CHURCHES in the BUCKEYE COUNTRY A History of Ohio's Religious Groups Published In Commemoration Of The State's Sesquicentennial 1953 By The Religious Participation Committee Of The Ohio Sesquicentennial Commission An Inter-Faith Group Introduction By Frank J. Lausche tion of peoples from every quarter of the Governor of Ohio globe, representing a multiplicity of religious denominations. Ohio shared in this diversity. A S we celebrate the sesquicentennial an- The geographical position and the industrial- niversary of the statehood of Ohio we ization of Ohio are responsible for a hetero- justifiably point with pride to the noteworthy geneous population which in turn is r spon- material advances made by our state in 150 sible for many religious denominations large years. We recall that in 1803 when Ohio be- and small being founded here. Religious cen- came the seventeenth state in the Union, and suses reveal that there are at least 75 different the third to be admitted from the new ter- religious sects in Ohio, and that no one de- ritory in the West, it was little more than a nomination dominates the religious scene of wilderness which a comparatively small num- the state. precariously against ber of white settlers held the significant developments of this English and the wild beasts. One of the Indians, the multiplicity of religious bodies in Ohio has is an empire within an empire- Today, Ohio been the establishment of a number of church- a complex commonwealth with a population state. At least 25 Austria, Greece or supported colleges in this greater than that of have some connection with the we are one of the great- Ohio colleges Sweden. Industrially church, or are church-supported and control- est centers in the world. learning have point led. These institutions of higher But we would be remiss if we did not the culture and welfare of only in greatly enriched out that the greatness of Ohio lies not have made a wholesome contribu- resources, its factories, Ohio, and its wealth and material tion to American life. skyscrapers, mines and farms, but also in its religious faith and spiritual strength. As we take inventory of our material re- America was founded on religious faith. sources we should also remember that America The founders of this nation came from dif- was founded with a prayer and preserved with ferent lands. They worshipped at different prayers. The founders of this nation fell to altars. They came as Puritans, Cavaliers, their knees in humble prayers of thanksgiving Catholics, Protestants, Jews, English, French, as they landed upon these shores. From earli- German, Dutch, Swedes, Scotch, Irish and est colonial days, through wars and national others. But faith in God was common to all. crises our people and leaders have prayed for The American people convenanted with the Divine guidance and help. living, universal God and accepted His pur- At Valley Forge, at Bull Run, through the pose for human life and for the worth and long and bloody years of World Wars I and II dignity of every human' being. The perpetual our men and women appealed to God Al- witness to the truth of this covenant is the mighty for strength and courage to win motto which this nation adopted: through. In every moment of peril, in every "In God We Trust." hour of discouragement, whenever the clouds In this faith our institutions were establish- gathered, we placed our faith in God and al- ed, our laws enacted, and our liberties secured. ways we vowed, "In God we trust." The early settlers of Ohio were God-fearing So, while we celebrate the 150th anniversary men and women. In the Ohio wilderness they of the statehood of Ohio and count our many sought to make a sanctuary for religious free- blessings-fertile fields, rich woodlands, a vast domi and political freedom. They embodied in store of raw materials and mineral resources, the bill of rights of our State Constitution the an abundant water supply, good rivers and principle that each man has a right to express harbors-all the factors necessary to 'make this or keep private the dictates of his soul. They one of the greatest agricultural and industrial believed that the soul is the Divine element in states in the Union-we should remember our man, and cannot be interfered with by other greatest intangible asset, namely our spirit- men or governments of other men. They had ual resources and the strength that comes from faith in the American principle that all men faith and the belief in God. are equal in the sense that they are created In the faith that a better future can be built 'in the image of God. -better than anything we have known in the Here in Ohio men and women of the Protes- past-let Protestants, Catholics and Jews, tant, Catholic and Jewish faiths built a com- working together, inspire the hearts of all munity upon a social faith. They learned to men with this faith and move them to go forth live together in the true spirit of the father- and build it. Thus and only thus can we hood of God and the brotherhood of man. achieve the fulfillment of mankind's fondest The guarantee of religious freedom in the dream of establishing throughout the world United States was responsible for the migra- human freedom under God. 2 The Importance of Religion In the History of Ohio By Arthur Hamilton, Where justice hangs in balance. President, Ohio State I do not think Archaeological and Historical Society I ever thought they would But I am prejudiced beyond debate THOMAS CARLYLE seldom spoke with In favor of my right to choose which greater insight than when he defined his- side tory as "the essence of many biographies". Shall feel the stubborn ounces of my Friedrich Nietzsche seldom spoke with less weight." discernment than when he characterized reli- Their deep faith in the ultimate triumph of gion as "the opiate of the people". Those of us righteousness and truth, and their determina- who have been privileged to carefully evaluate tion to "tip the hovering scale where justice the 150 years of Ohio's noble history can con- hangs in balance", had much to do with the fidently testify to the truth that many biogra- expansion of the State of Ohio as a great politi- phies inspired and empowered by a vital faith cal, industrial, and social force in our nation. in God, are truly the essence of her history. These pioneers of faith were men who suf- Religion has been anything but an "opiate" fered hardships, privation, and pain; but who to the people of our State. On the contrary, it never retreated until they had molded strong provided the early settlers with moral, spirit- character and stimulated exemplary ideals. ual, and intellectual stimuli which enabled Wherever men and women went the church them to carve a great commonwealth out of the was there before them to provide a stabilizing barren wilderness. Through the years, it has influence for the rough and turbulent times. continued to inspire our people with confidence In days when a skyview of Ohio would show to face the unknown, and with courage to at- miles and miles of thick forests with only a tempt the hazardous. The history of religion, few tiny, carved-out squares where settlers therefore, is an integral part of the history of lived the church was present to remind them, our State and a key to the secret of her great- in the midst of their loneliness, that they were ness. not alone. Before the State of Ohio came into being, Down through the years as the state has pioneers of the faith came to our land with the grown in power and influence, the competency Bible in their hands and a dynamic faith in of religion has also been enhanced. Even to their hearts. The values which that book this day, more than one-half of Ohio's 66 col- taught and the energy which that faith en- leges are controlled and maintained by reli- gendered created the kind of men and women gious groups. The medical, social, and charita- who were able to mold a great agricultural and ble institutions which owe their very existence industrial empire out of the raw materials of to religion bear witness to the fact that in our the earth. It created the kind of persons who times, as in times past, the unconquerable faith could say: of the people of Ohio is manifest in all of her "You say the little efforts that I make achievements. Truly, the biographies of men Will do no good: and women inspired, strengthened and blessed They never will prevail by a deep faith in God, are the very essences To tip the hovering scale of the marvelous history of our great state. 3 Foreword ONE of the influences that has made Ohio a We are grateful to Frank J. Lausche, Gov- great state is the deep-rooted religious ernor of the State of Ohio, for the Introduction; feeling of its citizens. From early pioneer days to Arthur Hamilton, president of the Ohio various religious groups have figured promi- Archaeological and Historical Society, for the nently in the history of Ohio. Accordingly the statement on "The Importance of Religion in Religious Participation Committee of the Ohio the History of Ohio"; to Mrs. Inez DeFourney, Sesquicentennial Commission decided that a a student in the Fine Arts Department of Ohio permanent record, sketching the histories of State University, for designing the cover; to the various religious groups in Ohio, would be Arthur A.
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