The 2016 North Carolina Pecan Harvest SPORTS Festival PECAN FESTIVAL Inside: IT WAS HOMECOMING AT Festival Queen IT’S TIME! LOOK INSIDE Parade Marshal SOUTH COLUMBUS AND Cooking Contest FOR 2016 PECAN HARVEST Home Tour Belles WHITEVILLE FRIDAY NIGHT Festival Schedule FESTIVAL SCHEDULE Growing Pecans Kids’ Activities November 4-5, 2016 uu SPORTS 1A uu 2016 NORTH CAROLINA PECAN HARVEST FESTIVAL The News Reporter Published since 1890 every Monday and Thursday for the County of Columbus and her people. WWW.NRCOLUMBUS.COM Monday, October 31, 2016 75 CENTS FEMA FOMENTING FRUSTRATIONS N.C. House candidates involved in alercation By Allen Turner [email protected] Two candidates for the N.C. House of Representatives were in- volved in an altercation Saturday at the annual Beast Fest in Bladenboro. Democrat Tim Benton of Bladenboro and Republican Brenden Jones of Tabor City each said the other struck him. Jones said Sunday that he and Benton were walking behind Diamond Dave’s Grill on Main Street and that he (Jones) had uu ALTERCATION 10A Dangers still present Staff Photo by Allen Turner A crowd of nearly a hundred showed up to get answers on hurricane relief from FEMA, but didn’t get many. in recovery By Jefferson Weaver [email protected] Small business owners frustrated Hurricane Matthew’s gloom has been replaced by sunny autumn skies, but the long-term effects of the storm are in some cases just now being discovered. at FEMA assistance meeting Doug Sasser, volunteer coordi- nator for the county’s relief efforts, By Allen Turner on the record, with accurate information on what and get a FEMA number before we apply for SBA said other workers were concerned [email protected] these businesses need to do,” Holcomb said. “I assistance, but if you go to the FEMA web site, it when several flood victims re- heard that businesses need to register with FEMA won’t let you register and get a number if you’re turned for more bleach and clean- Jennifer Holcomb, president of the Columbus (the Federal Emergency Management Agency), a business.” ing supplies. Chamber of Commerce and Tourism, says her but I also heard that businesses can’t register Mann’s efforts to register with FEMA were on “We asked what they were doing frustration at mixed messages from represen- with FEMA because they’re a business. And a the FEMA web site. FEMA representative Kysa with all the bleach,” he said, “and tatives of federal agencies at Vineland Station lady from FEMA said that businesses don’t have George told Mann that he should call the agency’s they told us the mold just kept com- Thursday night left her unable to sleep. “I lay to register with FEMA to apply for assistance toll-free number (1-800-621-FEMA) and speak to ing back.” in bed without sleeping, Holcomb said. “I was from the SBA (Small Business Administration), a live human being to get a registration number Each of the families had seen embarrassed.” but that’s not what the SBA agent said. The SBA but Mann said after the meeting, “Who has time their homes inundated with water, Holcomb’s embarrassment – and frustration – agent said you need to get a FEMA number.” to call that toll-free number and be put on hold for and in some cases the water stood were due to what happened at the meeting that About 100 people, most of them business own- 45 minutes listening to music while you’re waiting for several days. she helped organize to try and make locals aware ers, attended the Thursday session, and many of for someone to come on the line?” of what help is available in the wake of Hurricane them walked out before the program ended. Jeff Prince, owner of Fair Bluff Ford, which uu DANGERS 6A Matthew and the ensuing flooding. She echoed Whiteville Mayor Terry Mann, attending was destroyed in Matthew’s flooding, related the opinion of many at the meeting that many with his business partner Jackie Steinberg of similar experiences and concerns about trying questions went unanswered and that, in many J.S. Mann’s Dept. Store and not in his capacity as to register with FEMA. cases, conflicting answers were given. an elected official, was clearly frustrated. “We’ve “They (the federal agencies) need to provide us, been told that we need to register with FEMA uu FEMA 2A Fair Bluff’s recovery Single contested commissioners’ race 24th annual By Allen Turner School, he has been a successful busi- supervisor. He has lived in Columbus Pecan Harvest more ‘if’ [email protected] ness owner for 42 years. He has two County all his life, as have all his children and three grandchildren children and grandchildren. He says The only contested race for who also live and work in Columbus he’s a very strong supporter of the Festival is than ‘when’ Columbus County Commissioner on County. He says his candidacy “is county schools and law enforcement the Nov. 8 ballot is between incum- based on my love and loyalty for the jobs that will help the county grow. By Allen Turner bent Edwin Russ, a Democrat, and people of this county. It has been my “I have no hidden interests. I want here, parade [email protected] unaffiliated candidate Jack Lavern pleasure to serve as a county com- to help this county for our children.” Coleman for the District 4 seat. missioner for the past eight years, Coleman attends Prosper Baptist is Nov. 5 The question in Fair Bluff is Incumbent Commissioners Trent and I look forward to continuing to Church and says, “I do believe in the more “if” than “when” the town Burroughs, James Prevatte and Giles serve the people of the county.” Lord Jesus Christ.” By Diana Matthews will recover from flooding subse- “Buddy” Byrd, all Democrats, are un- Coleman, 62, lives in the Byrdville Byrd, 67, is seeking re-election [email protected] quent to Hurricane Matthew. opposed in their bids for re-election. community. He has four children from District 3 and has lived his Carl W. Meares Jr., longtime Russ was born and raised in Bolton ages 15 to 44 and nine grandchildren. entire life in the county. He has This week the N.C. Pecan mayor pro tem of the town and one and has always resided in Columbus He has worked at International Paper Harvest Festival will provide free of the major property owners in a County. A graduate of Hallsboro High for 42 years, and currently is a shift uu CANDIDATE PROFILES 5A entertainment and education for downtown district that was com- the whole community for the 24th pletely devastated by flood waters, year in a row. says it’s just too soon to know what, Saturday, Oct. 29, the Pecan Run if anything, businesses in the town took off from the intersection of will be able to do to come back. South Madison and Walter streets, “We’re being told that just to mit- with proceeds benefiting Families igate mold damage will cost $10 a First Domestic Violence and Sexual square foot,” Meares said. “Only Assault Shelter and Services. after that can we even think about Edwin Russ Lavern Coleman Giles “Buddy” Byrd James Prevatte Trent Burroughs District 4 District 4 District 3 District 2 District 5 uu PECAN HARVEST FESTIVAL 2A uu FAIR BLUFF 4A Jared Worthington yelling after the Pecan Festival Run Saturday, “OK everybody, let’s go to The Donut Shop!” • Scott Smith, 4, recently Volume 126, Number 35 catching his first fish, a Lake Waccamaw bream? • Pecan growers hustling to harvest and cure nuts while also cleaning up from Hurricane Whiteville, North Carolina DIDYOB Matthew? • Churches and schools celebrating “Trunk-or-Treat” events? • Over 4,500 ballots cast across Columbus County in early DID YOU OBSERVE? voting? • Geese flying south for the winter? 8 95297 00000 6 2A • The News Reporter • Monday, October 31, 2016 PECAN HARVEST FESTIVAL Continued from 1A Coming soon was once her parents’ farm. a farm equipment exhibit and Festival Queen Rachel Generations of Whiteville cit- an educational station operat- McPherson and Parade izens recall gratefully the sup- ed by the N.C. Pecan Growers Marshal Louise Pridgen port and encouragement she Association. Turner will be guests of hon- gave them as students. or Thursday, Nov. 3, at 7 p.m. Sure to please young and at the Columbus County Arts Too much to describe here old Council. The building is locat- Major sponsors of the N.C. This year a trackless train ed at the corner of S. Madison Pecan Harvest Festival include will carry children from Kids’ and Pecan streets in downtown Columbus Regional Healthcare Block South (in the parking Whiteville. Festival committee System, Brunswick Electric lot of Lewis Smith Shopping members welcome the public Membership Corporation, Center) to Kids’ Block North to the free reception. Duke Energy, BB&T, Farm (at the N.C. Museum of Natural McPherson, a native of Bureau, Lumberton Lincoln Sciences – Whiteville). Both Whiteville who now resides and many other local business- sites will offer educational and Photo by Grant Merritt and works in New York City, es and individuals. Complete fun activities for all ages from Lahna Kern, Sara Sessions, Kinsley Wilson and Kate Alsup pose at the Lake Waccamaw United has been called “a positive sponsorship listings and a 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Methodist Church booth at the Boys and Girls Home Halloween Safe Night. example for young girls of the festival schedule are on the The Band of Oz will perform community.” In addition to website www.ncpecanfestival.
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