summary of the ProCeedings of the 29th Biennial Convention California laBor FEDERATION July 24-25, 2012 san francisco, Ca Resolutions iNVEST in 2012 Biennial Convention~San Francisco, Ca Cinvestalifornia’s in California’s future future California laBor federation Art Pulaski, Executive Secretary-Treasurer | Connie Leyva, President invest in California’s future summary of the Proceedings of the 29th Biennial Convention July 24-25 2012 san francisco, Ca California laBor FEDERATION Copyright 2013, California Labor Federation All rights reserved. Published 2013 Copyright Permissions: For permission to print or reproduce any part of this report, contact the California Labor Federation Reports Distributed to Delegates: All delegates received relevant convention materials in their packets prior to the opening ceremonies. Included were: Reports of the Executive Secretary-Treasurer, Auditors and the Membership Per Capita Report CONTENTS 2 PRoCeeDinGS: DaY 1 8 aDDReSS FRoM tHe PReSiDent, SeCRETARY- TReaSUReR, anD DaY one inviteD SPeaKeRS 26 BLOG PoSt: Biennial Convention DaY 1 anD DaY 2 aDDReSS DaY tWo inviteD SPeaKeRS 32 in MeMoRiaM 33 CoPe enDoRSeMentS 36 PoliCY STATEMentS 120 ReSolUtionS (including late and amended resolutions) 148 Roll oF DeleGATES 181 RePoRt oF tHe eXeCUtive SeCRETARY-tReSUReR anD tHe eXeCUtive CoUnCil 213 FinanCial STATEMentS aPPendiX oRiGinal tRanSCRiPtS: DaY 1 oRiGinal tRanSCRiPtS: DaY 2 oRiGinal tRanSCRiPtS: CoPe Convention DAY one ProCeedings July 24, 2012 lion dancers, labor leaders and elected officials Welcome delegates A motion was made, seconded and carried that the next Biennial Convention will be held in Los Angeles. The 2012 Biennial Convention kicked off with a per- formance by the San Francisco Police Department Lion The chairs of the Resolutions Committee, Victor Uno Dancers, followed by the presentation of colors by Fire- of IBEW 595 and Courtni Pugh of SEIU 99, delivered fighters local 798. Hotel workers from UNITE HERE a partial report, and the convention body acted on the local 2 lead the pledge and urged support from delegates following matters: in support of their fight against the Hyatt. ~ The Committee went through the 14 Policy State- Following an invocation from Rev. Dr. Arelious Walker, ments individually, and recommended adoption of each. San Francisco Labor Council leader Tim Paulson deliv- Each Policy Statement passed without debate. ered the union welcome, and SF Supervisor David Cam- pos welcomed the delegates to San Francisco. ~ The Committee recommended concurrence of Resolu- tion #1, “Young Workers Council.” The motion passed Executive Secretary-Treasurer Art Pulaski’s remarks without debate. focused on Prop 32, which would silence workers’ voic- es while giving corporate special interests even more California democratic Party Chair John power. “These guys are nothing more than the seamy Burton headlined the convention lun- underbelly chop-shop of the economy. And we’re the cheon, where Josh Pechthalt of the California Federa- biggest thing in their way. That’s why they want to do tion of Teachers was awarded the Courage for Justice us in permanently. We cannot let them.” Award. After lunch, CWA President Larry Cohen spoke on the importance of defending union rights and ending During her address, President Connie Leyva shared sto- outsourcing. ries about real workers struggling in this economy. “The ~ The Resolutions Committee recommended concur- only people who stand between workers and abject pov- rence of Resolution #2, “Supporting CARA and Social erty are the people in this room,” President Leyva said. Security.” After floor debate in support of the Resolu- Convention approves Committee tion, the motion passed. appointments, Convention rules and ~ The chairs of the Legislation Committee, Barbara Credentials reports Blake of UNAC and Mickey Kasparian of UFCW 135, delivered a partial report, and the convention body acted The delegates approved Executive Secretary-Treasurer on the following matters: Art Pulaski’s motion to approve the committee ap- ~ The Committee recommended concurrence on Reso- pointments, and Vice President Doug Moore’s motion lution #4, “Reform Enterprise Zones.” After floor de- to adopt the Convention Rules. Credentials Committee bate in support of the resolution, the motion passed. Chair Marsi Newman made a motion to adopt the par- ~ The Committee recommended concurrence on Reso- tial report of the Credential Committee, which was ap- lution #7, “In Opposition to SB 1161.” After floor de- proved by convention delegates. bate in support of the resolution, the motion passed. labor federation executive officers ~ The Committee recommended concurrence on Execu- unanimously re-elected tive Council Resolution #10, “Workers Comp Reform.” The motion passed without debate. The convention voted unanimously to re-elect Connie Leyva as President and Art Pulaski as Executive Sec- retary-Treasurer of the California Labor Federation. All 46 Vice Presidents were also re-elected unanimously. All officers were then sworn into office. 2 » California labor Federation 2012 Biennial Convention delegates attend Prop 32 strategy Convention dinner features Pete sessions and Bring Jobs home rally escovedo orchestra, labor secre- tary solis, gov. Brown The convention adjourned for the afternoon, and the delegates broke out into groups by sector to partici- The Awards Dinner featured inspiring speeches pate in strategy sessions around the campaign to de- from U.S. Secretary of Labor Solis and Gov. Jerry feat Prop 32. Brown. The awards program highlighted the unions that have worked diligently on high-speed rail, as Following the strategy sessions, the delegates well as the unions that have made an active effort joined U.S. Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis, CWA to draw in and engage the next generation of work- President Larry Cohen, Assemblymember Susan ers in the labor movement. The evening closed with Bonilla and other leaders at the Bring Jobs Home live music from the Grammy-nominated Pete Esco- rally in Union Square to support legislation that vedo Orchestra. would curb outsourcing. 3 » California labor Federation 2012 Biennial Convention Convention Committees SERGEANTS-AT-arms Credentials Committee Chair: Johanna Hester AFSCME/UDW 3930 Chair: Marsi Newman IBT State Council Luz Bacio UFCW 1428 Joe Coy San Joaquin CLC Amber Baur San Francisco Labor Council John Frahm UFCW 5 Mel Breshears AWIU 16 Martel Fraser UFCW 770 Nick Celona SIU 250 Karen Gardner CSEA Judy Dishaw USW 7600 Mickey Harrington Butte-Glenn CLC Paul Doolittle IBEW 302 Julie Lind San Mateo CLC Keith Gibbs CWA 9412 Nikki Linnerman SEIU 1000 Robert Gibson OCEA Luz Nunez AFT 1521A Dave Harrison IUOE 3 Liz Ortega-Toro Alameda CLC Jerry Hunsucker UFCW 8 Sue Potts ATU 1704 Tom Lemmon San Diego BCTC Jon Riley Napa Solano CLC Barbara Liddy IBT 396 Zazette Scott UFCW 1428 Ruth Rhodes Five Counties CLC Chris Snyder IUOE 3 Adolfo Soto ATU 1277 Loretta Stevens CUHW 4034 Lance Wren CSEA legislation Committee resolutions Committee Co-Chair: Barbara Blake AFSCME/UNAC 1199 Co-Chair: Courtni Pugh SEIU 99 Co-Chair: Mickey Kasparian UFCW 135 Co-Chair: Victor Uno IBEW 595 Jovan Agee AFSCME/UDW 3930 John Acosta AFM 47 Eric Banks SEIU 221 Paul Ahrens IATSE 2 Michael Bilbrey CSEA Jennifer Badgely IBEW 569 Joan Bryant IUOE 39 Thomas Brandon IAM 1596 Jack Buckhorn IBEW 551 Dave Connolly SIU 240 Tim Cremins IUOE State Council Cesar Diaz SBCTC Michelle Crenshaw IATSE 600 Jeffrey Freitas AFT Council William Demers CWA 9400 Ron Lind UFCW 5 James Lindsay ATU 1277 Stephanie Olvera CWA 9423 Norma Lopez IBT 911 Mark Ramos UFCW 1428 Adam Loveall UFCW 8 Delores Rodriguez CSEA Lisa Maldonado North Bay CLC Bob Strelo IBT 853 Rebecca Miller SEIU UHW Yvonne Walker SEIU 1000 Kay McVay CNA Yvonne Williams ATU 192 Dale Robbins IBT 315 Susan Solomon AFT 61 4 » California labor Federation 2012 Biennial Convention Convention Committees, cont. rules and order of BUSINESS Committee Chair: Doug Moore, AFSCME/UDW 3930 The Executive Council met as a committee of the whole on April 10, 2012 CONSTITUTION Committee Chair: Roxanne Sanchez SEIU 1021 Bob Balgenorth SBCTC Jim Beno IAM 190 Bill Camp Sacramento CLC Allan Clark CSEA Tom Dalzell IBEW 1245 Ron Espinoza USW Rob Feckner CSEA Lorena Gonzalez San Diego CLC Carla Held CSEA Shelley Kessler San Mateo CLC Mark Leach IBEW 617 Gunnar Lundeberg SIU 240 Robert Morales IBT 350 Tom Rankin CARA Robert Smith PAT 1595 Bob Waggoner IUOE 12 Nancy Wohlforth OPEIU 3 5 » California labor Federation 2012 Biennial Convention rules and order of BUSINESS adopted by the 2012 Convention tion Convention shall proceed until completed with- out recess. 1) RoBert’s rules of order. The Convention 6) Resolutions defined. shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order on all Whenever the word matters not provided by the Constitution or specified “resolution” is used in these rules it shall include in these rules. Constitutional amendments. 2) Rules – adoPtion of standing rules. 7) Committee rePorts. All committees shall The adoption of the standing rules shall require an report on all resolutions submitted to them. affirmative vote of a majority of the duly qualified 8) Committee Quorum. A majority of any com- delegates to the Convention, present and voting. mittee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction When once adopted, such standing rules shall re- of its business. At least a majority of all members main in effect, unless suspended or amended as pro- present and voting shall be required to adopt a rec- vided in these rules. ommendation on a resolution. 3) Amendment of standing rules. No 9) Passage of resolutions and Com- standing rule of the Convention shall be amended mittee rePorts By Convention. A ma- except by an affirmative vote of a majority of the jority of the delegates present and voting shall be duly qualified delegates to the Convention, present required to act on a committee report or a resolution and voting. No such amendment shall be considered except a Constitutional amendment, which shall until it shall have been referred to and reported by require a two-thirds vote of the delegates present the Committee on Rules.
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