San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1931 Special Libraries, 1930s 10-1-1931 Special Libraries, October 1931 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1931 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, October 1931" (1931). Special Libraries, 1931. Book 8. http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1931/8 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1930s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1931 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SPEClVALLIBRARIES "Putting Knowledge to Work" ADDRESSES AND PROCEEDINGS of the COMMERCIAL-TECHNICAL CROUP at the TWENTY -THIRD ANNUAL CONFERENCE CLEVELAND June 10-12 . 1931 Volume PP OCTOBER, 1931 Number 8 2 3 Publications of the SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION in print September 30, 1931 other than the monthly issues of the official organ SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1910 to date Send number arbitrarily 18 Directory of Special Libraries in Cali- assigned for use in Secretary's Oftlce Price fornia. 1930 ................... $ .20 Members. .......... .10 1 Workshops for Assembling Business Facts by D. W. Hyde, Jr. 1921.. ... $ .20 19 List of Members of Special Libraries Assoc. 1930.. 1.00 2 Cumulated Index to Special Libraries ................... Members SO VoL 1 to 13.1910-1922. ........... 2.00 ........... 20 Handbook of Commercial and Finan- 3 Con~merciallibraries and the Depart- 193 2.00 ment of Commerce; a report to cial Services. 1 ....... 1.50 Herbert Hoover by the Committee Members. ........... 21 on CoBperation with Department of Statistics on Commodities. A Chart. 1931 1.00 Commerce. 1922 ............. ...................... 4 Preliminary Report on Findmgs of the 22 Trade Directories for First Purchase. Committee on Methods. 1923...... Supplenlent to May-June 1931 SPE- CIAL LIBRARIES. Information Bul- 5 Employer Selects a Business Librarian letin No. 10 .................. -50 by Louise B. Krause. 1924 ..... Free 23 Bibliography of Bibliographies in Elec- 6 Special Libraries Directory 1925. .. 2.00 trical Engineering. 1918-1929. 1931 7 Recent Technical Bibliographies. 1925. Information Bulletin No. 11.. .... 1.50 Information Bulletin NO. 1 . 24 Bibliography on Illumination. 1929- 8 Fore~gnBureaus of Information in New 1930. Infornlation Bulletin No. 12. .25 York City. 1925. Information Bulle- . tin No 2 ................ SPECIAL LIBRARIES - monthly issue 50 Annual subscription U. S. 5.00 9 Bibliography on Illumination. 1924- Foreign 5.50 1925. Information Bullctin No. 3. ... 10 Cumulated Index to Special Libraries. Publacations Cotnpilsd by Connnitlces and Vo1.14-17 1923-1926.. ........ Local Associafaons 11 Bibliography on Illumination. 1926- Special Libraries Directory of the New 1927. Informatlou Bulletin No. 5. ... York Metropolitan District. 1931 ... 1.50 12 Bibliography on Electrical Literature. Members ...... SO 1928. Information Bulletin No. 6. ... Union List of Periodicals in Special Libra- 13 Bibliography on Rubber Technology. ries of Metropolitan New York. 1931. .. 4.00 1928. Information Bulletin No. 7. ... Union List of Periodicals in Southern Cali- 14 Bibliography on Illumination 1927- fornia Libraries. 1931 ........ 5.00 1928. Information Bulletin No. 8 . Water Transportation Bibliography. Vol. 15 Bibliography on Illumination. 1928- I. 1931.. ........................ 10.00 1929. Information Bulletin No. 9. .. Any of these publications may be secured 16 Directory of Special Librar~esin Boston upon order to and Vicmity. 1928 .......... 17 Dcscr~ptiveList for use in acquiring and SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION discarding U. S. Governnlent periodi- 345 Hudson Street cal mimeographed statements. 1929 New York, N. Y. Appl~dtlonlmwhng for the transfer of entry as wcond-class matter from tile Post Ofice Providence R I to Concord. N 11.. undcr tla Act of Mnrch 3. 1897. kceptancc for malllnz at spcclal rate o<wrtiae pro&d ?or msectlon 1103, Act of October 3. 1917. nuthorlzed Octohr 22, 1927 SPECIAL LIBRARIES Publ~shedMonthly September to April, bl-monthly May to August by THE SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION Publication Office: 10 Ferry Street, Concord, N. H. Subscriptions: $5.00 a year; forelgn $5.50 Single coples 50 cenls All payments should be made to Special Libraries Association 345 Hudson Street, New York, N. Y. CONTENTS CONFERENCE Trade and Technical Associations and the Library - Linda H,hlorley ........ 345 Some Aspects of Trade and Technical Literature - C. J. Stark. .............. 350 Subject Headings for Technical Literature - J. E. Hannunl ................. 354 Proceedings Group Meeting, June 11, 1931 ................................... 364 Technology Round Table, June 12, 1931 .............................._ 368 GROUP ACTIVITIES Civic-Social .........................................................377 Commercial-Technical. ..........................................377 Financial ..................................... .... 378 Insurance. ......................... ................ 379 Museum . ..............................................380 Newspaper .....................................................381 NOTES AND DEPARTMENTS Government Material. ....................................... 371 Correction and Apology .................... ................. 371 Editorials .......................................... 372 President's Page ................................. ....... 373 Thanks to Yawman Sr Erhe .................................373 New Members since Convention 1g31 ...........................374 Personal Notes ......................................... ...375 Our Vice-Presidents ......................... ....... 376 Digest of Business Book Reviews. ...................... ..382 Events and Publications. ........................... 385 OUR NOVEMBER ISSUE Mrs. Katherine Maynard, Vail Librarian of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, contr~butesan article on "Bibliographies and Their Making" which we hope will be the forerunner of a series on special library methods to appear during the coming year . The new policy on publications of the Association, plans and announcements of projects under way, and other publication tlews, will also be a feature. ... SPECIAL LIBRARIES October, 1931 Institutional Members California Jackson & Moreland, Boston california ~~~d~~~ of sciences, Sari Francisco Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Library, California State Library, Sacramento Cambridge Pacific Gas & Electric Co., San Francisco Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co., Standard Oil Company of California, San 'pringfield Francisco Massachusetts State Library, Boston Tech~iicalBook Company, San Franc~xo Metcalf & Eddy, Boston Social Law Library, Boston United Fruit Company, Boston Connecticut Hartford Publ~c Library, Business Branch, Michigan Hartford Detroit News, Detroit Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company, Detro~tPublic Library, Detroit Hartford General Motors Research Corporation, Detroit Yale University Library, New Haven University of Detroit, Detroit Delaware Missouri du Pont de Nemours, E. I , Wilmington Kansas City Power & Light Company, Kansas C1ty Illinois Byllesby & Co., H. M., Chicago New Jeney Chicago Tribune, Ch~cago Bakelite Corporation, Bloomfield Commonwealth Eclison Company, Chmgo Combustion Utilities Corporation, Linden Elizabeth McCormick Memorial Fund, Chicago Montclair Public Library, Business Branch, Illinois Chamber of Commerce, Ch~cago Montclair Illinois State Library, Springfield New Jersey Bcll Telephone Company, Newark Insurance Library of Chicago Newark Publ~c Library, Business Branch, Middle West Utilities Company, Ch~cago Newark Museum of Scicnce and Industry, Chicago Publ~c Service Corporation of New Jersey, Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company, Ch~cago Newark R C A Radiotron Co., Inc., Harr~son Standard Oil Development Co., Elizabeth Indiana United States Rubber Company, Passaic Lincoln National Lifc Insurance Co., Fort Wayne New York Maryland Alexander Hamilton Institute, New York Consnl~tlated Gns, Electr~cI~ght & Power Co. Arner~canBankers' Association, New York Baltmore American Electric Railway Association, New Maryland Casualty Co., Raltimore York American Geograph~calSoc~ety, New York Amertcan Institute of Accountants, New York Marrachurettr American Museum of Natural Ilistory, New Baker Ltbrary - Harvard School of Busmess York Administration, Boston Amer~canTelephone Lk Tclegrapli Co., General Boston Elevated Railway, Boston Library, New York Boston Globe, Boston American Telephone & Telegraph Co., Law Christian Scicnce Monitor, Boston L~brary,New York Eclison Electric Illuminating Co , Dorchester Association of Life Insurance Presidents, New Federal Reserve Bank of Boston York First National Bank, Boston Baker & Taylor Co., New York Insurance Library Association of Boston Bankers Trust Co., New York October, 1931 SPECIAL LIBRARIES Institutional Members White & I<eml)le, New York New York Wilson Co., H W., New York Batten, Barton, Durstme & Osborn, New York Bell Telephone Laboratories, New York Ohio British Library of Inforniation, New York Brooklyn Edison Company, Brooklyn Ohio Oil Co., Findlay Brookm~reEconomic Senrice, New .York Procter & Gamble. Cincinnati Cliiltl Study Associat~on,New York Cleanliness Institute Library, New York Oklahoma
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