380000.000000 400000.000000 420000.000000 440000.000000 460000.000000 P PJacksons Point PSeagrove P Tidnish P PLorneville P 8 Tidnish Bridge PAmherst Shore PARCEL 10a 440 Ha P Beecham Settlement 8 N o r ¤ t h ( u PChapman Settlement ( G m 8 u u ll f b f e o f r f l a S tt a n P d Northport L a d 8 w r e n c S c e )) t r NN EE WW BB RR UU NN SS WW II CC KK aa ii tt P Lower Shinimicas P East Linden PARCEL 9 759 Ha P Amherst Head P Linden PAmherst Head P West Linden 0 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 Shinimicas Bridge P 0 0 Upper Linden 0 0 0 . 0 0 P 0 0 P P P Upper Gulf Shore P 0 Cameron Beach Pugwash Point Lower Gulf Shore 0 0 0 8 8 0 0 5 5 P P Truemanville Tyndal Road P P Fox Harbour P Irishtown Road Fort Lawrence PPort Howe P Pugwash P P P Warren Lake Killarney East Amherst P Port Philip PWest Pugwash PMiller Road PNorth Wallace Bay PCarrington PSouth Pugwash P P Beckwith P Wallace Bay Rockley P North Wallace P Hastings PAmherst PHead of Wallace Bay P P South Wallace Bay PWest Amherst Pugwash River P Ripley Loop PWallace Bridge PRossendale PBrookdale PWallace PMansfield P Riverview P P Upper Nappan P Wallace Bridge Station P East Leicester P East Wallace Mount Pleasant P Pugwash Junction PWallace River P PAmherst Point PFountain Road P Wallace Station P PWallace Ridge P Minudie PLittle River PKerrs Mill Road PWest Leicester P North Middleboro P Six Mile Road P Nappan P P Mill Creek PSalem P PFenwick P Lower Maccan P P Kolbec Roslin PUpper Malagash PConns Mills P Barronsfield P PMalagash Statio PMiddleboro Six Mile Road n P Stanley PHartford PRichmond PSouth Middleboro PHarrison Road P South Middleboro P PHartford PChignecto P Wallace Grant POxford P Lower Cove PVictoria P P Lower River Hébert Maccan P West Hansford P P PARCEL 42 P Wallace Highlands Jubilee P Streets Ridge Hansford PEast Hansford 25 Ha P PSouth Victoria P PLittle Forks PLower Wentworth P Strathcona (River Hebert East) PBirchwood PRiver Hebert 0 0 0 P 0 0 Springhill Junction 0 P P 0 Joggins 0 0 nn Black River Road 0 P 0 P 0 . ii Athol Station Black River Road P PARCEL 27 . 0 0 P P 0 ss Salt Springs Station PGlenville Mahoneys Corner 0 0 411 Ha 0 0 a 0 a P Thomson Station P 6 West Wentworth 6 0 BB P 0 P P Claremont Valley Road 5 PARCEL 24 Ragged Reef 5 P P Lake Road Athol 27 Ha P Lake Road P River Philip P Wentworth Centre dd PARCEL 29 P P Jersey nn P 291 Ha Two Rivers aa ll PSalt Springs P rr PARCEL 31 P ee 54 Ha bb P P South Athol P Greenville Station mm P Springhill Atkinson PARCEL 39 uu PMillers Corner 91 Ha P CC P P P Lower Greenville P Athol Road River Philip Centre Wentworth PARCEL 40 2 Ha PEast Wentworth P P PARCEL 28 P PMillvale Westchester Station East Wentworth 69 Ha P PARCEL 41 PWentworth Valley P Compiled Plan Showing PShulie P Rodney 52 Ha PLeamington PARCEL 33 PARCEL 30 P Williamsdale PWentworth Station 192 Ha 155 Ha PARCEL(S) 9,10a,20,22-34, PEast Southampton PWestchester Valley PSouthampton PARCEL 25 32 Ha P 37,39-42 P Mapleton PARCEL 37 Rose 33 Ha PARCEL 23 Province of Nova Scotia 33 Ha PARCEL 22 111 Ha LEGEND PFarmington PWestchester Mountain Subject Lands P Wyvern PSouth Brook P PWest Brook East Mapleton PARCEL 34 Crown Lands 56 Ha Department of Natural Resources P Pettigrew Settlement P Sand River CCuummbbeerrllaanndd CCoo.. PFolly Lake Wilderness Areas (NSE) PARCEL 26 PARCEL 32 CCoollcchheesstteerr CCoo.. 445 Ha 242 Ha Other Protected Areas P Harrison Settlement PHalfway River National Park PNew Canaan P Castlereagh PFolly Lake Station 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,500 3,000 6,000 9,000 12,000 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 P Gilbert Mountain Meters 0 0 0 0 0 0 RF 1:120 000 0 4 4 0 0 5 5 P East Folly Mountain PLake Road Corner PLynn P Londonderry PFolly Mountain PLornevale PLondonderry Station PLakelands PNew Britain PStaples Brook PEast Village P Pleasant Hills P P P P East Mines Debert Yorke Settlement Hoegs Corner PScrabble Hill Map Notes P P New Prospect P East Mines Station P Upper Bass River Base data derived from the Nova Scotia Topographic Database (NSTDB). Copyright Province of Nova Scotia. P North Greville P P Gerrish Valley P All rights reserved. The NSTDB is available from Service Nova Scotia & Municipal Relations, Nova Scotia Wharton P P Montrose Kirkhill Geomatics Centre, 160 Willow St., Amherst, Nova Scotia. PBelmont PEdgewood PWards Brook P PMoose River The information on this map may have come from a variety of government and non-government sources and is Fox River P P Diligent River Lower Five Islands P subject to change without notice. The Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources accepts no liability for any P Five Islands P P Blue Sac Road Great Village errors, deficiencies, or faults on this map. P Brookville Port Greville PBass River P East Fraserville PARCEL 20 P The boundaries shown on this plan are a graphic representation only, and do not necessarily represent the P P true shape or position of lot boundaries. The true location of all boundaries shown are subject to a field survey. 103 Ha Parrsboro PLower Economy PPortapique This plan was prepared from information on file at the Department of Natural Resources Office, Halifax, Nova Scotia. P P P P Riverside Beach P P Little Bass River Fraserville P Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Projection, Zone 20, Central Meridian 63º00' West. Two Islands Carrs Brook Highland Village P Five Houses North American Datum (NAD) 1983. PGreenhill PGle©nh Corlomwen Copyright, Province of Nova Scotia, 2005, All rights reserved PCove Road PUpper Economy PLower Debert P PBlack Rock Masstown P Economy P P Little Dyke P West Bay Economy Point P .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 380000 400000 420000 440000 460000 P 14JAN2010 OGRADY T:\LandPurchase\JDI\Maps\Land Purchases - JDI North.mxd P P P.
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