l ARKANSAS fi TRAVELER UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS VOLUME 40 FAYETTEJVILLE, ARKANSAS, FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1946 MBER 29 Tri Delta $100 ''Study in Etching'' Women Asked Scholarship To File For Offered Again AWS Offices A $100 scholraship to be given to some junior or senior woman is be­ ELECTION SCHEDULED ing offered again this year on the niversity campus by the Delta Del­ FOR APRIL 1 to Delta sorority. This scholarship, which is to be Women students interested In fil. an annual fund, is one of the many ing for A. W. S., Associated Wom­ such funds that national Tri-Delta en Students, offices are requested is enabling its chapters in both the to do so before noon, Monday, United States and Canada to estab­ March 25. Leave your name, ad­ llsh as a post-war service project. dress, qualification, and classiflica­ It is to be made in the form of a tion In Room 212 of the Student gift, not just as a loan. Union. Junior and senior women who Election for president, vice-presi­ have a high scholarship rating and dent, secretary, and treasurer of who have made some contribution the group will be elected at a mass to the University campus life are meeting scheduled tor April 1, in eligible for the scholarship. Those the Ball room of the Student Union. who are specializing in subjects use­ Women who file for any one of ful to the post-war reconstruction the four positions will be interview­ are to be given particular consider­ ee by a committee chosen from the ation. executive board of the A. W. S. Girls interested in. this scholar­ council. The executive board will ship are urged to fill in application also make nominations for the posi­ blanks which can be obtained in the tions. office ot the Dean of Women. They Girls filing for the position should should be filed as soon as possible. list their qualifications fully, and A committee composed of Dean appear before the committee at Jennette Scudder, Professor Dorsey 4:00 p.m., Monday, March 25. The Jones, Mrs. Raymond Dein, chapter board will choose two candidates alumna advisor, and Lorene Apple­ for each position and the women white, collegiate member of Tri Del­ students will elect one. ta, will select the participant who The picture above is a i eproduction of Orville Peats' "Study In Etching" that is being presented to the The committee is composed of is to receive the award. The award University by the American Academy of Arts and Lettering. The University is one of fifty schools selected in Paula Oliver, Helen Gaye Marsh, will be announced at the annual the nation to receive paintings purchased by the Childe Hassam Fund. Mildred Earp, Mary Riechel, Shir­ Honor Day. ley Jones, and Dell Simmons. Doris Cook, outstanding student The executive board of A. W. S. in the College of Business, member Two New Research Dean of Students has recommended an ammendment of Beta Gamma Sigma, Business NOTICE to the constitution for A.. W. S., honor society, treasurer of Mortar which will also be voted on at the Board, was chosen to receive the Buildings To Be Tryouts for the Blackfriar pro­ To Assume Duties election. They propose that Article Tri Delta Scholarship la.st year. duction of CLAUDIA will be V, section 4, which reads: "Election -----•----- Constructed Soon held Monday and Tuesday after­ Here of all officers shall be held the last noons, March 25 and 26, from 3 On June 1 week in April," be changed to read, to 5: 30 p. m. in the Studio Thea­ "Election of all officers shall be Fayetteville On Air Bids for construction of two new ter, Room 212B in Old Main. All Dr. John P. Anderson, head of the held during the second semester at research buildings at the Univer­ University students are eligible department of psychology at Hen­ a date set by the executive board." Routes For Major sity of Arkansas will be received for tryouts. drix College for several years, will -----•·----- Mar,ch 27, it has been announced by assume his new duties as dean of T. C. Carlson, vice president for students at the University of Ar­ Arlcansas Towns finance. Total cost of the two build­ -----•----- kansas on June 1. Six Men's Dorms ings is expected to approximate Appointment of Dr. Anderson to Air transportation on six routes $50,000 or $60,000, he said. Club Razorbaclc the University position was an­ Purchased From operating between all major Arkan­ The larger of the two structures nounced last week at a meeting of sas town.s is being planned by South wm be a pilot plant laboratory for Official Opening the University Board of Trustees in Bauxite Plant Central Air Tran.sport, Inc., or research work on _food processing Little Rock. and wood treatment by the SCAT, incorporated with Ray Ellis, Bureau As dean of students, Dr. Ander­ Fayetteville airport manager, as of Research. The other building Friday, March 22 Six men's domitories will be mov­ son will perform the duties previ­ ed to the campus next tall. president. will be a chemical research labora­ oupsly handled by the dean of men tory. These dormitories were purchas­ Towns to be included on the air The unofficial opening of the Club and in addition he will coordinat~ ed from the Bauxite Aluminum schedules will be Fayetteville, Fort The pilot plant laboratory, a two­ Razorback took place last Tuesday student activities of a ll students, Plant. Each of the one story build­ Smith, Russellville, Conway, Little story tile and brick building 40 by night. According to co-owners Rex both men and women. Miss J ean­ ings was built to accommodate 52 Rock, Pine Bluff, Stuttgart, Helena, 100 feet in size will be located Curtis and George Lennox, the pur­ nette Scudder will continue in her people. It may be necessary to en­ West Memphis, Blytheville, Jones­ south o( Dickson street at the cor­ pose of the early opening was to present position as dean of women. large the rooms in order to house boro, ner of Dickson and Buchanan. Camden, Hope, Magnolia, El The "test our equipment and make any Dr. Anderson will have supervis­ more men because they are single Dorado, Texarkana, Harrison, Sear­ chemical research building, a one­ necessary adjustments." rooms now. Every room has hard cy, and Hot Springs. story concrete and brick structure ion over the student health program Official opening of the club will on the campus, the student testing wood floors, a ventilator, a wood Operation of the lines will be 33 by 100 feet in size ,vith a par­ be Friday night, March 22. The door and a screen door. tial basement, will be north of Dick­ bureau, student housing, and the started as soon as twin-engine Ces­ clubhouse will be open from twelve Student Union building. He may al­ "They are certainly nice rooms," sna planes can be obtained from son street, directly across the street noon until twelve midnight every so do some teaching. Dean W. S. Gregson, who went to in­ army surplus and converted into from the pilot plant laboratory. day of the week, and a hundred and W. S. Gregson, who has served spect them said. "Some of the passenger and freight service air­ The first f109r of the pilot plant eighty customers can be accommo­ this rooms have never been occupied." craft. Rates will be higher than sur­ laboratory year as acting dean of men in will be devoted to r e­ dated at one time. Well over a addition to his duties as director of -----•----- face transportation at first, Ellis ex­ search in food processing on a pilot thousand membership cards have plained, because no mail will be car­ plant religious activities on the campus, scale, ,vith particular empha­ been issued to University students will continue his work with the re­ High School Writer's ried. He added that if mail con­ sis on the quick-freeze process. The and Fayetteville business men. tracts are awarded to SCAT, the ligious activities of students and Clinic Sponsored By plant will contain low-temperature Bus service to and from the club­ will assist Dr. Anderson. rates will go down accordingly. storage rooms and will be equipped English Extension with a quick-freeze house, which is located on highway Group Herbert Thomas, chairman of the tunnel and 71, north of Fayetteville, is sched­ Dr. Anderson received an A. B. equipment necessary for prepara­ degree from Hendrix University Board of Trustees, is an uled to begin Saturday night at College in The General Extension Division tion of fruits and vegetables for 1925 and also holds the A. M. officer of the new corporation. eight o'clock. and and the Department of English are Only two of the six routes are be­ freezing. A section of the first floor the Ph. D degrees from Columbia will be used to study the effect of Foodstuffs, consisting of barbe­ niversity. Dr. Anderson taught in sponsoring a state wide High ing arranged for immediate use. cues and s.oft drinks, are on the School Writer's Clinic for the pur­ They include the Fayetteville-Fort storage temperatures at various the Forrest City high school in 1925- sub-freezing levels on the quality club's menu. When asked about 26; was an instructor in mathemat­ pose of aiding youth to learn to Smith-Little Rock route and the cover charges, manager Rex Curtis think clearly, to feel the changing Little Rock-Pine Bluff- Stuttgart­ of frozen foods. Canning equipment ics and assistant coach at Southern will also be installed in the food said, "We have come to the conclus­ College in Florida in 1926-27; direc­ of our times, and to express them­ Helena-West Memphis- Blytheville ion that cover charges should be selves and their reactions with vig­ route.
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