41 2009 94075_APL_41_Cover.indd 2-4 18/02/11 08:44 This is an Open Access publication. Visit our website for more OA publication, to read any of our books for free online, or to buy them in print or PDF. www.sidestone.com Check out some of our latest publications: 94075_APL_41_Voorwerk.indd II 17/02/11 17:19 ANALECTA PRAEHISTORICA LEIDENSIA PUBLICATION OF THE FACULTY OF ARCHAEOLOGY LEIDEN UNIVERSITY MISCELLANEA ARCHAEOLOGICA LEIDENSIA EDITED BY CORRIE BAKELS AND HANS KAMERMANS LEIDEN UNIVERSITY 2009 94075_APL_41_Voorwerk.indd III 17/02/11 17:19 Series editors: Corrie Bakels / Hans Kamermans Editor of illustrations: Joanne Porck Copyright 2011 by the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden ISSN 0169-7447 ISBN 978-90-73368-24-8 Subscriptions to the series Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia and single volumes can be ordered exclusively at: P.J.R. Modderman Stichting Faculty of Archaeology P.O. Box 9515 NL-2300 RA Leiden The Netherlands This publication was made possible with a grant from Archol, Leiden 94075_APL_41_Voorwerk.indd IV 17/02/11 17:19 Contents Watching the river Á ow: a small-scale survey of the Á oodplain deposits in the Vézère valley, between Le Moustier and Les Eyzies (Dordogne, France) 1 Wil Roebroeks Hans Kamermans Joanne Mol Alain Turq Thijs van Kolfschoten Patterns of Middle and Upper Paleolithic land use in Central Lazio (Italy) 41 Hans Kamermans Jan Sevink Crops grown on the sandy soils of Eastern Brabant (the Netherlands) before, during and after the Roman occupation 57 Corrie Bakels Coffee, cacao and sugar cane in a shipwreck at the bottom of the Waddenzee, the Netherlands 73 Wim Kuijper Martijn Manders Shipping pepper: examining botanical contents of a 17th-century shipwreck at Texel Roads, the Netherlands 87 Cornelie Moolhuizen 94075_APL_41_Voorwerk.indd V 17/02/11 17:19 94075_APL_41_Voorwerk.indd VI 17/02/11 17:19 Contents Watching the river Á ow: a small-scale survey of the Á oodplain deposits in the Vézère valley, between Le Moustier and Les Eyzies (Dordogne, France) 1 Wil Roebroeks Hans Kamermans Joanne Mol Alain Turq Thijs van Kolfschoten Patterns of Middle and Upper Paleolithic land use in Central Lazio (Italy) 41 Hans Kamermans Jan Sevink Crops grown on the sandy soils of Eastern Brabant (the Netherlands) before, during and after the Roman occupation 57 Corrie Bakels Coffee, cacao and sugar cane in a shipwreck at the bottom of the Waddenzee, the Netherlands 73 Wim Kuijper Martijn Manders Shipping pepper: examining botanical contents of a 17th-century shipwreck at Texel Roads, the Netherlands 87 Cornelie Moolhuizen 94075_APL_41_Voorwerk.indd V 17/02/11 17:19 Watching The River Flow: A small-scale survey of the Å oodplain deposits in the Vézère valley, between Le Moustier and Les Eyzies (Dordogne, France) Wil Roebroeks, Hans Kamermans, Joanne Mol, Alain Turq and Thijs van Kolfschoten Between 1997 and 2001 a small-scale survey of the geology the area have created a unique Palaeolithic database, and archaeology of the Á uvial deposits of the Vézère river remarkable by its richness as well as by the fact that it is between Le Moustier and Les Eyzies (Dordogne, France) heavily biased by work on rock shelter and cave sequences. was undertaken. The focus of the project was a study of Comparatively little information exists on the archaeology the relationship between the Á uvial history of the Vézère of open-air settings for the Palaeolithic of this region. and archaeology yielding deposits in some of the classic Large-scale excavations of open air sites carried out in rock shelter sites in the area. This paper reports the results the context of archéologie préventive-operations have of this survey, which consisted of an augering campaign in diminished this bias somewhat in recent years, with the the current Á oodplain of the Vézère river, the construction rich record from the INRAP excavations at the Déviation of a small test trench at the foot of the Laugerie-Haute Est de Bergerac providing a good illustration of the enormous rockshelter and a study of the quality and availability of “open-air” potential of the area (Bourguignon et al. 2004). lithic raw materials in the study area. We conclude that In other regions of France, e.g. north of the Seine river, the major part of the deposits in the current Á oodplain of one encounters exactly the opposite situation, with almost the Vézère is probably Holocene in age, with the majority all information coming from open air sites. Caves and rock of the Pleistocene deposits having been eroded away. shelters are virtually unknown there, not to mention their However, at several locations Pleistocene sediments are usage by prehistoric individuals. Studies of these open air still present below Holocene overbank deposits. Our limited sites have shown how Á uvial and aeolian sedimentation can À eldwork in front of Laugerie-Haute Est shows a much preserve the traces of former human presence in open larger spatial extant of the abri deposits there than settings, as testiÀ ed by some of the Lower and Middle previously envisaged, the distal talus of the rock shelter Palaeolithic sites in the Somme valley (Tuffreau 2001) or deposits and its enclosed archaeological remains having for example the pristine record from the Magdalenian sites been obscured by Holocene Vézère deposits. southeast of Paris (Enloe 1991; Leroi-Gourhan and Brézillon 1972). 1 INTRODUCTION The Vézère valley is signiÀ cantly narrower than many The Vézère valley in the Dordogne, south-western France, of the northern river valleys, especially in the trajectory is a key area of world prehistory, well-known in between Le Moustier and Les Eyzies. This may have had palaeo anthropology for the high density of Palaeolithic negative consequences on the preservation of traces of sites, amongst which are eponymous ones such as human activities in the Á oodplain over vast lapses of time. La Micoque, Le Moustier, La Madeleine and the abri of On the other hand, the Vézère valley and especially Cro-Magnon. The valley, rightly called La Voie Royale de the trajectory between Le Moustier and Les Eyzies has la Préhistoire (Ajoulat et al. 1991), appeals to an even the advantage that many of the excavated key sites of larger audience because of its many superb cave art sites, world prehistory, such as Le Moustier, La Madeleine, which include Lascaux and Font de Gaume. Traces of Laugerie-Haute and Abri Pataud, are situated at a short human occupation of this area go back to more than distance from the current river. Some of these are said to 400,000 years ago (Turq et al. 2010), but most of its contain Á uvial deposits that have yielded artefacts, e.g. at proliÀ c archaeological record dates from the Late the lower rock shelter of Le Moustier (Laville and Rigaud Pleistocene. 1973; Laville, Rigaud and Sackett 1980; Peyrony 1930) The abundance of rock shelters and cave sites in this and at La Madeleine (Bouvier 1977; Capitan and Peyrony limestone area attracted a large number of excavators from 1928). Hence it may be possible to relate the abri deposits the second half of the nineteenth century onwards, to the Á uvial history of the Vézère and to chart the following Lartet’s and Christy’s explorations in 1863 distribution of Á uvial deposits possibly contemporaneous (Lartet and Christy 1864; 1865-1875). The excavations in with the formation of the rich record from these sites. 94075_APL_41_01.indd 1 17/02/11 17:21 2 ANALECTA PRAEHISTORICA LEIDENSIA 41 This was the raison d’être of our project in the Vézère The average low water level of the Vézère near Les Eyzies valley, set up as collaboration between the Musée National is currently 54.50 m, while the Á oods of December 1944 and de Préhistoire at Les Eyzies (France) and the Faculty of November 1952 reached heights of respectively 61.93 and Archaeology of Leiden University (The Netherlands). In a 61.08 m at Les Eyzies, the 1944 crue (Á ood) reaching a level series of small-scale À eldwork campaigns from 1997 to 2001 probably comparable to the 1843 one (Judson 1975). Thus attention was paid to various aspects of the geology and we are dealing with a vertical range extension of more than archaeology of the Vézère deposits in its current Á oodplain. 6.5 m within one century (the grande crue of October 4 This involved hand augering of the À ne-grained Vézère 1960, 69.44 m at Le Moustier, is not taken into considera- deposits, mapping of the heights of the various deposits, tion, as this was an artiÀ cial one, due to the opening of the especially the terraces and several key sites as well as a Á oodgates of the Donzère dam (cf. Judson 1975). limited sondage at the foot of Laugerie-Haute Est, where The Vézère is entrenched in a deep valley with steep hand augering had revealed the presence of Á int artefacts and limestone cliffs. The gradual incision of the meandering river bone fragments in deposits of the Vézère. resulted in the formation of different terrace levels along its This paper reports the results of these studies. First we inner bends. Five different terraces, from top to bottom, Fv, will give an overview of some of the main characteristics of Fw1, Fw2, Fx and Fy1, and the recent Á oodplain (Fz) have the Vézère valley landscape (section 2), which is followed by been distinguished in the valley reach studied (Karnay et al. a short presentation of the geological results of our survey 1999; Konik 1999). As shown by Konik (1999), these work (section 3) (see also Mol et al.
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