NCTI PROCEEDING 1ST NATIONA L CONFERENCE S PROCEEDINGS The 1st NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TEACHING INNOVATION 2019 “EMPOWERING TEACHERS FOR INDUSTRY 4.0 ERA” Surabaya, September 14, 2019 Organizer: English Language Teacher Education ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHER EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STKIP AL HIKMAH 2019 PROCEEDINGS THE 1ST NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TEACHING INNOVATION ‘Empowering Teachers for Industry 4.0 Era’ Steering Committee 1. Achmad Anang Darmawan, M.Pd. 2. Prof. Dr. Lies Amien Lestari, M.Pd. Editor Committee 1. Haris Dibdyaningsih, M.Pd. 2. Rizki Ramadhan, M.Pd. 3. Faishol Hadi, M.Pd. Divisions 1. Papers and Sessions : Abdul Basith 2. Secretariat : Rihza Galih Faturrochman 3. Ceremony and Entertainment : Abdullah Azzam Akbar 4. Publication and Documentation : Musthafa Kamal 5. Food and Beverages : Khoironi 6. Decoration and Properties : Ahmad Jazuli 7. Public Relations : Muhamad Azizul Chakim Reviewers Prof. Dr. Lies Amien Lestari, M.Pd. Setting and Typeset Rizki Ramadhan Haris Dibdyaningsih Musthafa Kamal Rihza Galih Faturrochman Cover Muhamad Azizul Chakim Publisher: Bina Guru ISBN: 978-623-7563-00-6 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior written permission from the writers i Preface This first National Conference Proceeding is published with sincere motivation specifically to accommodate the ideas of the teachers, lecturers, researchers, and students in their participation in developing innovation in teaching and technology. The proceeding is the output of the 1st National Conference on Teaching Innovation 2019 that was held on September 14, 2019, in Surabaya. The proceeding is consisting of 19 full papers from 11 different topics, such as: 1. Language policy and Curriculum 2. Material development in Language Education 3. Technology-enhanced Language Learning 4. Language Assessment 5. Teacher Assessment Development 6. English for Young Learner 7. Multiliteracies in Applied Linguistics 8. Learner or Teacher Identity 9. Linguistics and Literature in Language Learning 10. Multilingual Education, and 11. Teacher Professional Development. ii Foreword Dear Presenters and Participants On behalf of the organizers and committees, it is pleasure to welcome you to the National Conference on Teaching Innovation 2019 hosted by English Education Department, STKIP Al Hikmah. This conference was conducted to provide an opportunity for the teachers, students, lecturers to take part in academic forum as presenters and participants The theme of this conference is ‘Empowering Teachers for Industry 4.0 Era’. It was chosen to accommodate thoughts and experiences of English Education Students, teachers, and lecturers in developing their knowledges and skills to compete with other in the Industry 4.0 Era. Besides, it can equip the students to build their pedagogical knowledge and research so that they can contribute in national and international academic forum, and also prepare themselves to survive in the challenge in the future. Thus, the sub-theme of this conference were language policy and curriculum; materials development in language educations; technology-enhanced language learning; language assessment; teacher assessment development; English for young learners; multiliteracies in applied linguistics; learner or teacher identity; linguistics and literature in language learning; multilingual education; and teacher professional development. Your presence and contribution for the National Conference on Teaching Innovation 2019 is helping to further develop this meaningful forum and National Proceeding is published. This collection of articles involves theoretical review and research based related to the issues of NCTI themes. Finally, we would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to all presenters for the willingness to share the latest research and experienced related to the English Language Teaching. Without your effort this conference and the proceeding would not be possible to hold. We look forward to join the next conference on the following year. Bina Guru STKIP Al Hikmah iii Table of Contents Table of Contents __________________________________________________________ iv USING LITERARY TEXTS FOR TEACHING EFL IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS Lies Amin Lestari ____________________________________________________________ 1 CONTENT LANGUAGE INTEGRATED LEARNING (CLIL) IN PANJI STORY TEXT’S TEACHING MATERIAL Sri Utami, M.Pd.1, Lailatus Sa’diyah, M.Pd.2 ______________________________________ 9 MODIFYING BLOCKS-C GAME AS MEDIA FOR TEACHING SIMPLE PAST Luluk Susanti1, Adi Yusuf2 ___________________________________________________ 16 CONTINUOUSLY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF INDONESIAN TEACHERS Vivi Vellanita Wanda Damayanti _____________________________________________ 27 INDONESIAN STUDENTS’ PERSPECTIVE IN LEARNING ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION Tyas Alhim Mubarok1, Ahmad Saifudin2, Siti Rofi`ah3 _____________________________ 35 INVESTIGATING TEACHERS’ ATTITUDES TOWARD LEARNER SELF-ASSESSMENT: A CASE STUDY OF INDONESIAN EFL Teachers Andri Suherman _____________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. BLENDED LEARNING AND STUDENTS SPEAKING ABILITY Rizka Safriyani, Aditya Herwanda Riswan ______________________________________ 48 TECHNOLOGY FOR TODAYS ENGLISH LEARNING IN INDONESIA Ela Rosyida _______________________________________________________________ 56 E-PORTFOLIO: AN INVENTIVE ASSESSMENT IN AUTONOMOUS LEARNING SOCIETY Ika Lasmiatun1 , Andhika Ariastuti2 , Ani Fitria Nurkhasanah3 _______________________ 64 EFL TEACHING AND LEARNING IN MULTIMEDIA LANGUAGE LABORATORY Wiwiet Eva Savitri _________________________________________________________ 81 LEARNING ENGLISH FOR AGRICULTURE THROUGH ONLINE CULTURAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM: WHAT MAKES IT FUN Putri Gayatri ______________________________________________________________ 92 THE APPLICATION OF FLIPPED LEARNING APPROACH TO TEACH ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES (ESP) OF NURSING Tiyas Saputri ______________________________________________________________ 98 "SPEAK UP AND APPRECIATE!" GAME: TEACHING ENGLISH FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENT Adhy Putri Rilianti, Ahmad Haikal Asy Syauqi __________________________________ 111 iv TEACH READING COMPREHENSION AMONG EFL LEARNERS Abdul basith1, Haris Dibdyaningsih2 _____________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. The Obstacles of produce writing; Between Vocabulary enrichment and Student’s creativity trough PBL (Project Based Learning) Abdullah Azzam Akbar1, Faishol Hadi2 ________________________________________ 127 THE ANALYSIS OF GENRE BASED APPROACH IN TEACHING READING FOR SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Khoironi1, Rizki Ramadhan 2, Feby Anggita S.3 _____________ Error! Bookmark not defined. NEW OPPORTUNITIES IN LANGUAGE LEARNING: MOBILE-ASSISTED LANGUAGE LEARNING IN INDONESIAN YOUTH CONTEXT Musthafa Kamal1, Adinda Aura Salsabil 2 ______________________________________ 142 READING STRATEGIES IN EFL READING CLASSROOM Muhamad Azizul Chakim1, Hendra Sudarso2 ______________ Error! Bookmark not defined. TEACHING VOCABULARY METHODS FOR ENHANCING WRITING SKILL FOR FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNERS: A LITERATURE RESEARCH Rihza Galih Faturrochman1, Achmad Anang Darmawan2 ____ Error! Bookmark not defined. v USING LITERARY TEXTS FOR TEACHING EFL IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS Lies Amin Lestari Universitas Negeri Surabaya [email protected] Abstract: Literary texts are considered ‘difficult’ by most EFL students. That is why they are hardly ever chosen as teaching materials in the EFL classroom, especially at the secondary schools. However, the fact that both language and society (Wardaugh, 2006) are intertwined and literature is the mirror of the society (http://baltimorepostexaminer.com/essay-literature-mirror-society/2017/11/09) makes it impossible for teachers to neglect literary works. This paper will discuss the importance of using literary works for teaching EFL and the advantages of using literary works for teaching English as a foreign language in secondary school, and using literary works to teach EFL. Key words: Literary works, EFL, secondary schools. The issue of education in the from education to teaching. At school, disruptive era of industrial 4.0 makes students are taught science and knowlegde. educators think about preparing students to Those who earn high scores on tests are be competitive human resources. This is considered to be successful learners, while due to the fact that the development of under-achievers are losers. The technology has revolutionary changed the phenomenon of ‘pass’ and ‘fail’ in the world into a global village in which borders national examination is one of the among countries no longer exist. The indicators that students are demanded to be consequence is that work-force competition high achievers if they are to succeed in is no longer a local or national affair, but it schooling. This condition makes both has become an international affair. To be students and parents think that they must competitive, both job-seekers and job- work hard to achieve the goal to be high providers should not only possess hard- achievers by doing whatever they can. This skills to do their day-to-day tasks, but also might due to the fact that schooling is seen soft-skills. This is due to the fact that one’s as formal education in which teachers success in life is not only determine by his instruct students in courses of study within ability in executing the day-to-day routine,
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