ISSN: 0029-7739 $ 1.00 per copy THE OBSERVER Official Newspaper of the Catholic Diocese of Rockford Volume 79 | No. 34 http://observer.rockforddiocese.org FRIDAY AUGUST 8, 2014 Inside Warren’s St. Ann Festa Italiana: Family, Food and Fun pg. 4 Back to School Marks Several Schools Will Welcome New First Principals This Year (Observer photo by Amanda Hudson) pg. 5 Bishop David Malloy passes the o ertory gifts to St. Ann pastor, Father Andrew Skrobutt. Bringing the gifts are parishioners Bill and Judy Holland. Sitting in the rst row are former pastors (from right) Msgr. Everett DeKalb’s Newman Hiller, Father Max Striedl (obscured) and Father William Budden. Center Gets Ready Century For New Year pg. 5 A Legacy of Love A Happy Dilemma: Aurora Central Father, Sister Siblings Leave Needs to Expand pgs. 6-7 Memories, Rectory to St. Father Harold Nilges Catherine of Genoa Parish Sister Marianne Nilges, SSSF BY AMANDA HUDSON served at St. Mary Parish in News Editor DeKalb in the 1970s and early 1980s — he as pastor and she GENOA—As School Sis- as director of religious educa- ter of St. Francis Marianne tion. All for Babies Nilges was laid to rest on July They came together to fulfi ll Forever Family, pgs. 8-9 25, people from St. Catherine those roles in Genoa in 1983. of Genoa Parish, friends and Among their contributions to Pope Francis relatives remembered her devo- the St. Catherine of Genoa Par- Reveals Top 10 tion to her brother — diocesan ish is the rectory. Secrets to Happiness priest Father Harold Nilges — The “very beautiful house,” pgs. 8-9 and to the people of God. Father Ahles said, was paid for Although Sister Marianne by their family. The house was Quick News had planned simply for a given to the parish a while af- gravesite service in Genoa, Fa- ter Father Nilges died (2006), ther Donald Ahles, pastor, de- when Sister Marianne retired cided to hold a memorial Mass to the School Sisters’ facility in at the church beforehand, par- Campbellsport, Wisconsin. ticularly for those who could The rectory, Father Ahles not attend the funeral Mass at added, “will be used generation the Franciscan Motherhouse in after generation” by the parish, Milwaukee on July 23. and he heartily thanked family (CNS photo/D. Dela Cruz, Hawaii Catholic Herald) Sister Marianne and Fa- members who were present. Saint Buried in Hawaii ther Nilges “loved this parish Saying she was a woman (Observer photos by Amanda Hudson; portraits provided) Sisters of St. Francis of the enough to decide to be buried who had “such purpose and Funeral guests look over photos of the Nilgeses during a luncheon Neumann Communities carry the here,” Father Ahles said in his joy,” the priest noted that Sister held at St. Catherine of Genoa Parish after Sister Marianne’s funeral. remains of St. Marianne Cope homily. “We take that as a great Marianne “began early” to fol- into the Cathedral Basilica of Our compliment.” low Jesus. to the convent at age 13. Before going to DeKalb and Lady of Peace in Honolulu July The brother-sister team Born in Aurora, she headed “And as far as I know,” Father then Genoa, Sister Marianne 31, where they were enshrined. Ahles said, “she never looked had served in the Diocese of back.” Rockford at St. John the Bap- This Issue She “always had a smile on tist School in Johnsburg and at her face,” he added. “It’s a rare St. Joseph School in Aurora, as Bishop Malloy ............................. 2 quality (to always) emit this well as in other Illinois towns. Headliners ..................................... 3 very positive, optimistic en- One of her Johnsburg stu- Diocesan ................................ 4, 16 ergy.” dents, Mark Schmitt, now of Back to School ........................ 5-7 Among her many talents, he Burlington, Wisconsin, attend- Forever Family ........................ 8-9 said, including teaching, was ed the Genoa celebration. Nation/World ............................ 10 her ability for “encouragement “Jesus wasn’t (just) a his- Media/Arts ................................. 11 and of sharing God’s work with torical fi gure for her, and it Faith Forum ............................... 12 joy as often as she could,” in- showed,” Schmitt said, adding Viewpoints ................................ 13 cluding the years when she that he got back in touch with For the Record ......................... 14 The Nilges family built a house in Genoa, then left it to the parish as cared for her priest-brother in his fi fth grade teacher some Around the Diocese ............... 15 a rectory when Sister Marianne moved to her order’s motherhouse. his illness. Continued on page 4 2 FRIDAY AUGUST 8, 2014 | The Observer Everyone is Welcome to Join The Observer (ISSN 0029- 7739), is published weekly, Us Before the Lord at Mass except five times a year by the Diocese of Rockford, BY BISHOP DAVID J. MALLOY 555 Colman Center Dr., P.O. Box 7044, Rockford, IL 61125 ne of the important barometers Christ wants all in his Church. And so parishes faithful, welcoming and vibrant. Phone: 815/399-4300; Fax of the vitality of the faith we are rightly concerned when our friends Compromising the faith to make it easier 815/399-6225. of our Catholic community and neighbors, and especially our young has been tried time and again. That Periodical postage paid at is Mass attendance. It’s no people and children, aren’t with us before approach is not faithful to Christ, nor has Rockford, Ill., and additional Osecret that many of our fellow Catholics the Lord. it ever been successful. So we need to be mail offices. are not with us at Mass on Sundays. We need to see a wider social context full, complete and joyful in our faith. POSTMASTER: send address changes to , 555 Yes, there is an obligation from the as well. As we look around, we sense We need to be welcoming as well. Does The Observer Church that we attend Mass each week, our society declining rapidly. The list is Colman Center Dr., P.O. Box the new family moving into the parish, 7044, Rockford, IL 61125 not just on and off. Even coming to Mass familiar, but to name a few symptoms, coming to Mass for the first time, feel at Christmas and Easter, as valuable as broken families, increasing violence, For ADVERTISING information: at home in my parish? Does the single Contact The Observer at the that practice might be, doesn’t fulfill our gangs and drugs, economic disparity, and mother feel support for herself and for the address above or call 815/399- obligation. an emphasis on unrestrained sexuality 4300; fax 815/399-6225, But the issue really isn’t just fulfilling a in personal lives, government policies kids? Do we reach out, introduce folks and E-mail: kmccarthy@ rule. It is better summed up by a heartfelt and our media give us a sense of an invite the shy ones as a part of our faith? rockforddiocese.org. question: Why aren’t you with us before increasingly morally exhausted culture in Finally, we need to be vibrant in our Send NEWS information to The the Lord? our beloved country. parishes. I am sure that different parish Observer at the address or fax communities will express this in a variety number above; send email to Plenty of ink has been spilled and words It is not a coincidence that these values Observer@rockforddiocese. have been multiplied in an effort to answer are expanding rapidly at a time when of ways, but on a personal level, there is a org; or fill out a form at this question and to turn this trend around. our national religious practice can well common thread. http://observer.rockforddiocese. Still, when we look around at Sunday be said to be in decline. In short, more We need to come personally and org/contact-us. Mass we frequently see pews populated policies won’t cure what ails us. A closer physically. Yes, to Sunday Mass. Also to Subscription rate $28.00 per predominantly by older folks with our relationship to Jesus Christ will. devotions and stations of the cross and year (48 issues); Canadian young people often underrepresented. Too A problem as widespread and as socially and Pan American $29; other other moments of prayer. foreign: surface mail $37, air many stay away from Mass and from the rooted as the current failure to come to But what about to our parish festivals mail $97; single copies $1. Church. Mass and the Church won’t have an easy and chili cook-offs and all of the other The Observer Online digital The concern is not one of nostalgia or or quick solution. But still, we can be part events that take our faith and put it into subscriptions are also available. institutional pride in the Church, as if of the work of grace that can and will a supportive practice of fellowship with the membership or attendance of our Publisher: attract hearts and minds to Christ. each other? favorite club or organization isn’t what it Obviously, we must begin with prayer Most Reverend David J. Malloy How about something as personal and used to be. and trust. Jesus can and does change the yet collective as joining in the responding Associate Publisher: Participation in the faith of Jesus Christ, world. The hearts even of our friends and Msgr. Eric Barr and therefore in the Church, is the door children who have left the Church or who and singing at Mass, transforming the Editor: Penny Wiegert to salvation. After all, Jesus told us that are not practicing the faith are not beyond liturgy from a routine listening to the he is the way, the truth and the life.
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