E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 112 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 158 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2012 No. 159 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was Mr. WEBB thereupon assumed the won’t go into the details of everything called to order by the Honorable JIM chair as Acting President pro tempore. I said, but the Senator from Virginia WEBB, a Senator from the Common- f knows—I came out of that meeting rec- wealth of Virginia. ognizing what kindred spirits these two RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY gallant warriors were and are, both PRAYER LEADER having been highly decorated, one in The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- the Navy, the other a marine; one with fered the following prayer: pore. The majority leader is recog- a Medal of Honor, the other—the Act- Let us pray. nized. ing President pro tempore—the Navy Gracious God, infuse our Senators f Cross, Silver Star, more than one with the spirit of peace in the midst of Bronze Star for Valor, and a number of SCHEDULE the twists and turns of these uncertain Purple Hearts. times as You guide them to do what is Mr. REID. Mr. President, following So I say again, but I can’t say it too best for this land we love. Lord, guide leader remarks we will be in a period of much, what an honor and pleasure it them beyond the meager resources of morning business for 1 hour. The ma- has been to serve in this body with the their talents so they will trust and jority will control the first half, the Senator from Virginia, JIM WEBB. I lean on You. Give them the wisdom to Republicans the final half. Following have learned so much about what a dif- believe that in every circumstance You morning business we will resume con- ference a positive attitude will make. can provide them exactly what they sideration of the motion to proceed to And there is no better example of that need. May they find opportunities to S. 3637. than the new GI bill of rights. To think honor You in each challenge they face The Senate will recess as we nor- a new Senator—a brand new Senator— as You empower them to lift burdens mally do on Tuesdays from 12:30 p.m. would have the idea, the confidence that are heavier than they can bear. to 2:15 p.m. to allow for our weekly that he could do this; not only the con- We pray in Your sacred Name. Amen. caucus meetings. fidence that this bill is important, but f At 2:15 p.m. there will a cloture vote he wrote it himself. The Acting Presi- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE on the motion to proceed to S. 3637. dent pro tempore wrote that bill him- There could be additional votes today. self. He didn’t go to bill drafters, as The Honorable JIM WEBB led the f most of us do, he wrote it himself and Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: proceeded to get it passed. So this is a TRIBUTES TO DEPARTING I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the man I will miss a whole lot. United States of America, and to the Repub- SENATORS lic for which it stands, one nation under God, DANIEL AKAKA JIM WEBB indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Mr. President, I want to spend a lit- Mr. REID. Mr. President, I would f tle time today talking about the junior note the Acting President pro tempore Senator from Hawaii, DANIEL AKAKA, APPOINTMENT OF ACTING today. I had the good fortune of being as he retires from a life dedicated to PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE able to come to the floor last week to his community and this country. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The talk about the Acting President pro Senator AKAKA’s service to this Na- clerk will please read a communication tempore’s tenure in the Senate—some 6 tion began during wartime, when he to the Senate from the President pro years—and I talked about some of the was a teenager. He graduated from tempore (Mr. INOUYE). many accomplishments he had in that high school and the war was ongoing. The legislative clerk read the fol- relatively short period of time, as we Of course, people were watching Hawaii lowing letter: call Senate time. very closely because they had such a U.S. SENATE, But I am reminded again of the Sen- huge Asian population—a huge Japa- PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, ator from Virginia, having spent an nese-American population. So it was Washington, DC, December 11, 2012. hour on Friday with Bob Kerrey. Bob watched very closely, and for reasons To the Senate: Kerrey and I reflected back on his ex- that weren’t valid, but that is what we Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, perience here in the Senate, and one did then. of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby memorable meeting he and I had. The DAN AKAKA spent 2 years as a civilian appoint the Honorable JIM WEBB, a Senator from the Commonwealth of Virginia, to per- purpose of that meeting was for Bob worker with the U.S. Army Corps of form the duties of the Chair. Kerrey to introduce me to Senator Engineers and 2 years on active duty in DANIEL K. INOUYE, WEBB. It was a wonderful meeting be- the U.S. Army. His duties with the President pro tempore. cause when the meeting finished—and I Army, as I recall, having talked to DAN ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S7711 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:20 Dec 12, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11DE6.000 S11DEPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with S7712 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 11, 2012 AKAKA, were to protect the water in named Anthony from Chicago, as I in- So when it came to offering his idea Honolulu. dicated, came to visit DAN’s brother of a balanced approach, the President After the war, DAN attended the Uni- and he never left. Anthony became was vague about cuts but very specific versity of Hawaii, using the original GI such a part of that family that, before in his request for more government bill. Years later, he would receive his he died, he wanted to make sure he was spending—something no reasonable master’s degree from the University of buried in Hawaii. He wanted to be bur- person had publicly contemplated pre- Hawaii as well as his bachelor’s dis- ied with DAN’s siblings and family in viously. It raises the question: Do agree. Senator AKAKA believes he Hawaii. And he was. Democrats even believe their own rhet- would never have become a U.S. Sen- Senator AKAKA served as choir direc- oric on spending? Or, contrary to the ator if not for the GI benefits he re- tor of the Hawaii Christian mother clear wishes of the majority of Ameri- ceived through his service in the mili- church, where his brother was min- cans, do they just want more tax rev- tary. That is why, as a member and ister. His brother was minister there enue to fund a government without any past chairman of the Veterans’ Affairs for some 17 years. Senator AKAKA is limits—any limits whatsoever—which Committee, he has worked to make im- still a member of that church. keeps getting bigger and bigger with portant improvements to the 21st Cen- He is blessed with a wonderful family every passing year? tury GI Bill. Today’s GI bill is mod- as well as a rewarding career. He and Think about it. The Federal Govern- eled, after the work done by JIM WEBB, his wife Millie have 5 children, 15 ment spent $1.8 trillion in 2001, and last after the educational opportunity pro- grandchildren, and 14 great-grand- year—10 years later—$3.6 trillion. children. gram that DAN took advantage of when These are nominal dollars, I realize, Senator AKAKA has served his con- he was a young boy. but by any measure the size of govern- stituents well and with distinction. He Senator AKAKA was chairman of the ment has grown well beyond its means. Veterans’ Affairs Committee from 2007 has served not only his constituents and the State of Hawaii but our coun- Government spending is completely to 2010, as thousands and thousands of and totally out of control and we need Iraqi and Afghanistan veterans were try with distinction. He has enjoyed a long and productive career and his to start acting like it. coming home from combat. As Demo- Yesterday the Government Account- crats collectively worked to bring our presence in the Senate will be missed. I offer congratulations to Senator ability Office revealed that govern- troops home from Iraq, DAN AKAKA la- AKAKA on his dedicated military and ment workers and private contractors bored with the Veterans’ Administra- public service and wish him and Millie are doing the same exact work on Med- tion to meet the needs and challenges happiness in their retirement. icaid claims, leading to billions in of a new generation of veterans. The f waste. Meanwhile, Senator COBURN has 21st Century GI Bill ensures those vet- shown all of us some of the ridiculous erans get the educational opportunities RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY things taxpayers are paying for with they deserve.
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