MOW /mous,siErTemueRL& Main present time. Thai Is to get alletlier THE ORIGINAL DESERT LAND, FINAL PROOF.— 1 crack at Comiskers‘WhIte Sex for a Notice for Publication.—U. S. Lead JUST ARRIVapi SPORTING world title. LAXATIVE OffIce,44awistown, Mont., July 31, "They beat us last Year," he said, 1907. Notice Is that NEWS "and beat us fairly. I for one have HONEY and herelreegiven TAR A Car of LLATEST no excuses to make. All I am wish- ELLEN AYERS, left sterng San Francisco, Sept. 9.—A ing for 18 another chance at them. Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, Throat in the of Lewistown. Mont., assignee of to the body. Cleverly blocked by Joe We hope it will be different then." James P. Anderson, has filed notice Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption P4CICAOR Gans, cost jimmy Britt any chance "Are you picking up the Sox to re- and Lung Yeu-ow of intention to make proof on her he might have had to win the light- peat," he wag asked. Recommended and Guaranteed by C. H. WILLIAMS. desert land claim, No. 2368, for the weight chansDionallIP of the world to- "Well, no; I can't say that I ant. se% ne%, ae% se%, sec 7, n% sw%, day and brought to a close five rounds Screen Boors and It seems to me Philadelphia will just DESERT LAND, FINAL PROOF.— NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.—D• EDWARD BR ASSF:Y sec 8, tp 15 n, r ZS e, Mont. P. M., of fast fighting witnessed by a crowd about win it out with that long Notice for Publication— Uellod partment of the Interior, Land Of- Late 1115leter // 8 L..d 01,41 before the register and receiver at of about people at Recreation 14,000 stretch of games on the home groun States Land Office, Lewletown, Mon fice at Lewistown, Montana, Aug. BERNARD E. STACK Lewistown, Mont., on Monday, the park. The blow caught by Gans On stretch of games on the borne tans, Aug. 14, 1907. 29, 1907. 7th day of October, 1907. struck in the middle his elbow was grounds." Notice is hereby given that Notice is hereby given that BRASSEY St STACK She names the following witnesses of the fourth round. It broke BMWS JOHN M. JOHNSON, MAMIE A. ANDERSON, 10 prove the complete irrigation and wrist, and though he went on again LAND ATTORNEY klieg's Rubber Why do ball players ytpp-yapp and assignee of George F. Edgerly, of of Lewistown, Montana, has filed no- reclamation of said land: In the fifth round, he was --- helpless yee-ow at the umpire? Mont., has flied notice of lice of his intention to make final Louis E. Griffith, James W. Shaw, offense and defense. It was Commission, Loans In both Nobody knows. Nobody knows why intention to make proof on his desert commutation proof in support of his Real Estate and George W. Ayers, of Grass Range; not until this round that he informed Negotiated. Promptly ball players get mussy with the um- land claim, No. 1809, for the sw% claim, viz: Homestead entry No. Inquiries Roy E. Ayers, of Lewistown, Mont. his seconds of the mishap._ pire. The ball players themselves sw%, sec 4, se% setS, sec 5. tp 14 4651 made July 31, 19146, for the swie, Answered C. E. McKOIN, Register. "What's the use of my going o7n don't know. That they don't know U, r 24 e, Mont. P. M., before the reg- n% se%, swie se%. sec 2, tp 16 First publication Aug. 30. can't fight, I am helpless," he said LOCATED I IS clearly by the fact that ister and receiver at Lewistown, Mon- n, r 17 e, Mont. P. M., and that said SETTLARS Roofing to Ttv Kreling. Captain of Police evidenced I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION—De- nine out of ten of them completely tana, on Wednesday, the 25th day of proof will be made before the register Gleason was notified at the ring-side l-kw ' toiLnt of the Interior, Land Office duck the question when it is put to and receiver at Lewistown, Montana, Office in 1,111IX Building, Next and stopped the fight. Referee Welsh September, 1907. at Lewistown, Montana, August, them, and the other fellows who do Ile names the following witnesses on Oct. 11, 1907. to Land Office. gave the aectsion to Gans. Three doc- 27. 1907. Roll. make some reply to it all to prove complete irrigation ano He names the following witnesses We Guarantee Every tors after an examination stated that sort of a the Notice is hereby given that give said to prove his continuous residence up- Lewistown, - Montana. Give us a call. the injury was a fracture and dislo- different reasons. reclamation of land: JOHN ESCHLIMAN, Of course, anybody knows that the McDonald. John W. on, and cultivation of, the land, viz: cation of the lower end of the ulna, Charles W. executor of the last will and testament reason why they kick and howl and of Lewistown; Lucy A. Dov- Peter E., Anderson, Frank R. Welch, the innermost bone of the wrist. Rowley, of Joseph McCleary, deceased,of Grass ramp and roar at the umpire is that George F. Wright, of Flat- John H. McDonnell, LOUIS liege, all NOTICE OF RESTORATION of Pub- Whether it was a genuine fracture or enspeck, Range, has filed notice of his inten- they are very angry and that they're of Lewistown, Montana, lic Lends to Settlement and Entry. MONTANA not, Britt sh•iwed such intense suffer- willow, Mont. tion to make final five year proof in the kind of people, speaking generally, C. E. McKOIN, Register. C E. McKOIN, Register. Department of the Interior, General ing while the doetora were manipu- support of his claim, viz: Homestead who can't refrain from acting on the First publication Aug. 23. First publication September 6. Land Office, Washington, D. C., lating hilt wrist, the the tears rolled entry No. 3927 made June 13, 1906, impulse of the moment. Again, some June 11, 1907. LUMBER down his cheek. for lot one, Ng% nwi4, n% nel4, sec of them, when they bawl at the um- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION,—De. Notice is hereby given that the "I was utterly helpleaa," he said. DESERT LAND, FINAL PROOF.— partment of the Interior, Land Of- 19, tp 16 n, r 25 e. Mont. P. M., and pire, are not mad at all, but are Just public lands in the following described could not even hold up my left Notice for Publication.—U. S. Land fice at Lewistown, Mont., Aug. 19, that said proof will be made before the "I trying to get something that doesn't areas, temporarily withdrawn on Feb- COMPANY hand after I broke it. I had no guard Office, Lewistown, Mont., Aug 19, 1907. register and receiver, at Lewistown, belong to them, and that they know ruary 12, 1904, for forestry purposes for Gan's left and no punch except 1907. Notice is hereby given that Montana, on Oct. 9, 1907. doesn't belong to them, and again, that and adjoining the Snowy Mountains 77 with my right." Notice is hereby given CHARLES PERLEBERG, He names the following witnesses Telephone some of them shriek around the lot National Forest, Montana, and not while it lasted, was a R. STAVELY HAMILTON, of Lewistown, Mont., has filed notice to prove his continuous residence up- The light, because they are really sincere in otherwl3e withdrawn, reserved or ap- slugging match, but it was perfectly of Lewistown, Mont., has filed notice of his intention to make final five year on, and cultivation of, the land, viz: supposing that something has been propriated will by authority of the evident to every trained observer that of intention to make proof on his proof in support of his claim, viz' Herbert P. Imislund, David Fore- taken away from them by the um- secretary of the interior be restored Britt had no chance to win from the desert land claim, No. 2651, for lot H. E. No. 2906, made Sept- 23, 1902, man, George Ayers, of Grass Range, pire that really does belong to them. to the public domain on September negro. For the first time in his life 4, sec 7, lot 1, ne% nw%, sec 18, tp for the n% sw%, lots 1, 2 and 3, sec Roy E. Ayers, of Lewistown, Mont. All of this, however, is beside the 10, 1907, and become subject to set- he was outmatched. 18 n, r 18 e, se% se%, sec 12, ne% 1, tp 16 n, r 18 e, Mont. P. 31., and First publication Aug. 30. mark. Nobody is inquiring what the tlement on and after that date, but LEWISTOWN MEAT The result is and can be nothing beta, sec 13, tp 18 n, r 17 e, Mont. that said proof will be made before C. E. McKOIN, Register. reason is that ball players have got not to entry, filing or selection until but a great disappointment. It is P. M., before the register and receiver the register and receiver at Lewistown, quick on and after October 30, 1907, under NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION—De- worse than a great disappointment; temoers. at Lewistown, Mont., on Monday, the Mont., on Sept. 23, 1907. COMPANY The actual problem is: Why do they the usual restrictions, st the United partment of the Interior, Lend Office it is almost enough to make the true 23rd day of September, 1907. He names the following witnesses and day out, year in States land office at Lewistown, Mon- At Lewistown, Montana, August 7, Postettice lover of the fistic game weep real go on, day in He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence up- Flora Melee.
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