peninsula DHO District Health Office AREA Agriculture Research and Extension DHS District Health System Authority DOTS Directly Observed Therapy for the ARI Acute Respiratory Infection Treatment of Tuberculosis ART Antiretroviral Therapy DPPR Development Plan for Poverty AWD Acute Watery Diarrhea Reduction BBC British Broadcasting Corporation DPs Development Partners BCG Bacillus Calmette-Guérin DPT3 Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus3 BCM Billion cubic meters DRA Demand-Responsive Approach BDP’s Beneficiaries Development EC European Commission BEC Basic Education Certificate EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone BMONC Basic Emergency Obstetrics Center EFA Education for All CAP Country Assistance Program EIA Environmental Impact Assessment CBOs Community Based Organizations EMONC Emergency Obstetric Care CCA Common Country Assessment ERS Emergency and Rescue Services CCGT Combined Cycle Gas Turbine ESCWA Economic and Social Commission for CCT Conditional Cash Transfer Western Asia CEDAW Committee on the Elimination of Dis- EU European Union crimination against Women FAO Food and Agriculture Organization CFR Case Fatality Risk FCs Father Councils CFSS Comprehensive Food Security Survey FCS Fragile and Conflict Situations CfW Cash-for-Work FGM Female Genital Mutilation CoC Chamber of Commerce FMCs Father and Mother Councils CPI Consumer Price Index FMG/C Female Genital Mutilation Cutting CRC Convention of the Rights of the Child FTI Fast Track Initiative CSO Central Statistical Organization GAFSP Global Agriculture and Food Security CSP Concentrated Solar Power Program CSR Country Sector Report GAM Global Acute Malnutrition iii Joint Social and Economic Assessment GARWSP General Authority for Rural Water IWRM Integrated Water Resource Supply Projects Management GASSP General Authority for Social Security IYCF Infant/Young-Child Feeding and Pensions JAR Joint Annual Review GBV Gender Based Violence JICA Japanese International Cooperation GCC Gulf Cooperation Council Agency GCSI General Corporation for Social JSEA Joint Social Economic Assessment Insurance KfW Kreditanstalt für Wiederbau GDP Gross Domestic Products Kv Kilovolt GHO Governorate Health Office Kwh Kilo Watt/hour GIZ Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für LAEO Literacy and Adult Education Internationale Zusammenarbeit Organization GoY Government of Yemen LCs Local Corporations GPOBA Global Partnership on Output-Based LDCs Local District Councils Aid LIPW Labor-intensive public works GSCP Groundwater and Soil Conservation LIW Labor Intensive Works Project LNG Liquefied Natural Gas Gwh Gigawatt Hour M&E Monitoring and Evaluation HBS Household Budget Survey M&I Municipal and Industrial HFC Health Facility Committee MAI Ministry of Water and Irrigation HFO Health Facility Office MAM Moderate Acute Malnutrition HH Households MCS Monitoring Control and Surveillance HIS Health Information Systems MCs Mother Councils HIV-AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus- MDG Millennium Development Goal Acquired Immune Deficiency MDTFs Multi Donor Trust Fund Syndrome MENA Middle East and North Africa HMIS Health Management Information MF Micro Finance System MFIs Micro Finance Institutions HRC Human Rights Council MFW Ministry of Fish Wealth HSR Health Sector Reform MICS Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey IDA International Development Association MIS Management Information System IDPs Internally Displaced Persons MNSPR Middle East and North Africa Social IFAD International Fund for Agricultural and Poverty Reduction Development MNSPS Middle East and North Africa Public IFC International Finance Cooperation Sector IFPRI International Food Policy Research MOAI Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation Institute MOE Ministry of Economy IIP Irrigation Improvement Project MOEd Ministry of Education ILO International Labour Organization MOEE Ministry of Electricity and Energy IMCI Integrated Management of Child Illness MOF Minister of Finance IMF International Monetary Fund MOHESR Ministry of Higher Education and IMR Infant Mortality Rate Scientific Research IsDB Islamic Development Bank iv Abbreviations and Acronyms MOHP Ministry of Public Health and PAR Portfolios at Risk Population PAWS Program Aid to the Water Sector MOLA Ministry of Local Administration PEC Public Electricity Corporation MOPHP Ministry of Public Health and PES Payment for Environmental Services Population PHC Primary Health Care MOPIC Ministry of Planning and International PHCs Public Health Centers Cooperation PMU Project Monitoring Unit MOPWH Ministry of Public Works and PPCR Pilot Project for Climate Resilience Highways PPP Public Private Partnership MOSAL Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor PRSP Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper MOWE Ministry of Water and Environment PSE Private Preschool Education (see MWE) PTSD Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder MSF Médicine Sans Frontières PWP Public Works Project MSME Micro Small and Medium Enterprises QIP Quick Import Project MTVET Ministry of Technical and Vocational RALP Rainfed-Agriculture and Livestock Education and Training Development Project MW Mega Watt RDA Regional Development Authorities MWE Ministry of Water Environment RH Reproductive Health (see MOWE) RWSSP Rural Water Supply and Sanitation NASS National Agriculture Sector Strategy Project NBEDS National Basic Education Development SABER Systems Approach for Better Education Strategy Results NCYS National Children and Youth Strategy SAF Sisters Arab Forums NFSS National Food Security Strategy SAM Severe Acute Malnutrition NGO Non Governmental Organizations SAWAS Sources of Water for Sana’a NGSES National General Secondary Education SBWMP Sana’a Basin Project Strategy SCEP Supreme Council for Education NIDs National Immunization Days Planning NIP National Irrigation Program SCMC Supreme Council for Motherhood and NSDHEY National Strategy for the Development Childhood of Higher Education in Yemen SDF Skill Development Fund NSDVTE National Strategy for the Development SFD Social Fund for Development of Vocational and Technical Education SGBV Sex and Gender Based Violence NWRA National Water Resources Authority SMART Standardized Monitoring and Relief NWSSIP National Water Sector Strategy and Transition Investment Program SMEPs Small and Medium Enterprises Promo- OBA Output-based Aid tion Agency OBGNY Obstetric Gynecologist SMEs Small and Medium Sizes Enterprises OCHA Office for the Coordination of Humani- SPM Social Protection Monitoring tarian Affairs STATA Data Analysis Statistical Software OPV Oral Polio Vaccine SWAP Sector-Wide-approach OTPs Outpatient Therapeutic Programs SWF Social Welfare Fund v Joint Social and Economic Assessment TB Tuberculosis UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for TFC Therapeutic Feeding Center Refugees TFP Total Factor Productivity UNICEF United Nation Children Fund TFR Total Fertility Rate UWSSP Urban Water Supply and Sanitation TIMSS Trends in Mathematics and Science Project TIPS Trade and Industrial Policy Strategies VAW Violence Against Women TVET Technical and Vocational Education WACC Weighted Average Cost of Capital and Training WASH Water, Sanitation and Hygiene UK United Kingdom WDR World Development Report UN United Nations WEC Water and Environment Center UN DESA United Nations Department of Eco- WFFC World Fit for Children nomic and Social Affairs WFP World Food Programme UN Women United Nations Women WHO World Health Organization UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade WSSP Water Sector Support Program and Development WTO World Trade Organization UNDP United Nations Development WUAs Water User Associations Programme YFHS Yemen Family Health Survey UNFPA United Nations Populations Fund YR Yemen Riyal vi Contents Preface: UN Department of Political Affairs . xvii Background to the Joint Social and Economic Assessment . xix Acknowledgements . xxi Executive Summary . xxv 1 . Context Review ...................................................................1 1.1 The Yemeni Political and Socio-Economic Context .......................................1 1.2 The 2011 Crisis and its Resolution ...................................................2 1.3 Assessing the Social and Economic Priorities of the Yemeni Transition: The JSEA Approach .........3 2 . Macroeconomic and Social Impact Analysis of the 2011 Crisis in Yemen and Alternative Transition Scenarios . 7 2.1 Introduction...................................................................7 2.2 Yemen before and during 2011: Evidence from Existing Data................................8 2.2.1 Economic
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