in-JE t-.'EEKLY NFWSPAPER CF SAINT toolS U. HIGH tbtt>er 21' Volume 50 February 14, 1986 ·nest Delegate· Downey Going for the Gold . reads SLUH at Model Uti "A whole lotta o' JIC'Iin'" oc­ TE.A.M from ·SLUH to cur red during the .two-day ses­ sion of the st. IA:>uis Model compete on. Tuesday United ~tions as delegates fraa area high sctools "I!IC,)ved" !Ml"¥ ' EleVen .JDE!IIbers of the ·SWH resolutions on the floor for CXJ11Ulity will CQ!ftenOe . • the debate in the second assetbly final leg of a quest which be<Jan this year. nearly a JD)nth ago '1\lesday zoom­ Teams of three delegates fran ing at 06:00. Happy Valentine's Day! area high schools split up intO by Mr. Thanas ~ ~ Valentine section 'Led ·moderator, Science & T• ~hnology, Social & beg ins on page 5. Becvar, nine seniors and a Fconanic, ar:.d Political & secu­ junior will trek with the rising rity committees on Friday at sun ·out to the me canp.lS to •go Forest Park Ccmnuni.ty _college. for the gold• in the TEAMS carr­ Juniors needed to. Delegates passed at .least two petition. volunte.er·at Owakonze resolutions . in each of •the com­ TFMS (an acronym for Tests mittees concerning such topics of Engineeril'¥j Aptitude, Math&­ Juniors from SLUH are invited as· nuclear· proliferation, ter­ matics, and Science) is an to volunteer for "' a Sl.lllher Of rorism, disaster relief, arrl annual statewide competition service at camp Oriakonze, a genetic engineering. sponsored by - the Junior Qlgi­ Jesuit-o.med facility run by the After passing the. individual neering Technical Society. Boys • Hope program. cQI'Imittees on Friday, the reso­ Last year, the SUJH contin­ Boys' Hope is a J;esuit organ­ lutions were debated in· the Gen­ gent captured third place as a ization which provides abando­ eral Assembly on Saturday at team behind perennial rivals ned and abused boys a bane, a COuntry Day School. The delega­ Parkway North (who build tne~i good education, and a chance to tes ratified two resolutions, team fraD the bright4!1lt youBJ learn and have fun at Jesuit- engineers fraa the four corners owned Calli> o.>akonze. See '-!ODE I. Ul'! , page 4 See TEA ~S . pa~e ~ The carrp is located 165 nd1es northeast of· Duluth, Minnesota in cntario, canada on a 32-acre :sruco pools t23 pints island. The canp1eic serves as a Five from SLUH in canp. mainly for junior high in Olood Drive yesterday finals March 2 school students and students Religious · ; aff,irs ~fice~ CISL entering. high schOO,l ,for two . FrecJ wall'tsch temi!d Yesterday's Five SWH students have qua­ three-week session.S each sumner. b1ocxl drive a success. 'lb! lified as regional finalis~ in Volunteering Jesuits, lay SIUCX>-sponsored service pooled the Otristian Interscholastic people, college · students fr~ 123 pintl. (58.2 liters) fo~ don­ ~h League. Those speech team sw, Re<Jis,. and :Rcckwrst, and ation to the ~ Cross. ment>ers who· will canpete in the high school students fraa SWH, Forty-five percent of the st •. IDuis area finals at SUJH on DeSnet, and _ ~ make up a large eligible' student body (those 17 Slnday, March 2~ are . as fol- part of the camp's staff. The or older and weighing at l~t l<:MS: . high school students help parti­ 105 pounds (47.7 kg)) g~ six­ Duet Act;;ing,: Brad H,amoond/Pat cularly with the -maintenance of teen owx:es (0.47 1) of themsel­ Gunn; · ~try:· . Bob . Hall, Paul the canp, including roofing, ves to surpass the original goal Rhodes; and Original Oratory: building, clearing b rush, and of 115 pints (54.4 l). Matt stevens kitchen work. ' walli.sch noted that an out­ 'lbese students selected by According to an outline of break of the flu prevented an their accunulated scores in pr~ the purpose and philoso~ of even greater volUille of blood vious CISL meets this year. '!be the cant>, the mission of ~ fraD being . collected~ Another top five students in each cat~ ~akonz e is •to help all present fifteen peopte who had volun­ gory canpete -in the finals. becane D'Ore open towards God and teered were rejected as suitable "We have not done this well rore willing to live according donors by the Red Cross. for the last few years ••• it's to the .demands of the Gospel. • sru<:o and Fred WallJ.sch would the best perfocnance we've had '11\e founder of Boys' Hope and like to thank all donors ard in recent history," carcnented the canp, Fr. Paul Sleridan volunteer werkers. Dan Alsop ~.. ,See CISt·. ~ - pap.,e ·'- S~e OWAKr~~E, page 4 10 Senior J. Doll, I love you, Colleen Dugan! Read for New York, Joel! I think you're really neat. '1be Zipper And the wa:x you swim the 100 We love You, Hockeybillsl . re~ly knocks me off rtrJ feet. 'lbe Cheerleaders Roses are Red, Violets are Blue IDle ya, N. I.P. Dear Baby Dc:X:, to Hell with you IDYe, Haiti Project To: cathy, Meg, Barb, Lie, and . Deniese. It was and will be one Clu:is: Since we're dating, I helluva play. feel we should visit Tru'U and Love, Mr. Hyde, uncle Chris, Mr. just say Ril '11\orkleson, and Dc:X:. Mike Diane, Shelly, Kim w., and Daniel Gray, straight 6'2• male. Is outgoing, 'I'o rtrJ red-haired, gr~ Pl.lffy: cheecy, witty, incredibly ha:rxl­ '!banks for the menories. We are sweetheart: Ham Valentine s sane. Slim and athletic. seek­ Day and haw.{ 5 months! looking fotward to the next "bus ing fEI!Iale carpmion for care­ ride•• llx:h iove, Stacey free adventure, no immediate camritment. Send name, nt.llt>er, IDle, Dave, Ted, Btyan, Mike, '1'o J:Jig Talk, Qlr' erst-while Jercy, Rd:>, John, Todd, and and a recent photo to Keith in steve never winning wrestler. We Love care of the ~ ~ office. You. All requests will receive a re­ staph-Girls sponse. "Atnantes sunt hllentes• U\ t ' ex Dea Discip.Uis (LT 300} '1'o Sbelli, Michelle, and Becky, Hey Bo, you knaor, you_• ve got to '!be '"Wind• blows you a . kiss. show Theresa B. sane respe<;t 1 Dear Fred Kostecki, S.C.K.R · You are cordially invitEd to ~ohn loves Pooley Bear attend Incarnate WOrd Acadeny's Dear Paul Blaze, . junior/~ pran on May 2, L. Don't just· show me. Tell me. We wrote this note with you 1.n 1986. IDve, B mind because you R soooo cute love, (?) and kind. When you wear your shirts of plaid, you si.Irply Bill, A lifetime's not too long drive us screaming mad! to live as friends. Thanks! Valentines ~ 1 'I'o a &Veetie! 9t & EF Ham I.cve, Marti st~ S:. 'fu all the hOusewives in the ~ses are red, violets are blue world, you will always be the Gi.Jque a ~1 I'd like to see you dishwasher in the kitchen of rtrJ IDle J\.tlie, '"Your tiebreaker• heart. · Matt Grellner, : IDle, Big Ed The last two years without you in class have been miserable. Hi, Rd:> Garavaglia, '!'ina and Lisa Let • s get together for another Nice Party, D.Jnavant! little •spring• •. So just pick up the ~e and give me a ring. Be Mike· Damico: mine. Big m, 'fu one of the foDSl' GOOOEXXJS guys You're the greatest, you at SLOH! I would sell tey soul to I;9y.e ya' , Stephanie macho hunk, you make the others spend Friday, Februacy 14, 1986 Hi 1 Mataya. '!banks for all snell like· a skunk. with you! 1 Together we could JOe your tootsie pops & dips! We Sene may think yo\Jr line is make this Valentine's Day THE love you. junk, But I know. it's not bunk. BES'l'l11 I . Donna Be our Valentine, SfJ'l'JL ~ RaPP.f Valentine's Day 11 ! Your Secret Admirer Our Dearest .B.K., You SWEPT us off our feet at Mike, "We shall overccme" Christmas. Ham' Valentine's Day - Maintainfully Yours. Jenny s. Hey Wheels, it's me again. Ya Dennis, know,· we make beautiful DllSic Ri.1 ~· s it going. Rope your to]ether. Here's 5 lines and 4 Valentine's nay · is great! 1 Do Spaces- a melody of praise: you still have your El.dra mous­ You're all the high notes tache? Hope sol l'tf DarlJn:l Mike Dom, Ql an opera's ·grand staff, IDve, Guess who??? ('86) It • s tJetm s Jlalths am 11 days 1'hose who tty to measure up to ·Since I last saw your Ulustri­ you fail; taUs, How's Lynn? 'lbere were ous face. so on this 14th day of And because you're A natural and sane nice pictures. DR Februacy (even though it might special to me, be scacy) won't you be my Val~ You'll always B sharp on my Hello ,.to the D:]gballl We love tine cause I thl.nk thaf you' re scale. you, !all so fine. -PR 88 J$1 and Val IDve, Little Q\e and Cc:mparw .· . ).,... ""A ~== :--....~ ~· . .... .... ~. _,...... ..._ ~ ·. :: .:.: . · ·· ·- · ~ · , , .~... ~ - : ··t· ~ . , ... :.:-~ . ·.. ... ~~~ ~- . ... .¥_~· ..... ;. .:·:.' ' ' Brian·s . , · .. ·· ,, . ·, i. Julie, Jtatlif, ' ·: . Just · 6ne dance waiiln 1 t enough .. - I 1¢'/e it when I think of that I have Snow up tlrf shut. Let's try it again ' satiet~. first night alone, togetper in My rfose ~s all~· ; , The 1 .call ine, and we can go 'out or.
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