UAT ISBN LIST Code Course Title BookName ISBN ART103 Digital Asset Creation Adobe Illustrator CS6 Classroom in a Book 9780321822482 ART103 Digital Asset Creation Adobe Photoshop CS6 Classroom in a Book 9780321827333 ART112 Graphic Design Foundational Principles Textbook not required N/A ART121 Beginning Drawing I How to Draw What You See 9780823023752 ART121 Beginning Drawing I Art Kit 121 9781624077784 ART131 Algorithmic Art Textbook not required N/A ART209 Computer Typography and Layout Design Thinking With Type 9781568989693 ART233 Concept Art Textbook not required N/A ART234 Storyboarding Textbook not required N/A ART240 Figure and Character Sculpting ConstructiVe Anatomy 9780486211046 ART240 Figure and Character Sculpting How to Create Action Figures and Collectible Statues 9780823095223 ART255 Visual Communications/Graphics Design Textbook not required N/A ART375 3D Screen Based Typography Thinking with Type 9781568989693 ART388 Anatomy for the Artist Human Anatomy For Artists: The Elements of Form 9780195052060 ART388 Anatomy for the Artist The Human Figure in Motion 9780486202044 ART388 Anatomy for the Artist ConstructiVe Anatomy 9780486211046 ART388 Anatomy for the Artist Anatomy for the Artist 9780789480453 AST301 The Solar System Pearson Electronic Resource N/A AST302 Stars, Galaxies and Cosmology Pearson Electronic Resource N/A BIO120 Introduction to Biology Biology: Concepts and Applications 9781439046739 CFR101 Computer Forensic Essentials Computer Forensics Jumpstart 9780470931660 CFR105 Understanding File Systems and Structures File System Forensic Analysis 9780321268174 CFR106 Understanding File Systems and Structures II File system forensic analysis 9780321268174 CFR210 Forensic Tools and Incident Response Handbook of Digital Forensics an InVestigation 9780123742674 CFR225 Operating System Forensics Windows Forensic Analysis DVD Toolkit 9781597497275 CFR370 Corporate and Business Issues in Digital Forensics Electronic DiscoVery and Digital EVidence in a Nutshell 9780314204486 CFR370 Corporate and Business Issues in Digital Forensics E-discoVery: Creating and Managing an Enterprisewide Program 9781597492966 CFR410 Network Forensics Mastering Windows Network Forensics and InVestigation 9780470097625 CFR420 AdVanced Forensics Computer Forensics: InVestigation Procedures and Response 9781435483491 CFR420 AdVanced Forensics Computer Forensics: InVestigating Network Intrusions/Cyber Crime 9781435483521 CIS100 Beginning Web Design Learning Web Design 9781449319274 CIS120 Web and Social Media Technologies The Social Media Bible 9781118269749 CIS120 Web and Social Media Technologies Textbook not required N/A CIS210 Linux I Unix The Complete Reference 9780072263367 CIS210 Linux I The Linux Command Line: A Complete Introduction 9781593273897 CIS240 Building Dynamic Websites I HTML 5 The Missing Manual 9781449302399 CIS340 Building Dynamic Websites II Textbook not required N/A Page 1 of 8 UAT ISBN LIST Code Course Title BookName ISBN COM226 Communication in Technology Textbook not required N/A CSC102 Introduction to Programming An Introduction to Computer Science Using Python 3 9781937785451 CSC202 C# Programming I Visual C# 2012 How to Program 9780133379334 CSC203 Java Programming I Java How to Program 9780132575669 CSC211 Introduction to SQL Concepts of Database Management 9781111825911 CSC215 C/C++ Programming I C++ How to Program 9780133378719 CSC215 C/C++ Programming I A First Book of C++ 9781111531003 CSC262 C# Programming II Visual C# 2012 How to Program 9780133379334 CSC263 Java Programming II Java How to Program 10 Edition 9780133807806 CSC275 C++ Programming II C++ How to Progam 9780133378719 CSC313 Operating Systems Theory Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles Etext 9780133805918 CSC313 Operating Systems Theory Essentials of Software DeVelopment 9781449691998 CSC318 Software Engineering Principles Head First Design Patterns 9780596007126 CSC318 Software Engineering Principles Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design 9780596008673 CSC318 Software Engineering Principles Essentials of software engineering 9781449691998 CSC360 Artificial Life Programming Textbook not required N/A CSC382 Data Structures and Algorithms Introduction to Algorithms 9780262033848 CSC413 AdVanced Software DeVelopment I Textbook not required N/A CSC452 Compilers Textbook not required N/A CSC453 AdVanced Software DeVelopment II Textbook not required N/A CSC471 Parellel Programming An Introduction to Parallel Programming 9780123742605 CSC471 Parellel Programming Cuda by Example 9780131387683 CSC471 Parallel Programming Parallel Programming: Technique and Application 9780131405639 DBM200 3D Build Tools Autodesk InVentor 2014: A Tutorial Introduction 9781585038213 DBM210 Prototyping Tools and Practice Materials and Design 9780080982052 DBM220 Materials and Build Processes Materials and Design 9780080982052 DVA101 Digital Video Fundamentals The DV Rebel's Guide 9780321413642 DVA110 Lighting and EnVironment Design Textbook not required N/A DVA130 MoVie Theory Understanding MoVies 9780205856169 DVA234 Special Effects and Character Make-up Textbook not required N/A DVA238 Introduction to Directing and Producing Producing & Directing the Short Film and Video 9780240811741 DVA241 Digital Video Production The DV Rebel's Guide 9780321413642 DVA254 Motion Graphics After Effects Apprentice 9780240811369 DVA274 Digital Video Editing AVid Editing 9780240818566 DVA274 Digital Video Editing In the Blink of an Eye 9781879505629 DVA323 Digital Video Production Studio I Textbook not required N/A DVA334 Special Effects and Character Makeup II Textbook not required N/A Page 2 of 8 UAT ISBN LIST Code Course Title BookName ISBN DVA353 Visual Effects Compositing Textbook not required N/A DVA371 AdVanced Digital Video Editing Textbook not required N/A DVA451 AdVanced Visual Effects Filming the Fantastic 9780240814735 DVA492 Digital Video Production Studio II Textbook not required N/A DVA493 Digital Video Production Studio III Textbook not required N/A ENG060 Writing Tools Textbook not required N/A ENG101 Composition I Textbook not required N/A ENG102 Composition II Bookmarks: A Guide to Research and Writing 9780321271341 ENG102 Composition II Signs of Life in the USA: Readings on Popular Culture for Writers 9780312647001 ENG305 Mythology, Folktale, and Fairy Tale Mythology 9780316223331 ENG305 Mythology, Folktale, and Fairy Tale The Power of Myth 9780385418867 ENG305 Mythology, Folktale, and Fairy Tale Favorite Folktales from around the World 9780394751887 ENG310 Science Fiction as Literature The Man in the High Castle 9780547572482 ENG310 Science Fiction as Literature Ender's Game 9780812550702 ENG310 Science Fiction as Literature The Lathe of Heaven 9781416556961 ENG415 Game of Thrones A Clash of Kings 9780345535429 ENG415 Game of Thrones Dune Messiah 9780441172696 ENG415 Game of Thrones God Emporer Dune 9780441294671 ENG415 Game of Thrones Heretics of Dune 9780441328000 ENG415 Game of Thrones A Game of Thrones 9780553573404 ENG415 Game of Thrones A Storm of Swords 9780553573428 ENG420 Studies in Tolkien J.R.R. Tolkien 4-Book Boxed Set 9780345538376 FTN210 Yoga Textbook not required N/A FTN211 Swordplay Textbook not required N/A GAA110 Introduction to Game Art & Animation Textbook not required N/A GAA220 3D Modeling EnViorments and FX Textbook not required N/A GAA230 3D Modeling Characters & Vehicles Textbook not required N/A GAA240 Game Texturing Textbook not required N/A GAA320 EnVironmental and FX Animation Textbook not required N/A GAA330 Characters & Vehicles Animation Textbook not required N/A GAA340 Platform Integration Textbook not required N/A GAA420 AdVanced Game EnVironment Creation Textbook not required N/A GAA420 AdVanced Game EnVironment Textbook not required N/A GAA430 AdVanced Character Rigging & Mocap Animation Textbook not required N/A GAA440 AdVanced Game Character Creation Textbook not required N/A GAA450 AdVanced Materials, Shaders and Lighting Textbook not required N/A GAM101 Introduction to Game Design Fundamentals of Game Design 9780321929679 Page 3 of 8 UAT ISBN LIST Code Course Title BookName ISBN GAM104 Introduction to Game Programming Making Games with Python & Pygame 9781469901732 GAM113 Introduction tot Game Tools Textbook not required N/A GAM125 Introduction to Game DeVelopment Textbook not required N/A GAM170 Game Design Workshop I Challenges for Game Designers 9781584505808 GAM175 Game Testing and Analysis Game Testing All in One 9781936420162 GAM175 Game Testing Analysis Game Testing All In One 9781936420162 GAM200 Critical Game Studies Textbook not required N/A GAM205 Gameplay Programming Concepts CryENGINE 3 Game DeVelopment: Beginner's Guide 9781849692007 GAM215 Game Scripting Programming in Lua 9788590379829 GAM218 Game Scripting for Designers Programming in Lua 9788590379829 GAM230 LeVel Design LeVel Design Concept, Theory and Practice 9781568813387 GAM235 Game AI Concepts Textbook not required N/A GAM240 Game Engine Programming I 3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game DeVelopment 9781568817231 GAM240 Game Engine Programming I Unity 4.x Cookbook 9781849690423 GAM281 Game Production Studio I Textbook not required N/A GAM315 Console Game DeVelopment Textbook not required N/A GAM330 AdVanced LeVel Design Textbook not required N/A GAM341 Game Tools DeVelopment Visual C# 2010 How to Program 9780133379334 GAM351 Writing for InteractiVe Games Character DeVelopment and Storytelling for Games 9781592003532 GAM370 Game Design Workshop II Textbook not required N/A GAM381 Game Production Studio II Textbook not
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