BBADBD IIEBLS N.Z. VETERAN AND VINTAGE MOTORING MARCH, 1963 ", "H0 RSELESS CARRIAGE" In 1893 the first su ccessful gasoline pow ered motorcar in th e United S tates cr uised down the main s t reets of Spring-field, Ma ss., a t a s pee d of five mil es a n hour ! This car was mad e by two brother s, Cha rl es E. and J, Frank Duryea. In 1896 Hen r y F ord drove his first ca r out of the machine sho p in De troit. Lat er , his syste m of ma chine-mad e, interchangeable parts, an d assembly line pr o­ duction , put mo tor cars within the pri ce mnge of th e man-in-the-street. By th e beginning of th e 20th cen tury, 8,000 mot orcars wer e re gist er ed 111 the United States. Th ese we re powered by s team, gasoline or electric ity, a nd even th en they did not look much lik e the original " Horseless Ca rria ge." Some of th e laws passed in the ea rl y days of th e moto rca r make us chuckle tod a y. F or ins ta nce, on e community rul ed th at if a hor se refused to pa ss a motor­ ca r th e driver of th e ca r must " ta ke th e machine a part ... a nd conceal th e parts in th e grass." In so me pla ces motorcars were banned entirely, and an g r y fa rmers guarded th eir livestock with shotguns agai ns t th ese "con traptions of th e devil." It is easy to see th at ea rl y mot ori st s were indeed br a ve pion eers, often r un­ nin g risk s that would be hard to im a gine toda y, for th ey al so had to contend with the discomfort of rough ro ad s, open drivin g sea ts and temperamental eng ines . T imes have changed a nd those first motorin g enthus iasts would be th e firs t to appreciate th e ad vances made both in car a nd tyre desi gn since th e exciting, st imula t ing days of th e " Horseless Ca rriag-e." FIRESTONE Tyres since the earliest days of motoring, have set the sta ndard of reliability, economy a nd safety. Today's motorist, like his fa ther and gra ndfa ther before him , looks to Fires tone fo r EXTRA mileage and EXTRA reli ability. Bead ed Wheels is the voice of th e Vi ntag e Car Movement in N ew Z ealand and of the Clubs whose efforts are fostering and eve r wide ning th e int erest in this m ovem ent and form rallying points for that ev er increas­ ing band of enthusiasts. The [ascination of age itself or reuulsion fro m the flashy m ed iocrit y of our present day is drawing a7l increasing number of m otor ists b ack to the individuality, solid worth, and fun ctional elegance tha t was demanded by a m ore discriminatin g generation and it is to th ese that we ded icate- BEADED WHEELS VOL. IX, No. 33 I\[ARCH, 1963 Beaded Wh eels IS Published " BEADED WHEELS" DIRECTORY T O THE Quarter ly by the VI NTAGE CA R CLUB'S OFFICERS VINT AGE CAR CLUB O F N.Z. INC. Na tiona l Execut ive: Pr esid en t, R. B. Sha ud , C hris tchurc h, 20 H ACKT HORNE ROAD CH RISTC H URC H, S.2, NEW ZEALAND . C lub Ca p tai n, L. G. J. Wittc, T eddi ngton; Vice-C lub Capt ain and " Beaded Wh eels" Edi tor, Mollie Anderson, Yea rly Subscr ipti on 10/ - post free. Christchurch; H on. Secreta ry, A. A. And crson, Ch rist­ Individu al copies 2/ 6 eac h. church; Co mmi ttee, L. R. Southwa rd ( Wellington ), R. Editor : Mrs M . J. ANDERSO N. Port er (Cart erton) , H. B. Foster (C hristchurch ) , N. C. A ssista nt E ditor: R. PO RTER. Ada rns (Auckland ) . Andersons Lin e, Ca rterton. All correspondence to C lub Secreta ry, E. A. Bai ley, 1'.0 . Co py must be typed on onc side of paper Box 2546 , C hristchurch. and sent to the Editor, 20 Hackthorn e Auckland Branch: C hairma n, H. Robinson ; Secreta ry, G. Road, C hris tch urch. Wright, 9 Maid ston e Street, G rey L ynn, Auck land. - * - Ba y of Plen ty Bran ch : C hairman, L. Co upe, Secreta ry, M rs COpy FOR JUNE CLOSES D. Ca merson, 9i Chu rchill R oad , T a ura nga . MA Y 15th Wan ganui Bran ch : C hai rma n, B.A. T asker : Secreuuy, R. Lee, 4i Mt. View Road , Wan ganui. IN THIS ISSU E Hawkes Bay Bran ch : C hairma n, K . Riepcr; Secreta ry, Mrs Page O . Kilbey, " Chilton Road, Na picr. The H eavy Me tal . 2 T arana ki Bran ch : C ha irman, N. B. Co liins;Secreta ry, K . K irch er, Box 504, New Pl ym out h. Ea rl )' Mot or Bikes . 5 Manawatu Branch: C hai rman, K. V. T ownshend; Secreta ry, Early M otoring in H awkes Bay 7 D. O 'f\eill, 3 Ilford P lace, Palmcrst on North. An Int er estin g Find I1 Wellington Bran ch : Cha irma n, R. Ivin; Secretary, J. Enfield M otor Cars 13 Elworthy, G Pcmpscy Str eet , Silvcrs trea m, Wellington. Re stor ati on Hints . 15 Marlbor ough Bran ch : C hairman , L. C . G ilford; Secr eta ry , J. D. Fi nnie, 114 M uller Road, Blcnheim . Camera R eview III & 17 Ca n terbury Bran ch: Chairman, E. J. S. Wa lker; Secreta ry , R estor ation of a Humber III J. S. P. Pa lmer, 10 T orquay Place, Brv ndwr, Christ­ Vintag e Motor cycle No tes 20 chu rch. Lett ers to the Editor 24 Sou th Canter bury Bran ch: Chairma n, G. W. Pid din gton ; Northern No tes 26 Secr etary, B. C . Good ma n, c/ - Post O ffice, Washd yke, T imaru. North O tago No tes - 27 North O tago Bran ch: Chairman, R . Murray: Sec retary, J. Waikat o No tes 27 O'Bricn, 18C R.D ., Oama r u. Canterbury No tes 21l Otago Branch: Cha irma n, R. E. N. Oakley; Secr eta ry, P. Genera l Not es 29 M. Sanders, Agncs Street, Du nedi n. Poem 30 Southland Bran ch: Cha irman, R. Lind say: Secretary , J. Barn cs, 206 Bluff Road , Invercargill. So uthland No tes 31 The Ve teran and Vintage Car Club (Waikato Inc.}: Sccr ('­ C lassified Advertisements - 32 tary, NIl's J. Robcrt s, r.o. Box 924, H amilton. Northla nd Branch: C ha irman, P. V. M cCread y; Secreta ry, W. J. Voycc, 13 Kowh a i Avenue, Kaik oh e. COVER - Nort hern entry - from Masrcrt on ca me th is very nicely res­ COMING EVENTS tor ed "T rusty" owned by G len nie Bull. So uth Isla nd Rallv at O am aru. Organi sed by :\'ort h (Sec motor cycl e not es.) Otago Branch. Entn: forms obta ina ble from your loca l B r a ~ ch Secreta ry . PAGE TWO ~(AR CH , I!)(i:l THE HEAVY METAL By W. Ca ppe r-Starr A survey of the Motor Racing on Muriwai Beach, 1921-1928. Marc h 3, 1923 Australia, and this is a sure sign of th e im­ Part Four portan ce with whi ch the motor trad e was regarding the event. At a procession held By March, 1923, the Muriwai meeting in Auckland three days prior to th e meeting, staged by the Au ckland Aut omobile Associa­ the ca r, dri ven by C. F. Sa nderson, was tion was becoming something of an annual given a rousing welcom e by the bystanders event to be looked forward to by the motor­ who had turned out to wat ch . It might even ing enthusiasts of the da y. Now, forty be concluded that the presence of the Vaux­ yea rs on, it is customary to see advertisem ents hall, and the fact that it had been imp ort ed calling for passengers to big sports meetings for th e races, contributed to the grea ter throughou t the country, and we can take att rac tion of the third meetin g. This is, of these as signs of a sport or annual fixture course, pure conjecture. Cert ain it is, how­ hav ing gained favour am ong its cognoscenti. ever, that when Saturday, M ar ch 5, 1923, Forty years ago , the same thing could be dawned, nearly five thousand people up ped applied to th e Muriwai races. and took themselves bv one way or another W hile ground en tra nce and parking cost to Muriwai. And if ' the V au~ h a ll helped the spectator only a single shilling eac h, get­ that along, then it serves to give an indi ca tion ting to the bea ch present ed something of a of the esteem in which th e marque was held . problem for those who did not own some One ca n only hope that this was the case.
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