A McGraw-Hill May Publication 1925 a ine of the Radio In A "How They Beat the Summer Slump" "The Lesson in Present Radio Conditions"i "A Body Blow to Gyp Advertising" Complete Specifications of 1925 Portable Sets Fanswant diltance -and Brandes Headsetsget it If you want your customers to know the real range of their radio sets, be sure you sell them a Brandes, too! If you want really satisfied custom- Why Brandes? ers, let them hear how clear their sets Because the receivers are can be --- through a Brandes. matched in tone. Because the hard rubber Fans want distance-- and they want caps are comfortable and clarity.They get 'em both --and get efficient. 'em always --- with a Brandes. Because the headbandis adjustable and extremely comfortable. Because the twisted cop- per tinsel cord will never wear out. Because each headset has to pass twenty-two tests and inspections. Because each headset car- Brandes ries the Brandes, money - The name to know in radio back guarantee. Radin rut atiling,\Tap.111.25. 1'o]1, No.G. Published monthly, STccraw-11111 Co., Ur., Tenth Avenue nt Thirt.Y-sixth Street, New York, N. Y. g2 per year, ^-5 cents ver cow. Entered us second -el.'s twitter, .jptdl 10, 1913, at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., under the Act of Starch 3,18"9. RADIO RETAILING, May, 1925 The Bradleystat handles ALL tubes without change of connections Rheostats have come and gone PERFECT FILAMENT CONTROL Two columns of graphite discs provide but the Bradleystat is still the leader! stepless, noiseless con- trol. The Bradleystat has won permanent favor with radio dealers Range of control is and jobbers, because it is a well-built filament rheostat of excep- from Ito 100 ohms, sufficient for all tubes tional performance, and is backed by a strong merchandising without change of policy that makes it the most widely- advertised radio rheostat connections. in the field. The Allen-Bradley Guarantee, printed on each car- One -hole mounting for panels. Table ton, safeguards every dealer and jobber against loss from defec- mounting for base- boards. tive workmanship and materials, and with a record of more than Extremely compact. twenty years of successful merchandising experience, the Allen- Easily substituted for Bradley Company is able to offer helpful dealer co-operation wire rheostats. that boosts sales, turn -over and profits. Investigate the Allen- $1.85 Bradley line of perfect radio devices. Use the coupon! In Canada, $2.50 ~-13itichr Co. Electric Controlling Apparatus 489 Clinton Street MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN MAIL THIS COUPON We certainly want to know mere about the Allen- Bradley line. Please send literature and prices. Name Address Our jobber is 417 RADIO RETAILING, A McGraw-Hill Publication °, 1.F,\11///. The Truth AboutPortable Radio A Timely Messageto the Radio Retail Trade For the past three years, The Operadio Moreover, they have found that with small Corporation has centered all its efforts on the batteries,thesetoperatesat maximum development and production of one style of efficiency only a short time, as the voltage set-the self-contained, or so-called portable begins to diminish almost immediately. type. Today this organization is by far the largest producer of six -tube portable radio receivers in the world. Ample Battery Supply and During the course of this progress, other Good Loud Speaker portable sets have, of course, appeared. But The Operadio has four of the largest "B" no set of this type has ever challenged or even batteries built, providing more than 400 hours' approached the popularity of the Operadio. service, and the "A" batteries delivera mini- This is because the public realizes that as mum of 150 hours' service. This is unquestion- specialists, Operadio engineers have had an ably one of the biggest reasons why theset advantage over manufacturers of big lines of has given such universal satisfaction, and has sets, who naturally can devote but a portion proved so phenomenal a success. of their time and attention to designing a The marvelous clarity and fidelity of tone for which really successful portable-wherein extreme the Operadio is noted is the result of the most exhaustive research in loud -speaker development.Tests lasting compactness must be secured without sacrifice over periods of months were made, and innumerable of efficiency. units were designed before one that was up to the high When "Light Weight" is specifications of the engineers was accepted. What makes the 1925 Operadio such a remarkable Underweight achievement, however, is that while offering portability, it also provides every other advantage found in radio. Right now, when rumors are afloat of sets of It meets every requirement, whether at home, touring extremely light weight and great power, it is or on vacation. significant to note that Operadio engineers are Now on the threshold of the biggest selling summer in building a 1925 set which, though slightly radio history, investigate portable radio thoroughly. smaller, weighs eighteen pounds more than It will pay you to consider more than the weight of the set, the size of the case or the number of tubes. Look their thirty-three pound model of a year ago. into experience; look to the proven results that such The added weight of the 1925 Operadio is experience has produced. Then, we feel sure you will do due to increased battery supply, which gives as thousands are doing profitably-turn to the Operadio the pioneer portable set of the radio industry.Write more economical operation, and adds to the for further facts and details of the Operadio proposition serviceability of the set. to dealers. The public has learned that to replace batteries every week or two, is far less desir- THE OPERADIO CORPORATION able than to carry a few pounds more weight. 8 South Dearborn St., Chicago, Illinois MIMn[C ICEdDI0 Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. 189 Complete [Rocki s] 418 RADIO RETAILING, May, 1.9 25 IS CHOSEN BY THE Distributors oftanbarbpnewill be proud to learn that the famous Bilt- BILTMORE HOTEL more Hotel, New York, has selected NEW YORK, from the entire field of radio receivers the console type of*tanbarbpnefor AS THE PERFECT installation in every suite in the hotel. The answer toiltanbarbpne RADIO RECEIVER popularity will be found in the sales books of'tanbarbpnedistribu- FOR THE tors.Week in and week out this set CONVENIENCE OF brings re -orders from pleased dealers and new orders from dealers who have ITS GUESTS! learned of its tremendous public popu- larity,areputationjustlyearned through remarkable distance perform- ance, lack of distortion, quality of parts and smoothness of reception. Send for literature descriptive of both models and details of Hotel Biltmore installation if WITHOUT ACCESSORIES 1 cpNSOLE MOpEt 13t1 Stg@e Sorddlitinc 1/-#.11; 5 -Tube Tuned Radio Frequency Standardyne «-Che 1.1\ L FACTL REDtr,' -Standard Radio Corporation- -71jachson Street B I LTMORE._.1 WITHOUT ACCE55Oq,E5 Worcester Mass HOTEL 1.1511 RADIO RETAILING, A McGraw-Hill Publication THE GREATEST SENSATION IN THE RADIO INDUSTRY Supertron always a good tube, is now better than ever. Supertron is making radio history by being the first to make the tube price what it should be. A national advertising cam- SUPÉRtI paign willtell the whole Du[a world that the best tube ALL should retail for not more TYPES than $2.00. That includes a fair profit to the manufac- turer and the trade and amply provides for a guar- antee and service to thepub- lic with complete satisfac- tion. They will all follow NO SUPERTRON.But the ARGUMENT industry and the public will always appreciate SUPER- GUARANTEE TRON because SUPER- TRON did it. Distributors, Jobbers, Dealers, FactoryRepresentatives and Public, We WelcomeYou-Write Now SUPERTRON MFG. CO., INC., 32 Union Square New York, N. Y. 120 RADIO RETAILING, May, 1925 This advertisement appears in May issues of Radio Broadcast Popular Radio Q. S. T. It is the first announcement of a fixed condenser of superior accuracy and neat workmanship. Prices are attractive. Inquiries from the trade will receive careful attention. The new Sangamo Mica Condenser, actual size; accuracy guaranteed within 10 per cent. of marked capacity, and guar- anteed to sustain thataccuracy.Solidly molded in smooth brown bakelite, this condenser sets a new standard of neat compactness. Announcing an accuratefixed condenser of Sangamo Quality SANGAMO FIXED condensers are important units iii a radio receiver, Accurate and should be carefully chosen for sustained accuracy. A Radio Parts poorly made fixed condenser varies with every temperature and humidity change. In reflex and other circuits where capac- ity is a critical factor, accuracy in the fixed condenser may High accuracy, sustained in ser- vice, has been inseparably identi- make the great difference between a set that performs perfectly, fied with the name Sangamo for and one that is as uncertain as the weather. over a quarter of a century. It has won world-wide renown for Sangamo Mica Fixed Condensers are guaranteed to be Sangamo Meters. Linked with a reputation for accuracy too great accurate to within io per cent. under all temperature and to be jeopardized by the least humidity conditions. Neither the intense heat of soldering, deviation from its high standards, the name "Sangamo" is synony- nor the dampness of the rainy season will impair the accuracy mous with success. of these condensers. Even at the seashore where the salt air creeps in to change the capacity of exposed condensers, the accuracy of the Sangamo is not affected in the least. Sangamo Condensers are made in all standard capacities, and sold at very reasonable prices. Also supplied with grid leak clips. Sangamo Electric Company Springfield, Illinois RADIO DIVISION, 50 Church Street, New York Offices in all Principal Cities ^_2í RADIO RETAILING, A McGraw-Hill Publication Alan uJ2eetur e s WIRELESS DRY CELLS LIMITED ow aeel0 Avawaa RADIO A.
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