Combined index/table of contents for our publications 1. search for words anywhere in this combined index. First open the search box (in Adobe Acrobat or Reader) using the menu or the CRTL F short cut Then type the word into the search box 2. to purchase our publications, see www.patersonhistory.org.au for details to purchase our books, see www.patersonhistory.org.au 1 - PATERSON ORANGE BY V ALMA P A TFIELD Published by Paterson Historical Society Inc 2016 to purchase our books, see www.patersonhistory.org.au 2 Adlam, S, 12, Haslam, Percy, 22, Alll;n River, 13, 19, Hartley, Dulcie, Annandale, 3 Hilldale, 14, Anderson, Val, 23, 25, 27,30 Hopson,E,12, Arnold, William, 4 Hudson, C, 11, Archer, Cameron, 27,30 Hudson, Tony,l2 Auckett, Dick, 12, Auckett, Frank, 11, 12, 19, 20, 23 Jarrett, H. 11 Johnstone, Major Edward,3 Benbow, Judy, 24, Jolliffe, George, 30 Bingleburra, 13, 18, 25, Jordon, Jin1, 25 Boughton, John Herring, 2, Jupp, J. 11 Boydell, William, 3 Jupp, William, Boyle, J, 7, Brisbane Grove, 6, 7, 9,14, 15, Keppie, Bill, 14, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25 Keppie, Mabs, 19, 24 Caerg-c.urle, 5, Keppie, Peter, 23 Cann, James, Keppie, William, 6, 14 Cmnpsie, 5, Carrabolln, 17, Lewinsbrook,5, 6, 15, 16,20 Clevedon, 6 Logan, Robert, 5 Corner, Keith, 21, 26 Lostock, 11 Cowley, George, 11, :tvlenger, Bill, 12 Daisy, 5, Mackay, J.K. 11 18 Dalkeith, 16, Maldi Gome, 6 Dangar, Henry, 2 Marquet, George, 12 Darr, Larry, 12, 25, Marquet, L, 7,1 Duns Creek,2 Myles, Fred" 25 Ecclestone, 16, Edler Bros, 11, Parish, D.]. 11, 14 Eyb, F, 7,11, Parish, Jas, 11 Paterson Wharft 7 Frazer, Barbara, 30 Paterson, William, 1 Frazer, Gordon, 30 Penders, 25 Fry, Stan, 30 Phillips, J. 12 Graham, Len, 12, 23 Priestley,Dorothy, 27, 29 Priestley, John, 27, 28, 29 Priestley, Stan, 27 31 to purchase our books, see www.patersonhistory.org.au 3 Richards, George, 22, 24, Richardson, John, 11, Robinson, C, 7, Robinson, W,7, Royal Oak Hotel, 5, Sales, G, 12, Simpson, R, 8, Sivyer. Pam, 26, Si\'yer, Peter, 26, Stradbroke, ..J. Sullivan, Jack, 3, S. S. Swan, 8, Tillimby, 2-!,27,28,29 Torryburn, 5, Town, James, 3 Townshend, George, 2, 4 Trevallyn, 5, Tucker, John, 7, 9, 10, 14, 15, 18, Tucker Park, 21, Tucker, William, 7, 9, \ \'arr, T, 11, V\'ells, B, 12, Williams River, 19, Wilson, Ernest, 6, 11,14, Wilson, F, 8, Wilson, P, 8, Yell ow Rock, 17 32 to purchase our books, see www.patersonhistory.org.au 4 - REVEREND)OH N)ENNJNGS SMITH M A. ARSTINCUMBENT STPAULS PATERSON BY VAL PA TFIELD Published by Paterson Historical Society Inc 2013 to purchase our books, see www.patersonhistory.org.au 5 - TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface iv Introduction v Tilustrations, Maps & Diagrams vi On The Old Paterson vii Church Photographs viii Chapter 1 The Early Years 1 Chapter 2 London to Paterson 3 Chapter 3 The Time Ahead 9 Chapter 4 St Paul's Church, Paterson 13 Chapter 5 The Demise of John Jennings Smith 16 Chapter 6 St Paul's 84th Anniversary 20 Chapter 7 The Final Chapter 22 Appendices 25 Index 31 References 32 iii to purchase our books, see www.patersonhistory.org.au 6 INDEX - AdamsJ Rev. Frederick 19 Rusden, Rev. 11 Amelia Thompson 4 Smith, Anne 1, 3, 23, 24, 26 Arnold, William 13, 26 Smith, Ellen 1, 2, 13, 26 Archer, Cameron iv Smith, Ernest 1, 21, 22,25, 26 Bedwell, Frederick 21 Smith, Harold 1, 4, 13, 20, 25, 26, 28 Bolten, Rev. 21, 28, 29 Smith, Henrietta 1, 26, 27 Boydell, William 10, 21 Smith, John Jennings 1, 9, 16, 17, 18, 20, 26 Broughton, Phoebe 10 Smith, John Sketchley 1, 2, 17, 24, 2.5 Broughton, William 10,13,14,16 S.S.Sophia jane 9 Caergwrle 10 Stack Rev. 11,21,28,29 C.B.C. 12 St. Paul's 12, 15, 19, 20 Clements, Pauline 15 Stephen Alfred John 23 Dove, Ann 1 Stephen, Edward 22, 23,26 Elkin, Rev. 9, 20 Stephen, Florence 1, 22, 23, 26 Grant, Henry 3 Stephen, Thea Milner 9 Grant, vVilliam 3 St. Catharine Hall1 Horsley, Anne 1, 3, 8, 26 St. Jude's Church 23, 24 Horsley/ Captain Charles 3, 8, Spencer, Charles T. 14, 29 Horsley, Charles John 8 Thompson , Amelia 3 King, Captain P.P. 16 Thompson, William 3 Newcastle University vi, 32 Timberlake, Anne 1, Middleton, Rev 28, 29 Timberlake, Ann 1 Paterson 9, 11,13, Timberlake, Robert 1 Rupp Herman Montaque 20, 30 Wilton, Rev. 14, 21, 28, 2 31 to purchase our books, see www.patersonhistory.org.au 7 Hennan Montague Rucker Rupp Rector of St Paul's Anglican Church, Paterson 1924-1930 (The Orchid Man o.f Paterson ' TheRe,· Hennan ~1ontague Rucker Rupp, B.-\ Photo: Courtesy Sandra Bcmbnck - Monkcrai VAL ANDERSON Published by Pater on Historical Society Incorporated 2010 Based on the Paterson Histori cal Society 2003 Heritage Lecture The publication of this book has been assisted by funds all ocated to the Royal Australian Historical Society by the Ylinistry for the Arts. 1\cw South Wales to purchase our books, see www.patersonhistory.org.au 8 CONTENTS L'\TRODCCTIO~ v PREFACE vi FOREWORD vii LOCATIO)j "''lAPS viii HMRRCPP 1 ST PACL'S A)jGLI CA~ C f-I URCH 3 T PA UL'S f.IGHTY-FOURTH A NIVER ARY Cf.LEBRATlO'lS ... PATERSO:\ COCRT HOUSE I\IL EC~ L TRI13l'TE 10 ·'TRE ORCHADIAN'' TRlBCTE 11 A CO~TROLL£1) FASCTKA TlO~ 19 THE NEW CAM Ji:RA 22 THE RECTORY 28 STJAMES- MARTI~S CRE EK 32 ST PACL'S SCI"DA Y SCHOOL HALL 34 JOH."'i HOPSO~ 36 JOID DOfDGE TLCKER -'0 FAREWELL TO PATERSON -'1 Il\DEX 47 l \ to purchase our books, see www.patersonhistory.org.au 9 INDEX A F Ahcnnain 8 F crguson, Dr 3 8 Allyn River 36, 38 Ficldsend, F J 20 All;m Valley 5 Anderson. Bill 12, 14,25 G Anderson, Val 12, 14, 17 Gilbert, Lionel v, 10, 12, 15, 17, 45 Archer, Cameron vi, 14, 17, 29,30 Glenlossie 14, 17. 18, 25. 33 Archer. Jean 29 Goldfinch, Mr 38 Grcsford 5 B Barrington Tops 5, 36, 38 H Belcher, Sir Charles 43 Hall, Vince 32 Bcmb1ick, Sandra & Keith 30 Harrison, Professor 38 Bett, W Haughton 28 Hedley, Charles 38 Boyle, Harry 26 Herd, Sue I 0, 17 Brooker, W J :2 Hewson, Dr H J I 0 Broughton, Dr William Grant 2. 3. 5, 28 H illman. George 18 Brouwer, Dave 15 Hobart To\.:vn 5 Browne. Thos. Ltd 8 Hopson, John vi, 36, 37, 38. 43 Bulahdelah l, 19, 20 Hopson, Lindsay 39 Burt, E 32 Horsley, Captain 5 Hunter River 5 c Hunter, Bill 17 Caerhn.vrk (Allynbrook) 5 Carter, H J 38 Childs, \V H 37 Irving, John 28 Church Stores 9 Clark, W B Medal 10 J Clements, Pauline 12 Jolm Hopson Memorial Hall 37 Coleraine 42 Jolm Tucker Park 29, 40 Co11ison, C C 8 Jones, David 18 Cory, Mrs Alfred 8 Cram, A 2 K Keppic, Mabs & Bill ii1,1 2. 14. 15. 17, D 18,25,33 Dalkeith 36. 38. 39 Keppie, P 2 Dent. Margaret 39 Kestcven. Dr H L 20 Dovve, Florence :\1abel I, 35 Dowling, Bill Vll L Location Map VJIL E Long, Bishop 2. 8, 32 East \llaitland Lowe, A 2 Eccleston 36, 37, 38 Edwards. Ylr (Edwards Hut) 38 M Eightyfourth Anniversary 4. 8 Marquet, G 0 2 Elkin, A P 4. 5. 8 Martin, Ella 35 Ellis, T ' Martins Creek !5 Enright, W J 37, 38 Maurer) Charlie 32 Memorial Tablets 4, 6 Memorial vVindo w 4. 5. 6 47 to purchase our books, see www.patersonhistory.org.au 10 Mindaribba 32 Rupp, H M R v. vi, vii. 1. 2, 4, 5. 8, 9. 10. Mount Johnson 15 12. 14, 17. 19. 20. 21, 22, 23, 24. 25. 26. Murdoch. Bill 14 29.30,32.33,36,39.40,41,42,44.45 Rupp. Marie I N National Herbarium ofKSW vii. L 10 s Salomon 111 0 Scammell, George Vance 22. 23, 24. 26. Orchid 1/erbarium 42 41 Orchid listings 12, 15. 17, 18, 21 Scobie. J W 28, 32 Orchids Sketches & Photographs: Sellens, G C 2 Acianthus fomicatus cover Shaw, Rev J 34 Caladenia alba cover. 13 Sim. P 37 Corybas aconitiflorus i1i Slater, Eamest William 19.20 Cymbidium Suaue 43 Smith, John Jennings 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 28, 34 Dcndrobium aemulum 18 Smith, M. Schvyn 4, 5 Dendrobium elongatum 44 StJames Church. Yfruiins Creek 2. 12, Dendrobium linguifmme 14 13.32,33 Dendrobium ruppianum v, 46 StJohn's Church. Vacy 2 Galeola cassythoides 25, 26 St Mar)' ·s. Weston 41 Phaius grandifolius 25 St Paul's Church. Paterson v. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. PtcTosty1is acuminata cover, 11 8. 11. 13, 14. 28. 34 Pterostyl is concinna cover St Paul's Eightyfourth Amriversary 4. 8 Pterostylis curta cover. 13. 33 t Paul's Parish Hall 34. 35 Pterostylis truncata 33 St Paur s Rectory 13, 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 RhiLanthella slareri 19, 20 St Paul's Sunday School 28. 34. 35 Sarcochilus divaceus 13 Stanton, Bishop 2. 32 Sarcochilus falcatus 45 Stephen, Thea Milner 8 Surcochilus billii 16 Stretch. Bishop John Francis 28 Thelymitru pauciflora cover, 13 Sullivan, Jack I 0, 12 Old Red House 28 ··sunnyside.. 8 Osborne, V T 2 T p Taylor. W & Son 28 Paterson 1. 5. 14 Taylor, Rev Stephen 28 Paterson Court House Museum vi, 10, 12 The Orchadicm articles II, 12, 13.
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