Title ON THE KNOWN AND UNRECORDED SPECIES OF THE JAPANESE PYRAUSTINÆ (LEPID.) Author(s) SHIBUYA, Jinshichi Citation Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University, 25(3), 151-242 Issue Date 1929-06-15 Doc URL http://hdl.handle.net/2115/12650 Type bulletin (article) File Information 25(3)_p151-242.pdf Instructions for use Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers : HUSCAP ON THE KNOWN AND UNRECORDED SPECIES OF THE JAPANESE PYRAUSTINJE (LEPID.) BY JINSHICHI SHIBU¥A~ The object of this paper is to give a systematic account of the species belonging to the pyraustinae, a subfamily of ryralidae, Lepidoptera, which have hitherto been described from Japan, or recorded as occurring in this country. The preliminary account of the Pyraustinae of Japan was given by C. STOLL in his Papillons Exotiques, vol. iv, 1782, and in this publication he described a new species Phalaena (Pyralis) fascialis STOLL (=l£ymenia recurvalis FABR.). In 1860, MOTSCHULSKY in Etud. Entom. vol. ix, enu­ merated a new genus Nomis (= Udea), two new species Sylepta quadri­ maculalis, Udea albopedalis, the latter is the genotype of Nomis, and an unrecorded species Pyrausta sambucalis SCHIFF. et DEN. In regard to Sylepta quadrimaculalis MOTSCH., this species was originally placed under genus Botyodes, and with its specific name Sylepta quadrimaculalis was already given by KOLLER for a Pyralid-moth in 1844, while G. F. HAMPSON elected a new name Sylepta inferior H~IPSN. for S. quadrimaculalis MOTSCH. In 1863, LEDERER in Wien. Ent. Mon. vii, recorded Margaronia perspectalz's 1 \VLK. from this country as Phace!lura advenalz's LED. In t 866 \ MOTSCHUI.­ SKY added three more unrecorded species to the Pyralid-fauna of Japan, viz., Diasemia litterata Seop. (as Botys literalis SCHIFF. et DEN.), Udea rubriginalis HBN. and Paratalanta ussurialis BREM. In the Cist. Ent. ii, 1877, PRYER recorded Udea minnehaha PRYER as occurring in Japan. BUTLER, in the Ill. Typ. Sp. Het. B. M. vol. ii, 1878, described the following eight new species fro:n this country: I. Dichocrocis chlorophanta fsp. n. 2. Hymenia erebi1ta 51'. n. (=Sy!epta tllctt/osa/is GN.) 3. Glyphodes neomma sp. n. 0( = Margaronz'~ nigropuncta/is BREM.) 4. G. sylpharis sp. n. (= M. py/oa/is WLK.) 5. Botys jessica sp. n. (= Udea landoNs lIBN.) I) Bul. Soc. Nat. Mosc., xxxix (I). [Jour. Facul. Agr., Hokkaido Imp. Univ., Vol. XXV, Pt. 3, May, 1929] JIKSHICHI SHIBUYA 6. Botys pro!msa sp. D. (= lhlea pmtclalis HnN.) 7. Udea ",worina sp. n. 8. Tionea soda/is sp. n. (= u. '.fortica:is LIN".) The next year, vol. iii of the preceding publication came out, in which BUTLER again described the following eighteen new species: I. Zebronia m-gy,-ia sp. n. (== Pycnarmon lactiferalis WLlC) 2_ Pycnarmo1Z pantherata sp. n. 3. Pagyda m-biter sp. n. 4. Samea usitata sp. n. (=Bocchoris aptalis WLK.) 5- L)esmz"a ste!!a?"is sp. n, (= Bncchorlr insjersalis ZELL.) 6. Tyspanodes st,-iata sp. n. 7. Lmnprosema misera sp. n. 8. Goniorhynchus buty,-osa sp. n. 9. Sylepta i"icolor sp. n. 10. Borys am'ea sp. n. (= Syle/,ta balteata FARR.) I I. Sylepta magna sp. n. i2. Crocidcphora nyctedna sp. n. 13. Udea ;"ornata sp. n. 14. Scopula testacea sp. n. (= Udea .ferrugalis HBN.) IS. Pyrausta gracilis sp. n •. ] 6. P. limbata sp. n_ 17· P. astdfem sp. n. 18. P. assimi/is sp. n. In 1879,9) BUTLER described four more species as new from Japan as follows: I. Lamprosema commixta sp. n. 2. Mm-gtl1"onia inZlsitata sp. n. (=Mm-garonia annu/ata FARR.) ; 3. M. p'yeri sp. n. 4. Uresiphita j>1"uipemzis sp. n. In 1881,3), the following six new species were described from Japan by BUTLER: 1. Fa"yda quadrilimata sp. n. (= Pagyda amphisalis WLK.) 2. Sylepta insignis sp. n. 3. Udea .fmtoni sp. n. 4. Emtychia diversa sp. n. (= PY1"Ousta hlett/alis HBN.) 5. Pyrausta chrysitis sp. n. 6. P. unipunctata sp. n. In 1885,4) PRYER recorded Dichocrocis jU,1Zct?/eralis GN. and Margaro7Zia qttadrimacltlalis BRmI. et GREY as occurring in Japan. In 1889,5) LEECH 2) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (5) iv. 3) Trans. Ent. Soc, Lond. 4) Trans. Asiat. Soc. Jap., xiii. S) Entomologist, xxii. ON THE KNOWN AND UNRECOR[)ED SPECIES OF THE JAPANESE PVRAUSTINiE 153 described the following twelve new species and the same time he newly recorded Heliotltela nigralbata LEECH from Japan: I. Lamprosema fumic!alis sp. n. 2. Botyodes principalis sp. n. 3. Sy:epta segna!is sp. n. 4. S. macu!alis sp. n. 5. S. fuscomarginalis sp. n. 6. Margaronia bijiUnctalis sp. n. 7. Botys manda";nalis sp. n. (= Croeidopho:'a eZ'e1Zoralis WLK,) 8, Croeidophora at,,'ealis sp. n. g. Loxostege t"1zornata sp. n. 10. Udea IUg'ltb,'alis sp. n. I I. Botys laerimalis sp. n. (= Pyrausta eoc!esalis WLK.) 12. Pyrattsta genialis sp. n. (9 type only) In 1892,6) WARREN described a new genus Prionopaltis with the fol­ lowing nine new species: I. Lamprosema indistineta sp. n. 2. Evergestis Jimctalis sp. n. 3. Psara fttscescens sp. n. 4. P. ,'"dis sp. n. 5. Prionopaltis eonsocia sp. n. 6. Pyrausta sttJlitsalis sp. n. 7. P. latipennis sp. n. 8. P. oce/laris sp. n. g. Mieractis sanguinealis sp. n. (= Pyrausta nubi!alis HBN.) MEYRICK, in his British Lepidoptera, 1895. gave Japan as a locality of Udea verbascalis SCHIFF. et DEN. In 1895,7) WARREN described a new species Udea auratalis W ARR: from this country. In the Faun. Brit'. Ind. Moths, vol. iv, 1896, HAMPSON newly recorded the following nine species: I. Dieftocrocis surusalis WLK. 6. Psara' liearsisalz's WLK. 2. Sylepta pernitescens SWINIf. 7. Loxostege verticalis LINN. 3. S. quad,'imamla!is KLLR. 8. L. pelealis SCHIFF. et DEN. 4. Th!iptoceras variabilis SWINH. 9. PYI'Gusta damoa!is WI.K. 5. Marllea testulalis GEYER In 1898,S) HAMPSON described a new species G01ziorhynchus exemplaris HMPSN. (= Goniorhync1zus margi1Zalis W ARR.), and also recorded three unre­ corded species Agrotera lzemoralis ScoP., wzaphalocrocis medinalis GN. and Sylepta do'ogata FABR. The following year,V) HAMPSON recorded five more species, which were, so far as I am aware, not recorded from this country 6) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (6) ix. 7) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (6) xvi. 8) Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 9) Proc. Zo01. Soc. Lond. ]54 JiNSHICHI SHIBUYA before that time, they are as follows: I. C,-ocidophora hd~rogmalis BREM. 4. Pyratlsta moderatalis CHRIST. 2. Calamochrotls aCtltdltlS EVM. 5. P. mmmialis WLK. 3. lld~a orbicmtralis CHR[ST. In 1900,10) a new species Pyrausta discimaculalis HMPSN. was described, the type specimen of which was obtained in Japan. In 1901,11) Prof. S. MATSUMURA gave Japan as a locality of Margaronia indica SAUND. In the same year,l!> HERING enumeratee a new species Pagyda quinquelineata HER­ ING and the following six unrecorded species from Japan: I. E",:rhypm'od~s bract~olalis ZEI.L. 4. Lamprouma tdstt'ialis BREM. 2. Agrotera tjf~rtalis WLK. 5. L. indicala F ABR. 3. Phost.-ia crithonalis WLK. 6. Sy/~pla salana HERIl'G SOUTH also described three new species Lamprose111a satsumalis, Udea pseudocrocealis and Pyrausta vicinalis from this country in 190(13). In the same publication,14) LEECH recorded the following twenty three unrecorded species: I. Bocchoris onychinalis GN. 12. Nomophi/a nocltulla SCIIIFF. et DEN. 2. B. adipalis LED. 13· Psm'a margina/is \VARR. 3· Phostria noc/~suns MOOR. 14· Loxostegc fl1!lbrosaiis W ARR. 4· LamprOSt1JZfl c1wysorycta MEYR. 15· Diasemia accalis WI.K. 5· L. tamp.ilsalis WLK. Iii. Antigastra cata/mma/is Dur. 6. L. simi/is MOOR. 17· lldea albiJimbrialis WLK. 7. L. pallidinota/is HMPSN. 18. Pyratlsta diniasalis WLK._ 8. Syltpla ruralis ScoP. 19. P. jlavalis SCHIFF. et DEN. (as Sylepta sabimalis WLK.) 20. P. pullata/is CHRIsT. 9· S. ttlt.inalis WLK. 21. P. phoenicealis HnN. 10. S. dtjicims MOOR. 22. P. s01tgtlinalis LINN. II. Odia undalis F ABR. 23· P. sikkima MOOR. At the same time he wrongly recorded the following three species as occurring in this country: I. En!~phria a~rifera/is LEECH: (nec MOOR.) == Pycnarmon lactiferalis WLK•. 2. Pagyda amPhisaJis LEECH (nec WLK.) ==Po.!;yda quinqtle/ilUata HERING 3. Nosophora semitritalis LEECH: (nec LED.) ==Nosophara semitn'talis LED. var. orbicula,is SlIlB. In 1903,1(,) HAMPSON added an unrecorded species Metasia cOllt'otaHs HMPSN. to the Pyralid-fauna of Japan. In the Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. vol.- 10) Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. II) Ill. Zeit. Ent. ller!., 6 (2). 12) Stett. Ent. Zeit., 62. 13) Trans. Ent. Soc. Land. 14) Trans. Ent. Soc. Land. 15) Jour. BomL. Nat. Hist. Soc., xv. ON TilE KNOWN AND UNRECORDED SPECIES OF· THE JAPANESE PYRAUSTINlE 155 XXVlll, 1905, DVAR described a new species Pyrausta polygoni DVAR from Japan, which is, so far as my studies go, identical with Pyrausta l1ubilalis HBN. 6 In T9Il/ ) WILEMAN enumerated the following eleven new species and fifteen unrecorded species: I. A..frotera posticalis sp. n. (= Agrottra ne1/l{)1'alis SCOP.) 2. Pagyda ochrealis sp. n. (=subsp. of Pagyda salvalis WLK.) 3. Marasmia limbata sp. n. 4. Glyphodes albiltmalis sp. n. (=Bocchoris tdphtlsa:is WLK.) 5. Phost1'la ",unitalis sp. n. 6. Lamprosema catenalis sp. n. 7. Omphisa plagialis sp. n. 8. Udea stigmatalis sp. n. 9. Pioma eX(!{ttalis sp. n. (= Pyrfltlsta accolalis ZELL.) 10. pYYatlsta andrewsalis sp. n. II. Phlyctamodes och"ealis ~p. n. (= Pyrausta alatalis WLK.) 12. Marasmia vinilialis WLK. 20. Crocidophora fiaziciliata HMPSN. 13. La1J/jrose/lZa maculalis SOUTH (as Circobotys a"rimtl1:!{o WARR.) 14. Ceratm'cha umbrosa SWINH. 21. Udea pruiltalis SCHIFF.
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