the KA Football Leagues Global Rating for 2016/17 Season AFC 9 WORLD TIER 5 the Chamber ★ 2 the Kick Algorithms ® ★★★★★★ 1 World Ultimate 4 Intermediate ′ 7 ★★★★★ 2 World Top 1 Secondary ″ 0 www.kickalgor.com CONTINENTAL TIER 21 10 ★★★★ 3 Upper Continental 7 CAF the Chamber 0 ★★★ 4 Prime Continental 4 ★ Intermediate ★★ 5 Lower Continental 10 ′ 4 Secondary INTER-ZONE TIER 22 ″ 6 ★☆ 6 Upper Inter-Zone 3 CONCACAF 8 the Chamber ★ 7 Middle Inter-Zone 9 ★ 3 ☆ 8 Lower Inter-Zone 10 Intermediate ′ 2 DOMESTIC TIER 29 + ∞ Secondary ″ 3 ′ 9 Intermediate Class 16 CONMEBOL 8 the Chamber ″ 10 Secondary Class 13 ★ 7 Elementary Class ∞ Intermediate ′ 0 1 Leagues Rated 77 Secondary ″ 27.07.2016 OFC 1 the Chamber ★ 0 Intermediate ′ 0 Secondary ″ 1 UEFA 41 the Chamber ★ 36 Intermediate ′ 3 Secondary ″ 2 Leagues Rated 77 27.07.2016 Positions Attendance League Conf/Fed Fed Cont FIFA NT Players Players Clubs Country League Pts Class Class the KA Rate Code Latin characters (eng/fra/trans) Country Continent Rank Rank Rank FWC Cont Ch WORLD TIER ★★★★★★ World Ultimate Class 1 ENG Premier League UEFA 1 191,152 World Ultimate ★★★★★★ WRU_1.546_20+ 1 3 13 120 234 2 ESP ! La Liga UEFA 735,370 World Ultimate ★★★★★★ WRU_1.504_20+ 1 1 8 65 99 3 GER " Bundesliga UEFA 710,396 World Ultimate ★★★★★★ WRU_1.462_18+ 1 2 4 77 106 4 ITA # Serie A UEFA 698,235 World Ultimate ★★★★★★ WRU_1.420_20+ 1 4 10 82 86 ★★★★★ World Top Class 5 FRA $ % Ligue 1 UEFA 422,326 World Top ★★★★★ WRT_1.378_14+ 1 5 7 45 120 CONTINENTAL TIER ★★★★ Upper Continental Class 6 POR & Primeira Liga UEFA 310,700 Upper Continental ★★★★ CTU_1.336_7+ 1 7 6 22 41 7 RUS ' Чемпиона́ т Росси́ и По Футбо́ лу UEFA 267,458 Upper Continental ★★★★ CTU_1.294_5+ 1 6 38 34 44 Russian Football Championship 8 TUR ( Süper Lig UEFA 246,387 Upper Continental ★★★★ CTU_1.252_5+ 1 10 19 26 52 9 NED ) Eredivisie UEFA 215,911 Upper Continental ★★★★ CTU_1.210_5+ 1 13 26 20 22 10 UKR * Прем'є́ р-Лі́га UEFA 210,099 Upper Continental ★★★★ CTU_1.168_4+ 1 8 30 9 25 Premier League 11 BEL + Division 1A Pro League UEFA 205,039 Upper Continental ★★★★ CTU_1.126_4+ 1 9 2 12 35 12 MEX , Liga MX CONCACAF 182,421 Upper Continental ★★★★ CTU_1.084_4+ 3 1 14 25 56 ★★★ Prime Continental Class 13 SUI - . Super League UEFA 180,570 Prime Continental ★★★ CTP_1.042_3+ 1 11 18 12 29 14 ARG / Superliga Argentina CONMEBOL 168,277 Prime Continental ★★★ CTP_1.000_6+ 2 1 1 7 15 15 BRA 0 Campeonato Brasileiro Série A CONMEBOL 144,829 Prime Continental ★★★ CTP_0.959_3+ 2 3 9 11 18 16 USA 1 2 Major League Soccer CONCACAF 136,646 Prime Continental ★★★ CTP_0.918_3+ 3 2 25 21 101 ★★ Lower Continental Class 17 CZE 3 1. Česká Fotbalová Liga UEFA 135,790 Lower Continental ★★ CTL_0.877_2+ 1 12 33 0 15 18 SWE 4 Allsvenskan UEFA 135,756 Lower Continental ★★ CTL_0.836_2+ 1 19 40 2 17 19 GRE 5 Ελληνική Σούπερ Λιγκ UEFA 135,628 Lower Continental ★★ CTL_0.795_2+ 1 14 52 13 11 Greek Super League 20 CRO 6 Prva Liga UEFA 133,786 Lower Continental ★★ CTL_0.754_2+ 1 15 15 5 12 21 POL 7 Ekstraklasa UEFA 127,379 Lower Continental ★★ CTL_0.713_2+ 1 22 16 0 21 22 COL 8 Categoría Primera A CONMEBOL 118,899 Lower Continental ★★ CTL_0.672_3+ 2 2 3 4 16 23 NOR 9 Eliteserien UEFA 115,982 Lower Continental ★★ CTL_0.631_2+ 1 21 49 6 11 24 ROU : Liga I UEFA 107,062 Lower Continental ★★ CTL_0.590_2+ 1 16 24 0 19 25 SCO Scottish Premiership UEFA 104,905 Lower Continental ★★ CTL_0.549_2+ 1 23 50 4 11 26 DEN ; Superligaen UEFA 104,372 Lower Continental ★★ CTL_0.508_2+ 1 20 44 1 12 INTER-ZONE TIER ★☆ Upper Inter-Zone Class 27 AUT < Fußball-Bundesliga UEFA 98,938 Upper Inter-Zone ★☆ IZU_0.467_2+ 1 17 21 2 3 28 CRC = FPD CONCACAF 96,352 Upper Inter-Zone ★☆ IZU_0.467_2+ 3 3 27 10 29 29 ENG2 EFL Championship UEFA 88,468 Upper Inter-Zone ★☆ IZU_0.467_7+ 1 3 - - - ★ Middle Inter-Zone Class 30 BLR > Вышэйшая Ліга UEFA 82,358 Middle Inter-Zone ★ IZM_0.467_1+ 1 18 72 0 0 Top League Q1 31 HUN ? Nemzeti Bajnokság UEFA 79,280 Middle Inter-Zone ★ IZM_0.467_1 1 33 19 1 17 32 CHI @ Primera División De Chile CONMEBOL 75,778 Middle Inter-Zone ★ IZM_0.467_1 2 7 5 5 9 33 ECU A Serie A de Ecuador CONMEBOL 75,574 Middle Inter-Zone ★ IZM_0.467_1 2 5 17 8 9 34 ESP2 ! LaLiga2 UEFA 73,827 Middle Inter-Zone ★ IZM_0.467_1+ 1 1 - - - UEFA 73,525 Middle Inter-Zone ★ IZM_0.467_1 1 26 76 2 5 Super League ליגת העל ISR B 35 36 GER2 " 2. Bundesliga UEFA 73,225 Middle Inter-Zone ★ IZM_0.467_1+ 1 2 - - - 37 ITA2 # Serie B UEFA 72,940 Middle Inter-Zone ★ IZM_0.467_0+ 1 4 - - - 38 PAR C División de Honor CONMEBOL 71,925 Middle Inter-Zone ★ IZM_0.467_1 2 4 42 1 6 ☆ Lower Inter-Zone Class 39 SVK D Superliga UEFA 69,765 Lower Inter-Zone ☆ IZL_0.467_1 1 31 23 0 6 40 CYP E RSG>BCE=A RETUVW:;XS YZ [SU;GAE\S]UEFA 69,408 Lower Inter-Zone ☆ IZL_0.467_1 1 25 85 0 5 Cypriot Championship A Class 41 SRB F Суперлига Србије UEFA 67,176 Lower Inter-Zone ☆ IZL_0.467_1 1 27 47 0 0 Serbian Superliga 42 BUL G Първа Лига UEFA 66,879 Lower Inter-Zone ☆ IZL_0.467_1 1 29 77 1 5 First League 43 AZE H Premyer Liqası UEFA 65,205 Lower Inter-Zone ☆ IZL_0.467_1 1 24 137 0 1 44 KAZ I Қазақстан Премьер Лигасы UEFA 63,968 Lower Inter-Zone ☆ IZL_0.467_1 1 28 97 0 2 Qazaqstan Premier Ligasy (kaz - lat char) 45 URU J Campeonato Uruguayo CONMEBOL 62,515 Lower Inter-Zone ☆ IZL_0.467_1 2 6 12 1 3 46 FRA2 $ Ligue 2 UEFA 59,871 Lower Inter-Zone ☆ IZL_0.467_0+ 1 5 - - - 47 CHN K 中国⾜球协会超级联赛 AFC 49,506 Lower Inter-Zone ☆ IZL_0.467_1 4 4 81 6 33 Chinese Football Association Super League 48 JPN L J1リーグ AFC 47,025 Lower Inter-Zone ☆ IZL_0.467_1 4 5 57 15 19 J1 League DOMESTIC TIER Intermediate Class 49 HON M Liga Nacional CONCACAF 46,000 Intermediate N DMI_0.467_0 3 4 82 10 15 50 TRI N TT Pro League CONCACAF 44,704 Intermediate N DMI_0.467_0 3 6 58 0 9 51 SVN O Prvaliga UEFA 28,472 Intermediate N DMI_0.467_0 1 30 64 0 0 52 KOR P K리그 클래식 AFC 22,016 Intermediate N DMI_0.467_0 4 1 48 7 7 K-League Classic (CAF 21,829 Intermediate N DMI_0.467_0 5 1 45 2 15 Première Ligue De Football Professionnel (fra الرابطة الحترفة الولى لكرة القدم TUN Q 53 AFC 21,584 Intermediate N DMI_0.467_0 4 2 65 1 35 Saudi Professional League دوري الحترفي السعودي KSA R 54 AFC 21,152 Intermediate N DMI_0.467_0 4 3 144 1 24 Kuwaiti League الدوري الكويتي KUW S 55 AFC 20,000 Intermediate N DMI_0.467_0 4 6 79 3 40 Qatar Stars League دوري نجوم قطر QAT T 56 (CAF 19,606 Intermediate N DMI_0.467_0 5 3 32 2 5 Algérie Première Ligue De Football Professionnel (fra الرابطة الجزائرية الحترفة الولى لكرة القدم ALG U 57 AFC 19,090 Intermediate N DMI_0.467_0 4 9 39 14 16 Gulf Premier League یگ برتر خلیج فارس IRN V 58 AFC 18,946 Intermediate N DMI_0.467_0 4 10 74 2 31 Gulf Arab League دوري الخليج العربي UAE W 59 60 RSA X Premier Soccer League CAF 18,616 Intermediate N DMI_0.467_0 5 5 67 2 25 61 POR2 & LigaPro UEFA 18,584 Intermediate N DMI_0.467_0 1 7 - - - 62 AUS Y Z A-League AFC 18,367 Intermediate N DMI_0.467_0 4 12 59 7 21 63 RUS2 ' Футбольная Национальная Лига UEFA 17,783 Intermediate N DMI_0.467_0 1 6 - - - Football National League 64 CIV [ Ligue 1 Côte d'Ivoire CAF 17,716 Intermediate N DMI_0.467_0 5 6 35 1 1 Secondary Class 65 GUA \ GFF National Super League CONCACAF 17,498 Secondary O DMS_0.467_0 3 5 90 0 20 66 PAN ] Liga Panameña De Fútbol CONCACAF 17,223 Secondary O DMS_0.467_0 3 7 51 0 13 67 NZL Z Premiership OFC 16,236 Secondary O DMS_0.467_0 6 1 93 0 7 68 MDA ^ Divizia Nahionali UEFA 15,835 Secondary O DMS_0.467_0 1 32 166 0 1 CAF 15,479 Secondary O DMS_0.467_0 5 2 43 0 3 Egyptian Premier League الدوري الصري المتاز _ EGY 69 70 COD ` Linafoot CAF 15,348 Secondary O DMS_0.467_0 5 4 59 0 13 (CAF 15,192 Secondary O DMS_0.467_0 5 7 54 0 6 Botola ( mar-arab-lat char) / Championnat National Marocain (fra البطولة الوطنية الغربية MAR a 71 72 TUR2 ( 1. Lig UEFA 15,090 Secondary O DMS_0.467_0 1 10 - - - 73 GHA b Premier League CAF 15,077 Secondary O DMS_0.467_0 5 13 36 1 2 74 CMR c Elite One CAF 15,045 Secondary O DMS_0.467_0 5 14 53 2 2 75 NGA d Nigerian Professional Football League CAF 15,035 Secondary O DMS_0.467_0 5 15 70 4 0 76 SLV e Liga Mayor De Fútbol CONCACAF 15,012 Secondary O DMS_0.467_0 3 8 125 0 16 77 BOL f Liga De Fútbol Profesional Boliviano CONMEBOL 15,000 Secondary O DMS_0.467_0 2 8 109 0 19 Elementary Class DME_0.467_0 78 E g All Other Leagues In The World < 15,000 League/Club Country Despite the Welsh Premier League - Swansea City plays is in the Premier League, Cardij City plays in the EFL Championship.
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